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Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Solutions Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

11th Computer Applications Guide HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links Text Book Questions and Answers

Part – I

I. Choose The Correct Answers

Question 1.
Which of the following tags are called as physical style tags?
a) <html>, <b>, <br>
b) <b>, <br>, <u>
c) <A>, <b>, <i>
d) <b>, <i>, <u>
d) <b>, <i>, <u>

Question 2.
Which feature is used to call attention to the reader?
a) Highlight
b) Bold
c) Italics
d) Underline
a) Highlight

Question 3.
The tags <sub> and <sup> used for:
a) Subject and Super
b) Subscript and Super
c) Subject and Superscript
d) Subscript and Superscript
d) Subscript and Superscript

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 4.
A named set of certain style of character and number is:
a) Style
b) Character
c) Font
d) List
c) Font

Question 5.
Pick odd one from the list _______.
a) <tr>
b) <th>
c) <dh>
d) <td>
c) <dh>

Question 6.
Match the following:
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a) 4 1 2 3

Question 7.
Definition list has how many parts?
a) 5
b) 4
c) 3
d) 2
d) 2

Question 8.
A list block can be defined inside another list is:
a) Inner List
b) Nested List
c) Outer List
d) Listing List
b) Nested List

Question 9.
Read the following statement and choose the correct statement(s):
I) Link in HTML is used to create hyperlinks to web content.
II) HREF is abbreviated as Hypertext Markup File
a) I is correct
b) II is correct
c) I and II is correct
d) Both are wrong
a) I is correct

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 10.
To create internal link, which of the following attribute should be used?
a) link
b) name
c) local
d) Inter
b) name

Part – II

II. Very Short Answers

Question 1.
Write a short note on (i) <strong> (ii) <em>
These tags are container tags.
< strong > Important text
The <strong> tag is a phrase tag. It is used to define important text. This tag displays the text as bold.

<am> – Emphasized text:
The <em> tag is used to emphasize the text. That means, when we use this tag, the text will be in italics. Visually these two tags display the contents as very similar as <b> and <i> respectively. But, technically the meaning of <strong> and <em> is “Important” not just bold and italics.

Question 2.
What is the use of <mark> tag?
The <mark> tag is used to highlight the text in HTML. This is also a container tag. Whatever the text given between <mark> and </mark> will be displayed as highlighting with default color (mostly yellow).
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OUTPUT will be:
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Question 3.
Write the following equation as HTML notation:
i) pd = 25 – Q2
ii) pd = 25 – Q2
i) P<sub>d</sub> = 2<sup>5</sup> – Q<sub>2</sub>
ii) P<sup>d</sup> = 2<sup>5</sup> – Q<sup>2</sup>

Question 4.
Write about any two attributes of font tag.

  1. The face is an attribute to set different font style. The name of a font has multiple words it should be specified within double quote.
  2. The size attribute is used to set size of the text. The size can have an absolute value from 1 to 7. These predefined sizes are known as virtual size. Each virtual size is successively 20% larger than the previous one.
  3. The color attribute is used to set the color to the text. Color name or color code in hexadecimal may be used.

<font face =”Arial Black” size = 4 color = yellow>
Font Size 4 in yellow colour </font>

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 5.
What is Thematic break?

  1. The <hr> (Horizontal Rules) tag, which is known as “Thematic Breaks” separate sections of an HTML document visually.
  2. It produces a horizontal line spread across the width of the browser. This is an empty tag, which means the tag has no closing tag.

Question 6.
What is pixel?
A pixel is one of the tiny dots that make up the display on computer. Generally, 72 pixels equal to an inch. Pixel is usually referred as points.

The code <hr size = 72> display a horizontal line with 1 inch thickness. The default size is 3 pixels.

Question 7.
What are the types of list in HTML?
HTML supports three types of lists viz. numbered, unnumbered and definition. These lists are called as Ordered List, Unordered List and Definition List respectively.

Question 8.
How will you define numbered list?
Numbered List / Ordered List

  1. Numbered list is created within the tag pair:
    <OL> </OL> tag.
  2. The tag <LI> is used to present the list item in the list.
  3. Ordered list displays items in a numerical or alphabetical order.
  4. Both <OL> and <LI> tags are container tags. But the usual the practice, closing tag </LI> never be used.

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Part – III

III. Short Answers

Question 1.
Write an HTML code to display the following text in exactly the same way as given below.
I am studying Computer Science Application.
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Question 2.
Briefly explain the attributes of <hr> tag.
Attributes of <hr> tag:
The <hr> tag having four attributes viz. size, width, noshade and color. These attributes are used to set size, width, 3D appearance and color to the horizontal line respectively.

The general syntax of <hr> tag with attributes:
<hr size=valuewidth=value noshade, color=color_name/code>

Thickness of the horizontal line can be changed with size attribute. The size is given in terms of pixels.

The width attribute specifies the horizontal width of the rule line. The default rule is drawn across the full width of the browser. The value of the width attribute may be the exact width of the rule in pixel or a certain percentage.

