9th Standard English Unit 6 Prose From Zero to Infinity Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Pdf Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

From Zero to Infinity 9th Standard English 6th Lesson Question and Answer

Question 1.
What was the reaction of the classmates to Ramanujan’s question?
The classmates laughed at Ramanujan’s question.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
What did the Indian mathematician Bhaskara prove?
The Indian mathematician Bhaskara proved that zero divided by zero is infinity.

Question 3.
Where did Ramanujan get “Loney’s Trignometry” book from?
Ramanujan got Loney’s “Trigonometry” book from a college library.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 4.
Where did Ramanujan do his mathematical problems?
Ramanujan did his mathematical problems on loose sheets of paper or on a slate and jot the results down in notebooks.

Question 5.
What were the subjects neglected by Ramanujan in college?
History, English, Physiology were the subjects neglected by Ramanujan in college.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 6.
Which university granted him a fellowship of 75 a month?
The University of Madras granted him a fellowship 75 of a month.

Question 7.
What did Ramanujan sent to G.H. Hardy?
Ramanujan sent a letter in which he set out 120 theorems and formulae to G.H Hardy.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 8.
Who discovered a rare mathematical genius in Ramanujan?
G.H. Hardy and his colleague, J.E.Little wood discovered a rare mathematical genius in Ramanujan.

9th English Guide From Zero to Infinity TextBook Questions and Answers

A. Answer the following questions in a sentence or two Why did the students laugh at Ramanujan?

Question 1.
Why did the students laugh at Ramanujan?
Ramanujan asked a silly question in the class. So the children laughed at him.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
Why did the teacher compliment Ramanujan?
The students laughed at Ramanujan because he asked if no banana was distributed among no one, would everyone get one banana.

Question 3.
What did Ramanujan do after reading the book on Trignometrv?

After reading the book on Trigonometry, Ramanujan began his own research. He came forth with many mathematical theorems and formulae not given in the book

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 4.
What disappointed Ramanujan’s father?
Ramanujan failed twice in his first-year arts examination in college. This disappointed his father.

Question 5.
How did Ramanujan manage his paper crisis?
Ramanujan needed about 2,000 sheets of paper every month. He started using even scraps of paper he found lying on the streets. Sometimes he used a red pen to write over what was written in blue ink.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 6.
Why was Ramanujan’s application for jobs rejected?
Ramanujan showed his notebooks and told everyone that he knew mathematics and he could do the clerical job. But no one understood what was written in the notebooks. So his applications for jobs were rejected.

Question 7.
Why was Ramanujan sent back to India?
While Ramanujan continued his research work, Tuberculosis, then an incurable disease, was devouring him. So, he was sent back to India.

Additional Questions & Answers

Question 1.
Where was Ramanujan sitting in the class?
Ramanujan was sitting in one corner of the class room.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
Why did he raise his hand and stand up?
He raised his hand and stood up to ask a question to his teacher.

Question 3.
What was that the boys could not understand?
The boys could not understand why the teacher complimented the boy who had asked an absurd question.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 4.
How was Ramanujan either in his native Kumbakonam or Cambridge, through out his life?
Throughout his life, Ramanujan was always ahead of his mathematics teachers either in his native Kumbakonam or Cambridge.

Question 5.
When and whertf was Ramanujan born?
Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887 in Erode in Tamilnadu.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 6.
What was Ramanujan’s father?
Ramanujan’s father was a petty clerk in a cloth shop.

Question 7.
How was Ramanujan from his early childhood?
From early childhood, it was evident that Ramanujan was prodigy.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 8.
Why did the senior students visit Ramanujan’s dingy house?
The senior students visited Ramanujan’s dingy house to get their difficulties in Mathematics solved. ’

Question 9.
Which book triggered the mathematical genius in him?
The book “Synopsis of Elementany Results in Pure Applied Mathematics” by George Shoobridge Car triggered the mathematical genius in him.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 10.
What happened to the three filled note books of Ramanujan later?
The three filled note books of Ramanujan later became famous as Ramanujan’s Frayed Notebooks

Question 11.
What scholarship was awarded to Ramanujan when he secured a first class in Mathematics in the matriculation examination?
When Ramanujan secured a first class in Mathematics in the matriculation examintaion he was awarded the Subramanian Scholarship.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 12.
Who was impressed by Ramanujan’s note books?
The Director of Madras Port Trust, Francis Spring was impressed by Ramanujan’s note books.

