Incident of The French Camp Book Back Answers Class 12 English Guide Chapter 6 Tamilnadu Solutions
Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Guide Pdf Poem 6 Incident of The French Camp Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
12th Standard English 6th Lesson Incident of The French Camp Questions and Answers
Warm Up:
Have you played chess or watched the game carefully?
Now identfy the chess pieces and complete the table below. Discuss the role of each piece in the game.
Textual Questions:
1. Fill in the blanks choosing the words from the box given and complete the summary of the poem:
The poet Robert Browning narrates an incident at the French Camp in the war of 1809 between France and Austria, in a (a) _____ version. He describes the brave action of a (b) ______soldier, whose heroic devotion to duty and his (c) ________ in it is inspiring and worthy of (d) _____. During the attack of the French army on Ratisbon, Napoleon was anxious about the (e) _____. Austrians were defending Ratisbon with great (f) _______ and courage. Napoleon was watching the war standing on a (g) ________ near the battlefield. All of a sudden a rider appeared from the closed smoke and dust. Riding at great speed, jumping and leaping, he approached the mound where Napoleon stood. As he came closer, the narrator noticed that the rider, a young boy, was severely wounded. But the rider showed no sign of pain and smiling in joy, jumped off the horse and gave the happy news of (h) _______ to the emperor. He exclaimed with pride that French had (i) ________ Ratisbon and he himself had hoisted the flag of France. When Napoleon heard the news, his plans (j) _____ up like fire. His eyes (k) _______ when he saw that the soldier was severely wounded. Like a caring mother eagle, the emperor asked if he was wounded. The (l) _______ soldier replied proudly that he was killed and died heroically.
(a) dramatic
(b) valiant
(c) pride
(d) admiration
(e) result
(f) determination
(g) mound
(h) victory
(i) conquered
(j) soared
(k) softened
(l) wounded
2. Based on your understanding of the poem, answer the following questions in one or two sentences each:
(Text Book Page No. 193)
Question a.
Who do you think is the narrator of the poem?
A French soldier is the narrator of the poem.
Question b.
Where was the narrator when the incident happened?
The narrator was in the French camp when the incident happened.
Question c.
Who took the city of Ratisbon by storm?
French soldiers led by Marshall Lannes took the city of Ratisbon by storm.
Question d.
Where was Napoleon standing on the day of the attack on the city of Ratisbon?
Napoleon was standing on a little mound near the battlefield.
Question e.
Describe the posture of Napoleon.
Napoleon’s neck was outthrust. He kept his legs wide and arms locked behind as if to balance his body against his brow heavy with oppressive thoughts about the battle.
Question f.
Who came galloping on a horse to Napoleon?
A young soldier came galloping on a horse to Napoleon.
Question g.
What does the phrase ‘full galloping’ suggest?
Full galloping suggests full speed.
Question h.
Why was the rider in a hurry?
The rider was in a hurry to deliver happy news of victory to his emperor.
Question i.
What did the rider do when he reached Napoleon?
He jumped off his horse when he reached Napoleon.
Question j.
Why did the rider keep his lips compressed?
The rider kept his lips compressed so that blood would not be visible in his mouth.
Question k.
Where did the rider plant the French flag after Ratisbon was captured?
The rider had planted the French flag at the Market place in Ratisbon.
Question l.
What was Napoleon’s reaction to hearing the news of victory?
Napoleon’s eyes flashed and his plans soared up like fire when he heard the news of victory.
Question m.
When did the narrator find that the boy was badly wounded?
Soon after the boy disclosed the conquest of Ratisbon and his glorious role in perching the French flag, Napoleon found that the boy was wounded.
Question n.
Why did Napoleon’s eyes become soft as a mother eagle’s eyes?
As Napoleon saw the young soldier severely wounded his eyes became soft as a mother eagle’s eyes.
Question o.
How did the young soldier face his end?