The default view of a horizontal rule line is 3D. So, no need to specify the term “noshade” as an attribute with <hr> tag. If we specify the attribute “noshade” turn off 3D view, turns on 2D view. Noshade is a Boolean type attribute.

The horizontal line is displayed in gray color by default. The color attribute is used to change is default color to desired color.

Ruler with size 9 pixels, 50% width, 2D, in Green color
<hr size = 9 width = 50% noshade color=Green>

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 3.
What are the core tags used to create table in HTML?
There are five core tags are used to create a table in HTML, They are,
<table> tag is used to create a table.
<tr> tag defines table rows
<th> tag defined table columns
<td> tag is used to specify the data in a cell
<caption> tag defines title for the table

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Question 4.
Write an HTML code to provide hyperlink to
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Question 5.
Difference between <UL> and <0L> tags.
<OL> tag:
Numbered list is created within the tag pair <OL> ….. </OL> tag. Ordered list displays items in a numerical or alphabetical order.

<UL> tag:
Unordered list is surrounded within <UL> …… </UL> tags. Unordered lists are often referred as bulleted lists. Instead of numbers, each element in the list has prefixed with a special bullet symbol.

Question 6.
Write HTML code to produce the following table:
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Part – IV

IV. Explain In Brief

Question 1.
Write an HTML code the show the following text:
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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 2.
Explain the attributes used with <table> tag in HTML
Attributes of table
The <table> is a container tag. There are several attributes to improve the layout of the table.
They are listed below:
1. Cellspacing – It is used to set the space between cells in a table. The value should be in pixels

2. Celipadding – It is used to set the space between the contents of a cell and its border, the value should be in pixels. ,

3. Border – Border attribute with <table> tag is used to specify the thickness of the border lines around the table. The value of the border attribute shouid be a non zero value in pixels. If its value is zero, HTML displays the table without border. The default value is Zero in most the browsers.

4. Bordercolor – It is used to apply the colour to the border lines.

5. Align – It is used to set the position of the table within the browser window. Left is the default position. Right or center may be the value of align attribute. .

6. BGcolor – It is used to.apply background colour to the table.

7. Height and Width – These two attributes are used to specify the height and width of a table in terms of pixels or percentage.

An HTML code to demonstrate the attributes of Table
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The OUTPUT will be:
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Question 3.
Explain the types of list with suitable HTML code.
Lists in HTML:
HTML supports three types of lists viz. numbered, unnumbered and definition. These lists are called as Ordered List, Unordered List and Definition List respectively.

1. Numbered List / Ordered List:
Numbered list is created within the tag pair <OL> ….. </OL> tag. The tag <LI> is used to present the list item in the list. Ordered list displays items in a numerical or alphabetical order. Both <OL> and <LI> tags are container tags.

An HTML code to demonstrate Numbered list:
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The OUTPUT will be:
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Attributes of Ordered List:
There are two attributes can be used to customize ordered list, they are

Type – changing numbering style
Start – changing numbering order

Type is used to change the number style. The default number style is standard Arabic numerals (1,2,3,…. ).
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Start is used to specify the number of letter with which start the list. The default starting point is 1. The value cf the start attribute should be a decimal number, regardless of the numbering style being used.

An HTML code to demonstrate of OL tag:
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The OUTPUT will be:
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2. Un-numbered List / Unordered List:
Unordered lists are often referred as bulleted lists. Instead of numbers, each element in the list has prefixed with a special bullet symbol.
Unordered list is surrounded within <UL> …….. </UL> tags.

An HTML code to demonstrate Unordered list:
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The OUTPUT will be:
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Attribute of Unordered List:
Like ordered list, type attribute is used to customize bullet style for the list of elements. By default, a soiid circle is used as bullets

An HTML code to demonstrate Unordered list:
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The OUTPUT will be:
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The OUTPUT will be:
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Definition List:
Definition list is different from other two types of list. No bullet or number is provided for the list items. In this list type, the list element has two parts.

  • A definition term
  • The definition description

Definition list is surrounded within <DL> …. </DL> tags.
Definition term is presented in between <DT> …. </DT> tag and
Definition description should be surrounded within <DD> …. </DD> tag.

An HTML code to demonstrate Definition list:
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The OUTPUT will be:
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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 4.
What is Link and explain the types of links.
Link is an important feature of HTML to connect web resources. Link in HTML is used to create hyperlinks to web content. Web content may be an HTML document or an external webpage or any multimedia content such as an image, video, audio, animation etc., or even a part of the current document.

There are two important things needs to create a link in HTML:

  • The name of the file or URL to which you want to link.
  • The text that will serve as the clickable link.

The anchor tag <A> is used to create links along with HREF attribute. HREF is abbreviated as “Hypertext Reference”.

Structure of an anchor tag with href:
<A href = ” Web content path / URL “>
Text – Clickable link </A>

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The above link code creates the target of the hyperlink to the website http://thscert.org/ index.html. At the time the user clicks the link, the browser opens the home page of the URL.

Internal Links:
Creating a link to a particular section of the same document is known as Internal Link. To create an internal like, the attribute Name is used along with <A> tag. The Name attribute of <A> tag establish the link to the content within the document.