Question 13.
What did the Director of Madras Port Trust give him?
The Director of Madras Port Trurt gave him a clerical job on a monthly salary of ₹25.

Question 14.
Who initiated a move to provide Ramanujan with a research fellowship?
Some teachers and educationists interested in Mathematics initiated a move to provide Ramanujan with a research fellowship.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 15.
When did the University of Madras grant him a fellowship of ₹75?
On May 1,1913 the University of Madras granted him a fellowship of ₹75, though he had no qualifying degree.

Question 16.
When did Ramanujan sail for Britain?
On March 17, 1914, Ramanujan sailed for Britain.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 17.
How did Ramanujan play with numbers?
Ramanujan played with numbers as a child with a toy.

Question 18.
What was Ramanujan elected on February 28,1918?
Ramanujan was elected, Fellow of the Royal Society on February 28, 1918.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 19.
What did Ramanujan become in October 1918?
In October 1918, Ramanujan became the first Indian to be elected Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.

Question 20.
Name any two Ramanujan’s achievements at Cambridge?
Ramanujan’s achievements at Cambridge are the Hardy – Ramanujan – Little wood circle method in number theory.
Roger – Ramanujan’s identities in partition of integers.

B. Answer the following questions in about 80 – 100 words.

Question 1.
Describe the life of Srinivasa Ramanujan in India.
Title: From zero to Infinity
Author: Anonymous (Biography of Ramanujan)
Characters: Ramanujan, Classmates, Teachers and Ramanujan’s Father
Theme: Inborn intelligence with dilegence leads to excellence

Srinivasa Ramanujan was bom in Erode in Tamil Nadu on December 22, 1887. His father was a petty clerk in a cloth shop. From his early childhood, Ramanujan was evidently a prodigy. A question that he had asked as a boy had taken mathematician several centuries to answer. Through out his life in his native Kumbakonam he was always ahead of his mathematics teachers.

Senior students went to his dingy house to get their difficulties in Mathematics solved. At the age of 13, Ramanujan got Loney’s Trignometry from a college library. He mastered the book and began his own research. Ramanujan secured a first class in Mathematics in the Matriculation examination. He was awarded the Subramanyan Scholarship. His father was disappointed when he failed twice in his first year arts examination.

Ramanujan was always scribbling numbers and his father thought that he had gone mad. He began to look for a job. He needed money for food and papers to do his calculations. He started using even scraps of paper lying on the streets. Luckily the Director of Madras Port Trust, Francis Spring was impressed by his note books.

He gave him a clerical job on a monthly salary of ₹25. Later some teachers and educationist interested in Mathematics helped him get a research fellowship. The University of Madras granted him a fellowship of ₹75 even thQugh he had no qualifying degree.

“Genius does what it must, and talent does what it can”


Srinivasa Ramanujan was bom on December 22, 1887, in Erode in Tamil Nadu. His father was a petty clerk in a cloth shop. From early childhood, he was a prodigy. Even Mathematicians had taken several centuries to answer his question. He was always ahead of his mathematics teachers.

Senior students went to his house to get their difficulties in Mathematics solved. When he was 13, he got Loney’s Trignometry from a college library. He began his own research, having mastered the book. He secured a first class in Mathematics in the matriculation examination. He was awarded the Sub-Ramayan Scholarship. But he failed twice in his first year arts examination. His father was upset.

As he was always scribbling numbers his father thought that he had gone mad. Ramanujan needed money for food and papers. He started using scraps of paper lying on the streets.

