7th Standard English Guide Term 1 Unit 3 Supplementary Taking the Bully by the Horns Book Back Answers
Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Guide Pdf Term 1 Supplementary Chapter 3 Taking the Bully by the Horns Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
Taking the Bully by the Horns 7th Standard English 3rd Lesson Question and Answer
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 162)
A. Choose the correct answer.
1. What is bullying?
a) When you and a friend get into a fight
b) When someone accidentally bumps into you on the playground.
c) When someone is hurt by others either by words or actions, feels bad because of it, and finds it hard to stop what’s happening to them.
d) Rolling a ball to knock over pins.
(c) When someone is hurt by others either by words or actions, feels bad because of it, and finds it hard to stop what’s happening to them
2. What should you do if you are being bullied?
a) Speak up
b) Tell an adult
c) Know that you have the right to be safe
d) All of the above
(d) All of the above
3. How do you recognise someone who bullies?
a) Size – The person bullying is bigger than the person being bullied
b) Gender – Girls don’t bully, only boys do
c) Behaviour – They do something that hurts or harms another person
d) Age – It is always the older kids picking on the younger ones
(c) Behaviour – They do something that hurts or harms another person
4. What should you do if you see bullying?
a) Help get them away from the situation
b) Tell an adult
c) Let them know that no one deserves to be bullied
d) All of the above
(d) All of the above
B. Answer the following questions.
1. What could be the reasons for bullying?
Bullying is done for fun, to get a feeling of control and the attention of others, to feel strong and better about their shortcomings.
2. Why do some children bully others?
Some children bully others because they want to humiliate or put another person down in order to feel better about who they are.
3. What does Ajay enjoy about bullying?
Ajay enjoys the attention he is getting from others who laugh instead of telling him to stop bullying.
4. What is empathy?
Empathy is another keyword for bullying. It means the ability to experience the feelings of a person in a situation, as who is also experiencing the situation.
5. How does bullying affect one?
Bullying makes a person feel dejected, lose their self-confidence, feel lonely, affect their health and daily routine, they don’t eat properly, fall sick often, get nightmares, sleeplessness, not interested to study, get physical injury sometimes, become withdrawn, show sudden anger or they may bully someone just to feel better.
C. Think and answer.
Suppose the person bullying is one of your friends,
1. Would you keep quiet?
No. I will release the bully-victim from my friend.
2. At what point would you do something?
If their actions seem to hurt the bullied person I will ask my friend not to do so to that person.
3. What would you do?
If my friend does not hear from me, I would tell them about his behaviour either to his parents or teachers.
Connecting to Self (Text Book Page No. 164)
Paste the photographs and write down the values which you learn from them.
Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 165)
Change the codes into letters with the sign codes given below and tell the sentence to your friend.
Taking the Bully by the Horns Summary in English
Mocking, teasing, forcing others is called bullying. People who have a good opinion of themselves do not indulge in bullying. Violence and abuse isolating someone, ragging, spreading rumours are different forms of bullying. We must learn to say ‘no’ to friends when it is needed. Bullying others may cause poor health, poor behavioural patterns, etc. The intervention of adults and having empathy can dissolve the problem of bullying.
Taking the Bully by the Horns Summary in Tamil
கேலி செய்தல், கிண்டல், கட்டாயப்படுத்துதல் இவற்றுக்கு பெயர்தான் கொடுமைப்படுத்துதல். இதில் ஈடுபடுவோர் தாழ்வுமனப்பான்மை உள்ளவர் ஆவார். வன்முறை, திட்டுதல் தனிமைப்படுத்துதல், ராகிங் செய்தல், வதந்தி பரப்புதல் இவையும் ஆகும். நம் நண்பர்களிடம் மறுப்பு தெரிவிக்க நாம் அஞ்சக் கூடாது. கொடுமைப்படுத்துதல் செய்வதால் உடல்நல பிரச்சனைகள், நடத்தையில் பிரச்சனைகள் போன்றவை ஏற்படும். வயதில் பெரியோர் தலையீடு, பரிவு, இரக்கம் போன்ற உணர்வுகள் தான் இப்பிரச்சனைக்கு தீர்வு ஆகும்.
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