An HTML code to demonstrate Internal Linking:
<title> South India </title>
<h1 align = center> South India </h1>
<p> South India is the area encompassing the Indian states of
<A href = #AP> Andhra Pradesh, </A>
<A href = #KR> Karnataka, </A>
<A href = #KL> Kerala, </A>
<A href = #TN> Tamil Nadu </A> and Telangana as well as the union territories of Lakshadweep, Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Puducherry, occupying 19% of India’s area (635,780 km2 or 245,480 sq mi). </p>
<A Name = AP><B> Andhra Pradesh </B> </ A>
<p> Andhra Pradesh is one of the 29 states of India) Situated in the south-east of the country, it is the eighth-largest state in India) The largest city in Andhra Pradesh is Visakhapatnam. </p>
<A Name = KR> <B> Karnataka </B> </A>
<p> Karnataka is a state in the south western region of India) It was formed on 1 November 1956, with the passage of the States Reorganisation Act. Originally known as the State of Mysore, it was renamed Karnataka in 1973. The capital and largest city is Bangalore (Bengaluru). </p>
<A Name = KL> <B> Kerala </B> </A>
<p> Kerala is a state in South India on the Malabar Coast. It was formed on 1 November 1956 following the States Reorganisation Act by combining Malayalam-speaking regions. It is divided into 14 districts with the capital being Thiruvananthapuram.</p>
<A Name = TN> <B> Tamilnadu </B> </A> <p> Tamil Nadu literally ‘The Land of Tamils’ or ‘Tamil Country’ is one of the 29 states of India) Its capital and largest city is Chennai (formerly known as Madras). </p>

HTML Link colors:
A link will appear in all browsers by default as in the following colour:

  • An unvisited link is underlined and blue
  • A visited link is underlined and purple
  • An active link is underlined and red

External Link:
Establish link with an external web page in known as external linking. It is made possible by providing the URL of the external file in the HREF attribute of <A> tag of the current page.

An HTML code to demonstrate Linking with an external website/webpage:
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Question 5.
write HTML code to create the following table:
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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

11th Computer Applications Guide HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links Additional Important Questions and Answers

Part – I

I. Choose The Correct Answers

Question 1.
_______ Is a container tag.
a) <b>
b) <i>
c) <u>
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 2.
All container tags required a _______ tag.
a) closing
b) starting
C) neither A nor B
d) either A or B
a) closing

Question 3.
_______ tags are otherwise known as “Physical Style” tags.
a) Container
b) Single
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
a) Container

Question 4.
Text will be bold using ______ tag.
a) <b>
b) <j>
c) <u>
d) <t>
a) <b>

Question 5.
Text will be Italics using _______ tag.
a) <b>
b) <I>
c) <u>
d) <t>
b) <I>

Question 6.
Text will be underlined using ______tag.
a) <b>
b) <i>
c) <u>
d) <t>
c) <u>

Question 7.
Text will be old typewriter style i.e fixed width font using _______
a) <b>
b) <i>
c) <u>
d) <t>
d) <t>

Question 8.
_______ tag Ii used to make the text as bold
a) <strong>
b) <em>
c) <u>
d) <t>
a) <strong>

Question 9.
_______ tag is used to make the text a italics.
a) <strong>
b) <em>
c) <u>
d) <tt>
b) <em>

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 10.
_______ tag Is used to define important text.
a) <strong>
b) <em>
c) <u>
d) <tt>
a) <strong>

Question 11.
The _______ tag is used to emphasize the text.
a) <strong>
b) <em>
c) <u>
d) <tt>
b) <em>

Question 12.
The _______ tag is used to define the text bigger in size than the normal size.
a) <beg>
b) <large>
C) <bigger>
d) None of these
a) <beg>

Question 13.
______ tag is often used to call attention a text.
a) <big>
b) <large>
c) <bigger>
d) None of these
a) <big>

Question 14.
The _______ tag Is used to define the text smaller than the current size.
a) <lower>
b) <small>
c) <lesser>
d) None of these
b) <small>

Question 15.
_______ tag Is a container tag.
a) <big>
b) <small>
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
c) Both A and B

Question 16.
_______ is an Important formatting feature is used to call attention to the reader.
a) Highlighting
b) Editing
c) Neither A Nor b
d) Either A or B
a) Highlighting

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 17.
The _______ tag is used to highlight the text in HTML.
a) <highlight>
b) <mark>
c) <dark>
d) None of these
b) <mark>

Question 18.
_______ tag is used to create subscript.
a) <sup>
b) <sub>
c) <supsct>
d) <subsct>
b) <sub>

Question 19.
_____ tag Is used to create superscript.
a) <sup>
b) <sub>
c) <supsct>
d) <subsct>
a) <sup>

Question 20.
Identify the true statement from the following.
a) The text what you see on browser cannot delete or insert
b) The subscript and the superscript character or number Is smaller than the rest of the text.
c) The <strong> tag is a phrase tag.
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 21.
The text what we specify between _______ will be displayed as strike through.
a) <del> and </del>
b) <strike> and </strike>
c) <ins> and <fins>
d) None of these
a) <del> and </del>

