6th Standard English Guide Term 3 Unit 2 Supplementary Brought to Book Book Back Answers
Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 2 Brought to Book Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.
Brought to Book 6th Standard English 2nd Lesson Question and Answer
Textual Exercises (Text Book Page No. 112)
A. Read the story again and fill in the table with the present condition of the characters given below:
Ms. English | Her dress was unrecognizable. She looked a wreck. |
Mr. School Bag | The school bag complained about his negligence. |
The young Master Note book | When Mahesh failed to solve a problem, he vented his anger. |
Mr. Pencil Box | Pencil Box looked at Mahesh looked in terrible anger. |
Mr. Geography | All my fellow brothes laugh at him whenever Mahesh pulls him out of his bag. |
B. Answer the questions.
Question 1.
Why was Mahesh brought to court?
Mahesh was brought to court because he ill-treated the books, notebooks, school bags and the pencil box.
Question 2.
Was Mahesh punished for the ill-treatment of his belongings? Why?
Mahesh was not punished for the ill-treatment of his belongings because Ms. English supported him and asked everyone to give him a second chance. She said that he deserved a little consideration.
Question 3.
Why did the fellow brothers of Mr. Geography laugh at him?
The fellow brothers of Mr. Geography laughed at him seeing his worst condition.
Question 4.
What made Justice Mathematics turn red with anger?
Mahesh threw the little Notebook against the wall in his anger. This made Justice Mathematics turn red with anger.
Question 5.
How was the court different from other courts?
The punishment there is decided by the victims and they decide by the majority if the verdicts are more than one.
Question 6.
Why did they decide to forgive him? Who initiated the suggestion?
This was Mahesh’s first offense. So he deserved a second consideration. They decided to give Mahesh a second chance. Ms. English initiated the suggestion.
Question 7.
Was it real or a dream? How could you say?
It was a dream, we know this at the end when Mahesh’s mother shakes him up to get up, as it was late for school.
C. Read the lines and answer the questions:
1. “You have to undo what you have done. Do you understand?”
a) Who said these words to whom?
Justice Mathematics said these words to Mahesh.
b) What was the asked to undo?
He was asked to keep. Ms. English carefully and neatly.
2. I especially envy my brother who belongs to Shobitha.
a) Who is envious of whom?
Mr. Geography is envious of his brother.
b) Why does he envy his brother?
His brother was covered neatly. He ever looked new.
3. “I don’t mean to interrupt, Your Honour, it is just that I feel that everyone deserves a second chance and, after all, this is Mahesh s first offense, he deserves a little consideration.”
a) What do these lines tell about the speaker?
The speaker has a soft heart. She does not want to punish Mahesh.
b) Who does the word ‘I’ refer to?
The word T refers to Ms. English.
D. Think and answer:
1. If you were Ms. English, would you do the same? Why or Why not? Justify your answer.
If I were Ms. English, I would do the same. First, there is no one who does not do any offence. Here it is Mahesh’s first offence. If he is punished, there is a possibility for him to continue doing offence further. But forgiveness will change his life, to be honest. In the case of Mahesh, by forgiving him, we really give him a real chance to feel sorry for what he has done and to change his life.
E. Works in groups:
1. Prepare a chart with do’s and don’ts of books and classwork maintenance. Use your creativity in presenting your ideas. Use short sentences and phrases.
S.No | Do’s | Don’ts |
1. | Handle the book gently. | Don’t use books roughly. |
2. | Cover the books with brown sheets. | Don’t keep any book without a cover. |
3. | Put the books into the school bag carefully. | Don’t tear off pages from the copies. |
4. | Arrange your books and keep them in your bag before going to bed. | Don’t cram the book into the school bag. |
5. | Keep a notebook to record all your classwork. | Don’t throw away a book or Notebook. |
Project (Text Book Page No. 113)
F. Collect any three pictures of your favourite cartoon characters and get them pasted in your classwork. Write a few lines about them.
Tom – a cat, in pursuit of a clever mouse.
Jerry – a mouse, It always escapes from the cat. (Tom)
Donald Duck – It is a white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet.
He typically wears a sailor shirt and cap with a bow tie.
Connecting to Self
Read the following and have a discussion on which of these are fair and ethical to laugh at and which are not. Why?
Accidental or embarrassing situations:
It is not fair and ethical to laugh at them. Because they involve physical and mention aspects of a person. They may be beyond his control at the moment.
Weird behaviour of animals and kids:
We can laugh at them. Because we don’t harm them physically or mentally.
Culture and religion:
It is not fair and ethical to laugh at other’s cultural values and religious beliefs. We must respect them. We must appreciate diversity for unity.
