Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Solutions Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe

8th English Guide Being Safe Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Warm Up (Text Book Page No. 120)

Which is a safe place to cross?
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe 1
The zebra line is a safe place to cross.

What do you know about safety?
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe 2
Following safety rules is keeping ourself safe.

Section – I
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 120)

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Prasanth had gone to bring coffee to his friends.

2. Grandpa was so angry seeing Prasanth’s friends.

3. Prasanth’s friend came on by walk.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Teacher had taught about the rules of road saftety.

Section – II

Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 123)

Fill in the blanks.
1. They had come to play under the shade of big ………………..
neem tree

2. We should put on ……………….. to avoid Sun bum.

3. ……………….. is a more serious health-related illness.

4. Mani’s mother had instructed him not to roam in Sunlight between ……………….. and ………………..
10 a.m., 3.00 p.m

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Street smart means ………………..
knowledge to be with difficulties and dangerous

Section – III
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 124)

Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 124)

A. Choose the best answer.

1. Grandpa got a call from ……………….
a) his son
b) wife
c) his old friend
c) his old friend

2. Medicine should be kept in ……………… .
a) fridge
b) kitchen table
c) locked cabinet
c) locked cabinet

3. ……………… automotive and gardening products should be secured.
a) gardening products
b) hazardous
c) medicine
b) hazardous

4. We should have ……………… in our home itself to give medical treatment.
a) first aid kit
b) an injection
c) hospital
a) first aid kit

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Some house ……………… and ……………… are poisonous.
a) used food and plants
b) plants and dog
c) plants and used button cell batteries
c) plants and used button cell batteries

B. Choose the correct synonyms for the Italic word.

1. Dixie was feeling very exhausted.
a. joy
b. wounded
c. tired
d rejoiced
c) tired

2. The neem tree was a big antique in his garden.
a) modem
b) ancient
d) outdated
b) ancient

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Praveen got sun stroke.
a) fever
b) nerves
c) unconscious
d) tired
c) unconscious

4. Heat exhaustion prevails.
a) widespread
b) not visible
c) exposive
d) hidden
a) widespread

C. Choose the correct antonyms for the Italic word.

1. Karan visited his ancestral village.
a) offspring
b) family
c) house
d) relative
a) offspring

2. We should use our mobile safely.
a) unsafely
b) secure
c) protect
d) save
a) unsafely

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Medicine should be stored.
a) consumed
b) deleted
c) preserved
d) registered
b) deleted

4. The neem tree provided shelter to many birds.
a) residence
b) unprotection
c) home
d) security
b) unprotection

5. It is a latest mobile.
a) updated
b) outdated
c) new
d) modem
b) outdated

D. Answer the following in one or two sentences. (Text Book Page No. 124)

1. What is STREET SMART?
‘Streetsmart’ is the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in an urban environment.

2. Which should be used with adult supervision?
Mobile phones should be used with adults supervision.

3. What according to grandpa is the most serious illness?
According to grandpa, sunstroke is the most serious illness.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. What is a must in every household?
A first- aid kit is a must in every household.

E. Answer the following questions in 100 words.

1. How can you make yourself cyber safe?
We should make ourselves cyber safe by not posting our personal information, photos, vacation plans, etc, on social media. We should use a unique password with a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Our operating systems (computer or mobile) should be updated regularly. When not in active use, turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, camera, and location services. These functions of our mobile can be misused by others who want to invade our privacy. Don’t download from questionable sites. They can infect your device with viruses and compromise your privacy and safety.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. What are the safety measures to be followed for sunstroke?
Dehydration causes sunstroke during the summer season. Sunstroke is a serious illness that affects the body severely If we follow the safety measures we can keep it away. We should drink sufficient water to keep our bodies as cool as always. We have to avoid going out when it is hot. We need to put on the sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before going out to avoid sunburn. Perhaps, If we are affected by sunstroke it should be informed to the parents & adults.

3. Write about road safety rules?
‘Road Safety Rules’ ought to be followed very strictly whenever we are on the road. The three important rules to be followed on the road are:

  1. When we see the red light, it is an indication to stop.
  2. The green light gives us the instruction to go.
  3. Orange light insists us to get ready to go.
  4. While crossing the road, we have to be careful in crossing the road at the zebra crossing.
  5. We should walk on our right-hand side, against the traffic, so that we can see the vehicles coming.


a. Write a sentence of your own for each homonym. (Text Book Page No. 126)

1. a. Bright – very smart or intelligent – Raju is a bright boy in his class.
b. Bright – filled with light – It was a bright morning.

2. a. Express – something done fast – I came to Chennai by the express train.
b. Express – convey – She expressed her grief openly.

3. a. Kind – type – There are many kinds of flowers here.
b. Kind – caring – She is a kind nurse.

4. a. Well – in good health – I am doing well.
b. Well – water resource – I have a deep well in mv house.

Phrasal Verbs: (Text Book Page No. 126)

a. Write the meaning for the phrasal verbs.

1. look into – go through carefully
2. give up – stop
3. put off – postponed
4. get on – having a good relationship
5. take off – start

b. Use the following phrasal verbs in your own sentence.

1. put up with
I could not put up with my failure in the competition. I was disappointed.

2. keep on
I keep on touch with my old school friends.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. look after
My mother looks after my grandmother.

4. take over
My mother has taken over the charge of running the family after my father went abroad.

5. go through
Go through your textbook before you go for the exam.

Listening (Text Book Page No. 128)

Listen to the teacher and answer the questions.
Note: The listening passage is given on page no. 229

1. The target audience for this speech is
a) teachers
b) the public
c) primary school students
d) secondary school students
d) secondary school students

2. Why was the speaker invited to speak On road safety?
a) It was “Road Safety Week”.
b) He is an expert in this field
c) He had received many accident reports
d) There had been many accidents near the school
a) it was “Road Safety Week”

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Road users can show that they are considerate on the road by
a) hogging the road
b) driving cautiously
c) neglecting traffic rules and road ethics
d) flashing their headlights at oncoming cars
b) driving cautiously

4. When the speaker says, ’However, if you still feel generous and would like to donate your money to us, then speed by all means, he is being
a) rude
b) hopeful
c) fatherly
d) sarcastic
d) sarcastic

Writing (Text Book Page No. 128)

Arrange the picture in order by writing the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 in the given boxes and write this familiar story in about 100 words.
Make use of the words given below.
(Thirsty, village, pitcher, disappointment, pebbles, water level.)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe 3

One hot day, a thirsty crow was looking for water in the village. It saw a pitcher under a tree. The crow flew up to the pitcher eagerly to drink water. But the crow was disappointed because the water in the pitcher was half-full. It saw a pile of pebbles was scattered around the pitcher. The crow put all the pebbles into the pitcher one by one. The level of water came up. The crow drank the water till its thirst was quenched. At last, it flew away happily.

B) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. When the burglars broke into the house, everybody ………………. (have) sound sleep.
was having

2. The milk ………………. (spill) over as she went to see the crowd passing by with loud slogans.
had been spilling

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. If Karthik ………………. (not + make) any mistake, he will be rewarded.
has not made

4. They were watching TV when they ………………. (hear) a loud bang at the door.

5. The bus ………………. (leave) the stop before we could catch it.
had left

6. Arya ………………. (play) the same song for the last three days. It has become boring now.
had been playing

7. Manju ………………. (call) after we reach home.
will call

8. The show ………………. (complete) its one thousand episodes by next month.
will have completed

9. Don’t worry, we will be ………………. (reach) the airport on time.

10. Prasanna has ………………. (fall) sick after eating some snacks at the street side shop.

C) Tick the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. The climate of the city ………………. mild and pleasant most of the time.
(a) is remaining
(b) remains
(c) was remaining
(d) is remained
b) remains

2. One day he ………………. into a hotel in Ooty, a beautiful city in Tamilnadu.
(a) booking
(b) was booking
(c) booked
(d) had booked
c) booked

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. You will certainly ………………. rewards for what you are doing.
(a) getting
(b) had got
(c) was getting
(d) be getting
d) be getting

4. Do you ………………. the day we moved the piano upstairs?
(a) remember
(b) remembered
(c) are remembering
(d) had remembered
a) remember

5. The rain completely ………………. our day.
(a) spoilt
(b) is spoiling
(c) is spoilt
(d) was spoilt
a) spoilt

6. Akbar ………………. the king at the age of fifteen after the sudden death of his father.
(a) was becoming
(b) had become
(c) became
(d) become
c) became

7. The criminal ………………. the place before the police could reach.
(a) was escaping
(b) had escaped
(c) is escaping
(d) will escape
b) had escaped

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

8. They ………………. all the arrangements before the guest is arrival.
(a) will have made
(b) will be made
(c) had been making
(d) were making
a) will have made

9. Sabithra ………………. her job by tomorrow evening.
(a) will be completing
(b) will complete
(c) will have completed
(d) will have been completing
c) will have completed

10. Harshini ………………. her mother in making rangoli in the yard for the last one hour.
(a) is helping
(b) has helped
(c) has been helping
(d) helps
c) has been helping

D) Identify the errors in the sentences given below and rewrite them. (Text Book Page No. 136)

1. I have met him yesterday.
I met him yesterday.

2. I am watching TV since morning.
I have been watching TV since morning.

3. She is seeming sad.
She seems to be sad.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. She watched TV when her husband came.
She was watching TV when her husband came.

5. He is having a cellular phone.
He has a cellular phone.

6. I heard him speak on several subjects.
I heard him speak on several subjects.

7. Ten candidates have passed one failed.
Ten candidates passed and one failed.

8. He succeeded because he works hard.
He succeeded because he worked hard.

9. How long are you working in this office?
How long have you been working in this office?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

10. I shall wait for you till you will finish your work.
I shall wait for you till you finish your work.

11. When I reached the station, the train already left.
When I reached the station, the train had already left.

12. She or he has done well.
She or he has done well.

13. One of the boys are missing.
One of the boys is missing.

14. None is genuine.
No one is a genius.

15. She is waiting for you for 3 hours.
She is waiting for you 3 hours.

Conditional Sentences with ‘if’ (Text Book Page No. 137)

1. Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I, II or III.

1. If I had time, I …………….. (go) shopping with you.
would have gone

2. If you …………….. (speak) English, you will get along with them perfectly.

3. If they had gone for a walk, they …………….. (turn) the lights off.
would have turned

4. If she …………….. (come) to see us, we will go to the zoo.

5. I would have told you if I …………….. (see) him.
had seen

2. Choose the best answer.

1. I will come if I …………….. time.
a) have
b) had
c) will have

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. If he is late, we …………….. without him.
a) would start
b) would have started
c) will start
will start

3. If you …………….. me, I would tell you.
a) will ask
b) asked
c) had asked

4. Will it is all right if I …………….. a friend tonight?
a) had brought
b) bring
c) brought

5. If you …………….. to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.
a) wants
b) wanted
c) want

3. Match the following.

If they worked hard she will come to our party. Answer: they would win.
If I invite Shalini I would have bought these shoes. Answer: she will come to our party.
If I had got enough money they would win. Answer: I would have bought these shoes.

 4. Fill in the blanks with correct verb forms.

1. If you out with your friends tonight, I the football match on TV.
a) go, would watch
b) go, will watch
c) go, have watched
b) go, will watch

2. If he harder, he his goals.
a) tries, would reach
b) tried, will reach
c) tried, would reach
c) tried, would reach

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. If we to the radio, we the news.
a) listen, would hear
b) had listen, will hear
c) listen, would hear
a) listen, would hear

Being Safe Summary in English

Grandpa gives instruction on safety, to Prasanth when he gives to his grandpa’s house, during summer vacation. The boys say that their teacher has taught them the rules of road safety. Grandpa tells them to be cyber safe. Fertilizers, medicines, automotive, and gardening products should be secured and kept locked.