Question 22.
The text we specify between _______ will be shown as underlined.
a) <del> and </del>
b) <strike> and </strike>
c) <ins> and </ins>
d) None of these
c) <ins> and </ins>

Question 23.
To display a text as wrong text, the _______ tag can be used.
a) <s>
b) <w>
c) <ins>
d) None of these
a) <s>

Question 24.
The text we specify between tag _______ will be display in strike through style.
a) <del> and </del>
b) <s> and </s>
c) <ins> and </ins>
d) Both A and B
d) Both A and B

Question 25.
_______ is a paragraph tag.
a) <p>
b) <para>
c) <paragraph>
d) All the above
a) <p>

Question 26.
Paragraphs can be centered with _______ attribute with <p> tag.
a) Center
b) Align
c) Centered
d) None of these
b) Align

Question 27.
Non-paragraph text contents can be centered with _______ tag.
a) <Center>
b) <Align>
c) <Centered>
d) None of these
a) <Center>

Question 28.
The _______ tag is used to change the style, size and color of text.
a) <font>
b) <text>
c) <style>
d) <change>
a) <font>

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 29.
_______ tage is used for changing the appearance of a short segment of text.
a) <font>
b) <text>
c) <style>
d) <change>
a) <font>

Question 30.
A _______ is a named set of certain style of character and number.
a) text
b) font
c) document
d) hypertext
b) font

Question 31.
_______ is a style of font usually used for preparing office documents.
a) Arial
b) Wingdings
c) Times New Roman
d) Fajita
c) Times New Roman

Question 32.
_______ font style is used for publishing work.
a) Arial
b) Wingdings
c) Times New Roman
d) Fajita
a) Arial

Question 33.
_______ is a <foot> tag attribute.
a) face
b) size
c) colour
d) all the above
d) all the above

Question 34.
The _______ is an attribute to set different font style.
a) face
b) size
c) colour
d) all the above
a) face

Question 35.
The name of a font has multiple words it should be specified within _______.
a) Sinlge quote
b) Double quote
c) Angle bracket
d) None of these
b) Double quote

Question 36.
The _______ attribute is used to set size of the text.
a) face
b) size
c) colour
d) all the above
b) size

Question 37.
The size can have an absolute value from _______.
a) 1 to 7
b) 1 to 72
b) 1 to 100
d) 00 to FF
a) 1 to 7

Question 38.
The predefined font sizes are known as _______ size.
a) actual
b) expected
c) virtual
d) default
c) virtual

Question 39.
Each virtual size is successively _______ larger than the previous one.
a) 20%
b) 10%
c) 100%
d) 50%
a) 20%

Question 40.
The _____ attribute is used to set the color to the text.
a) face
b) size
c) colour
d) all the above
c) colour

Question 41.
The <font> tag is not supported by _______.
b) HTML5
d) None of these
b) HTML5

Question 42.
Identify the false statement from the following.
a) In face attribute, you can assign more than one font-name at a time within double quotes with comma.
b) In the case of Internet Explorer, the “Times New Roman” is the default font to display the contents.
c) <hr> tag is a container empty tag.
d) Empty tag means the tag has no closing tag.
c) <hr> tag is a container empty tag.

Question 43.
Identify the correct statement from the following with respect to <hr> tag.
a) The <hr> tag, which is known as “Thematic Breaks” separate sections of an HTML document visually.
b) <hr> tag produces a horizontal line spread across the width of the browser.
c) The <hr> tag has no dosing tag.
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 44.
The <hr> tag having _______ attributes.
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) no
c) four

Question 45.
_______ is a <hr> tag attribute.
a) size and width
b) noshade
c) colour
d) all the above
d) all the above

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 46.
Thickness of the horizontal line can be changed with _______ Attribute.
a) size
b) Noshade
c) colour
d) width
a) size

Question 47.
Thickness of the horizontal line size is given in terms of _______.
a) Points
b) Pixels
c) Dots
d) All the above
b) Pixels

Question 48.
A _______ is one of the tiny dots that make up the display on computer.
a) Point
b) Pixel
c) Dot
d) All the above
b) Pixel

Question 49.
_______ pixels equal to an inch.
a) 72
b) 12
c) 8
d) 100
a) 72

Question 50.
Pixel is usually referred as _______.
a) Point
b) Inch
c) Dot
d) All the above
a) Point

Question 51.
The default thickness of the horizontal line size is _______ pixels.
a) 72
b) 3
c) 12
d) 8
b) 3

Question 52.
The _______ attribute specifies the horizontal width of the rule line.
a) width
b) hw
c) hwidth
d) hrw
a) width

Question 53.
The value of the width is specified as _______.
a) Pixels
b) Points
c) Percentage
d) None of these
c) Percentage

Question 54.
_______ is the default width of the horizontal ruler line.
a) 100%
b) 50%
c) 75%
d) 25%
a) 100%

Question 55.
The default view of a horizontal rule line is _______.
a) 2D
b) 3D
c) Either 2D or 3D
d) None of these
b) 3D

Question 56.
If you specify the attribute “noshade” turn off _______ view.
a) 2D
b) 3D
c) Either 2D or 3D
d) None of these
b) 3D

