9th Standard English Unit 5 Supplementary Little Cyclone: The Story of a Grizzly Cub Book Back Answers
Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 5 Little Cyclone: The Story of a Grizzly Cub Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
Little Cyclone: The Story of a Grizzly Cub 9th Standard English 5th Lesson Question and Answer
A. Use the following phrases in sentences of your own.
1. Earn one’s name (to become well known or famous or popular)
Kamal earned his name in politics as powerful public speaker.
2. in the rear of (cat the back of)
There is a church in the rear of this college
3. to see one fight (to make someone fight with)
The youth irritated a little monkey to see him fight
4. devoid of (without)
The letter was devoid of warmth and feeling
5. air and manner (impression and polite behavior)
All were attracted by the air and manners of the new Principal.
6. quick as a flash (extremely fast)
Quick as flash, the prisoner said, “No, I won’t”
7. in wild haste (very quickly)
The thief escaped in wild haste.
8. make a pass (to fly over or close by something)
The bird made a pass at me as I got close its nest.
B. Now refer a dictionary and find idioms on the following animals, birds and insects. Learn their meanings and share what you have learnt with your class. Try to frame illustrative sentences with those. Find opportunities to use them in your everyday conversations.
C. Based on your reading, answer the following questions in a paragraph of about 100 -150 words each.
Question 1.
Describe the appearance of the little cyclone.
Little Cyclone is a grizzly cub from Alaska. He earned his name by the vigour of his resistance to ill-treatment. He was a curious and amusing little cub. It had fluffy hair, two big black eyes which sparkled like jet beads, short and fat nose, and high shoulders. But his claws were strong and dangerous and he had a truly grizzly spirit. He did not show any fear to his opponents. He was bom full of courage and devoid of all sense of fear. He was a queer-looking gray fellow with a broad head. He could fight any other bear on three seconds’ notice.
Little Cyclone was a grizzly cub from ALASKA in America. He was different like the other grizzlies. He too was bom with courage and devoid of all sense of fear. Little cyclone was as droll and roguish looking cub as ever stepped.
He had a grizzly gray full moon of fluffy hair. His eyes were big and they sparkled like jet beads behind a pudgy nose. It was absurdly short for a bear. He was little more than a big bale of gray for set up on four posts of the same material. He had the true grizzly spirit.
He was a newcomer at the Bear’s Nursery in the New. York zoological park. Every newcomer would be badly scared during the first day and very timed the next day. But cyclone was different. He had no sense of fear.
When the box was opened he stalked deliberately to the centre stage, halted, and looked calmly about him. He told the other bears that he was from Alaska and anyone could come and take from him. He put everyone down in the attack. From then on his position was assured. He was treated with respect.
“Might is right even in a fight”
Question 2.
What does the fight Little Cyclone and his brother put up, tell you about the nature of grizzly?
Title: Little Cyclone: The story of a grizzly cub
Author: William Temple Homaday
Characters: Little Cyclone and his brother
Theme: Unity is strength. Fear kills even heroes
The grizzly cub was famous for its courage and vigour of its resistance to ill-treatment. Once when the mother was fired at the cub and its brother ran away. When they were found sleeping with the mother grasped by the captor, the next morning. Both the cubs fought against the captor. One of the cubs made a fight so fierce and terrible. The captor could not withstand it and let the cub go.
Though the other cub fought desperately the captor seized him and carried him away. He was established with collar, chain, and post in the rear of the saloon. The public irritated the little grizzly cub with a long pole. Before he could become insane, he was rescued by the zoological society’s field agent. He was shipped to New York and later sent to the Bear’s Nursery at the New York zoological park.
He had every chance to prove his courage there. He was a daring newcomer in the Nursery. He conscientiously met every attack genuine or feigned that was made upon him. In less than an hour, every bear understood his vigour and strength. From that time on cyclone’s position was assured and all respected him. Grizzlies dare any bear without fear. They are different. They are born full of courage and devoid of all sense of fear.
