6th Standard English Guide Term 1 Unit 1 Supplementary Owlie Book Back Answers
Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 1 Owlie Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
Owlie 6th Standard English 1st Lesson Question and Answer
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 106)
A. Identify the character/speaker.
1. Owlie’s gone!
2. She opened one eye and then the other.
The author
3. Don’t panic.
B. Choose the correct answer from the options given.
1. The owlet was ……………….. (brown and grey/white and grey)
brown and grey
2. In Payal’s family, they were all ……………….. (non-vegetarian/vegetarian)
3. The cage was shifted to the ……………….. (library/living room)
C. Read the passage and answer the questions.
Payal and her mother started talking bravely about where to bury Owlie. Just then, Owlie opened one eye and then the other. She got onto her feet and quietly climbed the perch! Payal leamt later that falling on her back and pretending to be dead was Owlie’s way of defending herself against danger.
1. Why did Payal and her mother want to bury Owlie?
Payal and her mother thought that Owlie was dead so they wanted to bury her.
2. What did Owlie do then?
After some time Owlie opened one eye and then the other.
3. What did Payal learn from Owlie’s pretence?
Payal leamt from Owlie’s pretence that it was the way of defending herself against danger.
D. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences in the correct order.
– Payal’s house was a home for abandoned animals.
– It was a small ball of brown and grey.
– She found an owlet in one comer.
– Payal’s mother picked her up gently.
– Payal’s mother opened the carton.
– One day they got a carton.
1. Payal’s house was a home for abandoned animals.
2. One day they got a carton.
3. Payal’s mother opened the carton.
4. She found an owlet in one corner.
5. It was a small ball of brown and grey.
6. Payal’s mother picked her up gently.
E. Discuss in pairs. Then write the answers.
1. What kind of a girl was Payal? What did she like? How did she behave with animals and people?
Payal was a kind girl to all. She like abandoned birds and animals. She behaved with animals and people kind-heartedly.
2. Do you think Owlie was happy to be with Payal? Give reasons for your answer.
Yes, Owlie was happy to be with Payal. Payal looked after the Owlie. She gave food to her on time. One day Owlie flew away from the cage. At that time Payal cried so much and searched every nook and comer. After some time Owlie returned to her, she scolded Owlie and put it into the cage. This incident showed both were kind to each other.
Project (Text Book Page No. 106)
F. Listen to the teacher read the passage. Watch this website:https: II sstcn.org / Then write a paragraph on Students’ Turtle walk Chennai 2017.
Listening text is on page – 155
The Students’ Sea Turtle Conservation Network beaches (SSTCN) is a voluntary group mainly comprising students who have been working in the beaches of Chennai since 1987 trying to conserve and create awareness about the endangered Olive Ridley sea turtle. They nest on our beaches at night, between January and March every year. During this season we walk on the beaches every night looking for their eggs which we collect and relocate to a safe place. When the turtle hatchlings emerge after 45 days, we release them safely into the sea. On Friday and Saturday nights we conduct a walk for interested people. We use this opportunity to interact with them and create awareness about the plight of an endangered species and the state of the environment. The walks are not for entertainment.
Connecting to Self (Text Book Page No. 107)
G. Write a caption for these pictures. One is done for you.
Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 107)
H. Find their group name and write them in the blanks. One is done for you.
eg: elephant, tiger, lion, monkey – Land animals
1. eel, seal, walrus, seahorse
sea/aquatic animals
2. pearl, coral, conch, oil
sea products
3. submarine, ship, yacht, ferry
sea vehicles
4. kite surfing, scuba diving, parasailing
sea games
5. albatross, penguin, pelican, fish hawk
sea birds
Owlie Summary in English
An Owl named Owlie who is rescued by Payal and her mother. The Owlet was brought to Payal’s by a neighbour. They gave minced meat to the Owlet. Payal took over the job of looking after the owl. In order to make the owl learn to fly, she was kept in the library with the cage open and all other doors closed. But one day, she was nowhere to be found in the library, as the garden gate was also found open. After a long time of grieving over the missing owl, Payal, in order to forget about the Owl, wanted to read a book, when she came to shelf, she noticed a curio. Suddenly the curio opened its eyes, the Owl was pretending to be a curio. She excitedly shouted to her mom that the Owl has returned back.
Owlie Summary in Tamil
பாயல் மற்றும் அவரது தாயால் மீட்கப்பட்ட ஆந்தை. ஆந்தை அவ்லி ஓர் அண்டை வீட்டாரால் கொண்டுவரப்பட்டது. அவர்கள் துண்டுதுண்டாக வெட்டப்பட்ட இறைச்சியை கொடுத்தார்கள். பாயல் ஆந்தையை கவனிக்கும் வேலையை ஏற்றுக்கொண்டார். ஆந்தை பறக்க கற்றுக்கொள்வதற்காக கூண்டு திறந்த நிலையில் நூலகத்தில் வைக்கப்பட்டு மற்ற கதவுகள் அனைத்தும் மூடப்பட்டன. ஆனால் ஒரு நாள், தோட்டவாசலும் திறந்தநிலையில் காணப்பட்டதால், நூலகத்தில் அவள் எங்கும் காணப்படவில்லை. காணாமல் போன ஆந்தை குறித்து நீண்ட நேரம் துக்கமடைந்த பிறகு ஆந்தை பற்றி மறக்க பேயல் ஒரு புத்தகத்தை வாசிக்க விரும்பினார். அவர் அலமாரியில் வந்தபோது ஒரு விந்தையான பொருளைக் கவனித்தார். திடீரென்று விந்தையான பொருள் கண்களைத் திறந்தது. ஆந்தை ஒரு விந்தையான பொருளாக நடித்தது. ஆந்தை திரும்பி விட்டதாக அவள் அம்மாவிடம் உற்சாகமாக கத்தினாள்.
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