Question 57.
If you specify the attribute “noshade” turn on _______ view.
a) 2D
b) 3D
c) Either 2D or 3
d) None of these
a) 2D

Question 58.
Noshade is a _______ type attribute.
a) Integer
b) Float
c) Boolean
d) Char
c) Boolean

Question 59.
The horizontal line is displayed in _______ color by default.
a) Gray
b) Black
c) Blue
d) Green
a) Gray

Question 60.
All attributes of <hr> tag is not supported by _______
b) HTML5
d) None of these
b) HTML5

Question 61.
Table is grid of _______.
a) Rows and Columns
b) Rows
c) Columns
d) None of these
a) Rows and Columns

Question 62.
The tables were officially introduced with _______
a) HTML 5
b) HTML 4
c) HTML 3.2
d) None of these
c) HTML 3.2

Question 63.
There are _______ core tags are used to create a table in HTML.
a) five
b) four
c) Three
d) two
a) five

Question 64.
_______ is a core tag to create table.
a) <TABLE> and <TR>
b) <TH> and <TD>
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 65.
_______ tag defines table rows.
a) <TR>
b) <TH> and <TD>
d) All the above
a) <TR>

Question 66.
_______ tag defined table columns.
a) <TR>
b) <TH>
d) All the above
b) <TH>

Question 67.
_______ tag is used to specify the data in a cell.
a) <TR>
b) <TH>
d) <TD>
d) <TD>

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 68.
_______ tag defines title for the table.
a) <TITLE>
d) None of these

Question 69.
_______ tag is also used to define and control whole section of table.
a) <tbody>
b) <thead>
c) <tfoot>
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 70.
All the tags used with table are _______ tags.
a) Container
b) Empty
c) Either A or B
d) None of these
a) Container

Question 71.
_______ is a <Table> tag attribute.
a) Cellspacing and Cellpadding
b) Border and Align
c) BGColor,Height and Width
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 72.
_______ <Table> tag attribute is used to set the space between cells in a table.
a) Cellspacing
b) Cellpadding
c) Height and Width
d) All the above
a) Cellspacing

Question 73.
_______ <Table> tag attribute is used to set the space between the contents of a cell and its border.
a) Cellspacing
b) Cellpadding
c) Height and Width
d) All the above
b) Cellpadding

Question 74.
_______ attribute with <tab!e> tag is used to specify the thickness of the border lines around the table.
a) Cellspacing
b) Cellpadding
c) Height and Width
d) Border
d) Border

Question 75.
The value of the border attribute should be a _______ value In pixels.
a) non-zero
b) negative
c) floating point
d) none of these
a) non-zero

Question 76.
The default value of the border attribute is _______ in most the browsers.
a) non-zero
b) negative
c) floating point
d) zero
d) zero

Question 77.
If the value of the border attribute is zero, then HTML displays the table _______
a) without border
b) with default border
c) thin border
d) none of these
a) without border

Question 78.
_______ attribute with <table> tag is used to apply the colour to the border lines.
a) Cellspacing
b) Cellpadding
c) Height and Width
d) Bordercolor
d) Bordercolor

Question 79.
_______ attribute with <table> tag is used to set the position of the table within the browser window.
a) Align
b) Cellpadding
c) Height and Width
d) Bordercolor
a) Align

Question 80.
_______ may be the value of align attribute of <Table> tag.
a) Right or Center
b) Center
c) Right
d) None of these
a) Right or Center

Question 81.
_______ is the default position of the table within the browser window.
a) Left
b) Center
c) Right
d) None of these
a) Left

Question 82.
_______ attribute with <table> tag is used to apply background colour to the table.
a) Align
b) Bgcolor
c) Height and Width
d) Bordercolor
b) Bgcolor

Question 83.
_______ attribute with <table> tag is used to specify the height of a table.
a) Height and Width
b) Width
c) Height
d) Border height
c) Height

Question 84.
_______ attribute with <table> tag is used to specify the width of a table.
a) Height and Width
b) Width
c) Height
d) Border height
b) Width

Question 85.
_______ attribute value of a <table> tag is terms of pixels or percentage.
a) Height and Width
b) Width.
c) Height
d) Border height
a) Height and Width

Question 86.
_______ is the attribute of <TD>, <TH> and <TR> tags.
a) Align
b) Valign
c) Width
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 87.
_______ is the attribute of <TD>, <TH> and <TR> tags.
a) BGColor
b) Background
c) Rowspan and Colspan
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 88.
_______ is the attribute of <TD>, <TH> and <TR> tags used to specify the horizontal alignment of content within a cell.
a) Align
b) Valign
c) Width
d) All the above
a) Align

Question 89.
_______ is the attribute of <TD>, <TH> and <TR> tags used to specify the vertical alignment of the contents within a cell.
a) Align
b) Valign
c) Width
d) All the above
b) Valign

Question 90.
_______ is the default vertical alignment of the contents within a cell.
a) Bottom
b) Top
c) Middle
d) None of these
a) Bottom

Question 91.
_______ is the value of vertical alignment of the contents within a cell.
a) Middle
b) Top
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
c) Both A and B

