8th Standard English Unit 6 Poem Lessons in Life Book Back Answers
Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Poem 6 Lessons in Life Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
Lessons in Life 8th Standard English 6th Lesson Question and Answer
Warm-Up (Text Book Page No. 171)
1. What do you feel when you meet your friend after a long time?
I felt very happy and shed tears when I met my friend after a long time.
2. Building a friendship with someone is easy or difficult? Why?
Building a friendship with others is somehow difficult. Because, we have to build a friendship with qualities like loyalty, similarity, and selflessness.
8th English Guide Lessons in Life Textual Questions and Answers
A. Comprehension Questions:
1. What is planting a flower is compared to?
Planting a flower is compared to the blossoming of a friendship.
2. What does the tiniest creature need?
The tiniest creature needs room.
3. What do the smallest gifts deserve?
Even the smallest gifts deserve a warm thank you.
4. What will happen if you fail to give importance to others?
Everything is really important on earth. If we fail to give importance to others, they will forget us. It will make us feel bad in the future.
5. What do you learn from your lessons in life?
I express my friendship with others by respecting them.
6. Pick and write the rhyming words from the third stanza.
Sad – bad.
7. “Having a friend is like planting a flower.” Explain.
What is the figure of speech used in the line?
The figure of speech used in this line is “simile”.
Lessons in Life Answer the following: (Text Book Page No. 173)
1. Write a sentence using ‘as fast as the wind’.
He always runs “as fast as the wind”
2. Write a simile using the word ‘like’.
He fought ‘like’ a lion in the battle.
3. Create a simile using the word ‘as’.
Her hair is ‘as black as coal’.
4. What does ‘smart as a fox’ mean?
It means that ‘looking as foolish outwardly but really very clever’.
1. Which of the given options is a Metaphor?
a) Life is like a chocolate box.
b) Raj is like his twin brother
c) His words are pearls of wisdom.
d) The bus is slow as a snail
c) His words are pearls of wisdom
2. What does “The world is a stage” mean?
The world is a stage is a Metaphor.
3. Identify the metaphor in the sentence:
Her hai is always a rat’s nest in the morning, rat’s nest – is the metaphor.
4. Write a sentence on your own that includes a Metaphor:
My mother is the queen of my family.
8th English Guide Lessons in Life Additional Appreciation Questions and Answers
Read the passage and answer the following questions:
1. Let’s be aware as we walk on this planet Even the tiniest creature needs room.
a) What does ‘this planet’ refer to?
‘This planet’ refers to our earth.
b) Who is the speaker?
The poet is the speaker.
2. Nothing you’re given will ever come free Even the smallest of gifs deserves “thankyou ”
a) Is anything given free to you?
No, nothing is given free to me.
b) Which one deserves ‘thank you’?
Even the smallest gifts deserve thank you.
Lessons in Life Summary in English
This poem tells the nobility of friendship. If you show love and kindness, respect, and remembrance to others, you will be repaid, Respect others. Think of others. Remember everyone is important. Nothing is free. Say ‘thank you’ even for the smallest things. The lessons we leam in life are not simple. Even the tiniest creatures need room on the planet. In the same way even the simple things of kindness matter and make a difference.
Lessons in Life Summary in Tamil
இந்த கவிதை நாம் நட்புடன் பிறருடன் பழக வேண்டும் என்பது பற்றியது ஆகும். நாம் பிறரிடம் அன்பு, கருணை, மரியாதை அவர்களது அடையாளத்தை நினைவில் வைத்து பழகுதல் போன்ற பண்புகளோடு பழகினால், நாமும் அன்பையும் மதிப்பையும் பெறுவோம். மற்றவரை மதிக்க வேண்டும். அடுத்தவர் பற்றி நினைக்க வேண்டும். வாழ்வில் எதுவும் இலவசம் இல்லை. சிறிய காரியங்களுக்கு கூட நன்றி கூற வேண்டும். வாழ்வில் நாம் கற்றுக்கொள்ளும் பாடங்கள் எளியவை அல்ல. சிறிய உயிருக்கும் அதேபோல் சிறிய அன்பான காரியங்களுக்கும் முக்கியமானவை ஆகும்.
Lessons in Life About the Author in English
Bridgette Bryant had been in the VP developing and Alumni Relations, Arcadia University U.S. She had her bachelor’s degree in Derklee college of Music.
Daniel Ho is an American musical composer and producer. Some of his albums have been nominated for the Grammy award. He has specialised in innovative approaches to music.
Lessons in Life About the Author in Tamil
பிரிட்ஜெட் ப்ரையண்ட் என்பவர் அமெரிக்காவில் உள்ள ஆர்கேடியா பல்கலைகழகத்தின் பழைய மாணவர் கழகத்தின் விரிவாக்கப் பொறுப்பில் இருந்தவர். மேலும் அவர் பெர்க்லீ இசைக் கல்லூரியில் இளநிலை பட்டதாரி பட்டம் பெற்றவர் ஆவார்.
டேனியல் ஹோ இவர் ஒரு அமெரிக்க இசை இயலாளர் ஆவார். புதிய முறை இசை உருவாக்க வல்லவர். கிராமி அவார்டுக்கு பரிந்துரைக்கப்பட்ட பல இசை ஆல்பங்களை இவர் வெளியிட்டுள்ளார்.
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