Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Pdf History Chapter 5 Migration Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Important Questions Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Solutions Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Migration Text Book Back Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct Answer

Question 1.
According to the 2011 census, the total population of India was
(a) 121 crore
(b) 221 crore
(c) 102 crore
(d) 100 crore
(a) 121 crore

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 2.
_______ has recorded the maximum number of emigrants.
(a) Ramanathapuram
(b) Coimbatore
(c) Chennai
(d) vellore
(c) Chennai

during 2015,______of illiterates were migrants from Tamil Nadu.
(a) 7%
(b) 175%
(c) 23%
(d) 9%
Answer :
(a) 7%

The poorer sections of the population migrate__________
(a) as a survival strategy
(b) to improve their living standards
(c) as a service
(d) to get experience
(a) survival strategy

II. Fill in the blanks

  1. Migration is enumerated on_______and_____bases.
  2. The mobility of population in rural areas is ______than urban areas.
  3. In rural india ,as per census 2011,________percent of the population are counted as migrants.
  4. ______ is the major reason for female migration.
  5. Any migrant stream would consist of______ sub streams.


  1. place of birth,place of residence
  2. greater
  3. 37
  4. marriage
  5. heterogeneous

III. Match the following

  1. Migration policy – (a) Work
  2. Female migrants – (b) low incidence of out migration
  3. Chennai – (c) maximum number of emigration
  4. Better off migrants – (d) marriage
  5. Salem – (e) to reduce the volume of migration
  6. Male migrants – (f) to improve the living standard


  1. – (e)
  2. – (d)
  3. – (c)
  4. – (f)
  5. – (b)
  6. – (a)

IV.Give short answers

Question 1.
Enlist the reasons for migration.
The reasons for migration include; Work/Employment, Business, Education, Marriage, and other such reasons.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 2.
What are the major factors responsible for female migrants in India?

  1. Among female migrants, 70 % in India and 51 % in Tamil Nadu report marriage as their reason for migration, in 2011.
  2. Marriage and the movement associated with marriage appear to be a major factor responsible for women’s mobility in India and in Tamil Nadu

Question 3.
Name four districts in Tamil Nadu which record a low number of migration.
Cuddalore, Karur, Thiruvannamalai, Vellore, Namakkal, Salem, Dindigul, Krishnagiri, Nilgiris and Dharmapuri districts record low number of emigrants.

Question 4.
What are the factors responsible for the poorer sections and better-off sections to migrate?

  1. Poorer sections of the population people migrate as a survival strategy.
  2. Migrants from better-off sections move to their living standards.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 5.
List the four destinations and the percentage of migrants from Tamil Nadu.
Of the total migrants who go to foreign countries, nearly 20% have chosen to go to Singapore, while 18% to the United Arab Emirates, 16% to Saudi Arabia, 13 % to the United States of America.

What does the study reveal about the occupation undertaken by migrants?

  1. The study clearly reveals a whole range of occupations undertaken by migrants.
  2. Highly skilled occupation on the one hand and low skilled occupations on the other with a large number of semi-skilled occupations in between.

V. Answer in detail

State the aims of migration policies.
Policies to address the problem of migration in developing countries like India essentially aim at the following:
To reduce the volume of migration: As a large part of the migration is a reflection of poverty
and insecurity faced by large sections of the rural people, the focus of intervention has to be in rural areas. Rural development policies to reduce poverty and insecurity would be essential to reduce the rate of migration.

To redirect the migrant streams: Redirection of migrant streams, away from big metropolitan cities is a desirable policy option. This policy can help in reducing spatial inequalities by suitable strategies, such as developing a more dispersed pattern of urbanisation.

Discuss the patterns of migration.

  1. The pattern of migration is very complex, comprising of number of streams.
  2. Rural to rural; rural to urban; urban to rural; urban to urban.
  3. Short, medium and long distance migration streams.
  4. Long-term stable migration and short-term circulatory type of movements.
  5. Each of these streams would consist of different types of migrants (from different social classes), each with its own reason for migration.
  6. The extent and nature of these rhigrant streams would essentially depend on.
    • Pressures and aspirations experienced hy people at the origin of migration.
    • Constraints imposed on mobility at the origin of migration.
    • Opportunities at the destination and
    • The cost of migration.

Question 3.
Elucidate about some of the interesting findings of migration in Tamil Nadu.
In Tamil Nadu, two out of every five persons is reported to be a migrant in the year 2011. Incidence of migrants is higher in rural areas and larger among women. Tamil Nadu has a history of migration and people have moved for various reasons such as trade, business, employment etc, to various countries. During the colonial period, labourers had moved to other colonies seeking work and wages.