Funny pantomimes and stand up comedies:
We can laugh at them. They create fun. We don’t hurt them mentally by simply laughing.
Physical appearance:
It is not fair and ethical to laugh at the strange or abnormal physical appearance of a person. We must empathize and not laugh. We harm mentally by laughing at physical appearance.
Language and dialect:
It is not fair to laugh at the way a language or dialect is spoken. It is an identity. There is nothing to laugh at.
Humorous movies:
We can laugh watching humourous movies. There are funny dialogues or situations that create laughter. This kind of laughter is harmless.
Friendly imitation and mimicry:
We can laugh at them only if we ensure that it does not hurt one’s sentiments or beliefs.
Step to Success
In a certain code extremely is written as XKDLDQSWD. Figure out the code and rewrite the following words in the same code.
y – X
l – K
e – D
m – L
e – D
r – Q
t – S
x – W
e – D
The preceding letters (in capitals) are taken for the small letters in the reverse order.
Somewhere | DQDGVDLNR |
mercilessly | XKRRDKHBQDL |
yesterday | XZCQDSRDX |
seldom | LNCKDR |
often | MDSEN |
Brought to Book Summary in English
A case was brought against Mahesh in the court. Mathematics was the judge. Ms. English, came to the witness box pointed out to Maheswaran that he did not cover me properly with the nice brown paper. Mahesh mumbles an apology. Next came Mr. Geography, He had no cover. His content page was hanging on its treads. The maps had been filled with all colors. Then the school bag complained about Mahesh’s negligence. The next pencil box said that Mahesh never cleaned it. The next notebook said that he threw against the wall. Ms. English said that it was his first offence so given him a second chance. To our surprise, all this was only Mahesh’s dream.
Brought to Book Summary in Tamil
மகேஷ் மீது நீதிமன்றத்தில் வழக்கு தொடரப்பட்டது. கணிதமே நீதிபதியாக இருந்தது. செல்வி ஆங்கிலம் சாட்சிப் பெட்டியில் வந்து மகேஸ்வரன் என்னை நல்ல பழுப்பு நிற காகிதத்துடன் சரியாக மறைக்கவில்லை என்று சுட்டிக் காட்டினார். மகேஷ் மன்னிப்பு கேட்கிறார். அடுத்து திரு. புவியியல் வந்தது. அவருக்கு கவர் “இல்லை. அவரது உள்ளடக்கப் பக்கம் அதன் மேல்பரப்பில் தொங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தது. வரைபடங்கள் எல்லா வண்ணங்களிலும் நிரப்பப்ட்டிருந்தது. பின்னர் பள்ளி பை மகேஷின் அலட்சியம் குறித்து புகார் கூறினார். அடுத்த பென்சில் பெட்டி மகேஷ் எப்பொழுது அதை சுத்தம் செய்ததாகக் கூறினார். அடுத்த குறிப்பு புத்தகம் அவர் சுவருக்கு எதிராக எறிந்ததாக கூறினார். திருமதி. ஆங்கிலம் இது அவரது முதல் குற்றம் என்று கூறினார். எனவே அவருக்கு இரண்டாவது வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது. ஆச்சர்யம் என்னவென்றால் இது எல்லாம் மகேஷின் கனவு மட்டுமே.
Brought to Book About the Author in English
Madhumidha Gupta is an English teacher, freelance writer, and administrator. Her passion is to write for children and she has written for many children’s magazines. Her works have appeared in many newspapers and magazines in India and in some publications in the Vs. Some of her fiction has found a place in anthologies by children’s book trust and National Book trust. Now she is working as a lecturer.
Brought to Book About the Author in Tamil
மதுமிதா குப்தா ஓர் ஆங்கில ஆசிரியர். பத்திரிக்கையாளர் எழுத்தாளர் மற்றும் நிர்வாகி. குழந்தைகளுக்காக எழுதுவதில் பேரார்வம் கொண்டமையால் குழந்தைகளுக்காக பலவற்றை குழந்தைகள் பத்திரிக்கையில் எழுதியுள்ளார். அவருடைய படைப்புகளும் எழுத்துக்களும் இந்திய நாளிதழ்களிலும் பத்திரிக்கையிலும் வெளியாகியுள்ளன. குழந்தைகள் புத்தக அறக்கட்டளை மற்றும் தேசிய புத்தக அறக்கட்டளைகளின் சிறப்பு தொகுப்புகளில் இவருடைய சில நாவல்கள் வெளிவந்துள்ளன. தற்போது இவர் கல்லூரி விரிவுரையாளராக பணியாற்றி வருகிறார்.
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