Being Safe Summary in Tamil

பிரசாந்த் தன் கோடை விடுமுறையின்போது தன் தாத்தா வீட்டிற்கு வந்தான். அப்போது தாத்தா அவனுக்கு அறிவுரை கூறுகிறார். அவனது தோழர்களும் ஆசிரியர் மூலம் பாதுகாப்பு விதிமுறைகளை அறிந்துள்ளதாக கூறினர். தர்தா, பையன்களை கணினி வழி பாதுகாப்பை பின்பற்றுமாறு கூறுகிறார். உரங்கள், மருந்து, மோட்டார் வாகன பகுதிகள், தோட்டக்கலை பொருட்கள் இவற்றையும் பத்திரமாய் பூட்டி வைத்து பயன்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்று தாத்தா கூறினார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Pdf Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Solutions Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II

12th Chemistry Guide p-Block Elements – II Text Book Questions and Answers

Part – I – Text Book Evaluation

I. Choose the correct answer

1. In which of the following, NH3 is not used?
a) Nessler’s reagent
b) Reagent for the analysis of IV group basic radical
c) Reagent for the analysis of III group basic radical
d) Tollen’s reagent
a) Nessler’s reagent

2. Which is true regarding nitrogen?
a) least electronegative element
b) has low ionisation enthalpy than oxygen
c) d – orbitals available
d) ability to form pπ -pπ bonds with itself
d) ability to form pπ -pπ bonds with itself

3. An element belongs to group 15 and 3rd period of the periodic table, its electronic configuration would be
a) Is² 2s² 2p4
b) Is² 2s² 2p³
c) Is² 2s² 2p6 3s2² 3p²
d) Is² 2s² 2p6 3s² 3p³
d) Is² 2s² 2p6 3s² 3p³

4. Solid (A) reacts with strong aqueous NaOH liberating a foul smelling gas(B) which spontaneously burn in air giving smoky rings. A and B are respectively
a) P4(red) and PH3
b) P4 (white) and PH3
c) S8 and H2S
d) P4(white) and H2S
b) P4 (white) and Ph3

5. On hydrolysis, PCl3 gives
a) H3PO3
b) PH3
c) H3PO4
d) POCl3
a) H3PO3

6. P4O6 reacts with cold water to give
a) H3PO3
b) H4P2O7
c) HPO3
d) H3PO4
a) H3PO3

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7. The basicity of pyrophosphorous acid (H4P2O3) is
a) 4
b) 2
c) 3
d) 5
b) 2

8. The molarity of given orthophosphoric acid solution is 2M. Its normality is
a) 6N
b) 4N
c) 2N
d) none of these
a) 6N
Normality = M x basicity =2×3 = 6

9. Assertion : bond dissociation energy of fluorine is greater than chlorine gas
Reason : chlorine has more electronic repulsion than flourine
a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
b) Both assertion and reason are true bu t reason is not the correct explanation of assertion
c) Assertion is true bu t reason is false
d) Both assertion and reason are false
d) Both assertion and reason are false The converse is true

10. Among the following, which is the strongest oxidizing agent?
a) Cl2
b) F2
C) Br2
d) l2
b) F2

11. The correct order of the thermal stability of hydrogen halide is (PTA – 4)
a) Hl > HBr > HCl > HF
b) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
c) HCl > HF > HBr > HI
d) HI > HCl > HF > HBr
b) HF > HCl > HBr > HI

12. Which one of the following compounds is not formed?
a) XeOF4
b) XeO3
c) XeF2
d) NeF2
d) NeF2

13. Most easily liquefiable gas is
a) Ar
b) Ne
c) He
d) Kr
c) He

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

14. XeFg on complete hydrolysis produces
a) XeOF4
b) XeO2F2
c) XeO3
d) XeO2
c) XeO3

15. Which of the following is strongest acid among all?
a) HI
b) HF
c) HBr
d) HCl
a) HI
Reason : H-I bond is weakest.

16. Which one of the following orders is correct for the bond dissociation enthalpy of halogen molecules? (NEET)
a) Br2 > I2 > F2 > Cl2
b) F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2
c) I2 > Br2 > Cl2 > F2
d) Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2
d) Cl2 > Br2 > F2 > I2

17. Among the following the correct order of acidity is (NEET)
a) HClO2 < HClO < HClO3 < HClO4
b) HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO < HClO3
c) HClO3 < HClO4 < HClO2 < HClO
d) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4
d) HClO < HClO2 < HClO3 < HClO4

18. When copper is heated with cone HNOs it produces
a) Cu (NO3)2, NO and NO2
b) Cu (NO3)2 and N2O
c) Cu (NO3)2 and NO2
d) Cu (NO3)2 and NO
c) Cu (NO3)2 and NO2

II. Answer the following questions.

Question 1.
What is the inert pair effect?
In p-block elements, as we go down the group, two electrons present in the valence s-orbital become inert and are not available for bonding (only p-orbital involves chemical bonding). This is called inert pair effect.

Question 2.
Chalcogens belong to p-block.
Give reason.

  • Chalcogens belong to p-block elements.
  • Because their outer electronic configuration is ns² np4.
  • In these elements the last electron enters np orbital.
  • Hence they belong to p-block elements.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

Question 3.
Explain why fluorine always exhibits an oxidation state of -1?
Fluorine the most electronegative element than other halogens and cannot exhibit any positive oxidation state. Fluorine does not have a d-orbital while other halogens have d-orbitals. Therefore fluorine always exhibits an oxidation state of-1 and others in the halogen family shows +1, +3, +5 and +7 oxidation states.

Question 4.
Give the oxidation state of halogen in the following
a) OF2
b) O2F2
c) Cl2O3
d) I2O4

Halogen Oxidation State
OF2 -1
O2F2 -1
Cl2O3 +3
I2O4 +4

Question 5.
What are interhalogen compounds? Give examples
Each halogen combines with other halogens to form a series of compounds called interhalogen compounds. For example, Fluorine reacts readily with oxygen and forms difluorine oxide (F2O) and difluorine dioxide (F2O2).

Question 6.
Why fluorine is more reactive than other halogens? (PTA – 1, 3)
Fluorine is the most reactive element among halogens. This is due to the low value of F – F bond dissociation energy.

Question 7.
Give the uses of helium. (PTA – 2)

  1. Helium and oxygen mixture is used by divers in place of air oxygen mixture. This prevents the painful dangerous condition called bends.
  2. Helium is used to provide an inert atmosphere in the electric arc welding of metals
  3. Helium has the lowest boiling point hence used in cryogenics (low-temperature science).
  4. It is much less denser than air and hence used for filling air balloons.

8. What is the hybridisation of iodine in IF7? Give its structure. (PTA – 5)

Inter halogen Hybridisation Structure
IF7 Sp3d3 Pentagonal bipyramidal

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 1

9. Give the balanced equation for the reaction between chlorine with cold NaOH and hot NaOH
Chlorine reacts with cold NaOH to give sodium hypochlorite
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Chlorine reacts with hot NaOH to give sodium chlorate
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 4

10. How will you prepare chlorine in the laboratory? (PTA – 2)
1. Chlorine is prepared by the action of cone, sulphuric acid on chlorides in presence of manganese dioxide.
4NaCl + MnO2 + 4H2SO4 → Cl2 + MnCl2 + 4NaHSO4 + 2H2O

2. It can also be prepared by oxidising hydrochloric acid using various oxidising agents such as manganese dioxide, lead dioxide, potassium permanganate or dichromate.
PbO2 + 4HCl → PbCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2
2KMnO4 + 16HCl → 2KCl + 2MnCl + 8H2O + 5Cl2
K2Cr2O7 + 14HCl → 2KCl + 2CrCl3 + 7H2O + 3Cl2

3. When bleaching powder is treated with mineral acids chlorine is liberated
CaOCl2 + 2HCl → CaCl2 + H2O + Cl2
CaOCl2 + H2SO4 → CaSO4 + H2O + Cl2

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11. Give the uses of sulphuric acid.
Sulphuric acid is used

  • In the manufacture of fertilisers, ammonium sulphate and superphosphates.
  • In the manufacture of other chemicals such as hydrochloric acid, nitric acid etc.,
  • as a drying agent.
  • in the preparation of pigments, explosives, etc.,

12. Give a reason to support that sulphuric acid is a dehydrating agent. (PTA – 1)

  • Sulphuric acid is highly soluble in water.
  • It has a strong affinity towards water.
  • Hence it can be used as a dehydrating agent.
  • When dissolved in water, it forms mono (H2SO4.H2O) and dihydrates (H2SO4.2H2O) and the reaction is exothermic.
    C12H22O11 + H2SO4 → 12C + H2SO4.11H2O
    HCOOH + H2SO4 → CO + H2SO4.H2O

13. Write the reason for the anomalous behaviour of Nitrogen.
1. Due to its small size, high electronegativity, high ionisation enthalpy and absence of d-orbitals.

2. N, has a unique ability to form pπ – pπ multiple bond whereas the heavier members of this group (15) do not form pπ – pπ bond, because their atomic orbitals are so large and diffused that they cannot have effective overlapping.

3. Nitrogen exists a diatomic molecule with triple bond between the two atoms whereas other elements form single bond in the elemental state.

4. N cannot form dπ – pπ bond due to the absence of d – orbitals whereas other elements can.

14. Write the molecular formula and structural formula for the following molecules
a) Nitric add
b) dinitrogen pentoxide
c) phosphoric acid
d) phosphine
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 2

15. Give the uses of argon.
Argon prevents the oxidation of hot filament and prolongs the life in filament bulbs.

16. Write the valence shell electronic configuration of group -15 elements.
Valence shell electronic configuration of group 15 elements is ns²np³

Elements Valence Shell Electronic configuration
N 2s2p3
P 3s2p3
S 4s24p3
Sb 5s25p3
Bi 6s2p3

17. Give two equations to illustrate the chemical behaviour of phosphine.
Basic Nature :
Phosphine is weakly basic and forms phosphonium salts.
PH3 +HI → PH4 I
PH4I + H2O \(\underrightarrow { \triangle } \) PH3 + H3O+ + I
It react with halogen to give phosphorous penta halidae
PH3 +4Cl2 → PCl5 + 3HCl

When phosphine is heated with air or oxygen it burns to give metaphosphoric acid
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 6

18. Give a reaction between nitric acid and a basic oxide.
Nitric acid rects with a basic oxide to form salt and water.
3 FeO + 10HNO3 → Fe (NO3)3 + NO + 5H2O

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19. What happens when PCl5 is heated?
On heating Phoshorous pentachloride decomposes into phosphorus trichloride and chlorine
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20. Suggest a reason why HF is a weak acid, whereas binary acids of all other halogens are strong acids.

  • HF is only slightly ionised, hence it is a weak acid
  • Other halogen acids are almost completely ionised, hence they are strong acids.
  • Among halogen acids, the electronegativity difference is maximum (1.9) in HF acid.
  • Hence the bond between H and F is stronger and the acid HF is weaker.

21. Deduce the oxidation number of oxygen in hypofluorous acid – HOF.
Oxidation number of F = -1
Oxidation number of H = +1
Oxidation number of O in HOF = x
(+1) + x + (-1) = 0
x = 0
Oxidation number of O in HOF = 0

22. What type of hybridisation occur in (PTA – 5)
a) BrF5
b) BrF3

23. Complete the following reactions
1. NaCl+ MnO2 + H2SO4
2. NaNO2 + HCl →
3. P4 + Na0H + H2O →
4. AgNO3 + PH3
5. Mg + HNO3
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8. Sb + Cl2
9. HBr + H2SO4
10. XeF6 + H2O →
11. XeO64- + Mn2+ + H+
12. XeOF4 + SiO2
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III. Evaluate yourself

1. Write the products formed in the reaction of nitric acid (both dilute and concentrated) with zinc.
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12th Chemistry Guide p-Block Elements – II Additional Questions and Answers

Part II – Additional Questions

I. Match the following


Compound The oxidation state of Nitrogen
i) NH3 +2
ii) N22 +5
ii) N2O +4
iv) NO +3
v) HNO2 0
vi) NO2 +1
vii) HNO3 -3


Compound Oxidation state of Nitrogen
i) NH3 -3
ii) N22 0
ii) N2O +1
iv) NO +2
v) HNO2 +3
vi) NO2 +4
vii) HNO3 +5


Name Molecular Formula
i) Sulpurous acid H2S2O8
ii) Thiosulphuric acid H2S2O7
iii) Pyrosulphuric acid H2S2O6
iv) Marshall’s acid H2SO3
v) Dithionic acid H2S2O3


Name Molecular Formula
i) Sulpurous acid H2SO3
ii) Thiosulphuric acid H2S2O3
iii) Pyrosulphuric acid H2S2O7
iv) Marshall’s acid H2S2O8
v) Dithionic acid H2S2O6


Inter Halogen compound Hybridisation
i) IF5 Sp3d3
ii) BeF3 Sp3
iii) IF7 Sp3d2
iv) ClF Sp3d


Inter Halogen compound Hybridisation
i) IF5 Sp3d2
ii) BeF3 Sp3d
iii) IF7 Sp3d3
iv) ClF Sp3


Compound Structure
XeOF2 Linear
XeO3 Square planar
XeF Pyramidal
XeOF4 I Distorted octahedron
XeF4T T shaped
XeP6 Square pyramidal


Compound Structure
XeOF2 T shaped
XeO3 Pyramidal
XeF Linear
XeOF4 Square pyramidal
XeF4T Square planar
XeP6 Distorted octahedron

II. Assertion and Reason

i) Both A and R are correct, R explains A.
ii) A is correct, R is wrong
iii) A is wrong, R is correct
iv) Both A and R are correct, but R does not explain A.