Question 92.
_______ is the attribute of <TD>, <TH> and <TR> tags used to specify the width of a cell in terms of pixels or percentage.
a) Align
b) Valign
c) Width
d) All the above
c) Width

Question 93.
_______ attribute is used to apply a particular colour to the background of a cell.
a) BGColor
b) Background
c) Rowspan and Colspan
d) All the above
a) BGColor

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 94.
_______ attribute is used to apply an image or picture as background of a cell.
a) BGColor
b) Background
c) Rowspan and Colspan
d) All the above
b) Background

Question 95.
_______ attribute is used to merge two or more cells in a row as a single cell.
a) BGColor
b) Background
c) Rowspan
d) Colspan
c) Rowspan

Question 96.
_______ attribute is used to merge to two or more cells in a column as a single cell.
a) BGColor
b) Background
c) Rowspan
d) Colspan
d) Colspan

Question 97.
HTML supports _______ types of lists.
a) three
b) four
c) two
d) five
a) three

Question 98.
_______ is a type of list in HTML
a) Ordered List
b) Unordered List
c) Definition List
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 99.
Numbered list is created within the tag pair _______ tag.
a) <OL> </OL>
b) <UL> …. </UL>
c) <DL>….</DL>
d) None of these
a) <OL> </OL>

Question 100.
The tag _______ is used to present the list item in the list.
a) <LIST>
b) <ITEM>
c) <LI>
d) None of these
c) <LI>

Question 101.
Ordered list displays items in a _______ order.
a) Numerical
b) Alphabetical
c) Numerical or Alphabetical
d) None of these
c) Numerical or Alphabetical

Question 102.
Both <QL> and <LI> tags are _______ tags.
a) Container
b) Empty
c) Either A or B
d) None of these
a) Container

Question 103.
There are _______ attributes can be used to customizeoFdered list.
a) three
b) two
c) four
d) five
b) two

Question 104.
_______ attribute can be used to customize ordered list.
a) Start
b) Type
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
c) Both A and B

Question 105.
_______ is used to change the number style.
a) Start
b) Type
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
b) Type

Question 106.
The default number style is standard _______ numerals.
a) UK
b) Indian
c) Arabic
d) US
c) Arabic

Question 107.
_______ is the value of type attribute of <OL> tag.
a) i or I
b) a or A
c) 1
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 108.
_______ attribute is used to specify the number or letter with which start the list.
a) Start
b) Type
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
a) Start

Question 109.
The value of the start attribute should be a _______ number.
a) binary
b) hexadecimal
c) decimal
d) none of these
c) decimal

Question 110.
Unordered lists are often referred as _______ lists.
a) bulleted
b) symbol
c) letter
d) none of these
a) bulleted

Question 111.
Unordered list is surrounded within _______ tags.
a) <OL> ….. </OL>
b) <UL> …. </UL>
c) <DL>….</DL>
d) None of these
b) <UL> …. </UL>

Question 112.
_______ attribute is used to customize bullet style for the list of elements.
a) Start
b) Type
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
b) Type

Question 113.
By default, a _______ is used as bullets.
a) Solid circle
b) Solid square
c) Unfilled circle
d) None of these
a) Solid circle

Question 114.
_______ is a type value of <UL> tag.
a) Circle
b) Square
c) Disc
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 115.
No bullet or number is provided for the list items of _______ list.
a) Ordered
b) Unordered
c) Definition
d) All the above
c) Definition

Question 116.
In definition list, the list element has _______ parts.
a) two
b) three
c) four
d) five
a) two

Question 117.
In definition list, the list element ______ has part.
a) A definition term
b) The definition description
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
c) Both A and B

Question 118.
Definition list is surrounded within _______ tags.
a) <OL> </OL>
b) <UL> …. </UL>
c) <DL>….</DL>
d) None of these
c) <DL>….</DL>

Question 119.
In definition list, definition term is presented in between _______ tag.
a) <DT> </DT>
b) <DD> </DD>
c) <DL> </DL>
d) None of these
a) <DT> </DT>

Question 120.
In definition list, definition description should be surrounded within <DD> ….. </DD> tag.
a) <DT> </DT>
b) <DD> </DD>
c) <DL> ….. </DL>
d) None of these
b) <DD> </DD>

Question 121.
A list block can be defined inside another list is called as _______ list.
a) Nested
b) Compound
c) Concentric
d) None of these
a) Nested

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 122.
Link is an important feature of HTML to connect _______.
a) Web resources
b) Pictures
c) Text
d) None of these
a) Web resources

Question 123.
Link in HTML is used to create _______ to web content.
a) hlinks
b) cyberlink
c) hyperlinks
d) None of these
c) hyperlinks

Question 124.
Link in HTML is used to create hyperlinks to _______
a) An HTML document
b) An external webpage
c) Any multimedia content
d) All the above
d) All the above

Question 125.
The important things needs to create a link in HTML is _______
a) The name of the file or URL to which you want to link
b) The text that will serve as the clickable link
c) Both A and B
d) None of these
c) Both A and B

