10th Standard English Unit 6 Prose The Last Lesson Book Back Answers
Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Guide Pdf Prose Chapter 6 The Last Lesson Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
The Last Lesson 10th Standard English 6th Lesson Question and Answer
Question 1.
What kind of news was usually put up on the bulletin board?
The last battles, the draft, and the orders of the commanding officer.
Question 2.
What was the usual scene when school began every day?
When school began every day, there was a great bustle of opening and closing of the desks, lessons were repeated in unison loudly and the teacher’s ruler rapped on the table.
Question 3.
Other than the students who else were present in the class?
The old Hauser, the former mayor, the former postmaster, the village people, and several others were present in the class.
Question 4.
Why did M. Hamel say it was the last French lesson?
The order had come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. So Mr. Hamel said that was the last French lesson.
Question 5.
What was Franz asked to tell? Was he able to answer?
Franz was asked to recite the rules of participles. No, he was not able to answer.
Question 6.
Why did M. Hamel blame himself?
Mr. Hamel blamed himself because he had often sent Franz to water his flowers instead of learning his lessons and when he went fishing he gave him a holiday.
Question 7.
What did M. Hamel say about the French language?
M. Hamel told that French was a beautiful language. It was the clearest and the most logical language.
Question 8.
How many years had M. Hamel been in the village?
M. Hamel had been in the village for forty years.
10th English Guide The Last Lesson Textbook Questions and Answers
A. Answer the following questions in two or three sentences.
Question 1.
Why did Franz dread to go to school that day?
Franz dreaded to go to school that day because M.Hamel had said he would question them on participles and he did not know the first word about them.
Question 2.
What were the various things that tempted Franz to spend his day outdoors?
The weather was warm and bright and the birds were chirping.
Question 3.
Why was the narrator not able to get to his desk without being seen?
The narrator was not able to get to his desk without being seen because that day everything was quiet about the school. He had to open the door and go in before everybody, who were in their places already.
Question 4.
What was Franz sorry for?
Franz was sorry for having not learned French properly.
Question 5.
Why were the old villagers sitting in the last desk?
The old villagers sat in the last desks feeling sad that, that was the last French lesson that would be taught at school. They were sorry that they hadn’t gone to school, it was their way of thanking the master for his forty years of faithful service.
Question 6.
What were the thoughts of the narrator’s parents?
The narrator’s parents preferred to sent him to work on a farm or at the mills so as to have a little more money.
Question 7.
Why does M. Hamel say that we must guard our language?
M. Hamel said that we must guard our language among us and never forget it because when a people are enslaved, as long as they hold fast to their language it is as if they had the key to their prison.
Question 8.
M. Hamel was gazing at many things. What were they?
M. Hamel was gazing at the garden outside, walnut trees and the hop – vine twinner planted by him.
Question 9.
When and how did M. Hamel bid farewell to the class?
When the trumpets of the Prussians sounded under their windows, M.Hamel stood up, very pale, with words choking his throat, he turned to the blackboard and wrote “LONG LIVE FRANCE!” in French with a great deal of effort and a heavy heart.
Additional Questions and Answers
Question 1.
Who called after the narrator as he hurried to school?
Watcher, the blacksmith, and his apprentice who were reading the bulletin called after the narrator.
Question 2.
What did they tell the narrator?
They told the narrator not to go so fast and he would go to school in plenty of time.
Question 3.
What strange situation did Franz find at school?
Normally there would be a lot of commotion when the school began. But that day it was all so still and it was as quiet as Sunday morning. This was the strange situation Franz found at school.
Question 4.
What surprised Franz when he entered his classroom?
The backbenches that were always empty were occupied by old Hauser, the former Mayor, the former Post master, and several others. This strange scene surprised Franz.
Question 5.
How was M. Hamel, the narrator’s teacher dressed up that day?
The narrator’s teacher M. Hamel had dressed upon his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all embroidered.
Question 6.
What was special about M. Hamel’s dress that he had worn on that day?
M. Hamel never wore this dress except on inspection and prize days. This was special about his dress.
Question 7.