1. Assertion (A) : Aqueous solution of potash Alum is acidic
Reason (R) : Aluminium sulphate undergo hydrolysis. (PTA – 2)
i) Both A and R are correct, R is explanation of A

2. Assertion (A) : Elements belonging to group 16 are called chalcogens
Reason (R) : Group 16 elements are saltforming elements
ii) A is correct, R is wrong
Correct Reason : Group 16 elements are ore forming elements

3. Assertion (A) : Among halogen acids, HF has low melting and boiling points
Reason (R) : In HF hydrogen bond is present.
iii) A is wrong, R is correct.
Correct A : Among halogen acids HF has high melting and boiling points.

4. Assertion (A) : A small piece of Zinc dissolved in dilute nitric acid but hydrogen gas is not evolved. (PTA – 3)
Reason (R) : HNO3 is an oxidising agent and this oxidizes hydrogen.
ii) A is correct but R is wrong.

III. Pick out the Correct statement

1. i) Oxygen is diamagnetic
ii) Oxygen forms hydrogen bonds
iii) Oxygen exists in two allotropic forms
iv) Oxygen exists as a triatomic gas
a) (i) &(ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (iii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
b) (ii) & (iii)
Correct statement: (i) Oxygen is paramagnetic (iv) Oxygen exists as a diatomic gas

2. i) Sulphur exists in crystalline as well as an amorphous form
ii) Rhombic sulphur has a characteristic yellow colour and composed of Sg molecules.
iii) When heated slowly above % C monoclinic sulphur is converted into Rhombic sulphur
iv) At around 140°C Rhombic sulphur melts to form mobile pale yellow liquid called X sulphur.
a) (i) &(ii)
b) (i) & (iii)
c) (ii) & (iii)
d) (iii) & (iv)
a) (i) & (ii)
Correct statement : (iii) When heated slowly above 96°C, Rhombic sulphur is converted into monoclinic sulphur
(iv) At around 140°C the monoclinic sulphur melts to form mobile pale yellow liquid called X sulphur

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3. i) H2SO4 is a dibasic acid
ii) H3PO3 is a tribasic acid
iii) H3PO4 is a dibasic acid
iv) H3PO2 is a monobasic acid
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (iii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
Correct statement:
(ii) H3PO3 is a dibasic acid
(iii) H3PO4 is a tribasic acid

4. i) Krypton is used in cryogenics.
ii) Neon is used in high-speed electronic flashbulbs used by photographers.
iii) Helium is used to provide an inert atmosphere in electric arc welding of metals.
iv) Radon is used as a source of gamma rays.
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (iii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
c) (iii) & (iv)
Correct statement: (i) Helium is used in cryogenics
(ii) Xenon is used in high speed electronic flash bulbs used by photographers.

IV. Pick out the incorrect statement

1. i) In inter halogen compounds the central atom will be the smaller halogen
ii) Interhalogen compounds can be formed only between two halogen atoms.
iii) Flourine can act as a central atom.
iv) Interhalogens are strong oxidising agents
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (i) & (iii)
c) (ii) & (iii)
d) (i) & (iv)
b) (i) & (iii)
Correct statements:
(i) In interhalogen compounds the central atom will be the larger halogen
(iii) Flourine cannot act as a central atom.

2. i) Nitrogen reacts with group 2 metals to form ionic nitrides.
ii) Ammonia is less soluble in water.
iii) Liquid nitrogen is used in biological preservation.
iv) In the conversion of metal oxides to metal ammonia acts as an oxidising agent.
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (i) & (iii)
d) (ii) & (iv)
d) (ii) & (iv)
Correct statements:
(ii) Ammonia is extremely soluble in water.
(iv) In the conversion of metal oxides to metal ammonia acts as a reducing agent

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3. i) When reacted with metals, nitric acid liberates hydrogen
ii) Chromium when reacted with nitric acid becomes passive due to the formation of nitrate on its surface.
iii) In most of the reactions nitric acid acts as an oxidising agent
iv) Fuming nitric acid contains oxides of nitrogen
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (ii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
a) (i) & (ii)
Correct statement : (i) When reacted with metals, nitric acid does not liberate hydrogen
(ii) Chromium when reacted with nitric acid becomes passive due to the formation of oxide on its surface

4. The rate of decomposition of ozone increases sharply in alkaline solution.
ii) In acidic solution ozone exceeds the oxidising power of fluorine and atomic oxygen
iii) Considerable amount of ozone is formed in the upper atmosphere by the action of UV light
iv) The shape of the Ozone molecule is linear
a) (i) &(ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (iii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
Correct statement : (i) The rate of decomposition of ozone drops sharply in alkaline solution.
(iv) The shape of the ozone molecule is bent.

V. Pick out the odd man out

1. w.r.t oxidation number pick the odd man out.
a) HPO3
b) H3PO3
c) H3PO4
d) H4P2O7
b) H3PO3 – O.N is +3 while in others the O.N of phosphorous is +5

2. w.r.t the reaction with sulphuric acid pick the odd man out
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Platinum
d) Copper
d) Copper – copper reacts with sulphuric acid while others do not

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3. w.r.t reactivity pick the odd man out
a) F2
b) Cl2
c) Br2
d) I2
a) F2 – F2 is more reactive than other halogens

4. w.r.t the ability to form oxoacids pick the odd man out
a) fluorine
b) chlorine
c) bromine
d) iodine
a) Flour – Fluorine forms only one oxoacid where as other halogens form more than one oxoacid.

VI. Choose the best answer.

1. The principal gas present in atmosphere is
a) O2
b) N2
C) H2
d) CO2
b) N2

2. The basicity of hypophosphorous acid is (PTA – 2)
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
a) 1

3. Chile salt petre is
a) NaNO2
b) NaNO3
c) KNO2
d) KNO3
b) NaNO3

4. Indian salt petre is
a) NaNO2
b) NaNO3
c) KNO2
d) K.NO3
d) KNO3

5. Inert character of nitrogen is due to its
a) high electronegativity
b) low electro negativity
c) high bonding energy
d) low bonding energv
c) high bonding energy

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6. Which of the following is caro’s acid?
a) H2S2O8
b) H2S2O7
c) H2SO3
d) H2SO3
c H2SO5

7. Haber’s process is used for the synthesis of
a) NO2
b) HNO3
c) NH3
d) N2O
a) NH3

8. The substance used in cryosurgery for producing low temperature is
a) liquid oxygen
b) liquid nitrogen
c) liquid hydrogen
d) liquid ammonia
b) liquid nitrogen

9. Urea on hydrolysis gives
a) NO2
b) HNO3
c) NH3
d) N2O
a) NH3

10. The catalyst used in Haber’s process is
a) Ni
b) Fe
c) Co
d) Pt
b) Fe

11. The smell of ammonia is
a) rotten egg
b) rotten fish
c) pungent
d) garlic
c) pungent

12. Like water, ammonia is a fairly good ionising solvent, because its dielectric constant is
a) considerably low
b) considerably high
c) equal to zero
d) equal to one
b) considerably high

13. The process used for the manufacture of nitric acid is known as
a) Haber’s process
b) Deacon’s process
c) contact process
d) Ostwald’s process
d) Ostwald’s process

14. With excess of chlorine, ammonia reacts to give an explosive substance
a) N2
b) NH4NO3
c) NH4Cl
d) NCl3
d) NCl3

15. The deep blue colour compound formed when excess of ammonia is added to aqueous solution of copper sulphate is
a) [Cu(NO3)2]
b) [Cu(NH3)2]2+
c) [Cu(NH3)4]2+
d) [Cu(NH3)2]+
c) [Cu(NH3)4]2+

16. The shape of ammonia molecule is
a) tetrahedral
b) pyramidal
c) square planar
d) octahedral
b) pyramidal

17. The bond angle in ammonia is
a) 104°
b) 104°28′
c) 107°
d) 180°
c) 107°

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18. The colour of Pure nitric acid is
a) colourless
b) brown
c) pale green
d) green
a) colourless

19. Fuming nitric acid contains oxides of
a) sulphur
b) hydrogen
c) nitrogen
d) carbon
c) nitrogen

20. Nitric acid can act as
a) an acid
b) an oxidising agent
c) nitrating agent
d) all of the above
d) all the above

21. The formula of hyponitrous acid is (MARCH 2020)
a) H2N2O2
b) H4N2O4
d) HNO2
a) H2N2O2

22. The oxidising power of oxo acids follows the order
a) HOX > HXO2 > HXO3 > HXO4
b) HXO4 > HXO3 > HXO2 > HOX
c) HXO3 > HXO4 > HXO2 > HOX
d) HOX > HXO4 > HXO3 > HXO2
a) HOX > HXO2 > HXO3 > HXO4

23. White phosphorous is kept under
a) kerosene
b) water
c) alcohol
d) ether
b) water

24. White phosphorous becomes yellow phosphorous due to
a) hydrolysis
b) reduction
c) oxidation
d) displacement
c) oxidation

25. In the conversion of yellow phosphorous into phosphine, phosphorous acts as
a) oxidising agent
b) reducing agent
c) catalyst
d) hydrolysing agent
b) reducing agent

26. In the conversion of phosphorous into orthophosphoric acid, the catalyst used is
a) Cl2
b) Br2
c) I2
d) F2
c) I2

27. Which is used in match boxes?
a) White phosphorous
b) Red phosphorous
c) Black phosphorous
d) Scarlet phosphorous
b) Red Phosphorous

28. The acid having O-O bond in its structure (PTA – 6)
a) H2SO3
b) H2S2O6
c) H2S2O8
d) H2S4O6
c) H2S2O8

29. The smell of phosphine is
a) rotten egg
b) rotten fish
c) pungent
d) garlic
b) rotten fish

30. The compounds used in Holme’s signal are
a) CaC2 & Ca3P2
b) AlP & Ca3P2
c) CaC2 & P4
d) AlP & P4
a) CaC2 & Ca3P2

31. The gases liberated in Holme’s signal are
a) C2H2 & CH4
b) C2H2 & Ph3
c) C2H4 & PH3
d) CH4 & Ph3
b) C2H2 & Ph3

32. The formula of pyrophosphoric acid is
a) H4P2O6
b) H4P2O7
c) H3PO2
d) H3PO3
b) H4P2O7

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33. Thermodynamically stable allotrophic form of sulphur is
a) Rhombic sulphur
b) Monoclinic sulphur
c) Plastic sulphur
d) Colloidal sulphur
a) Rhombic sulphur

34. The gas found in volcanic eruptions is
a) NO2
b) NO
c) SO2
d) SO3
c) SO2

35. The hybridisation of sulphur in SO2 is
a) sp
b) sp²
c) sp³
d) dsp²
b) sp²

36. The gas liberated when dilute sulphuric acid reacts with metals is
a) SO2
b) SO3
c) H2
d) O2
c) H2

37. The gas liberated when cone, sulphuric acid reacts with metals is
a) SO2
b) SO3
c) H2
d) O2
a) SO2

38. When sulphuric acid reacts with barium chloride solution, the white precipitate formed is
a) PbSO4
b) BaSO4
c) (CH3COO)2SO4
d) PbCl2
b) BaSO4

39. The halogen which exists as a liquid is
a) flourine
b) chlorine
c) bromine
d) iodine
c) bromine

40. The halogen which exists as a solid is
a) flourine
b) chlorine
c) bromine
d) iodine
d) iodine

41. Chlorine is manufactured by
a) Haber’s process
b) Deacon’s process
c) Contact process
d) Ostwald’s process
b) Deacon’s process

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42. The colour of chlorine gas is
a) colourless
b) brown
c) greenish yellow
d) pale green
c) greenish yellow