Question 126.
The anchor tag is used to create _______ links.
a) <A>
b) <HREF>
d) None of these
a) <A>

Question 127.
_______ is a attribute of <A> tag.
a) href
b) link
c) anchor
d) none of these
a) href

Question 128.
HREF is abbreviated as _______.
a) Heavytext Reference
b) Higertext Reference
c) Hidetext Reference
d) Hypertext Reference
d) Hypertext Reference

Question 129.
Creating a link to a particular section of the same document is known as _______ Link.
a) External
b) Internal
c) Inner
d) Local
b) Internal

Question 130.
_______ attribute of <A> tag establish the link to the content within the document.
a) Name
b) Heading
c) Style
d) Title
a) Name

Question 131.
An unvisited link is underlined and displayed with _______ colour.
a) Blue
b) Purple
c) Red
d) None of these
a) Blue

Question 132.
A visited link is underlined and displayed with _______ colour.
a) Blue
b) Purple
c) Red
d) None of these
b) Purple

Question 133.
An active link is underlined and displayed with _______ colour.
a) Blue
b) Purple
c) Red
d) None of these
c) Red

Question 134.
We can change the default colours, by using _______
a) CSS
b) Lcolor
c) Hcolor
d) None of these
a) CSS

Question 135.
Establish link with an external web page in known as _______ linking.
a) External
b) Internal
c) Outer
d) Global
a) External

Question 136.
_______ link is made possible by providing the URL of the external file in the HREF attribute of <A> tag of the current page.
a) External
b) Internal
c) Outer
d) Global
a) External

Question 137.
_______ are considered either Internal or External links depends on their target.
a) hlinks
b) cyberlink
c) hyperlinks
d) None of these
c) hyperlinks

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Part – II

II. Very Short Answers

Question 1.
Write note on <big> and <small> tags.

  1. The <big> tag is used to define the text bigger in size than the normal size. It is often used to call attention a text.
  2. The <small> tag is used to define the text smaller than the current size.

Question 2.
What do yo mean by strike through text? Strike through:
To display a text as wrong text, the <s> tag can be used to show the text as strike through style. The <s> and <del> tags are display the text in similar way. The text we specify between <s> and </ s> will be display in strike through style.

Question 3.
What is the use of <Center> tag?
The Center Tag:
Paragraphs can be centered with Align attribute with <p> tag. But for non-paragraph text contents can be centered with <center> tag. The <center> tag is used to centralize a segment of text.

What we type between <center> and </center> will be displayed in the center of the browser.
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The OUTPUT will be:
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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 4.
What do you mean by nested list? Give an example.
Nested Lists:
A list block can be defined inside another list is called as nested list.

An HTML code to demonstrate Nested lists: <html>
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The OUTPUT will be:
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Question 5.
What is font? Give some font names.
A font is a named set of certain style of character and number. Each font looks different from other fonts.
Example: Times New Roman, Arial, Fajita, Symbol….

Question 6.
Write general form of <font> tag with its attributes.
The general form of <font> tag with attributes:
<font face= “font_name” size=value color=color_ name / color_code>
Text to be displayed

Question 7.
Write the general form of <hr< tag with its attributes.
The general syntax of <hr> tag with attributes:
<hr size=value width=value noshade, color=color_name/code>

Question 8.
What are the parts of definition list element? Definition list element has two parts.

  1. A definition term
  2. The definition description

Question 9.
What are the tags associated with definition list? Mention its purpose.

  1. Definition list is surrounded within <DL> ……. </DL> tags.
  2. Definition term is presented in between <DT> ……. </DT>tag and
  3. Definition description should be surrounded within <DD> ….. </DD> tag.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 10.
What are the two important things needs to create a link in HTML?
The two important things needs to create a link in HTML:

  1. The name of the file or URL to which we want to link.
  2. The text that will serve as the clickable link.

Question 11.
Write about internal links in HTML document.
Internal Links:
Creating a link to a particular section of the same document is known as Internal Link. To create an internal like, the attribute Name is used along with <A> tag. The Name attribute of <A> tag establish the link to the content within the document.

Question 12.
Write about external links in HTML document. External Link:
Establish link with an external web page in known as external linking. It is made possible by providing the URL of the external file in the HREF attribute of <A> tag of the current page.

Part – III

III. Short Answers

Question 1.
Write note on Physical Style tags / Container tags.
All tags which are in pair are called a container tags. All container tags required a closing tag. These tags are otherwise known as “Physical Style” tags.

Physical Style Tags
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Question 2.
Explain Highlighting text with an example.
Highlighting text:
Highlighting is an important formatting feature is used to call attention to the reader. The <mark> tag is used to highlight the text in HTML. This is also a container tag. Whatever the text given between <mark> and </mark> will be displayed as highlighting with default color.

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Question 3.
Write about inserting and deleting text in html document.
Inserting and Deleting
The text what we see on browser cannot delete or insert. But we can show a text as deleted or inserted. <del> and <ins> tags are used to markup a segment of text as deleted or inserted respectively. These two tags are container tags.