“Fear kills but the spirit of courage revives”
A grizzly cub is different. It is born full of courage. It is full of courage and devoid of all sense of fear. It has the vigour of resistance to ill-treatment. When the mother was fired at in the forest. The cubs ran away and came back later. They slept with their mother who was dead. The next morning they were awakened by the grasp hands of a man. They bit and scratched him. One of them fought so fiercely and terrible. The captor became nervous and let him go.
The other grizzly bear fought desperately but the captor seized him and chained him to a post. The people wanted to see the fight. So they poked it with the pole. But he was rescued by the zoological society and shipped to the Bear’s Nursery at the New York zoological park.
The grizzly bear dared every other bear in the Nursery. He met conscientiously every true or feigned attack. In less than an hour, every bear understood his vigour and strength. From that time on grizzly’s position was assured and all respected him.
Question 3.
“If any of you fellows think there is anything coming to you from me, come and take it”. How did Little Cyclone prove this?
When Little Cyclone’s travelling box was opened, he found himself free in the Bear Nursery in New York. He walked stiffly with pride to the centre of the stage, halted, and calmly looked about him. His air and manner said as plainly as English, “I’m a grizzly from Alaska, and I’ve come to stay. If any of you fellows think there is anything coming to you from me, come and take it’. Usually, a newcomer would be badly scared during his first day in the Nursery and very timid during the next. But grizzlies are different. They are born full of courage and devoid of all sense of fear.
Naturally, it is a good test of courage and temper to turn a new bear into that roistering crowd. But Little Cyclone was fearless and quick in attacking his opponents on three seconds’ notice.
Little cyclone was a grizzly cub from he was known for his vigour of his resistance to ill-treatment. He was seized by a captor. The people tried to make him insane by their violent torture. Luckily he was rescued by the zoological society. It was shipped to the Bear’s Nursery at New York zoological park. When the box was opened, he found himself free there. He stalked deliberately to the stage.
Little czar, a European bear walked up and aimed a blow at Cyclone’s left ear. Quick as a flash, Cyclone outshot him with his right leg on his head. Czar was amazed and confused. He fled in wild haste. Another black bear got a fierce counter charge. He quitted the field scrambling to the top of the cliff.
Cyclone met every real or fake attack meticulously. Soon every bear understood that queer gray fellow could fight any other on three second’s notice. “If any of you fellows think there is anything coming to you from me, come and take it”, said Cyclone openly. Every daring action of Cyclone against his fellow bears in the Nursery proves that grizzly is different.
Obviously, little Cyclone was born full of courage. Little cyclone was born full of courage. Little Cyclone became great because it was devoid of all sense of fears. No wonder that a grizzly bear has no fear and none can go anywhere near.
“Dare to share that there’s a bear devoid of fear”.
Question 4.
The confrontation of Little Czar and Little Cyclone?
Title: Little Cyclone: The story of a grizzly bear
Author: William Temple Homaday
Characters: Little Cyclone and Little Czar
Theme: Storm before calm
Little Cyclone was a grizzly cub from Alaska. He earned his name by the vigour of his resistance to ill-treatment. Grizzlies are different. They are born full of courage and devoid of all sense of fears. The zoological society rescued him from the clutches of the captor and the violent people the society shipped him to the Bear’s Nursery at the New York zoological park.
He was a newcomer to the nursery. Usually, a newcomer would be scared and timid. But little cyclone was different. He challenged every fellow bear in the Nursery. Little czar was a European brown bear cub. He was saucy and good-natured.
He took Little Cyclone like any other newcomer. He walked up to Cyclone with pride and overconfidence. He thought that he could defeat the cyclone easily. With all his strength and courage he aimed a sample blow at Cyclone’s left ear.
Cyclone reacted as quick as flash. He couldn’t wait even a second. He outshot Czar with his right paw. Only a grizzle could strike like that. It was too heavy to bear. It caught the little Cyclone’s right leg outshot czar on his head.