43. Aqua regia is a mixture of cone. HCl and cone. HNO3 in the ratio
a) 1 : 3
b) 3 : 1
c) 2 : 3
d) 3 : 2
b) 3 :1

44. The halogen acid which forms hydrogen bond is
a) HF
b) HCl
c) HBr
d) HI
a) HF

45. Among halogen acids, the strongest bond is present in
a) HF
b) HCl
c) HBr
d) HI
a) HF

46. Among halogen acids, the weakest bond is present in
a) HF
b) HCl
c) HBr
d) HI
d) HI

47. Among halogen acids, the strongest acid is
a) HF
b) HCl
c) HBr
d) HI
d) HI

48. Among halogen acids, the weakest acid is
a) HF
b) HCl
c) HBr
d) HI
a) HF

49. The correct order of acid strength is
a) HF > HCl > HBr > HI
b) HF < HCl < HBr < HI
c) HF > HCl < HBr > HI
d) HF < HCl > HBr < HI
b) HF < HCl < HBr < HI

50. Which is more reactive towards hydrogen?
a) flourine
b) chlorine
c) bromine
d) iodine
a) flourine

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51. The number of bond pair and lone pair of electrons present in the interhalogen compound BrF3 is
a) 1 & 3
b) 3 & 2
C) 5 & 1
d) 7 & 0
b) 3 & 2

52. The oxidation number of oxygen in F2O is
a) -2
b) -1
c) +2
d) +1
c) +2

53. The oxidation number of chlorine in Cl2O7 is
a) +1
b) +4
c) +6
d) +7
d) +7

54. The strongest oxidising agent among the following is
a) chlorous acid
b) chloricacid
c) hypochlorous acid
d) perchloric acid
c) hypochlorous acid

55. The first ionisation energy of noble gases is in the order
a) He < Ne < Ar < Kr
b) He > Ne > Ar > Kr
c) He < Ne > Ar < Kr
d) He > Ne < Ar > Kr
b) He > Ne > Ar > Kr

56. Among noble gases, chemical reactivity is shown by
a) He & Ne
b) Ar & Kr
c) Kr & Xe
d) Xe & Rn
c) Kr & Xe

57. Which among the following is used in cryogenics?
a) He
b) Ne
c) Ar
d) Kr
a) He

58. Which is used for filling air balloons?
a) He
b) Ne
c) Ar
d) Kr
a) He

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59. Which is used in advertisement sign boards?
a) He
b) Ne
c) Ar
d) Kr
b) Ne

60. Lamps used in airports as approaching lights is filled with
a) He
b) Ne
c) Ar
d) Kr
d) Kr

VII. Two Mark Questions

Question 1.
How is pure nitrogen gas prepared?
Pure nitrogen gas is prepared by the thermal decomposition of sodium azide at about 575 K
2NaN3 \(\underrightarrow { 573K } \) 2Na + 3N2

Question 2.
Nitrogen does not form any penta halides like phosphorus, why?
Nitrogen does not form pentahalide although it exhibit +5 oxidation state. Due to the absence of d-orbitals.
It cannot undergo sp3d hybridization and hence cannot form pentahalides.

Question 3.
What is Haber’s process?
The synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen at high pressure and optimum temperature in presence of iron catalyst is known as Haber’s process.
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∆Hf = -46.2 Kjmol-1

Question 4.
Write the uses of nitrogen
Nitrogen is used
In the manufacture of ammonia, nitric acid, and calcium cyanamide etc.
Liquid nitrogen is used for producing low temperature required in cryosurgery and so used in biological preservation.

Question 5.
How is ammonia prepared in the laboratory?
Ammonia is prepared in the laboratory by heating an ammonium salt with a base
2NH4Cl + CaO → CaCl2 + 2NH3 + H2O

Question 6.
Write about the reducing property of ammonia.
When passed over heated metallic oxides Ammonia reduces metal oxides into metal
3PbO + 2NH3 → 3Pb + N2 + 3H2O

Question 7.
What happens when ammonia reacts with excess of chlorine?
With excess of chlorine ammonia reacts to give an explosive substance nitrogen trichloride
2NH3 + 6Cl2 → 2NO3 + 6HO

Question 8.
On standing nitric acid becomes yellow in colour why?

  • Pure nitric acid is colourless
  • Fuming nitric acid contains oxides of nitrogen
  • It decomposes on exposure to sunlight or on being heated into nitrogendioxide, water and oxygen.
    4HNO3 → 4NO2 + 2H2O + O2
  • Due to this reaction, pure nitric acid or its concentrated solution becomes yellow on standing

Question 9.
Prove that nitric acid is an oxidising agent.
Non metals like carbon, sulphur are oxidised by nitric acid.
C + 4HNO3 → CO2 + 4NO2 + 2H2O
S + 2HNO3 → H2SO4 + 2NO

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Question 10.
Prove that nitric acid is a nitrating agent.
Nitric acid replaces hydrogen atom from organic compounds with nitronium ion NO2+. This is called nitration.
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Question 11.
Write the uses of nitric acid is used

  • as an oxidising agent.
  • in the preparation of aqua regia.
  • Salts of nitric acid are used in photography (AgNO3) and gunpowder for fire arms (NaNO3)

Question 12.
How is nitrous oxide prepared?
By Heating ammonium nitrate nitrous oxide is prepared
NH4NO3 → N2O + 2H2O

Question 13.
How is nitrous acid prepared?
By treating nitrite salt with acids, nitrous acid is prepared
Ba(NO2)2 + H2SO4 → 2HNO2 + BaSO4

Question 14.
What is phosphorescence?
White phosphorous undergoes spontaneous slow oxidation in air giving a greenish yellow glow which is visible in the dark. This is known as phosphorescence. The main product of this slow oxidation is P2O3.

Question 15.
How is phosphine prepared?
Phosphine is prepared by the action of sodium hydroxide with white phosphorous in an inert atmosphere of carbon dioxide
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Question 16.
How is orthophosphoric acid prepared in ‘ the laboratory?
When phosphorous is treated with cone, nitric acid in the presence of iodine catalyst, it is oxidised to orthophosphoric acid.

Question 17.
Write the uses of phosphorous Phosphorous is used

  • in match boxes
  • For the production of certain alloys such as phosphor bronze.

Question 18.
What happens when phosphine is heated in the absence of air?
Phosphine decomposes into its elements when heated in the absence of air at 317 K
4PH3 \(\underrightarrow { 317K } \) P4 + 6H2

Question 19.
Write about the reducing property of phosphine?
Phosphine reduces silver nitrate into silver
PH3 + 6AgNO3 + 3H2O → 6Ag + 6HNO3 + H3PO3

Question 20.
How is phosphorous trichloride prepared?

  • When a slow stream of chlorine is passed over white phosphorous, PCl3 is obtained.
  • It is also prepared by treating white phosphorous with thionyl chloride.
    P4 + 8SOCl2 → 4PCl3 + 4SO2 + 2S2Cl2

Question 21.
Ozone (O3) acts as a powerful oxidizing agent why? (PTA – 5)
Ozone is not a very stable compound under normal conditions and decomposes readily on heating to give a molecule of oxygen and nascent oxygen.
Nascent oxygen, being a free radical, is very reactive
O3 \(\underrightarrow { \triangle } \) O2 + [O]

Question 22.
Write the uses of oxygen

  • Oxygen is one of the essential components for the survival of living organisms.
  • Oxygen is used in oxyacetylene welding.
  • Liquid oxygen is used as a rocket fuel.

Question 23.
How is sulphur dioxide prepared in the laboratory?
SO2 is prepared in the laboratory by treating a metal or metal sulphite with sulphuric acid
Cu + 2H2SO4 → CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O
SO32- + 2H+ → SO2 + H2O

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Question 24.
Illustrate the oxidising property of SO2.
SO2 oxidises hydrogen sulphide to sulphur and magnesium to magnesium oxide.
2H2S + SO2 → 3S + 2H2O
2Mg + SO2 → 2MgO + S

Question 25.
Write about contact process.

  • In contact process SO2 is oxidised to SO3
  • It is used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid.
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 18

Question 26.
Write the uses of sulphurdioxide.

  • SO2 is used in bleaching hair, silk, wool etc.
  • SO2 is used for disinfecting crops and plants in agriculture

Question 27.
Write about the structure of sulphr dioxide.

  • Sulphur undergoes sp² hybridisation.
  • A double bond arises between S and O due to pπ – dπ overlapping

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Question 28.
Illustrate the dehydrating property of sulphuric acid.
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Question 29.
Show that sulphuric acid is a dibasic acid.
H2SO4 forms two types of salts with NaOH Hence it is dibasic.
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Question 30.
How is chlorine is manufactured by Deacon’s process?

  • A mixture of air and hydrochloric acid is passed up a chamber containing a number of shelves, containing pumice stones soaked in cuprous chloride.
  • Hot gases at about 723 K are passed through a jacket that surrounds the chamber.
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 21
  • Chlorine obtained is dilute and used for the manufacture of bleaching powder

Question 31.
Write about the bleaching action of chlorine.
Chlorine is a strong oxidising and bleaching agent since it produces nascent oxygen.
H2O + Cl2 → HCl + HOCl (Hypochlorous acid)
HOCl → HCl +[0]
Colouring matter + Nascent oxygen → Colourless oxidation product.

The bleaching of chlorine is permanent.

Question 32.
How is bleaching powder prepared? (MARCH 2020)
Bleaching powder is prepared by passing chlorine gas through dry slaked lime (calcium hydroxide)
Ca(OH)2 + Cl2 → CaOCl2 + H2O

Question 33.
Write the uses of chlorine Chlorine is used

  • In the purification of drinking water.
  • In the bleaching of cotton textiles, paper, and rayon.
  • In the extraction of gold and platinum.

Question 34.
How is hydrochloric and prepared in the laboratory?
Hydrochloric add is prepared by the action of sodium chloride and cone, sulphuric acid
NaCl + H2SO4 → NaHSO4. + HCl
NaHSO4 + NaCl → Na2SO4. + HCl
Dry hydrochloric acid is obtained by passing the gas through cone, sulphuric acid

Question 35.
How is xenon trioxide prepared?
2XeF6 + SiO2 \(\underrightarrow { 50°C } \) 2XeOF4 + SiF4
2XeOF4 + SiO2 → 2XeO2F2 + SiF4
2XeO2F2 + SiO2 → 2XeO3 + SiF4
XeF6 + 3H2 → XeO3 + 6HF

Question 36.
How is sodium per xenate obtained?
When XeF6 reacts with 2.5 M NaOH, sodium per xenate is obtained.
2XeF6 + 16NaOH → Na4XeO6 + Xe + O2 + 12NaF + 8H2O

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Question 37.
Show that sodium per xenate is a strong oxidising agent
Sodium per xenate oxidises manganese (II) ion into permanganate ion even in the
absence of a catalyst
5XeO4-6 + 2Mn2+ + 14H+ → 2MnO4 + 5XeO3 + 7H2O

Question 38.
Give reason: ICl is more reactive than l2 (PTA – 3)

  • This is because inter-halogen compounds are in general more reactive than halogens due to w eaker inter-halogen X-X bond than X-X bond.
  • So, I2 is more stable and less reactive than ICl.

VIII. Three Mark Questions

Question 1.
Write about the structure of ammonia.

  • Ammonia molecule is pyramidal in shape.
  • Hybridisation of nitrogen is sp³.
  • The shape must be tetrahedral but in one of the tetrahedral positions a lone pair of electrons from the nitrogen atom is present, hence it is pyramidal.
  • The N – H bond distance is 1.016 A0.
  • The H – H bond distance is 1.645 A°.
  • The bond angle is 107°
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Question 2.
How does red phosphorous react with oxygen?
Red phosphorous reacts with oxygen on heating to give phosphorous trioxide and phosphorous pentoxide.
P4 + 3O2 → P4O6
P4 + 5O2 → P4O10

Question 3.
How is pure phosphine prepared?
Pure phosphine is prepared by heating phosphorous acid
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A pure sample of phosphine is prepared by heating phosphonium iodide with caustic soda solution.
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Question 4.
What happens when phosphine is heated with air?
When phosphine is heated with air or oxygen, it undergoes combustion to give meta phosphoric acid.
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Question 5.
Write about Holmes signal

  • In a ship during distress, a container with calcium carbide and calcium phosphide mixture is pierced and thrown into the sea.
  • The mixture reacts with seawater liberating acetylene and phosphine gases.
  • The liberated phosphine catches fire and ignites acetylene.
  • These burning gases with lot of smoke serves as a signal to the approaching ships.
  • This is known as Holme’s signal.