The text what we specify between <del> and </del> will be displayed as strike through. The text we specify between <ins> and </ins> will be shown as underlined.
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Question 4.
Explain the usage of <B>, <I>,<U>,<S> tags
These tags may be shows the same output, but the usage of tags are varying. The following table shows the usage of this kind of tags.
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While writing HTML document, we should use the appropriate tags according to its usage. If we want show a text as underlined use <u> instead of <ins>.

Question 5.
Explain the usage of multiple fonts with face attribute.
Multiple fonts with face attribute:
The face attribute of font tag is used to change font style of a segment of text. In face attribute, we can assign more than one font-name at a time within double quotes with comma.

For example:
<font face = “Bookman old stylel, Broadwayl, Forte, Arial”>
Welcome to HTML

Browser first tries to find out whether the font-name in the list is supported or not. If the first font is not supported by the browser, then it displays the text in second font, otherwise it will display next one. If no font in the list is supported, then the browser display the in the default font.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Part – IV

IV. Explain In Brief

Question 1.
What is subscript and superscript?
Subscript and Superscript:
A Subscript is a way to display a character or a number below the normal line of type. For example: The scientific notation for water is H2O. It should be written as H2O. Here, 2 is appearing below the normal line. This is called subscript.

A Superscript is also a way to show a , character or a number above the normal line of 1 type. For example: The familiar algebra equation “a plus b the whole square” should be written as (a+b)². Here, the square value 2 is appearing above the normal line. This is called superscript.

Usually, the subscript and the superscript character or number is smaller than the rest of the text.

In HTML, the <sub> and <sup> tags are used to create subscript and superscripts respectively. The text or number given between <sub> and </sub> will be displayed as subscript. Same as subscript, the text or number given between <sup> and </sup> will be displayed as superscript.

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The OUTPUT will be:
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Question 2.
Explain <FONT> tag with attributes through suitable HTML code.
A font is a named set of certain style of character and number. Each font looks different from other fonts. For example,
1. Times New Roman is a style of font usually used for preparing office documents.

2. Arial is another font style which is used for publishing work.
Generally, a browser shows the contents as default system font setting.
The general form of <font> tag with attributes:
<font face= “font_name” size=value color=color_ name / color_code>
Text to be displayed

3. The face is an attribute to set different font style. The name of a font has multiple words it should be specified within double quote.

4. The size attribute is used to set size of the text. The size can have an absolute value from 1 to 7. These predefined sizes are known as virtual size. Each virtual size is successively 20% larger than the previous one.

5. The color attribute is used to set the color to the text.

HTML code to change font properties:
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The OOTPUT will be:
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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 3.
Explain <HR> tag with attributes through suitable HTML code.
The <hr> (Horizontal Rules) tag, which is known as “Thematic Breaks” separate sections of an HTML document visually. It produces a horizontal line spread across the width of the browser. This is an empty tag.

An HTML code to demonstrate Horizontal rules tag – <hr>;
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The OOTPUT will be:
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Attributes of <hr> tag:
The <hr> tag having four attributes viz. size, width, noshade and color. These attributes are used to set size, width, 3D appearance and color to the horizontal line respectively.

The general syntax of <hr> tag with attributes:
<hr size=value width=value noshade, color=color_name/code>

Thickness of the horizontal line can be changed with size attribute. The size is given in terms of pixels. Generally, 72 pixels equal to an inch. For example: The code <hr size = 72> display a horizontal line with 1 inch thickness. The default size is 3 pixels.

The width attribute specifies the horizontal width of the rule line. The default rule is drawn across the full width of the browser. The value of the width attribute may be the exact width of the rule in pixel or a certain percentage. Usually, the value of the width is specified as percentage. 100% is the default width.

For example:
<hr width = 50%> display an half of a horizontal rule line on the browser window.

The default view of a horizontal rule line is 3D. So, no need to specify the term “noshade” as an attribute with <hr> tag. If we specify the attribute “noshade” turn off 3D view, turns on 2D view. Noshade is a Boolean type attribute.

The horizontal line Is displayed in gray color by default. The color attribute is used to change is default color to desired color.

An HTML code to demonstrate Horizontal rules with Attributes:
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The OOTPUT will be:
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Samacheer Kalvi 11th Computer Applications Guide Chapter 11 HTML – Formatting Text, Creating Tables, List and Links

Question 4.
Explain attributes of <TD>, <TH> and <TR> tags:
Attributes of <TD>, <TH> and <TR> tags:
1. Align – Used to specify the horizontal alignment of content within a cell. Left is the default alignment. Possible values are Right and Center.

2. VAIign – Used to specify the vertical alignment of the contents within a cell. Bottom is the default alignment. Possible values are Top and Middle.

3. Width – Used to specify the width of a cell in terms of pixels or percentage.

4. Gcolor and Background –

  • Bgcolor attribute is used to apply a particular colour to the background of a cell.
  • Background attribute is used to apply an image or picture as background of a cell.

5. Rowspan and Colspan –

  • Rowspan attribute is used to merge two or more cells in a row as a single cell.
  • Colspan attribute is used to merge to two or more cells in a column as a single cell,

An HTML code to demonstrate the attributes of <td>, <th> and <td> tags:
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The OOTPUT will be:
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