What did Franz think to himself when the pigeons on the roof cooed very low?
When the pigeons on the roof cooed very low Franz thought if the Prussians would make even the pigeons sing in German.
B. Answer the following questions in about 100-150 words.
Question 1.
We appreciate the value of something only when we are about to lose it. Explain this with reference to the French, language, and M. Hamel.
The Last Lesson’, written by Alphonse Daudet describes the year 1870 when the Prussian forces under Bismarck attacked and captured France. Alsace and Lorraine, districts of France went into Prussian hands. The new Prussian rulers issued an order that only German should be taught in all schools. The French teachers were asked to leave with immediate effect. The story describes the last day of one such French class under M. Hamel. M. Hamel had taught French for forty years. Most of them never knew the value of the teacher’s devotion and dedicated service.
We do not always get an opportunity to learn, and this is never understood till the end. Luck doesn’t favour always. Likewise, opportunity knocks ones. Time should be valued. Procrastination is a sin. Most of us end up delaying things. Unless we are constant and regular in our efforts, we cannot achieve our goals.
When things come easy, we do not realize their value. Time and tide wait for no man. The entire village knew the value of Mr. Hamel and his teaching only when he was asked to leave. There was no use in their regrets. It was all too late. Therefore, let’s remember that we should make hay when the sun shines and not weep in vain.
‘Understand, your worth; Value your life; Appreciate your blessings’
Title: The Last Lesson
Author: Alphose Daudet
Theme: The secret of happiness is freedom
Alsace and Lorraine fell into the hands of Prussians. They wanted German to be taught in school. M. Hamel taught French for forty years. M. Hamel said that it was the last French lesson. The old villagers were present in the school, besides children. M. Hamel told that French was the beautiful language.
It must be used as a key to the prison of the enslaved. He took the lesson in grammar and then in writing. He gazed at the garden and the classroom. He stood up when he heard the trumplets of the Prussian force. He was sad. He couldnot speak out of grief. He wrote “Long Live France” on the blackboard. He dismissed the school with a gesture.
- Alsace and Lorraine fell into the hands of Prussians.
- They wanted German to be taught in school.
- M. Hamel was a French teacher in France.
- He taught French for forty years.
- The last day for French class had come.
- The old people attended school besides children.
- M. Hamel told that French was the beautiful language.
- They must guard their fanguage.
- He wrote “Long Live France” on the board.
- He bid farewell to the class.
Question 2.
Give an account of the last day of M. Hamel in school.
M. Hamel was a french teacher in France. He taught french for forty years. German wanted german language to be taught in the schools of France. The last day of french class had come.
Narrator’s life:
The narrator was not a bright student. He was told to go to work with his parents. But he goes to school simply. In these years he didnot learnhis lessons properly.
Last day:
The last day of french class had come. Mi Hamel was dressed in his Sunday’s best. In the last class the village people, the old mayor, the postmaster were present. The narrator worried that he didnot learn his lessons properly. M. Hamel told them to guard their language. He also told that French is one of the best logical and clearest languages in world.
The clock struck twelve M. Hamel, thus he couldnot speak filled with emotions wrote “vive la France” on the blackboard, and with sorrows, he bid farewell to the class.
Paragraph for Slow Learners:
Hamel was the teacher in faithful service for forty years. He wore his Sunday clothes in honour of his last French class. The old villagers were present on the last day at school. Hamel told Franz that the Prussians would find fault with the French for they do not know to read and write French.
He said that French was the beautiful language. It must be held and guarded to be used as the key to the prison of the enslaved. He took a grammar lesson. Then they had a lesson in writing.
He looked at the garden and the classroom. Hearing the trumpets of the Prussians, Hamel stood up but he could not speak out of grief. He wrote on the blackboard in French, “Long Live France”. Then with a gesture, he dismissed the school.
- Hamel had put on his fine Sunday class clothes.
- It was in honour of his last French lesson.
- He had worked faithfully for forty years.
- The old villagers were present in the school, besides children.
- Hamel told Franz that Prussians would blame the Frenchmen if they could not read and write French.