Question 6.
Write about the structure of phosphine

  • Phosphorous shows sp³ hybridisation.
  • Three orbitals are occupied by bond pair electrons.
  • Fourth orbital is occupied by lone pair of electrons.
  • Hence instead of tetrahedral, PH3 has a pyramidal shape.
  • Bond angle is reduced to 94°
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 23

Question 7.
How is oxygen prepared in the laboratory?
Oxygen is prepared in the laboratory by the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide in presence of Mn02 catalyst or by the oxidation of potassium permanganate.
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5H2O2 + 2MnO4 + 6H+ → 5O2 + 8H2O + 2Mn2+

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Question 8.
Write about ozone

  • Ozone is an allotropic form of oxygen
  • Ozone is triatomic gas
  • Although negligible amounts of ozone occurs at sea level, it is formed in the upper atmosphere by the action of UV light.
  • In the laboratory ozone is prepared by passing electrical discharge through oxygen.
  • At a potential of 20,000 V about 10% of oxygen is converted into ozone, it gives a mixture known as ozonised oxygen.
  • Pure ozone is obtained as a pale blue gas by the fractional distillation of liquefied ozonised oxygen.
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  • Ozone molecule has a bent shape and symmetrical with delocalised bonding between the oxygen atoms.

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Question 9.
Write about the reducing property of sulphur dioxide

SO2 reduces chlorine into hydrochloric acid
SO2 + 2H2O + Cl2 → H2SO4 + 2HCl

SO2 reduces potassium permanganate into manganese sulphate (Mn2+).
2KMnO4 + 5SO2 + 2H2O → K2SO4 + 2MnSO4 + 2H2SO4

SO2 reduces potassium dichromate into chromic sulphate (Cr3+)
K2Cr2O7 + 3SO2 + H2SO4 → K2SO4 + Cr2(SO4)3 + H2O

Question 10.
Write about the bleaching action of sulphur dioxide.
In presence of water, sulphur dioxide bleaches coloured wool, silk, sponges and straw into colourless due to its reducing property
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 30

When the bleached product (Colourless) is allowed to stand in air, it is reoxidised by atmospheric oxygen to its original colour.

Hence bleaching action of sulphurdioxide is temporary

Question 11.
Explain the manufacture of sulphuric acid

  • Sulphur dioxide is produced by burning sulphur or iron pyrites in oxygen / air
    S + O2 → SO2
    4FeS2 + 11O2 → 2Fe2O3 + 8SO2
  • SO2 is oxidised to SO3 by air in presence of V2O5 or platinised absestos
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 31
  • SO3 is absorbed in cone H2SO4 and oleum is produced
    SO3 + H2SO4 H2S2O7
  • Oleum is converted into sulphuric acid by diluting it with water.
    H2S2O7 + H2O → 2H2SO4
  • To maximize the yield the plant is operated at 2 bar pressure and 720 K.
    96% pure H2SO4 is obtained.

Question 12.
Show that sulphuric acid is an oxidising agent
Sulphuric acid is an oxidising agent as it produces nascent oxygen
H2SO4 → H2O + SO2 + [O] (Nascert oxygen)

Sulphuric acid oxidises carbon into carbon dioxide
C + 2H2SO4 → 2SO2 + 2H2O + CO2

Sulphuric acid oxidises phosphorous into orthophosphoric acid
P4 + 10H2SO4 → 4H3PO4 + 10SO2 + 4H20

Sulphuric acid oxidises iodide into iodine.
H2SO4 + 2HI → 2SO2 + 2H2O + I2

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Question 13.
What is the action of sulphuric acid on metals?
Dilute sulphuric acid reacts with metals liberating hydrogen gas.
Zn + H2SO4 ZnSO4 + H2

Hot cone. Sulphuric acid reacts with metals to give sulphates and sulphur dioxide
Cu + 2H2SO4 → CuSO4 + 2H2O + SO2

Sulphuric acid does not react with noble metals like gold, silver and platinum.

Question 14.
Give the test for sulphate / sulphuric acid
Dilute solution of sulphuric acid / Sulphates react with barium chloride or lead acetate solution to give a white precipitate
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 3 p-Block Elements – II 32

Question 15.
How is chlorine manufactured by the electrolytic process?
When brine solution (NaCl) is electrolyzed, Na+ and Cl ions are formed.
Na+ ions react with OH ions of water forming sodium hydroxide.
Hydrogen and chlorine are liberated as gases.
NaCl → Na+ +Cl
H2O → H+ +OH
Na+ + OH → NaOH
At cathode : H+ + e → H
H + H → H2
At anode : Cl → Cl + e
Cl + Cl → Cl2

Question 16.
What is aqua regia? What is its action on gold?
Aqua regia is a mixture of three parts of cone, hydrochloric acid and one part of cone, nitric acid.
This is used for dissolving gold, platinum etc.
AU + 4H+ + NO3 + 4Cl → AuCl4 +NO + 2H2O

Question 17.
HF acid is a weaker acid at low concentration, but becomes stronger as the concentration increases why?
0.1 M Solution HF is 10% ionised, hence it is a weak acid.
But 5 M, 15 M solution of HF is stronger due to the equilibrium.
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At high concentration, the equilibrium involves the removal of flouride ions and increases the hydrogen ion concentration, HF becomes stronger acid as the concentration increases.

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Question 18.
HF acid is not stored in glass bottles why? (MARCH 2020)
HF attacks silica and silicates present in glass bottles.

Hence HF is not stored in glass bottles. But HF is stored in Teflon bottles.
SiO2 + 4HF → SiF4 + 2H2O
Na2SiO3 + 6HF → Na2SiF6 + 3H2O

Question 19.
Mention the characteristic of interhalogen compounds (PTA – 2)

  • The central atom will be the larger halogen.
  • It can be formed only between two halogens and not more than two halogens.
  • Fluorine can’t act as a central atom because it is the smallest among halogens and highly electronegative.
  • They are strong oxidising agents and undergo auto ionization.

Question 20.
Give the preparation of xenon fluorides
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Question 21.
What is the hybridisation in XeOF2? Give its structure. (PTA – 1)

Element hybridisation structure
XeOF2 Sp3d T-shaped

IX. Five Mark Questions

Question 1.
How is nitric acid manufactured using Ostwald’s process?

  • Ammonia prepared by Haber’s process is mixed about 10 times of air.
  • This mixture is preheated and passed into the catalyst chamber where they come in contact with platinum gauze.
  • The temperature rises about 1275 K.
  • The metallic gauze brings about the rapid catalytic oxidation of ammonia resulting in the formation of NO.
  • NO is oxidized to NO2
    4NH3 +5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O +120 KJ
    2NO + O2 → 2NO2
  • NO2 produced is passed through a series of adsorption towers.
  • NO2 reacts with water to give nitric acid.
  • Nitric acid formed is bleached by blowing air.
    6NO2 + 3H2O → 4HNO3 + 2NO + H2O

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Question 2.
Explain the action of nitric acid on metals with one example.
Primary reaction:
Metal nitrate is formed with the release of nascent hydrogen.
3Cu + 6HNO3 → 3CU(NO3)2 + 6(H)

Secondary reaction:
Nascent hydrogen produces the reduction products of nitric acid
6(H) + 3HNO3 → 3HNO2 + 3H2O

Tertiary reaction:
With dilute acid, the secondary products decompose to give final products.
3HNO2 → HNO3 + 2NO + H2O
Hence overall reaction is
3Cu + 8HNO3 → 3CU(NO3)2 + 2NO + 4H2O

With concentrated acid the secondary products react to give the final products.
HNO2 + HNO3 → 2NO2 + H2O
Hence overall reaction is
Cu + 4HNO3 → Cu(NO3)2 + 2NO2 + 2H2O

Question 3.
Write the preparation of nitrogen oxides.
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Question 4.
Write the preparation of oxoacids of nitrogen
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Question 5.
Explain the structure of oxides of phosphorus
Phosphorus trioxide :

  • In P4O6, four phosphorous atoms lie at the corners of a tetrahedron and six oxygen atoms along the edges.
    The P – O bond distance is 165.6 pm which is shorter than the single bond distance of the P-O bond (184 pm)
  • This is due to Pπ – dπ bonding
  • This results in the considerable double bond character
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Phosphorous Pentoxide:

  • In P4O10 each P atom forms a single bond with three oxygen atoms and a coordinate bond with one oxygen atom.
  • Terminal coordinate P-O bond length is 143 pm
  • This is less than the expected single bond distance
  • This may be due to lateral overlap of filled
    p – Orbitals of an oxygen atom with empty
    d – Orbital on phosphorous.

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Question 6.
Write the structure of and basicity oxoacids of phosphorous. (PTA – 3)
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Question 7.
Write the preparation of oxoacids of phosphorous
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Question 8.
Write the structure of oxo acids of sulphur.
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Question 9.
List any five compounds of Xenon and mention the type of hybridization and structure of the compounds (PTA – 6)

Compound Hybridisation shape/structure
1. XeP2 sp3d Linear
2. XeF4 sp3d2 Square planar
3. XeF6 sp3d3 Distorted octahedron
4. XeOF2 sp3d T-shaped
5. XeOF4 sp3d2 Square pyramidal
6. XeO3 sp3 Pyramidal

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12th Chemistry Guide p-Block Elements – I Text Book Questions and Answers

I. Choose the qorrect answer

1. An aqueous solution of borax is __________ .
a) neutral
b) acidic
c) basic
d) amphoteric
c) basic

2. Boric acid is an acid because its molecule (NEET)
a) contains replaceable H+ ion
b) gives up a proton
c) combines with proton to form water molecule
d) accepts OH from water, releasing proton
d) accepts OH from water, releasing proton

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3. Which among the following is not a borane?
a) B2H6
b) B3H6
c) B4H10
d) none of these
b) B3H6

4. Which of the following metals has the largest abundance in the earth’s crust?
a) Aluminium
b) Calcium
b) Magnesium
d) Sodium
a) Aluminium

5. In diborane, the number of electrons that accounts for banana bonds is
a) six
b) two
c) four
d) three
c) four

6. The element that does not show catenation among the following p-block elements is
a) Carbon
b) Silicon
c) Lead
d) germanium
c) Lead

7. Carbon atoms in fullerene with formula C60 have
a) sp³ hybridised
b) sp hybridised
c) sp² hybridised
d) partially sp² and partially sp³ hybridised
c) sp2 hybridised

8. Oxidation state of carbon in its hybrides
a) +4
b) -4
c) +3
d) +2
a) +4

9. The basic structural unit of silicates is (NEET) (PTA – 1)
a) (SiO3)2-
b) (SiO4)2-
c) (SiO)
d) (SiO4)4-
d) (SiO4)4-

10. The repeating unit in silicone is
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 1

11. Which of these is not a monomer for a high molecular mass silicone polymer?
a) Me3SiCl
b) PhSiCl3
c) MeSiCl3
d) Me2SiCl2
a) Me3SiCl

12. Which of the following is not sp² hybridised?
a) Graphite
b) graphene
c) Fullerene
d) dry ice
d) dry ice

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13. The geometry at which carbon atom in diamond are bonded to each other is
a) Tetrahedral
b) hexagonal
c) Octahedral
d) None of these
a) Tetrahedral

14. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a) Beryl is a cylic silicate
b) Mg2SiO4 is an orthosilicate
c) SiO44- is the basic structural unit of silicates
d) Feldspar is not aluminosilicate
d) Feldspar is not aluminosilicate

15. Match items in Column-I with the items of Column-II and assign the correct code.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 2

a) 2 1 4 3

16. Duralumin is an alloy of
a) Cu, Mn
b) Cu, AZ, Mg
c) AZ, Mn
d) AZ, Cu, Mn, Mg
d) Al, Cu, Mn, Mg

17. The compound that is used in nuclear reactors as protective shields and control rods is
a) Metal borides
b) Metal oxides
c) Metal carbonates
d) Metal carbide
a) Metal borides

18. The stability of +1 oxidation state increases in the sequence
a) AZ < Ga < In < TZ
b) TZ < In < Ga < Al
c) In < TZ < Ga < Al
d) Ga < In < AZ < TZ
a) Al< Ga < In < TZ

II. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
Write a short note on anamolous properties of the first element of p-block.
The following factors are resposible for the anamolous properties of the first elements of p-blick.
1. Small size of the first member
2. High ionisation enthalpy and high electronegativity.
3. Absence of d-orbitals in their valence shell.