The young soldier died with a smile frozen on his lips.
4. Read the lines given below and answer the questions that follow: (Text Book Page No. 194)
a) Legs wide, arms locked behind,
As if to balance the prone brow Oppressive with its mind.
i. Whose action is described here?
Napoleon’s action is described here.
ii. What is meant by prone brow?
The phrase ‘prone brow’ means eyebrow inclined downward.
iii. What is his state of mind?
His state of mind is filled with anxiety and his eagerness hasted.
b) ‘You’re wounded!’ ‘Nay’, his soldier’s pride Touched to the quick, he said:
i. Why did the boy contradict Napoleon’s words?
The boy felt proud to die for his own country. So he contradicted Napoleon’s words by saying that he was killed and not wounded.
ii. Why was his pride touched?
His pride was touched quickly. He took pride and declared that he felt joy and thrill in giving his life for his own country.
c) A film of the mother eagle’s eye When her bruised eaglet breathes
i. Who is compared to the mother eagle in the above lines?
Napoleon is compared to the mother eagle.
ii. Explain the comparison.
The feelings of Napoleon at that moment were just like those of the mother eagle who gets worried and confused when she (eagle) finds her young ones badly injured and on the verge of death. Mother eagle struggles and fails to understand how to save her young one’s life. Similarly, maternal affection can be seen and felt in Napoleon’s heart when he saw that the boy was severely wounded.
iii. Why did Napoleon’s eyes become soft as a mother eaglets eyes?
Because the soldier was severely wounded.
Additional Questions:
1) “You know, we French stormed Ratisbon A mile or so away”.
a) Who does ‘we’ refer to?
‘We’ refer to the French people.
b) What does the word ‘stormed ‘ mean?
The word ‘ stormed ‘ means a sudden violent attack.
2) “ On a little mound, Napoleon
Stood on our storming- day,
With neck out-thrust, you fancy how”.
a) Where was Napoleon standing?
Napoleon was standing on a mound near the battlefield.
b) Give the meaning of ‘mound’
3) “A rider, bound on bound Full-galloping, not bridle drew”
a) Who is the rider here?
The rider is a young French soldier.
b) Explain full-galloping
A young French soldier was rushing towards Napoleon riding his horse at top speed.
c) Where was the French flag planted after the victory?
At the market area in Ratisbon.
4) “So tight he kept his lips compressed”
a) What does the word ‘compressed’ refer to?
The word ‘compressed’ refers to pressed together.
b) Why did he keep his lips compressed?
His mouth was full of blood so he had his lips so tightly sealed not to allow the blood to ooze out.
c) How did the young soldier face his end?
Proudly and heroically.
5) “The chief’s eye flashed: hut presently softened itself as sheathes”
a) Whose eyes are referred to as ‘the chief’s eyes’?
The chief’s eyes are referred to as Napoleon’s eyes.
b) Give the meaning of ‘sheathes’
‘sheathes’ means covers.
Poetic lines | Figure of Speech |
1. ‘You know, we French stormed Ratisbon’ | Synecdoche |
2. With neck out-thrust, you fancy how, | Metaphor |
3. We’ve got you Ratisbon! | Exclamation |
4. Soared up again like fire. | Simile |
5. A film the mother eagle’s eye | Simile |
6. Perched him!’The Chief’s eye flashed; his plans | Personification |
7. A rider, bound on bound | Repetition |
8. As if to balance the prone brow | Personification |
9. ‘I’m killed, Sirel’And, his Chief beside, | Contrast |
10. Stood on our storming day | Alliteration |
11. Let once my army leader lannes | Alliteration |
12. As if to balance the prone brow | Alliteration |
13. waver at yonder wall | Alliteration |
14. And held himself erect | Alliteration |
15. The Marshal’s in the market place | Alliteration |
16. To see your flag bird flap his vans | Alliteration |
17. softened itself, as sheathes | Alliteration |
18. When her bruised eagle breathes | Alliteration |
19. We French stormed Ratisbon. | Synecdoche |
d) Explain the following lines with reference to the context:
i. Then off there flung in smiling joy,
And held himself erect
These lines are taken from Poem – “Incident of the French Camp”, Poet – “Robert Browning”.
