6th Standard English Guide Term 1 Unit 2 Poem Trees Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 1 Poem 2 Trees Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Trees 6th Standard English 2nd Lesson Question and Answer

Warm Up (Text Book Page No. 123)

Look at the picture. (Text Book Page No. 123)
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 1 Poem 2 Treees 1

Have you seen the Adyar Banyan Tree? Would
you like to visit that place? Why?
Yes, I have seen the Adyar Banyan Tree and I would like to visit that place because it gives shelter to many birds and animals. I also enjoy playing with my friends there.

Vocabulary (Text Book Page No. 126)

A. Find the describing words given in the poem.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 1 Poem 2 Treees 2
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 1 Poem 2 Treees 3

Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 126)

B. Answer the following.

a. What does the peepul do?
The peepul tree quivers in the breeze.

b. How does the coconut tree grow?
The coconut tree grows very tall and straight.

c. What does the tamarind give?
The tamarind gives us a pleasant shade.

d. What is as sharp as a blade?
The Date’s leaf is as sharp as a blade.

e. What does the teak tree give us?
The teak tree gives us useful wood.

Creative Writing

C. Read the acrostic poem on ‘Friend’. Write an acrostic poem like this on ‘Tree’.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 1 Poem 2 Treees 4

Appreciating the Poem (Text Book Page No. 126)

D. Work in pairs.

A rhyme is a repetition of the same sound in two or more words. Usually, they come at the end of lines in poems and songs.
Eg. tower – power; king – sing

Discuss with your partner and pick out the rhyming words in the poem.
trees – breeze;
tall – small;
shade – blade;
wood – good

6th English Guide Trees Additional Appreciation Questions

Answer the question given below:

1. The Banyan is the largest of trees,
The peepul quivers in the breeze,
a. Which is the largest of trees?
The banyan is the largest of trees.

b. How does the breeze affect the trees?
The Peepul tree shakes quickly in the breeze.

2. The Peepul quivers in the breeze
a. What is the Peepul?
The Peepul is a tree.

b. What does it do in the breeze?
It quivers in the breeze.

3. The Coconut grows up straight and tall
a. How does the Coconut grow up? ‘ • .
The Coconut grows up straight and tall.

4. The Date s leaf is as sharp as a blade,
a. How is the Date’s leaf?
The Date’s leaf is very sharp.

5. The Mango gives us fruit that is good
a. What does the Mango give us?
The Mango gives us fruit.

b. How is the fruit?
The fruit is good.

Trees Summary in English

The Banyan is the largest of all other trees, The peepul shakes quickly in the wind, The coconut grows up straight and tall, The Neem tree’s fruits are very small in size. The Tamarind gives us enjoyable shade, The Date’s leafe is as sharp as a blade. The Teak tree gives us useful wood. The mango gives us fruit that is good.

Trees Summary in Tamil

ஆலமரம் மற்ற எல்லா மரங்களிலும் மிகப் பெரியது. அரசமரம் காற்றில் விரைவாக நடுங்குகிறது. தென்னைமரம் நேராகவும் உயரமாகவும் வளர்கிறது. வேம்பு மரத்தின் பழங்கள் அளவு மிகச் சிறியவை. புளியமரம் நமக்கு மகிழ்ச்சியான நிழலைத் தருகிறது. பேரிச்சமர இலை பிளேடு போல கூர்மையானது. தேக்கு மரம் எங்களுக்கு பயனுள்ள மரத்தை தருகிறது. மாம்பழம் நமக்கு நல்ல பழத்தை தருகிறது.

Trees About the Author in English

Sare Coleridge an English author and translator, born December 23, 1802, in the United Kingdom. She was the only daughter of Samuel Taylox Coleridge and his wife Sara Tricker. Sara took up the task of editing her father’s works, notably “Essay on Rationalism”, 2nd edition of Biographia Literaric” She died of breast cancer in London on 3 May 1852.

Trees About the Author in Tamil

ஆங்கில எழுத்தாளரும் மொழிபெயர்ப்பாளருமான சாரா கோல்ரிட்ஜ், இங்கிலாந்தில் 1802-ஆம் ஆண்டு டிசம்பர் 23 ஆம் நாள் பிறந்தார். சாமுவேல் டெய்லர் கோல்ரிட்ஜ் மற்றும் அவரது மனைவி சாரா டிரைக்கரின் ஒரே மகள் தான் இவர். சாரா தனது தந்தையின் படைப்புகளாக, குறிப்பாக “பகுத்தறிவு பற்றிய கட்டுரை”, “பயோகிராஃப்பியா லிட்ரரியா” வில் இரண்டாம் பதிப்பையும் எடிட் செய்யும் பணியை எடுத்துக் கொண்டார். இவர் லண்டனில் மார்பக புற்றுநோயால் மே 3, 1852-இல் இறந்தார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Book Solutions Term 1

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