First elemenl Property of First elements Other elements in the family
B Mettaloid Metals
C 1. Non-metal
2. It can form multiple bonds.
1. Metalloids – Si and Ge.
2. Other elements are metals.
3. It can’t form multiple bonds.
N 1. Non metal
2. It can form multiple bonds
3. Diamagnetic
1. Non metal – “P” Metalloids – As. Sb.
2. It cann’t form multiple bonds
O 1. Non metal and diatomic gas
2. It forms H-bonds
1. S, Se – non metals.
2. Te- metalloid and others are metals.
F 1. Non-metals
2. High electro­ negativity
3. Highly reactive.
1. Non-metals
2. Low reactive than ‘F’

Question 2.
Describe briefly allotropiam in p-block elements with specific reference to carbon.

  • Some elements exist in more than one crystalline or molecular forms in the same physical state.
  • This phenomenon is called allotropism.
  • The different forms of an element are called allotropes.
  • Example: Carbon exists as diamond, graphite, graphene, fullerenes, carbon nanotubes

Question 3.
Give the uses of Borax.

  1. Borax is used for the identification of coloured metal ions.
  2. In the manufacture optical and borosilicate glass, enamels and glazes for pottery.
  3. It is also used as a flux in metallurgy and also acts as a good preservative.

Question 4.
What is catenation? Describe briefly the catenation property of carbon. (MARCH 2020)
It is the phenomenon of an atom to form a strong covalent bond with the atoms of itself. Carbon shares the property of catenation to the maximum extent because it is small in size and can form pn-pn multiple bonds to itself. The following conditions are necessary for catenation.

  1. The valency of element is greater than or equal to two.
  2. Element should have the ability to bond with itself.
  3. The self-bond must be as strong as its bond with other elements.
  4. Kinetic inertness of catenated compound towards other molecules.
  5. Carbon possesses all the above properties and forms a wide range of compounds with itself.

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Question 5.
Write a note on Fisher Tropsch synthesis. Fischer Tropsch synthesis: (PTA – 4)
This is a reaction in which carbon monoxide reacts with hydrogen at a pressure less than 50 atm and temperature 500 – 700 K in presence of metal catalysts to give saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
n CO + (2n+l) H2 → CnH2n+2 + nH2O
n CO + 2n H2 → CnH2n + nH2O

Question 6.
Give the structure of CO and CO2.
Structure of CO:
Structure is linear.

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Structure of CO2:
Structure is linear.
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Question 7.
Give the uses of silicones.

  1. Used for low temperature lubrication.
  2. Used in vacuum pumps.
  3. Used in high temperature oil baths.
  4. Used for making water proof cloths.
  5. Used as insulating material in electrical motor and other applicances.
  6. Mixed with paints and enamels to make them resistant towards high temperature, sunlight, dampness and chemicals

Question 8.
Describe the structure of diborane. (PTA – 3)

  • In diborane two BH2 units are linked by two bridged hydrogens, rherefore it has eight B-H bonds.
  • Diborane has only 12 valence electrons anc are- not sufficient to form normal covalen bonds.
  • The four terminal B-H bonds are norma covalent bonds. (2c 2e bond) (Totally 8e-s)
  • The remaining four electrons have to be used for the bridged bonds, ie two 3 centred B-H-B bonds utilise two electrons each.
  • Hence these bonds are 3c – 2e bonds.
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  • The bridging hydrogen atoms are in a plane.
  • In diborane, boron is sp³ hybridised.
  • Three sp³ hybridised orbitals contain single electron and the fourth orbital is empty.
  • Two half filled sp³ hybridised orbitals of each boron overlap with two hydrogens to form four terminal 2C – 2e bonds.
  • One empty and one half filled sp³ hybridised orbital on each boron is left.
  • Empty sp³ hybridised orbital of one boron, overlaps with half filled sp³ hybridised orbital of the other boron and Is orbital of hydrogen to form two bridged 3C – 2e B-l 1-B bonds.

Question 9.
Write a short note on hydroboration.

  • Diborane adds on to alkenes and alkynes in ether solvent at room temperature.
  • This reaction is known as hydroboration.
  • This is used in synthetic organic chemistry especially for anti Markovnikov addition.
    B2H6 + 6 RCH = CHR → 2B (CH2-CH2 R)3

Question 10.
Give one example for each of the following:
i) icosogens
ii) tetragen
iii) pnictogen
iv) chalcogen

Group Name Example
i. Icosagens Boron
ii. Tetragens Carbon
iii. Pnictogen Nitrogen
iv. Chalcogens Oxy gen

Question 11.
Write a note on metallic nature of p-block elements.

  • The tendency of an element to form a cation by losing electrons is known as electro positive or metallic character.
  • This character depends on the ionisation energy.
  • Generally on moving down a group ionisation energy decreases and hence the metallic character increases.
  • In p-block, the elements present in lower left part are metals, while the elements in the upper right part are non metals.
Group Non-metals Metalloids Metals
13 B Al, Ga, In, Tl
14 C Si, Ge Sn, Pb
15 N, P As, Sb Bi
16 O, S, Se Te, Po
17 F, Cl, Br, I
18 He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe

Question 12.
Complete the following reactions:
a) B(OH)3 + NH3
b) Na2B4O7 + H2SO4 + H2O →
c) B2H6 + 2NaOH + 2H2O →
d) B2H6 + CH3OH →
e) BF3 + 9H2O →
g) SiCl4 + NH3
h) SiCl4 + C2H5OH →
I) B + NaOH →
j) H2B4O7 \(\underrightarrow { Red\quad hot } \)
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Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 7

Question 13.
How will you identify borate radical? (PTA – 5)

  • When boric acid or borate salt is heated with ethyl alcohol in presence of cone, sulphuric acid, an ester triaikvl borate is formed.
  • The vapour of this ester bums with a green edged flame.
  • This is ethyl borate test to identify borate radical,
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    B(OC2H5)3 Ethyl borate (Green edged flame)

Question 14.
Write a note on zeolites. ( PTA – 2)

  • Zeolites are three dimensional crystalline solids containing aluminium, silicon and oxvgen in their regular three dimensional frame work.
  • They are hydrated sodium alumino silicates.
  • General formula is
    where x = 2 to 10; y = 2 to 6
  • Zeolites have porous structure in which the monovalent sodium ions and water molecules are loosely held.
  • Si and AI atoms are tetrahedrally coordinated with each other through shared oxygen atoms.
  • Zeolites are similar to Clay minerals but they differ in their crystalline structure.
  • Zeolites have a three dimensional crystalline structure looks like a honey comb consisting of a network of interconnected tunnels and cages.
  • Water molecules move freely In and out of these pores but the zeolite frame work remains rigid.
  • Another special aspect of this structure is that the pore/channel sizes are nearly uniform, allowing the crystal to act as a molecular sieve.
  • Zeolites are used in the removal of permanent hardness of water.

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Question 15.
How will you convert boric acid to boron nitride? (PTA – 3)
Fusion of urea with boric acid in an atmosphere of ammonia at 800 -1200 K gives boron nitride.
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Question 16.
A hydride of 2nd period alkali metal (A) on reaction with compound of Boron (B) to give a reducting agent (C). Identify (A), (B) and ( C) (PTA – 1)
A hydride of 2nd period alkali metal (A) is LiH

Lithium hydride reacts with compound of boron (B) B2H6 to give reducing agent (C) lithium boro hydride.
∴ Compound B is diborane
Compound C is lithium boro hydride.
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Question 17.
A double salt which contains fourth period alkali metal (A) on heating at 500 K gives (B). Aqueous solution of (B) gives white precipitate with BaCl2 and gives a red colour compound with alizarin. Identify (A) and (B).

  •  A double salt which contains fourth period alkali metal (A) is Potash alum
    K2SO4. Al2 (SO4)3.24H2O
  • (A) on heating at 500 K gives
    K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3 (B) which is burnt alum.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 11

Question 18.
CO is a reducing agent, justify with an example.

  • CO is a strong reducing agent.
  • It reduces metallic oxides inlo melais.
    Example : 3CO + Fe2CO3 → 2Fe + 3CO2

III. Evaluate Yourself

Question 1.
Why group 18 elements are called inert gases? Write the general electronic configuraton of group 18 elements.

  • These elements are gases.
  • Their outer electronic configuration is ns²np6 which is stable completely filled configuration.
  • So they are more stable and least reactive.
  • Hence they are called inert gases.

12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I Additional Questions and Answers

Part – II – Additional Questions

I. Choose the correct answer

1. The general electronic configuration of p-block elements is
a) ns¹
b) ns²
c) ns² np1-6
d) (n-1)s² np1-6
c) ns² np1-6

2. p-block element consists of the groups
a) 1 & 2
b) 3 – 12
c) 13 – 17
d) 13 – 18
d) 13 – 18

3. Group 18 elements are inert because of their
a) unstable incompletely filled orbitals
b) stable completely filled orbitals
c) half filled orbitals
d) stable nucleus
b) stable completely filled orbitals

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4. As we go down the group ionisation energy
a) decreases
b) increases
c) becomes constant
d) becomes zero
a) decreases

5. As we go down the group metallic character
a) decreases
b) increases
c) becomes constant
d) becomes zero
b) increases

6. As ionisation energy decreases, the metallic character of elements
a) decreases
b) increases
c) becomes constant
d) becomes zero
b) increases

7. In p-block, metals are placed in
a) upper right part
b) middle part
c) lower left part
d) top of the group
c) lower left part

8. In p-block, non-metals are placed in
a) upper right part
b) middle part
c) lower left part
d) bottom of the group
a) upper right part

9. Which of the following factor is not responsible for the anamolous behaviour of the first member of each group in p-block elements?
a) small size
b) high ionisation enthalpy
c) outer electronic configuration
d) absence of d-orbitals
c) outer electronic configuration

10. The correct order of catenation property in group 14 elements is
a) C << Si < Ge = Sn < Pb
b) C >> Si > Ge = Sn > Pb
c) C >> Si < Ge = Sn < Pb
d) C << Si » Ge = Sn > Pb
b) C >> Si > Ge = Sn > Pb

11. The elements N, O, F readily forms hydrogen bonds due to their high
a) ionisation energy
b) electron affinity
c) electro negativity
d) atomic radius
c) electro negativity

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12. The most electro negative element is
a) Flourine
b) Chlorine
c) Bromine
d) Iodine
a) Flourine

13. The element with maximum electron affinity is
a) Flourine
b) Chlorine
c) Bromine
d) Iodine
b) Chlorine

14. The most reactive element among halogens is
a) Flourine
b) Chlorine
c) Bromine
d) Iodine
a) Flourine

15. The strongest oxidising agent among halogens is
a) Flourine
b) Chlorine
c) Bromine
d) Iodine
a) Flourine

16. The important property shown by p-block elements is
a) complex formation
b) coloured ion formation
c) inert pair effect
d) metallic character
c) inert pair effect

17. In 13th group Tl+1 ion is more stable than Tl3+ ion due to
a) high electronegatively
b) inert pair effect
c) high ionisation energy
d) stable electronic configuration
b) inert pair effect

18. Diamond and graphite are ______ of carbon.
a) Isotopes
b) Isobars
c) Isomers
d) Allotropes
d) Allotropes

19. The formula of Borax is
i) Na2B4O7.10H2O
ii) Na2[B4O5(OH)4].8H2O
iii) Na2[B4O5(OH)4].2H2O
a) (i) only
b) (i) & (ii) only
c) (i) & (iii) only
d) (iii) only
b) (i) & (ii) only

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20. Ortho boric acid on dehydration at 373K produces mainly (PTA – 3)
a) metaboric acid
b) boric anhydride
c) Boron metal and Oxygen
d) tetra boric acid
a) metaboric acid

21. The formula of colemanite is
a) Na2B4O7
b) Na2B4O7.10H2O
c) Ca2B6O11
d) NaBO2
c) Ca2B6O11

22. Which is used as moderator in nuclear reactors?
a) boron nitride
b) boron
c) borax
d) boric acid
b) boron

23. The compound used in eye drops and antiseptics is
a) boron nitride
b) boric acid
c) sodium meta borate
d) boron tri oxide
b) boric acid