The poet appreciated the heroic behaviour of the young soldier.
He was fatally wounded, he displayed extraordinary courage and confidence but the rider showed no sign of pain and smiling in joy.
ii. ‘I’m killed, Sire!’ And, his Chief beside,
Smiling, the boy fell dead.
These lines are taken from Poem – “Incident of the French Camp”, Poet – “Robert Browning”.
The poet appreciated the heroic behaviour of the young soldier.
Napoleon became very happy about his victory, But suddenly he realised that the soldier was seriously wounded. He asked the soldier if he was wounded. The soldier replied that he was almost killed. Saying this he fell beside the emperor and died smilingly.
iii. To see your flag-bird flap his vans
Where I, to heart’s desire,
Perched him!’
These lines are taken from Poem – “Incident of the French Camp”, Poet – “Robert Browning”.
The poet is describing the way in which the young soldier informed Napoleon of their success.
Due to their victory, the soldier felt a special kind of joy and pride in the fact that he, with his own hands, had flown the French flag over Ratisbon. The flag had the figure of a bird on it when the flag fluttered in the air, it seemed as the bird was flapping its wings.
5. Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words each: (Text Book Page No. 194)
Question a.
The young soldier matched his emperor in courage and patriotism. Elucidate your answer.
Question b.
What is the role of the young soldier in the victory of the French at Ratisbon?
In “Incident of the French camp” the speaker describes a boy serving in the army of Napoleon as the army attempts to capture a city known as Ratisbon. As Napoleon stands “On a little mound”, he waits anxiously to know the outcome of the battle. Then a badly wounded young boy rides towards the emperor, jumps down from his horse, reveals that the French has taken the city, and then falls dead at Napoleon’s feet. The boy’s action can be regarded as heroic for a number of reasons.
He serves in the army, even though he is only a boy. He participates in a dangerous battle. Even though he is mortally wounded, he rides his horse at a fast gallop back to the emperor to report that the battle has been won. Even though his wounds are horrible, he behaves with great physical energy.
He calls no attention to his wounds and asks for no help. He raised the French flag in the conquered city. He takes pride in the fact that his wounds are mortal and he dies smiling. Apparently, he feels that he has served his emperor and nation and so he expresses no regrets about his death and he died heroically with a smiling face.
Question c.
Napoleon was a great source of inspiration for his army. Justify.
The poem “Incident of the French Camp’ by Robert Browning’ narrates an actual incident in the war in 1809 between France and Austria, led by Napoleon. In this poem, the poet brings out the clear vision that Napoleon was a great source of inspiration to his army through many incidents. During the attack of the French army at Ratisbon, Napoleon was defending Ratisbon with determination. He was standing on a mound near the battlefield because he eagerly wanted to know the result of the war.
He had his neck out-thrust with legs wide and arms locked behind. It shows that he was standing majestically. Outwardly he did not reveal any sign of worry or tension. Undoubtedly, we came to know that Napoleon was a great inspiration to his army, when even a young soldier who was not in the army, worked for the country. A young French soldier got inspiration from Napoleon. He participates in a dangerous battle.
Even though he is mortally wounded, he rides his horse at a fast gallop back to the emperor to report that the battle has been won. As a king, Napoleon heard the news his plans soared up like fire. Suddenly, he became like a caring mother eagle, when he saw that the young soldier was severely wounded, He asked if he was wounded. We will surely admire the action and feeling of Napoleon who acts as a perfect king, caring and affectionate person, brave leader, etc. These all make others get inspiration from him. No doubt he was a great source of inspiration to his army and his people too.
a. The young soldier matched his emperor in courage and patriotism. Elucidate your answer.
b. What is the role of the young soldier in the victory of the French at Ratisbon?
c. Napoleon was a great source of inspiration to his army. Justify.