Luckily his note books impressed the Director of Madras Port Trust, Francis Spring. He gave him a clerical job on a salary of ₹25 a month. Later he got a research fellowship. The University of Madras granted him a fellowship of ₹75, though he had no qualifying degree. “There is no great genius without some touch of madness.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
Narrate the association of Ramanujan with G.H. Hardy.
Title: From zero to Infinity.
Author: Anonymous (Biography of Ramanujan).
Characters: Ramanujan and G.H. Hardy.
Theme: “Fellowship happens when mercy wins over justice”

Ramanujan had sent a letter to the great mathematician G.H. Hardy of Cambridge University. He had set out 120 theorems and formulae in it. Very soon Hardy and Littlewood realised that they had discovered a rare mathematical genius. They made arrangements for Ramanujan’s passage andr ay at Cambridge university.

Ramanujan found himself a stranger at Cambridge. In the company oi Hardy and Littlewood he could forget much of the hardship he had to endure. In Ramanujan, Hardy found an unsystematic mathematician similar to one who knows the Pythagorus theorem without knowing what a congruent triangle means. It was due to his lack of formal education. It was sheer genius that led him to mathematical ‘Truths’ Ramanujan was elected, Fellow of the Royal Society on February 28, 1918.

He was the youngest Indian who received this distinguished fellowship. In October that year he became the first Indian to be elected fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. His achievements.

At Cambridge include the Hardy Ramanujan – Littlewood circle method in number theory. Besides being a mathematician, Ramanujan was an astrologer of repute and a good speaker. He used to give lectures on subjects like “God, zero and infinity”.
“Attitude is greatly shaped by influence and association”.


Earlier Ramanujan had sent a letter to G.H. Hardy with 120 theorems and formulae. Soon Hardy and Littlewood discovered a rare mathematical genius. They arranged for Ramanujan’s passage and stay at Cambridge university. He found himself a stranger at Cambridge. In their company he could forget the hardship he endured.

In him, Hardy found an unsystematic mathematician lacking formal education. Only sheer genius led him to mathematical ‘truths’. He was elected Fellow of the Royal – Society on February 28, 1918. He was the youngest Indian to receive this distinguished fellowship.

In October that year he became the first Indian to be elected Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. His achievements include the Hardy Ramanujan Littlewood circle method in number theory. Due to an incurable disease then, Tuberculosis, he was sent back to India. To forget the agonising pain he continued to play with numbers even on his death bed.

“A good communication is the best medicine for healthy association”.

C. Match the words with correct Synonym and Antonym from the table.
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D. Listening:

Listen to the anecdote ‘Two Geniuses’ and narrate it in your own words.

‘Two Geniuses’

The story tells about Einstein’s great sense of humour. There was a young man, by name Einstein, with a growing reputation. He was invited by universities to explain his theories. A man called Hans was always his driver on these trips. Hans often told Einstein that it was a pleasure to drive a genius like him.

One evening, on their way to a remote university, Einstein told Hans that he wished he had not to give his lecture that night. He said that he was very tired. But he did not want to let his audience down.

Hans said that he didn’t need to do so. Hans said that they would change places and we would give the lecture for him. Hans had listened to it a dozen times. He didn’t understand it but knew it by heart. Moreover no one knew him at the university. Hans was sure that no one would find it. Eventually, Einstein agreed with Hans. But Einstein told Hans not to try to answer any questions, whatever he did.

They changed places, and at the university, Hans was greeted and led to the platform in a great hall crowded with professors and students. Einstein joined the audience and listened to Hans give his lecture perfectly and joined in the applause at the end.

Hans was about to get off the platform. Before that, a professor shouted from the audience. He wanted to ask a question. He said that it was very difficult but he requested him to answer it. Then he asked the very hard question for which Hans had no answer. He didn’t understand what he was talking about.

Einstein thought that they were in trouble. But Hans just laughed and said that, wasn’t a difficult question. Hans said that it was so easy and even his driver knew how to answer it. Hans asked Einstein to stand up. Einstein stood up and answered the question perfectly. They left the university, with Einstein driving the car. A little later, Hans offered to take over him. Einstein laughed and told no to his friend. He said that it was his pleasure to drive a genius like him (Hans).

E. Speaking:

Divide the students into a group of five and conduct a group discussion on the topic. “Importance of mathematics in our everyday life”. The teacher will act as a moderator.

Topic: Importance of mathematics in our everyday life.