24. The compound used as a flux in metallurgy is
a) boron nitride
b) boric acid
c) borax
d) boron tri oxide
c) borax

25. Boric acid on heating at 413 K gives
a) meta boric acid
b) tetra boric acid
c) boric anhydride
d) borax
b) tetra boric acid

26. In ethyl borate test the colour of the flame obtained is
a) red
b) yellow
c) blue
d) green
d) green

27. On hydrolysis BF3 gives Boric acid and converted to fluroboric acid. The fluoroboric acid contains the species. (PTA – 6)
a) H+, F & BF3
b) H+ & [BF4]
c) [H BF3]+ & F
d) H+, B3+ & F
b) H+ & [BF4]

28. In organic benzene is
a) diborane
b) borazole
c) borax
d) boric acid
b) borazole

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29. The formula of Inorganic benzene is
a) B3N3
b) B3N3H3
c) B3N3H6
c) B3N3H6

30. The most stable form of carbon is
a) graphite
b) diamond
c) fullerene
d) carbon nano tubes
a) graphite

31. The formula of buckminster fullerene is
a) C32
b) C50
e) C60
d) C70
c) C60

32. The number of six membered and five membered rings fused together respectively in buckminster fullerene is
a) 12 & 20
b) 20 & 12
c) 10 & 22
d) 22 & 10
b) 20 & 12

33. Water gas is a mixture of
a) CO2 + H2
b) CO + H2O
c) CO + H2
d) CO + N2
c) CO + H2

34. Producer gas is a mixture of
a) CO2 + H2
b) CO + H2O
c) CO + H2
d) CO + N2
d) CO + N2

35. In the presence of light carbon monoxide reacts with chlorine to form a poisonous gas called
a) mustard gas
b) phosgene
c) phosphine
d) carbylamine
b) phosgene

36. Fischer Tropsch synthesis is used for preparing
a) Silicones
b) Boranes
c) Hydrocarbons
d) Carbonyls
c) Hydrocarbons

37. In metal carbonyls the oxidation state of metals is
a) 0
b) +1
c) +2
d) +3
a) 0

38. The structure of CO molecule is
a) trigonal
b) tetrahedral
c) linear
d) square planar
c) linear

39. The structure of CO2 molecule is
a) trigonal
b) tetrahedral
c) linear
d) square planar
c) linear

40. The critical temperature of CO2 is
a) 21 °C
b) 31°C
c) 12°C
d) 13°C
b) 31°C

41. When CO2 is dissolved in water, the solution is slightly
a) acidic
b) basic
c) amphoteric
d) neutral
a) acidic

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42. Which among the following is important for photo synthesis?
a) O2
b) N2
d) CO2
d) CO2

43. The water repellant property of silicones is due to the presence of
a) -OH group
b) -Si group
c) -R group
d) -Cl group
c) -R group

44. The percentage of silicate minerals and silica present in earth’s crust is
a) 75
b) 85
c) 95
d) 100
c) 95

45. The basic unit present in silicates is
a) SiO2
b) [SiO3]
c) [SiO4]2-
d) [SiO4]4-
d) [SiO4]4-

46. Talc is an example of
a) Ino silicates
b) Phyllo silicates
c) Tecto silicates
d) Chain silicates
b) Phyllo silicates

47. Quartz is an example of
a) Ino silicates
b) Phyllo silicates
c) Tecto silicates
d) Chain silicates
c) Tecto silicates

48. The formula of Spodumene is
a) Sc2Si2O7
b) Li Ai(SiO3)2
c) [Be3 Al2(SiO3)6]
d) Be2SiO4
b) Li Ai(SiO3)2

49. The silicate which is used in the removal of permanent hardness of water is
a) Feldspar
b) Quartz
c) Zeolites
d) Talc
c) Zeolites

50. Thermodynamically the most stable form of carbon is (PTA – 4)
a) Diamond
b) Fullerenes
c) graphite
d) Nano tubes
c) graphite

II. Pick the odd man out

1. W.r.t. their metallic character pick the odd man out.
a) Ge
b) Ga
c) B
d) As
b) Ga – It is a metal while others are metalloids

2. W.r.t. their metallic character pick the odd man out
a) In
c) Cl
d) Bi
c) Cl – It is a non metal while others are metals.

3. Pick the odd man out
a) Borax
b) Kernite
c) Colemanite
d) Bauxite
d) Bauxite – It is an ore of aluminium others are ores of boron.

4. W.r.t. to hybridisation pick the odd man out.
a) Graphite
b) Diamond
c) Fullerene
d) Graphene
b. Diamond – It is sp³ hybridised while others are sp² hybridised.

III. Assertion and Reason

i) Both A and R are correct, R explains A
ii) A is wrong but R is wrong
iii) A is wrong but R is correct
iv) Both A and R are correct but R does not explain A

1. Assertion (A) : Boron shows non metallic character.
Reason (R) : Atomic radius of boron is small and its nuclear charge is high.
(i).Both A and R are correct, R explains A

2. Assertion (A) : As we move down Boron group the elements show less tendency to exhibit +1 oxidation state rather than +3. Reason (R) : As we move down Boron group the elements show inert pair effect.
Ans : (iii).A is wrong but R is correct

3. Assertion (A) : Graphite conducts electricity.
Reason (R) : In Graphite, successive carbon sheets are held together by weak Vander Waals force.
(iv). Both A and R are corrrect but R does not explain A

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4. Assertion (A) : Silicones are used for making water proofing clothes.
Reason (R) : In silicones the organic side groups which surrounds silicon make the molecule looks like an alkane.
(i).Both A and R are correct, R explains A

IV. Choose the correct statement

1. i) Some of the p-block elements show negative oxidation states also.
ii) Halogens gain two electrons to give a stable halide ion.
iii) Inert gases have ns²np6 configuration and hence more stable.
iv) p-block elements have a general electronic configuration (n-1)s² np1-6
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (i) & (iii)
c) (ii) & (iii)
d) (iii) & (iv)
b) (i) & (iii)
ii) Halogens gain one electron to give a stable halide ion.
iv) p-block elements have a general electronic configuration ns² np1-6

2. i) Boron compounds are electron rich compounds.
ii) Boron does not react directly with hydrogen.
iii) Borax is sodium salt of metaboric acid.
iv) Boric acid is used as an antiseptic,
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (ii) & (iv)
d) (iii) & (iv)
c) (ii) & (iv)
i) Boron compounds are electron deficient compounds.
iii) Borax is sodium salt of tetraboric acid.

3. i) In graphite carbon atoms are sp³ hybridised.
ii) A single planar sheet of graphite is known as graphene.
iii) In diamond each carbon atom is tetrahedrally surrounded by four other carbon atoms.
iv) Carbon nanotubes do not conduct electricity,
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (iii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
b) (ii) & (iii)
i) In graphite carbon atoms are sp² hybridised.
iv) Carbon nanotubes conduct electricity.

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4. i) Silicones are organo silicon polymers.
ii) Hydrolysis of R2SiCl2 yields complex cross linked polymer.
iii) Silicones are good thermal and electrical conductors.
iv) All silicones are water repellent,
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (iii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
d)(i) & (iv)
ii) Hydrolysis of R2SiCl2 yields a straight chain polymer.
iii) Silicones are good thermal and electrical insulators.

V. Choose the wrong statement

i) Boron is a metal.
ii) Nitrogen is a metalloid.
iii) Oxygen is a non metal.
iv) Antimony is a metalloid.
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (i) & (iii)
c) (ii) & (iii)
d) (iii) & (iv)
a) (i) & (ii)
i) Boron is a metalloid (or) non metal
ii) Nitrogen is a non metal.

2. i) Aluminium chloride is a Lewis acid.
ii) Alum is a double salt of potassium aluminium sulphate.
iii) Aluminium chloride is used as a styptic agent to arrest bleeding.
iv) Alum is used as a catalyst in Friedel Crafts reaction.
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iii)
c) (iii) & (iv)
d) (i) & (iv)
c) (iii) & (iv)
iii) Alum is used as a styptic agent to arrest bleeding.
iv) Anhydrous Aluminium chloride is used as a catalyst in Friedel Crafts reaction.

3. Which of the following statement about H3BO3 is not correct? (PTA – 5)
a) It is a strong tribasic acid
b) It is prepared by acidifying an aqueous solution of borax.
c) It is a layer structure in which planer BO3 units are joined by hydrogen bonds.
d) It does not act as proton donor but acts as a Lewis acid by accepting hydroxyl ion.
a) It is a strong tribasic acid

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4. i) Silicates which contain discrete [SiO4]4- units are called neso silicates.
ii) Beryl is an example for amphiboles.
iii) Spodumene is an example for phyllo silicates.
iv) Silicates which contain [Si7O7]6- ions are called Soro silicates,
a) (i) & (ii)
b) (ii) & (iv)
c) (ii) & (iii)
d) (i) & (iv)
c) (ii) & (iii)
ii) Beryl is an example for cyclic silicates.
iii) Spodumene is an example for chain silicates.

VI. Match the following

Group No. Group Name
i 13 a) Pnictogens
ii 14 b) Chalcogens
iii 15 c) Inert gases
iv 16 d) Halogens
v 17 e) Icosagens
vi 18 f) Tetragens


Group No. Group Name
i 13 e) Icosagens
ii 14 f) Tetragens
iii 15 a) Pnictogens
iv 16 b) Chalcogens
v 17 d) Halogens
vi 18 c) Inert gases


1. Fluorine i) Identification of coloured metal ions
2. Borax ii) strong oxidising agent
3. Aluminium iii) chalgogens present in volcanic ashes
4. Sulphur iv) Most abundant element


1. Fluorine ii) strong oxidising agent
2. Borax i) Identification of coloured metal ions
3. Aluminium iv) Most abundant element
4. Sulphur iii) chalgogens present in volcanic ashes


Compound Uses
1. Boron a) Eye drops
2. Amorphous boron b) Pyrex glass
3. Boric acid c) Moderator
4. Boric oxide d) Rocket fuel igniter


Compound Uses
1. Boron c) Moderator
2. Amorphous boron d) Rocket fuel igniter
3. Boric acid a) Eye drops
4. Boric oxide b) Pyrex glass


Type of Example
1. Ortho silicates a) Quartz
2. Pyro silicates b) Asbestos
3. Cyclic silicates c) Mica
4. Chain silicates d) Thortveitite
5. Amphiboles e) Spodumene
6. Sheet silicates f) Phenacite
7. Tecto silicates g) Beryl


Type of Example
1. Ortho silicates f) Phenacite
2. Pyro silicates d) Thortveitite
3. Cyclic silicates g) Beryl
4. Chain silicates e) Spodumene
5. Amphiboles b) Asbestos
6. Sheet silicates c) Mica
7. Tecto silicates a) Quartz

VII. 2 Marks questions

Question 1.
What are ‘p’-block elements? Write their general outer electronic configuration.
The elements in which their last electron enters the ‘p’ orbital are called ‘p’-block elements.

  • They are placed in 13 -18 groups.
  • General outer electronic configuration is ns²np1-6.

Question 2.
How are the p-block elements classified.

  • Based on the outer electronic configuration they are classified as 13 -18 group elements.
  • Based on the nature of the elements they are classified as non metals, metalloids and metals.

Question 3.
Aluminium (III) chloride is stable where as Thallium (III) chloride is unstable. Why? (PTA – 2)

  • Due to inert pair effect, as we move down the 13th group ns² electrons remain inert and np¹ electron takes part in the reaction.
  • So Tl3+ ion is less stable and Tl+1 ion is more stable.
  • Hence AlCl3 is stable where as TICl3 is unstable and decomposes into TlCl.

Question 4.
How is boric acid prepared from borax?
Boric acid can be extracted from borax by treating with HCl or H2SO4.
Na2B4O7 + 2HCl + 5H2O → 4H3BO3 + 2NaCl
Na2B4O7 + H2SO4 + 5H2O → 4H3BO3 + 2Na2SO4

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Question 5.
How is boric acid prepared from Colemanite?
When sulphur dioxide is passed through colemanite solution, boric acid is obtained.
Ca2B6O11 + 2SO2 + 9H2O → 2CaSO3 + 6H3BO3

Question 6.
What is the action of sodium hydroxide on boric acid?
Boric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide to form sodium metaborate and sodium tetra borate.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 12

Question 7.
Write the action of water on diborane.
Diborane reacts with water to form boric acid.
B2H6 + 6H2O → 2H3BO3 + 6H2

Question 8.
What is the action of NaOH on diborane.
Diborane reacts with NaOH to form sodium meta borate.
B2H6 + 2NaOH + 2H2O → 2NaBO2 + 6H2

Question 9.
What is the action of air on diborane?
At room temperature pure diborane does not react with air or oxygen.