The poem “Incident of the French Camp’ by Robert Browning’ narrates an actual incident in the war in 1809 between France and Austria, led by Napoleon. In this poem, the poet brings out the clear vision that Napoleon was a great source of inspiration to his army through many incidents.
The war:
During the attack of the French army at Ratisbon, Napoleon was defending Ratisbon with determination. He was standing on a mound near the battlefield because he eagerly wanted to know the result of the war. He had his neck out-thrust with legs wide and arms locked behind. It shows that he was standing majestically. Outwardly he did not reveal any sign of worry or tension. Undoubtedly, we come to know that Napoleon was a great inspiration to his army, when even a young soldier who was not in the army, worked for the country.
The arrival of the Soldiers:
A young French soldier got inspiration from Napoleon. He participates in a dangerous battle. Even though he is mortally wounded, he rides his horse at a fast gallop back to the emperor to report that the battle has been won. As a king, Napoleon heard the news his plans soared up like fire. Suddenly, he became like a caring mother eagle, when he saw that the young soldier was severely wounded, He asked if he was wounded. We will surely admire the action and feeling of Napoleon who acts as a perfect king, caring and affectionate person, brave leader, etc.
These all make others get inspiration from him. No doubt he was a great source of inspiration to his army and his people too.
Greedy kills humanity.
Some words have been left out in the poem below. First, read the poem. Then, fill in the missing words on listening to the reading or the recording of it in full. You may listen again if required:
Question 1.
The Drum – John Scott (1731—83)
I hate that drum’s _____ sound.
Parading round, and round, and round:
To thoughtless _____________ it pleasure yields,
And lures from cities and from fields,
sell their _________________ for charms
Of tawdry lace, and glittering arms;
And when________________ voice commands,
To march, and fight, and fall,
I hate that drum’s discordant sound, parading round, and round, and round; To me, it talks of _____ plains, And burning towns and ruin’d swains, And all that Misery’s hand bestows, To fill the _____ of human woes.
I hate that drum’s discordant sound,
Parading round, and round, and round:
To thoughtless youth it pleasures yields,
And lures from cities and from fields,
sell their liberty for charms
Of tawdry lace and glittering arms;
And when Ambition’s voice commands,
To march, and fight, and fall,
in foreign lands.
I hate that drum’s discordant sound, Parading round, and round, and round; To me it talks of ravag’d plains, And burning towns, and ruin’d swains, And all that Misery’s hand bestows, To fill the catalogue of human woes.
கவிஞரைப் பற்றி:
இராபர்ட் ப்ரௌனிங் (Robert Browning) (7 மே 1812 – 12 டிசம்பர் 1889) ஒரு ஆங்கிலக் கவிஞர் (English Poet) மற்றும் நாடக ஆசிரியர் (Play wright) ஆவார். இவர் தனது நாடக தனியுரை (dramatic monologue) மூலமாக விக்டோரியன் கவிஞர்களில் (Victorian poets) தலை சிறந்த ஒருவராகத் திகழ்ந்தார். இவர் லண்டனில் உள்ள கேம்பர்வெல் (Camberwell) என்ற குக்கிராமத்தில் மே மாதம் 7-ம் தேதி 1812-ம் ஆண்டு பிறந்தார். பெரும்பாலும் வீட்டிலேயே கற்ற இவர் கிரேக்க (Greek) மொழியை மட்டும் லண்டன் பல்கலைக்கழகத்தில் (London University) பயின்றார்.