Moderator: Today we have assembled here in five groups to discuss on the topic “Importance of Mathematics in our Everyday life. We shall begin with group A.

Group A: Mathematics is a methodical application of matter. It makes a man systematic. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract thinking, problem solving ability and effective communication skills.

Group B: Mathematics is the cradle of all creations, without which the world cannot move an inch. Even insects use mathematics in their everyday life for existence. There are countless examples of mathematical patterns in natures fabric. A good curriculum of mathematics is helpful in effective teaching and learning of the subject.

Group C: Experience says learning mathematics can be made easier and enj oyable if our curriculum includes mathematical activities and games. Mathematics puzzles and riddles encourage and attract an alert and open minded attitude among youngsters and help them develop clarity in their thinking.

Emphasis must be laid in development of clear concept in mathematics in a child, right from the primary classes itself. The child must be appreciated for every correct attempt. And the mistakes must be corrected then and there without any criticism.

Group D: The greatest hurdle in the process of learning mathematics is lack of practice. Students must work out some problems from different areas to master the basic concept and develop speed and accuracy in solving a problem.

Another very effective means of spreading the knowledge of mathematics among children is through peer teaching. In the process their doubts on the topic and clear them through discussions in a group.

Group E: The present age is one of skill development and innovations. We are more mathematical in our approach the more successful we will be. Mathematics offers rationality to our thoughts. It is a tool in our hands to make our life easier. We must appreciate the beauty of the subject and embrace it with all our heart.

Moderator: From the discussions, it is clear that maths has become inseparable part of our lives and whether work in an office or spend most of our time at home, each one of us uses mathematics as a part of our everyday life. No matter where we are as well as whatever we are doing mathematics is always there whether we notice it or not. Let us have a deep look at this universal subject how we use it in our everyday life.

F. Reading:

Answer the following questions based on the given passage.

Question 1.
What made John Shepherd Barron come up with the idea of ATM?
When Shepherd Barron had arrived one minute late, he found the bank doors locked against him. This incident made him come up with the idea of an ATM.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
When and where was the first ATM installed?
The first ATM was installed on June 27, 1967, in the North London suburb of Enfield.

Question 3.
Who was the first person to withdraw cash from the ATM?
Actor Reg Vamey, a celebrity resident of Enfield was the first person to withdraw cash from the ATM.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 4.
Why did Shepherd Barron reduce the PIN number from six digits to four?
Shepherd Barron reduced the PIN number from six digits to four when his wife, Caroline complained that six was too many.

Question 5.
Which theory of Ramanujan helps the ATMs to dispense cash?
Partition theory of Ramanujan helps the ATMs to dispense cash.

G. Writing
Paragraph Writing:

Question 1.
Write a paragraph of 100 – 120 words about a memorable anecdote/incident of your life. “A memorable incident in my life”
It was my epic moment of my life. When I remember that moment it makes me laugh easily. It was an incident when I was in class 8.1 was not very much interested in studies. It was November when our school had provided us with teacher trainees for various subjects and we all were playing rather than studying.

The third period began and a teacher entered our class. We all decided to play a game called ‘Pen fighting game’. It was my turn to make a shot. When I was on the verge to make a shot, the trainee teacher came from behind all on a sudden. She asked me, ‘Where do you live?’ At that moment knocking the other pen down I told the teacher, ‘I live in my house’.

My voice was so loud and there was a roar of laughter in the class. When the game was over, I realized that I misbehaved in the class. I was very much embarrassed at that moment. Then I decided to apologize to her for my wrongdoing. I went to her room and asked for her pardon. She smiled at me gently. That gave me great relief in my heart. Now I am very attentive in my class and never mischievous any more.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
Write a paragraph of 100 -120 words about your favourite personality. “My favourite personality”
Every one has his or her own favourite personality and so I do. My favourite personality is William Henru Bill Gates III. He is popularly called Bill Gates. He was bom on October 28, 1955. He was a local resident of Seattle, Washington, United States. In his early ages, he began to show interest in computer programming.