- He told that French was the beautiful language.
- French must be guarded to be used as a key to the prison of the enslaved.
- Hamel was in grief and he could not speak.
- He wrote “Long Live France” in French on the blackboard.
- He dismissed the school with a gesture.
C. In column A are some of the idiomatic phrases from the essay. Match them with equivalent single words in column B.
D. Frame sentences of your own using the above idiomatic phrases.
- He will ……………….. in the diplomatic service.
- I never thought that his car would ……………….
- He might ………………. later but I doubt it.
- The foreign guests will …………….. you next Monday afternoon.
- It is not easy to ……………… a bad habit.
- He refused to ………………. the pressure of their enemies.
- go far
- blow up
- show up
- call on
- break off
- knuckle under
E. Given below are some idiomatic phrases. Find the meaning using the dictionary.
F. Listen to the article titled “Remembering Nel Jayaraman”
In pairs, present an interview. One student will be the interviewer and the other would be Nel Jayaraman himself. Two sets of conversation has been given as examples for your help.
Student A: (interviewer) – Vanakkam sir. For what cause do you organise festivals?
Student B: (NJ) – 1 organise these festivals with a difference. I present seeds to all the participating farmers.
Student A: (interviewer) – Oh! That’s really good, Sir. What do you expect in return?
Student B: (NJ) – In return I expect them to have double the harvest next year.
Student A: (interviewer) – Where did you organise the NEL festival?
Student B: (NJ) – (1) …………………………..
Student A: (interviewer) – Can you mention how many people congregated for the meeting?
Student B: (NJ) – (2) ……………………………..
Student A: (interviewer) – What did you distribute to the farmers?
Student B: (NJ) – (3) ……………………………
Student A: (interviewer) – How did you commute to each of these villages?
Student B: (NJ) – (4) …………………………….
Student A: (interviewer) – Ayya, Do you plan your schedules?
Student B: (NJ) – (5) ……………………………
Student A: (interviewer) – How could you remain so cool an calm sir?
Student B: (NJ) – I have an alternative (6) ………………………….
Student A: (interviewer) – Where was your heart and soul?
Studnet B: (NJ) – (7) …………………………..
Student A: (interviewer) – People say when your popularity grew, you spent less time in the field?
Student B: (NJ) – (8) ……………………………..
Student A: (interviewer) – What is your message to the world?
Student B: (NJ) – (9) ……………………………..
Student A: (interviewer) – Thank you, Sir. Nandri.
Student B: (NJ) – Nandri.
- I organized the Nel festival at Thiruvarur.
- Around 500 people congregated for the meeting.
- I distributed traditional paddy seeds to the farmers.
- I used to cycle across to these villages.
- Yes, I do plan my seed festival schedules.
- to everything – no plates meant that we could buy banana leaves; no food meant that we could cook and serve rice which was available in plenty; no mike meant that we have to just raise our voices and speak!
- My heart and soul was in the field.
- That’s the world we live in!
- If you work selflessly for the society, it will give back.
Speaking Activity:
G. A road map is given below. Answer the questions that follow with the help of the road map. Work in pairs and discuss to give directions to get to one place from another.
Question 1.
You are at the market and you need directions to go to the pharmacy?
Go straight along George street. Turn right and walk past police station and museum on park street. Turn left and go straight along central avenue. You will find the pharmacy on your right opposite to the Hospital.
Question 2.
You are in the book shop. Ask your partner to direct you to the Art Gallery?
Go straight along Central Avenue. Walk past the school and shoe shop. Turn left and walk past along south road. You will find Art Gallery opposite to the Gift shop.
Question 3.
Give your partner the direction to go from the Bank to the hotel?
Go straight along Park Street. Walk past Museum and Police Station. Turn right and walk along George Street. You will find the hotel opposite to the bakery.
Question 4.
Direct your partner from the post office to the market?
Go straight along Central Avenue. Walk past shoe shop and the school. Turn right and go straight along Park Street. Turn left and go ahead. You will find the market opposite to the swimming pool.
