6th Standard English Guide Term 3 Unit 1 Prose Who Owns the Water? Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 3 Prose Chapter 1 Who Owns the Water? Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Who Owns the Water? 6th Standard English 1st Lesson Question and Answer

Warm Up (Text Book Page No. 72)

Look at the pictures, discuss in pairs, share your answers with the class.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 1 Who Owns the Water 1
1. During which season do you see a peacock dance?
During Rainy season.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 1 Who Owns the Water 2
2. In which season can you see trees without leaves? Name the country where your can find this season.
In Autumn, In Canada.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 1 Who Owns the Water 3
3. Which season is shown in this picture? What are the people doing?
Winter season. The people are warming themselves by lighting a fire.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 1 Who Owns the Water 4
4. Which season is shown in this picture? How do you know?
Summer season is shown in this picture. On seeing the hot Sun, people who drink the tender coconut water and a man who takes ice cream under his umbrella, I know this.

Section – I

Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 74)

Put a (✓) for the correct and (✗) for the incorrect statements:

  1. A tiny bird looked for a place to lay her eggs. (✓)
  2. The land was wet and green. (✗)
  3. The little bird found a shallow hollow in the ground. (✓)
  4. The eggs hatched and the babies flew away. (✓)
  5. The pit was comfortable for the wild boar to sleep in. (✗)
  6. The wild boar got up from its day bed because it was disturbed by another boar. (✗)

Section – II

Textual Exercise

Complete the sentences given below with words/phrases. (Text Book Page No. 75)

1. The wild dogs came to the spot to catch ………………….
wild boar

2. The rain came and poured ………………….
for the three days and three nights

3. The whole earth smelled ………………… and ………………….
wet and fresh

4. The hole in the ground was filled ………………….
with rainwater

5. The buffalo ………………… in the hole.

6. The hole became ………………… and ………………….
widened and little watering hole

Section – III

Textual Questions

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences: (Text Book Page No. 76)

1. Why did the farmer have to travel far?
The father had to travel far to get water for his thirsty crops.

2. What sight made the farmer thankful?
The sight of the verdant bowl made the farmer thankful.

3. Name the tools the farmer brought out. What did he do with them?
The tools the farmer brought out were pickaxe and spade. He dug the earth with them.

4. Why did the crowd gather by the side of the pond?
The crowd gathered by the side of the pond to see the priest furrow his brow and chant.

5. When did the richest farmer get upset why?
The richest farmer got upset when things took place that he was not invited to see it. He came there to claim the pond his own.

Read and Understand

A. Choose the correct answer and write it in the blank. (Text Book Page No. 77)

1. The little bird broadened the hole with her
a) beak
b) claws
b) claws

2. The wild boar settled down scraping the hole into a to have a good sleep.
a) pit
b) hollow
b) hollow

3. The poor farmer’s crop was
a) meagre
b) surplus
a) meagre

B. Tick the correct answer.

1. The boar slept until the fading sun told him it was time to get up. What does the phrase until the fading sun mean?
a) until evening (✓)
b) until sun fades in colour ()
a) until evening

2. The farmer was thankful at the sight of the verdant bowl because
a) it was a pond of water (✓)
b) he wanted green grass ()
a) it was a pond of water

3. They all stood around the little jewel of blue means
a) They stood around the pond (✓)
b) They stood around the jewel which was blue ()
a) they stood around the pond

4. The dry earth soaked up the moisture as a hungry puppy laps UP milk. It means
a) The puppy was very hungry ()
b) The dry earth absorbed the water very quicky (✓)
b) the dry earth absorbed the water very quicky

C. Answer the following questions:

1. Pick out the line which tells you about seasons (in Sec II). Which seasons are mentioned?
Both rainy and summer seasons are mentioned.

2. What happened to the hole in the ground after the rain?
The hole collected the rain water and around its edges there grew green grass.

3. Identify a sentence and a phrase which tells us that the story took place in summer.
The dry earth soaked up the moisture.

Vocabulary (Text Book Page No. 78)

D. Fill in the blanks with words given in the box to make compound words.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 1 Who Owns the Water 7

1 . We use rain ………………. on a rainy day.

2. The toy ………………. boat danced on the

3. We must drink tender ………………. water in summer.
tender coconut

4. We can see a ………………. bow after summer showers.

5. Clean the ashes out of the ………………. place

E. Complete the following using their group names.

1 . A ………………. of wolves went hunting in the forest.

2. She bought a new ………………. of shoes for her birthday.

3. A ………………. of fish swam past our boat.

4. A ………………. of bees had settled on a mango tree.

5. I ate a ………………. of grapes.

Listening (Text Book Page No. 79)

F. Listen to the weather report. Read the questions given below, then listen to the weather report again and fill in the blanks. (Listening text is on page -130)

1. Which season does the weather report show?

2. What kind of a day is it?
It is a clear day with blue skies

3. What is the temperature stated in the report?
15° C

4. Tomorrow it may probably

5. The weather report suggests using


G. Imagine that you and your friend have decided to spend a day together in your house. You have planned your schedule from morning till night. Discuss in pairs and speak about it in the class. You can start like this.
I like to go for a walk but my friend wants to work out in the gym.