In the more recent period workers from Tamil Nadu have been moving to countries in the Gulf, the United States of America and Australia. In 2015, an independent research study was conducted to understand the level, nature and pattern of migration in Tamil Nadu. This study has made some interesting findings, as discussed below:

  • Of the total migrants in Tamil Nadu, 65 percent have migrated or moved abroad while 35 percent have moved within the country.
  • Chennai district has recorded the maximum number of emigrants followed by Coimbatore, Ramanathapuram and Tiruchirapalli districts.
    Cuddalore, Karur, Thiruvannamalai, Vellore, Namakkal, Salem, Dindigul, Krishnagiri, Nilgirfs and Dharmapuri districts record low number of emigrants. This study also provides information about the sex and destination of migrants Tamil Nadu.
  • Of the total migrants who go to foreign countries, nearly 20% have chosen to go to Singapore, while 18% to the United Arab Emirates, 16% to Saudi Arabia, 13 % to the United States of America; and Malaysia, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Australia and England are also refered as important destinations for migrants from Tamil Nadu in the year 2015.
  • Of the international migrants, 15 percent are women, while 85 percent are men.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 4.
Analyse the educational qualification of migrants from Tamil Nadu in 2015.
On the question of educational qualifications of migrants from Tamil Nadu, the study reveals that in 2015 about 7 % were illiterates; 30 % have completed schooling ie. class 10; 10 % have completed class 12; 15 % had undergone some vocational training; 11 % were graduates; 12% were professionally qualified and 11 % had post graduate degrees.

VI. Write the correct statement.

Question 1.
In recent times workers from Tamil Nadu are moving to Africa.
In the more recent period workers from Tamil Nadu have been moving to countries in the Gulf, United States of America and Australia.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 2.
In Tamil Nadu, the extent of migration is much higher in urban areas compared to rural areas.
In Tamil Nadu, the extent of migration is much higher in rural are as compared to urban areas.

Question 3.
Any migrant stream would consist of homogenous sub-streams.
Any migrant stream would consist of heterogenous-sub streams.

Question 4.
Two out of even, 10 persons are reported to be a migrant.
Two out of every five persons are reported to be a migrant.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Migration Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct Answer

Question 1.
In Tamil Nadu, migrants account for percent in rural areas.
(a) 38
(b) 41
(c) 28
(d) 50
(b) 41

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 2.
The driving force among men to migration is _________
(a) work
(b) employment
(c) tourism
(d) both a and b
(d) both a and b

Question 3.
_________ Of the international migrants percent are women.
(a) 85
(b) 25
(c) 15
(d) 20
(c) 15

Question 4.
Pick out the odd man _________
(a) Australia
(b) the USA
(c) Gulf countries
(d) Uganda
(d) Uganda

II. Fill in the blanks.

  1. During the colonial period, labourers had moved to other colonies seeking ______
  2. Coimbatore has recored ______the number of emigrants next to Chennai.
  3. _____is the difference in social status, wealth or opportunity between people or groups.
  4. The process of moving from one place to another is known as ______
  5. Change in populating occurs due to births, deaths and ______


  1. work and wages
  2. maximum
  3. Inequality
  4. migration
  5. migration

III. Match the following

  1. Place of birth – (i) Paul Harris Daniel
  2. Red Tea – (ii) Heterogeneous
  3. Migration – (iii) Destination
  4. Migrant stream – (iv) Lifetime migrant
  5. Kuwait – (v) trade


  1.  – (iv)
  2. – (i)
  3. – (v)
  4. – (ii)
  5. – (iii)

IV.Give short answers

Question 1.
Mention the percentage of migrants in India as well as in Tamil Nadu.

  1. The percentage of migrants was 37 percent in the country.
  2. It was at a much higher rate in Tamil Nadu at 43 percent.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 2.
How to determine the extent and nature of migration?

  1. The extent and nature of migration in any society is basically determined by the nature of the development process experienced by that society.
  2. That is, the type and scale of development achieved by the agricultural and industrial sectors in an economy would determine the migratory patterns.

What do the extent and nature of the migrant streams depend?
The extent and nature of these migrant streams would essentially depend on:

  1. Pressures and aspirations experienced by people at the origin of migration.
  2. Constraints imposed on mobility at the origin of migration.
  3. Opportunities at the destination and availability of information regarding these opportunities.
  4. The cost of migration.

V.Answer in detail

Question 1.
Explain the concept of migration.

  1. In any settlement-village or town change in population occurs due to birth, death and migration.
  2. Of these three components of population change, birth and death is clearly identifiable events while migration poses the maximum amount of problem with regards to its definition and measurement.
  3. As almost everyone keeps moving most of the time, it is not easy to define which of these moves have to be classified as migratory moves.
  4. In the Census of India, migration is enumerated on two bases – Place of birth and Place of residence.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 2.
Write a short note on “Red Tea”.

  1. “Red Tea” is a very well known novel written by Paul Harris Daniel.
  2. The novel portraits the slavery life of plantation workers in Valparai.
  3. This novel depicts the blood-stained history of the workers that is hidden behind the green cover of the hills.
  4. This novel has been translated in Tamil by R. Murugavel in the name “Eriyum Panikkaadu” (6TifliL|LD usfilaafi
  5. The story starts with Karupan migrating to the hills with his wife in search of survival.
  6. The narrator of this story is Dr. Daniel, who comes there to treat the plantation employees.

VI. Write the correct statement

Question 1.
One usually associates mobility with female rather than male.
One usually associate mobility with male rather than female.

Question 2.
Of the total migrants in Tamil Nadu, 65 percent have migrated toward rural areas.
Of the total migrants in Tamil Nadu, 65 percent have migrated or moved abroad.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Economics Chapter 5 Migration

Question 3.
Work is the major factor responsible for female migrants in India.
Work is the major factor responsible for male migrants in India.

Question 4.
Of the international migrants, 15 percent are men while 85 percent are women.
Of the international migrants, 15 percent are women while 85 percent are men.

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