Question 5.
Your partner wants to go to the library from school. Give suitable directions?
Go straight and turn left at North road’ Walk past the Post Office and the Hotel and reach George Street. Turn left and go ahead and you will find the library opposite to the Police Station.
H. Read the poem carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Fill in the Blanks:
1. (a) ………………. is the festival which fills our hearts with delight.
(b) …………….. is referred to as a festival of sacrifice.
(a) Festival of light
(b) Joy of giving
Question 2.
What kind of joy is unfurled during the, festival of sacrifice?
Joy of giving is unfurled during the festival of sacrifice.
Question 3.
How can we make our life worth living?
Giving things joyfully and celebrating them well makes our life worth living.
Question 4.
What does the poet mean by ‘Festival of flowers’?
Festival of flowers brings out the brightness of colours.
Question 5.
When are we in a state of trance?
We are in a state of trance during the festival of dance.
Question 6.
What do the people do when the festival of Music is celebrated?
During the festival of music people sing the joyous lyric.
Question 7.
What makes us happy and free, according to the poet?
Sharing the word of love from above makes us happy and free.
Question 8.
Find out the rhyme scheme employed in the fourth stanza?
The rhyme scheme employed here is ab, ab.
Question 9.
Pick out the rhyming words from the first stanza of the poem?
The rhyming words here are: harvest, best; light, delight.
Question 10.
Write down the words that alliterate in the poetic lines below?
(a) Festival of Flowers
Alliterated words: Festival, Flowers
(b) That spreads treasures on a tree.
Alliterated words are: Ireasures, Tree.
Question 1.
What is a poster?
Posters are placards displayed in a public place announcing or advertising something. Posters are notices, advertisements and invitations – all in one.
Question 2.
What ¡s the purpose of a Poster?
It is to create social awareness about current problems and needs, or to advertise or invite and display something.
I. Create posters for the following.
Question 1.
You are Raja/ Ranjani. Draft a poster to create awareness about the harmful effects of using plastics, in not more than 50 words.
Question 2.
Say ‘No to Drugs’ – Design a poster for it in not more than 50 words. You may use slogans/ phrases.
Question 3.
“Save our Earth” is the need of the hour. Draft a poster with attractive slogans/ phrases for the same in not more than 50 words. Use attractive drawings.
Question 4.
You are Sita/ Sudhan. Design a poster in not more than 50 words to focus on not wasting water. Be creative.
Question 5.
Good handwritng is the index of an individual. Design a poster on the importance of good handwiritng. Use catchy slogans or phrases. Your poster should not exceed 50 words.
J. Draft Letters for the following.
Question 1.
You are Ajeet, living in a remote village in Tirunelveli. You participated in a health camp organised by your school. You were surprised to observe that most of the residents were unaware of health and hygiene. As a concerned citizen, write a letter to the editor stating the need to organise such camps focusing on the importance of health and hygiene.
From S. Ajeet, 19, Raj Nagar, N.G.O. Colony, Tirunelveli.To The Editor, The Hindu, Madurai.Sir, Sub: Organising health camp – RegardIng.This is to bring to your kind notice the resident of my locality are unaware of the importance of health and hygiene. They don’t take healthy clean food and keep their surroundings clean. Kindly do the needful to arrange healthy camps in our place. Thanking you Address on the cover Yours truly |
Question 2.
You are Sanjay. Your colony utilises solar energy to light the common areas. You find many friends of your colony forgetting to switch off the lights in the common area. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to a newspaper, echoing the importance to conserve and preserve solar energy.
From Sanjay, 3rd Avenue, Shanthi Nagar, Tirunelveli. To The Editor, The Hindu, Chennai – 2.Sir, Sub: Conservation of Solar Energy – Regarding. This is to inform you that our colony uses solar energy to light the common areas. I find that many of my friends fail to switch off the lights after use. Kindly do the needful to create an awareness of conservation of solar energy. Thanking you Address on the cover Yours truly |
Question 3.