Czar had never expected this sort of hard and quick treatment for his attack. He was totally amused and confused. So he fled in wild haste. All of them understood that no one could fight against little Cyclone. That time onwards Cyclone’s position was assured with great respect.
Fear tears the heart and brings out tears.
Courage endears the heart and brings out cheers.
Little cyclone was a grizzly cub from Alaska. He earned his name by the vigour of his resistance to ill-treatment. Cyclone was seized by a captor and ill-treated along with the people. The zoological society rescued him and took him to the Bear’s Nursery in New York. His fellow bears were ready to test his strength and courage. They thought that Cyclone would be scared and timid.
Little Cyclone was different. He had no fear but full of courage. He challenged the other bears to come and take from him as they wished. The fellow bears wanted to subdue him and his activities. But little Cyclone overcame everyone.
Little czar was a European brown bear cub. He was saucy and good-natured. He walked up and aimed a sample blow at cyclone’s left ear. Cyclone outshot Czar on his head with his right paw. He was amazed and confused.
The highy anticipated encounter between Cyclone and Czar ended in a ‘tit for that’ manner. The reaction was heavier than the action. From that time onwards Cyclone’s status was assured. He was treated with respect by all. Being a fine-spirited, dignified little grizzly bear never attacked anyone nor had a fight anymore.
“Confidence is the key to success.”
D. Telling the story again.
Little Cyclone was a grizzly cub from ………………….. (1) ………………….. earned his name ………………….. (2) ………………….. When his mother was fired at, they ………………….. (3) ………………….. The next day at sunrise the two orphans found themselves at ………………….. (4) ………………….. One of them escaped ………………….. (5) ………………….. So the captor let him go. But the other cub was ………………….. (6) ………………….. and taken to the ………………….. (7) ………………….. at New York. Zoological Park had ………………….. (8) ………………….. Usually, a newcomer is badly scared on his first day but ………………….. (9) ………………….. When the box was opened he stood up with courage ………………….. (10) …………………… Cyclone courageously met every ………………….. (11) ………………….. In less than an hour, all the other bears understood ………………….. (12) ………………….. From then on Little Cyclone’s position was ………………….. (13) …………………..
- Alaska, who
- by the vigour of his resistance to ill-treatment.
- ran away as fast as their stumpy legs could carry them.
- the rough grasp of human hands.
- after a fierce and terrible fight,
- seized
- Zoological Park
- Bears’ Nursery
- grizzly bears are different
- and walked stiffly with pride to the center of the stage, halted, and calmly looked about him.
- attack real or faked.
- that Cyclone could strike quick and hard and fight any other bear on three seconds notice.
- assured with respect and dignity.
E. Choose the correct answer:
Question 1.
Little Cyclone is a grizzly cub who earned his name by …………………….
(a) his appearance and behaviour
(b) his viguor of resistance to ill-treatment
(c) his speed and courage
(d) he escaped from a cyclone
(b) his viguor of resistance to ill-treatment
Question 2.
The nervous captor let one bear go because …………………….
(a) he was afraid of bears
(b) he did not have proper equipment to seize him.
(c) the bear fought so fiercely
(d) the bear escaped and ran away.
(c) the bear fought so fiercely
Question 3.
Little Cyclone was rescued by the ……………………..
(a) members of the Blue Cross
(b) friendly hands of the Zoological Society
(c) members of the National Zoo
(d) volunteers from New York
(b) friendly hands of the Zoological Society
Question 4.
Little Czar was a ………………….
(a) good-natured European brown bear.
(b) grizzly cub from Alaska
(c) furry little Polar bear
(d) North American black bear
(a) good-natured European brown bear.
Question 5.
Little Cyclone will fight any other bear in ……………………
(a) 10 minutes notice
(b) 15 minutes notice
(c) 3 seconds notice
(d) 10 seconds notice
(c) 3 seconds notice
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