இவரது கவிதைகள் முரண்தொடை (irony), கதாபாத்திரங்கள், இருண்ட நகைச்சுவை (dark humour), சமூக சிந்தனை (social commentary), வரலாற்றுப் பின்னணி மற்றும் மாறுபட்ட வார்த்தைகள் மற்றும் வாக்கிய கட்டமைப்புக்கு பெயர்பெற்றவை. இவர் தன் கவிதையினை தனித்தன்மை வாய்ந்த இராகமற்ற உரையாடல் வடிவில் அமைத்துள்ளார். இவரது Dramatis Personae என்ற தொகுப்பும், புத்தகம் போன்ற நீண்ட கவிதையான The Ring and the Book – ம் இவரை ஒரு தலைசிறந்த ஆங்கிலக் கவிஞராக்கியது (British Poet). இவர் ஆங்கில இலக்கியத்திற்கு அளித்துள்ள பங்கினை பாராட்டி 1881-ல் ப்ரௌனிங் இலக்கிய சமூகம் (literary society) என்ற ஒன்று அமைக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
கவிதையைப் பற்றி:
பண்டைய இந்தியாவிலிருந்து கணினி காலம் வரை இராணுவம் இந்த சதுரங்க விளையாட்டின் நுணுக்கங்களை உவமையாகவும் பயிற்சிக்கும் கூட பயன்படுத்தி இருக்கிறது. இந்த சதுரங்க விளையாட்டு ஆறாம் நூற்றாண்டில் ஒரு 64 கட்ட அட்டை விளையாட்டாக இந்தியாவில் தொடங்கியது. அக்காலத்திய இராணுவத்தின் ஒரு மாதிரியாக இருந்த அதனை சதுரங்கம் என்று அழைத்தனர். பாடலைக் கவனிக்கும் முன்பு இந்த சுவாரஸ்யமான பிரெஞ்சு முகாமின் நிகழ்வின் பின்னணியை பார்க்கலாம்.
நெப்போலியன் போனபாட் (1769-1821) இந்த முகாமில் ஒரு அதிகாரியாக இருந்து, இராணுவத் தளபதியாக உயர்ந்து ஒரு சிறந்த போர்வீரராகவும் இருந்து, பின்பு தனது போர்த் திறமைக்கும், புத்திக்கூர்மைக்கும் புகழ் பெற்றார். இந்த கவிதை பிரெஞ்சு முகாம் நிகழ்வு 1809 – ல் நடந்த ஒரு உண்மைச் சம்பவத்தை விவரிக்கிறது. பிரான்ஸ் (France) மற்றும் ஆஸ்திரியா (Austria) போன்ற நாடுகளுக்கிடையே நிகழ்ந்த இந்த போர் நெப்போலியன் தலைமையில் நிகழ்ந்தது. நெப்போலியன் ஒரு குன்றின் மேல் ஏறி நின்று ரேட்டிஸ் போனை (Ratisbon) எதிர் நோக்கி நிற்கிறான்.
அப்போது அவன் மனதில் பல எண்ணங்களை சுமந்து நின்றான், ஒருவேளை லேன்ஸ் ரேட்டிஸ்போனை தோற்கடிக்காவிட்டால் தன் கனவுகள் அனைத்தும் வீணாகிவிடுமே என்று தனக்குள்ளே கூறிக்கொண்டான். இந்த பாடல் பேராண்மை, துணிவு, நாட்டுப்பற்று மற்றும் தியாகம் ஒரு பிரெஞ்சு இராணுவ வீரனின் மனதில் எவ்வாறு உள்ளது என்பதை விவரிக்கிறது.