You are Sadasivam. You recently visited your native town in Vellore. You happened to accompany your grandmother to your family temple. You were shocked to notice the poor condition and maintenance of the temple. Write a letter to the Editor of the local newspaper highlighting the poor condition of the temple. Also, give some suggestions and request the HRC to take steps to improve the situation.
From Sadasivam, 29, N.G.O. New Colony, Tirunelveli – 7.To The Editor, The Hindu, Tirunelveli – 7.Sir, Sub: Complaint of poor maintenance of temple premises – Regarding.I wish to bring to the kind notice of the concerned authorities that the Nellaiyappar Temple in my locality has not been maintained properly. It needs renovation to preserve the artistic work and heritage of the place. I request the concerned Department to look into the matter and do the needful. Thanking you Address on the cover Yours truly |
Question 4.
You are Sudha. Your neighbour has a pet dog that barks continuously. Write a letter to the Editor of a weekly newspaper of your locality, highlighting the nuisance and noise pollution created thus. Also, suggest ways to solve the problem.
From R. Sudha, 19, Raj Nagar, N.G.O. Colony, Tirunelveli – 7.To The Editor, The Times, Tîrunelveli -2.Sub: Pet dog menace – Regarding. Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw the attention of the owners of pet animals to the noise pollution created by pet animals. My neighbours dog barks continuously and creates troubling the whole locality. Children and old people are affected a lot. The owners should take proper care of them. They should give food to the dogs at regular intervals. They should give proper medical care to them. I request you to highlight this issue in your newspaper, so that awareness can be created among the owners of the pet animals. Thanking you Address on the cover Yours truly |
Question 5.
You are Raja. The street lights of your area do not work properly. As a responsible citizen, write a letter to the newspaper enlightening them about the problem and also suggest ways to brighten the area.
From S. Raja, 19, Raj Nagar, N.G.O. Colony, Tirunelveli. To The Editor, The Hindu, Tirunelveli – 2.Sir, Sub: Complaint on street lights-not working properly – Regarding.I wish to bring to your kind notice that the street lights in our area are not working properly. Due to this, the streets are always dark. The pit holes cause minor accidents for cyclists and scooterists. It is unsafe for children. The fused lights should be replaced by new ones. I hope the authorities would do the needful as early as possible. Thanking you Address on the cover Yours truly |
A. Fill in the blanks appropriately.
- Mahatma Gandhi ……….. the father of our nation.
- There …………. ten dogs in my street.
- They …………. to write the exercises neatly.
- Buttermilk …………. good for health.
- Fruits …………. good for health.
- is
- are
- have
- is
- are
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb.
- The quality of dal ………… not good.
- The horse carriage …………. at the door.
- My friend and teacher …………. come.
- ………… your father and mother at home?
- Honour and glory …………. his reward.
- The ship with its crew ………… sailing good.
- Gullivers Travels ……….. an excellent story.
- Neither food nor water ………….. found here.
- Mathematics ………….. a branch of study.
- Fifteen minutes ………….. allowed to read the question paper.
- is
- is
- have
- Are
- is
- is
- is
- is
- is
- is
C. Change the singular nouns to plurals by either adding ‘s’, ‘ies’, ‘es’, ‘ves.
D. Identify the non-finite in the following sentences and underline them.
Eg., Children love ……………. chocolates.
- Roshan dreams of ……………… an architect.
- We must aim at ……………… a Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s dream to make India the most developed country by 2020.
- ……………… the children to the museum is Seema’s responsibility.
- ………………. finished the work, the manager decided to return home.
- ………………. with her family, Tara enjoyed every minute of it.
- eating
- becoming
- fulfilling
- Taking
- Having
- Travelling
E. Fill in the blanks with the correct alternative.
- ………………. on the flute, Krishna returned it. {played / having played}
- We wish she continues ……………… healthy, {being / be}
- The doctor advised him against ………………. in the sun. {wander/wandering}
- I like ……………… rasam. {drinking / drink}
- ……………….. the scissors I returned it to her. {using/having used}
- Having played
- being
- wandering
- drinking
- Having used
F. Tick the correct sentences.
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