A Day spent by two friends

I like to go for a walk but my friend wants to go swimming. Finally, we went for swimming. It was very pleasant to swim in the cold water. We felt fresh throughout the day. After finishing our breakfast we went to the cricket field and stayed there watching the match till 1 p.m. Again we returned home and finished lunch. We took rest for one hour. In the evening we went to the beach and enjoyed the scene happily. We were very happy throughout the day. We will never forget the day.

Use Grammar (Text Book Page No. 80)

H. Fill in the blanks with suitable linking words or conjunctions.

1. Our team played well ……………….. won the game, (but, because, and)

2. She slipped badly ……………….. she did not hurt herself, (but, and, or)

3. The box .was heavy ……………….. he could not lift it. (so, because, and)

4. Rani was late to school ……………….. she missed the bus. (because,so,and)

5. You can use a pen ……………….. a pencil for writing, (but, and, or)

I. Join the sentence of Column A with B using the words given in the box.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 1 Who Owns the Water 5

  1. The clouds moved away and the sun came out.
  2. Velu thanked his friend because he helped Velu in time.
  3. It rained heavily but the match continued.
  4. Eat slowly or you will get choked.


J. Write a short paragraph on ‘summer’ using the hints given.

You can begin like this
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 1 Who Owns the Water 6
I live in Chennai. The weather is ………………

I live in Chennai. Usually, the weather in Chennai is hot in the day and the night will be cool because of the sea breeze. But anyway the summer is hot. We cannot go out during the day. We will often feel thirsty. We have to take some kind of drink to quench our thrist and prevent dehydration. During summer we must wear cotton clothes. We must avoid eating non-vegetarian food. In the evening we can spend our evenings on the beach. Our body will lose heat and we will have to get sleep comfortably.

Creative Writing

K. Trees can help you recognize seasons. How do the trees look different in each season? Write a short paragraph with the clues given below.

  • Summer – Trees stretch their leafy branches towards the sun.
  • Spring – Branches are full of new green leaves.
  • Rain – Trees absorb water and look green.
  • Autumn – Trees shed their leaves.

During the summer season, most of the trees stretch their leafy branches towards the sun but spring comes after summer. So branches are full of new green leaves and they are followed by sweet-smelling flowers. During the rainy season, the trees get wet and absorb rainwater and look green. Autumn season is an empty season. It means that no leaves are seen in the trees. Trees shed their leaves and wait to welcome the summer.

Who Owns the Water? Summary in English

A tiny bird looked for a nesting place in the outskirts of a village. She finds a shallow depression. She decided to lay her eggs in the depression. She broadened the hole by using her claws. A wild boar who happened to pass by the hole decided to rest for a while in it. He scraped and dug making the hole wider for accomodating his body. After taking a rest, the boar left the place. A pack of wild dogs dug at the small hole where wild boar rested. Many buffaloes trampling the soil and made the place a little watering hole. One day a farmer found the water so close to his land. People gathered there The richest farmer in the village announced the watering hole was his own. A germ of an idea is to dig and make bigger, you can get water.

Who Owns the Water? Summary in Tamil

ஒரு சிறிய பறவை ஒரு கிராமத்தின் வெளிப்புறங்களில் கூடுகட்டும் இடத்தை தேடியது. அவள் ஒரு ஆழமற்ற பள்ளத்தை காண்கிறாள். அவள் பள்ளத்தை முட்டையிட முடிவு செய்தாள். அவள் நகங்களைப் பயன்படுத்தி துளையை அகலப்படுத்தினாள். துளை வழியாகச் சென்ற ஒரு காட்டுப்பன்றி அதில் சிறிது ஓய்வெடுக்க முடிவு செய்தது. அவர் தனது உடலை தக்கவைத்துக் கொள்வதற்காக துளையிட்டார். ஓய்வெடுத்த பிறகு பன்றி அந்த இடத்தை விட்டு வெளியேறியது. காட்டுப்பன்றி ஓய்வெடுத்த சிறிய துளைக்குள் ஒரு காட்டு நாய்கள் கூட்டம் துளையை தோண்டின. பல எருமைகள் மண்ணை மிதித்து அந்த இடத்தை ஒரு சிறிய நீர்ப்பாசன துளையாக மாற்றின. ஒருநாள் ஒரு விவசாயி தனது நிலத்திற்கு அருகில் தண்ணீ ரைக் கண்டார். மக்கள் அங்கு கூடினர். கிராமத்தின் பணக்கார விவசாயி நீர்ப்பாசன துளை தனக்குச் சொந்தம் என்று அறிவித்தார். துளையை தோண்டி துழாவி பெரிசாக்கும் யோசனையில் நீங்கள் தண்ணீரைப் பெறலாம். துளையை தோண்டி அதனை அகலப்படுத்தியது.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Book Solutions Term 3

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