Incident of The French Camp Summary in Tamil
பிரெஞ்சுப் படையினராகிய நாங்கள் ரேட்டிஸ்போனைத் (Ratisbon நகர்) தாக்கினோம்
நெப்போலியன் ஒருமைல் தூரம் தள்ளி
ஒரு சிறிய குன்றின் (mound) மேல் ஏறி
தாக்குதல் தினத்தன்று (storming day) நின்று கொண்டிருந்தான்
தனது கழுத்தை முன் நீட்டியவாறு, (out thrust) நினைத்துப்பாருங்கள்
கால்களை அகலமாக (wide) வைத்து, கைகளை பின்னால் கட்டி, (cocked behind)
குனிய நினைக்கும் கண் இமைகளை நிலைநிறுத்தி (Pronebrow) நிற்கிறான்
தன் மனதினை எதிர்த்து (oppressive) செயல்பட நினைப்பதால்
பின் சற்று சிந்தனை (mused) எழுகிறது, என் திட்டங்கள்
உயர்கின்றன (soar), அது நிலம் நோக்கி எந்நேரமும் விழலாம் (fall),
என் படைத்தலைவன் லேன்ஸ் (lannes) அங்கிருந்த
சுவற்றில் கொடியை நாட்டியவுடன்
வேதி கொள்கலன் திறக்கப்பட்டு புகைந்தவுடன் (battery smokes)
அங்கு வருகின்றான் வீரன் துள்ளிக்குதித்து (full galloping)
முழு மூச்சில் வருகின்றான். குன்றினை அடையும் வரை
கடிவாளம் (bridle) கூட அசையவில்லை
பின் தொலைவில் தெரிந்தது மகிழ்ச்சிப் புன்னகையும் (joy)
நிமிர்ந்த (erect) உடல் தோற்றமும்
அவனது குதிரையின் முடியை (mane) மட்டும் கொண்டு, ஒரு சிறுவனாய்
உன்னாலும் சந்தேகிக்க (suspect) முடியாததாய் இருந்தது
(அவன் தன் வாயிலிருந்து குருதி வெளியேறிவிடும்
என அஞ்சி உதடுகளை இறுக்க மூடி (compressed) வைத்திருந்தான்)
நீ அவனது மார்பைக் (breast) காணும் முன் இருமுறை பார்த்தாய்.
ஆனால் அதில் இரண்டு அம்புகள் துளைத்திருந்தன (shot)
அவன் கத்தினான் அரசே (Emperor), கடவுளின் அருளால்
நாங்கள் உங்களுக்கு ரேட்டிஸ்போனை (Ratisbon) கொண்டுவந்துளோம்
மார்ஷல் (Marshall) சந்தைப் (market) பகுதியில் இருக்கின்றார்
நீங்களும் விரைவில் அங்கிருப்பீர்கள்
உமது கொடிப்பறவை (flagbird) சிறகடித்து பறப்பதை காண்பதற்கு
நான் தான் என் இதயம் கூறியதால் அவனை
அங்கிருக்க சொன்னேன் தலைவனின் கண்கள் மிளிர்ந்தன (flashed)
அவனது திட்டங்கள் காட்டுத்தீ (fire) போல் மீண்டும் உயர்ந்தன
தலைவனின் (chief) கண்கள் மிளிர்ந்தன (flashed). ஆனால் தற்போது
தன்னை வலுவிழக்கச்செய்தது தன் காயப்பட்ட குஞ்சை (bruised eaglet)
கண்ட தாய் கழுகின் (eagle) கண்கள் மறைவது போல்
அவனது கண்க ளில் மிளிர்வு குறைந்தது (softened).
உனக்கு காயம்பட்டிருக்கிறது (wounded) இல்லை (nay) அவ்வீரனின்
பெருமிதம் சட்டெனத் தொட்டது, அவன் கூறினான்
நான் கொல்லப்பட்டுவிட்டேன் (killed), தலைவரே என்று கூறி தலைவன் அருகிலேயே (beside)
சிரித்துக்கொண்ட, அவன் இறந்து விழுந்தான் (fell dead).
Samacheer Kalvi 12th English Book Solutions Poem
- The Castle Book Back Answers
- Our Casuarina Tree Book Back Answers
- All the World’s a Stage Book Back Answers
- Ulysses Book Back Answers
- A Father to his Son Book Back Answers
- Incident of the French Camp Book Back Answers