Gates excelled in Mathematics and Science. Because of his excellence, he enrolled in Lakeside, an exclusive preparatory school. Most of his professions involved computer software. He held the position of Technology advisor of Microsoft Corporation. Besides, he is the co-chairperson of Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, an organisation which named after him and his sister, he is the CEO of Cascade Investment. He holds the highest position as the Chairman of Corbis.

He and his partner, Paul Allen built the world’s largest software business. Due to his excellent software invention and his contribution to the world, Gates has received many big awards and achievements. He was the most powerful person in the world in 2012. He and his wife were awarded. The order of the Extec Eagle for their philanthropic works around the world in the areas of health and education.


A. Complete the following sentences using appropriate connectors from the box.

Question 1.
She felt cold ………………. she was wearing a winter coat.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
This restaurant has some of the best chefs in the town …………………. their service is excellent.
above all

Question 3.
I’m not going to the party tonight …………………. I didn’t get an invitation.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 4.
You can set the table ………………… I’ll start making dinner.
mean while

Question 5.
I can play quite a few instruments ……………………., the flute, the guitar and piano.
for instance

Question 6.
The store was out of chocolate chips; ………………….. they would need to make different type of cookies.
more over

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 7.
The stores are open daily …………………. Sundays.

Question 8.
I’ll stay …………………. you need me.
as long as

Question 9.
This detergent is highly concentrated and …………………. you will need to dilute.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 10.
It was the thing he prized …………………

Active voice and Passive Voice

Active Voice: The subject is the doer of the action.
Passive Voice: The subject is not the doer of the action.

B. Convert the following active sentences into passive sentences by supplying an appropriate passive verb form.

Question 1.
She will not recognise us. / We ……………… by her.
(a) will not recognise
(b) will not being recognised
(c) will not be recognised
(c) will not be recognised

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
They didn’t invite me. but I went that way. / I ……………… but I went that way.
(a) wasn’t invited
(b) wasn’t being invited
(c) wasn’t inviting
(b) wasn’t being invited

Question 3.
They broke up the table for firewood. / The table ……………… up for firewood.
(a) broke
(b) had broken
(c) was broken
(c) was broken

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 4.
She has won the first prize. / The first prize ……………….. by her.
(a) has won
(b) has been won
(c) had been won
(b) has been won

Question 5.
A friend of mine is repairing the car. / The car ………………….. by a friend of mine.
(a) is repairing
(b) is repaired
(c) is being repaired
(c) is being repaired

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 6.
Begin the work tomorrow. / Let the work ……………… tomorrow.
(a) be begun
(b) begin
(c) is beginning
(a) be begun

Question 7.
They speak English in New Zealand. / English ………………… in New Zealand.
(a) is speaking
(b) is spoken
(c) is being spoken
(b) is spoken

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 8.
His attitude shocked me. / I …………………. by his attitude.
(a) had shocked
(b) had been shocked
(c) was shocked
(c) was shocked

Question 9.
She had already sent the parcel. / The parcel ………………… by her.
(a) has already been sent
(b) had already been sent
(c) was already sent
(b) had already been sent

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 10.
Her silence worries me. / I ………………….. her silence.
(a) am worrying by
(b) am worried by
(c) have worried by
(b) am worried by

C. Match the following Active Voice sentences with Passive Voice.


D. Change the following into passive voice.

Question 1.
Stanley will inform you later.
You will be informed by Stanley later.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 2.
People speak Portuguese in Brazil.
Portuguese is spoken by people in Brazil.

Question 3.
My grandfather built this house in 1943.
This house was built in 1943 by my grandfather.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 4.
Do not hurt the animals.
Let the animals not be hurt.

Question 5.
You must not drop litter in the streets.
Litter must not be dropped in the streets.

Question 6.
Carry it home.
You are asked to carry it home.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 6 From Zero to Infinity

Question 7.
They are decorating the wall.
The wall is being decorated by them.

Question 8.
He has already mended the TV set.
The TV set has already been mended by him.

E. Project

Make a scrapbook of ‘Famous Biographies’ by collecting at least five biographies of famous scientists, mathematicians, inventors, artists etc., of your choice. You may also collect the pictures related to their achievements, inventions etc.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Book Solutions Prose

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