But impure diborane reacts with air or oxygen to giveB203 along with large amount of heat.
B3H6 + 3O2 → B2O3 + 3H2O
∆H =-2165 KJ mol-1

Question 10.
How does diborane react with methyl alcohol?
Diborane reacts with methyl alcohol to give trimethyl borate.
B2H6 + 6CH3OH → 2B(OCH3)3 + 6H2

Question 11.
How does diborane react with metal hydrides?
When treated with metal hydrides, diborane forms metal boro hydrides.
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Question 12.
How does diborane react with ammonia at low temperature?
When treated with excess ammonia at low temperature diborane gives diborane di ammonate.
3B2H6 + 6NH3 \(\underrightarrow { -153K } \) 3B2H6.2NH3

Question 13.
How is inorganic benzene prepared? (PTA – 1)

  • On heating at higher temperatures with ammonia, diborane forms borazole or borazine.
  • Borazole or borazine is called as Inorganic benzene
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 14

Question 14.
BF3 acts as a Lewis acid. Give example.
BF3 is an electron deficient compound and accepts electron pairs to form coordinate covalent bonds. Hence BF3 acts as a Lewis acid.
BF3 + NH3 → F3B ← NH3
BF3 + H2O → F3B ← OH2

Question 15.
Convert BF3 into hydro fluoro boric acid.
On hydrolysis BF3 gives boric acid, which is converted into hydro fluoro boric acid.
4BF3 + 3H2O → H3BO3 + 3HBF4
3HBF4 (Hydro fluoro boric acid)

Question 16.
Write about McAfee process of manufacturing AlCl3.
AlCl3 is obtained by heating a mixture of alumina and coke in a current of chlorine.
Al2O3 + 3C + 3Cl2 → 2AlCl3 + 3CO

Question 17.
Write the action of NaOH on AlCl3
With excess of NaOH, AlCl3 gives sodium alumina te.
AlCl3 + 4NaOH → NaAlO2 + 2H2O + 3NaCl

Question 18.
Write the uses of aluminium chloride.
1. Anhydrous AlCl3 is used as a catalyst in Friedel crafts reaction.
2. AlCl3 is used for the manufacture of petrol by cracking the mineral oils.
3. AlCl3 is used as a catalyst in the manufacture of dyes, drugs and perfumes.

Question 19.
What are alums? Give examples.
1. Alum is a double salt of potassium aluminium sulphate.
2. Now a days the name alum is used for all the double salts with the formula
M’2 SO4 M”2 (SO4)3.24H2O
Where M’ is univalent metal ion or NH4+
M” is trivalent metal ion
Example: K2SO4.Al2(SO4)3.24H2O Potash alum
K2SO4.Cr2(SO4)3.24H2O Chrome alum

Question 20.
Aqueous solution of carbon di oxide is acidic. Why?
Aqueous solution of carbon di oxide is slightly acidic as it forms carbonic acid which dissociates to give H+ ions.
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Question 21.
How is silicon tetra choride prepared?
SiCl4 is prepared by passing dry chlorine over an intimate mixture of silica and carbon heating to 1675 K in a porcelain tube.
SiO2 + 2C + 2Cl2 → SiCl4 + 2CO
SiCl4 is prepared commercially by the reaction of silicon with hydrogen chloride gas above 600 K.
SiO + 4HCl → SiCl4 + 2H2

Question 22.
Write the uses of silicon tetra chloride.
Silicon tetra chloride is used
i) In the production of semi conducting silicon.
ii) As a starting material in the synthesis of silica gel, silicic esters, a binder for ceramic materials.

Question 23.
What is water gas equilibrium? (PTA – 5)
Water gas equilibrium
The equilibrium involved in the reaction between carbon di oxide and hydrogen, has many industrial applications and is called water gas equilibrium.
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VIII. Three Marks questions

Question 1.
How is borax prepared from colemanite?
When colemanite ore solution is boiled with sodium carbonate solution borax is obtained.
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Question 2.
Write the uses of boron.
1. 5B10 absorbs neutrons, hence it is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors.
2. Amorphous boron is used as a rocket fuel igniter.
3. Boron is essential for the cell walls of plants.
4. Boric acid and borax are used in eye drops, antiseptics, washing powders.
5. Boric oxide is used in the manufacture of pyrex glass.

Question 3.
Aqueous solution of borax is basic. Why?
In hot water borax dissociates into boric acid and sodium hydroxide.
Na2B4O7 + 7H2O → 4H3BO3 + 2NaOH
Boric acid is a weak acid, whereas sodium hydroxide is a strong base.

As a result the resulting solution is basic.

Question 4.
What is the action of heat on borax?
On heating borax loses its water of crystallisation first and then decomposes into sodium metaborate and boron trioxide.

Boron trioxide appears as transparent glassy beads.
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Question 5.
What is the action of heat on boric acid?

Temperature Compound obtained
373 K Meta boric acid
413 K Tetra boric acid
Red hot Boric anhydride (glassy mass)

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Question 6.
Describe the structure of boric acid.

  • Boric acid has a two dimensional structure.
  • It consists of [BO3]3- unit.
  • These unit are linked to each other by hydrogen bonds.

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Question 7.
Write the uses of boric acid.
Boric acid is
1. Used in the manufacture of pottery glazes, glass, enamels and pigments.
2. Used as an antiseptic.
3. Used as an eye lotion.
4. Used as a food preservative.

Question 8.
How is diborane prepared?

  • When sodium boro hydride in diglyme is reacted with iodine diborane is obtained.
    2NaBH4 + I2 → B2H6 + 2NaI + H2
  • On heating magnesium boride with Hcl, a mixture of volatile boranes are obtained.
    2Mg3B2 + 12HCl → 6MgCl2 + B4H10 + H2
    B4H10 + H2 → 2B2H6

Question 9.
Write the uses of diborane.
Diborane is
1. Used as a high energy fuel for propellant.
2. Used as a reducing agent in organic

Question 10.
How is boron trifluoride prepared from boron trioxide?
When boron trioxide is treated with calcium fluroide in presence of conc.sulphruic acid, boron trifluoride is obtained.
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When boron trioxide is reacted with carbon and fluorine, boron trifluoride is obtained.
B2O3 + 3C + 3F2 → 2BF3 + 3CO

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Question 11.
How is boron trifluoride prepared in the laboratory?
In the laboratory pure BF3 is prepared by the. thermal decomposition of benzene, diozonium tetrafluro borate.
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Question 12.
How is potash alum prepared? (PTA – 4)
Potash alum is prepared from alunite or alum stone.
When alunite is treated with excess of sulphuric acid, the aluminium hydroxide present is converted into aluminium sulphate.
A calculated quantity of potassium sulphate is added.
The solution is crystallised to obtain potash alum.
It is purified bv recrystallisation.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 23

Question 13.
Write the uses of alum.
Alum is used
i) for the purification of water.
ii) for water proofing and textiles.
iii) in dyeing, paper and leather tanning industries.
iv) as a styptic agent to arrest bleeding.

Question 14.
Write the uses of carbon monoxide.
Carbon monoxide is used
i) as a reducing agent and can reduce many metal oxides to metal.
ii) as an important ligand and forms metal carbonyls.
iii) a mixture of CO & H2 is called as water gas and a mixture of CO & N2 is called as producer gas. Both are used as important industrial fuels.

Question 15.
Write the uses of carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide is used

  • to produce an inert atmosphere for chemical processing.
  • by plants in photosynthesis.
  • as fire extinguisher.
  • as a propellant gas.
  • in the production of carbonated beverages.
  • in the production of foam.

Question 16.
Write note on Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT).

  • The affinity of Boron-10 for neutrons is the bases of this technique BNCT for treating patients suffering from brain tumours.
  • It is based on the nuclear reaction which occurs when Boron-10 is irradiated with low- energy thermal neutrons to give high linear energy a-particles and a Li particle.
  • Boron compounds are injected into a brain tumour patient and the compounds collect preferentially in the tumour.
  • The tumour area is then irradiated with / thermal neutrons and results in the release of an alpha particle.
  • This a-particle damages the tissue in the tumour each time a Boron-10 nucleus captures a neutron.
  • In this wav damage can be limited preferentially to the tumour, leaving the normal brain tissue less affected.
  • BNCT has been studied as a treatment for several other tumours of the head and neck, the breast the prostate, the bladder and the liver.

IX. Five Marks questions

Question 1.
How is higher boranes obtained from diborane.
At high temperatures diborane forms higher boranes liberating hydrogen.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 2 p-Block Elements – I 24

Question 2.
Explain the allotropes of carbon.

  • Carbon exists in many allotropic forms.
  • Graphite and diamond are the most common allotropes.
  • Graphene, fullerenes and carbon nano tubes are other important allotropes of carbon.


  • It is the most stable allotrope of carbon at normal temperature and pressure.
  • It is composed of flat two dimensional hexagonal sheets of sp² hybridised carbon atoms.
  • C-C bond length is 1.41 Å which is close to the C-C bond distance in benzene (1.40 Å )
  • Each carbon atom forms three sbonds with three neighbouring carbon atoms using three of its valence electrons and the fourth electron present in the unhybridised p-orbital forms a p-bond.
  • These pelectrons are delocalised over the entire sheet, hence graphite conducts electricity.
  • Successive carbon sheets at a distance of 3.40 Ao are held together by weak Vander Waals forces, hence graphite is soft, slippery and used as a lubricant.

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  • Carbon atoms in diamond are sp3 hybridised.
  • Each carbon is bonded tetra hedrally with four other carbon atoms by s-bonds with C-C bond length of 1.54 Å. Hence diamond is hard.
  • Since all the four valence electrons of carbon are involved in bonding and there is no free electrons, diamond is not a conductor.
  • Being the hardest substance, diamond is used for sharpening hard tools, cutting glasses, making bores and rock drilling.

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  • There are newly synthesised allotropes of carbon.
  • Unlike graphite and diamond these are discrete molecules of carbon like C32, C50, C60, C70, C76 …….
  • These have cage like structures.
  • Buck‘minster fullerene or bucky ball have a soccer ball like structure with the formula C60.
    It has a fused’ ring structure with 20 six membered rings and 12 five membered rings.
  • Each carbon is sp² hybridised and forms three π sbonds and one delocalised pbond giving aromatic character.
  • C-C bond distance is 1.44 Å and C=C bond distance is 1.38 Å.

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Carbon nano tubes:

  • This is another recently discovered allotropes of carbon.
  • They have graphite like tubes with fullerene ends.
  • Along the axis, carbon nano tubes are stronger than steel and conduct electricity.
  • They have many applications in nano scale electronics, Catalysis, polymers and medicine.

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  • It is a single planar sheet of graphite.
  • In this sp² hybridised carbon atoms are densely packed in a honey comb crystal lattice.

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Question 3.
Write about the preparation and structure of silicones.

  • Silicones or poly siloxanes are organo silicon polymers.
  • Their general empirical formula is (R2SiO)
  • Since their empirical formula is similar to Ketones (R2CO) they are called as Silicones.
  • They may be linear or cross linked.
  • Due to their very high thermal stability they are called high-temperature polymers.

Types of Silicones:
i) Linear Silicones:
They are obtained by the hydrolysis and subsequent condensation of dialkyl or diaryl
a) Silicone rubbers:
These are bridged together by methylene or similar groups.
b) Silicone resins:
They are obtained by blending silicones with organic resins such as acrylic esters.

ii) Cyclic Silicones:
These are obtained by the hydrolysis of R2SiCl2.

iii) Cross linked Silicones:
These are obtained by the hydrolysis of RSiCl3.

Vapours of RCl or ArCl are passed over silicon at 570 K with copper catalyst gives R2SiCl2 (dialkyl dichloro silanes) or Ar2SiCl2 (diaryl dichloro silanes)
2RCl + Si \(\underrightarrow { Cu / 570K } \) R2SiCl2

Hydrolysis of R2SiCl2 gives a straight chain polymer which grows from both sides.
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Hydrolysis of mono alkyl trichloro silanes RSiCl3 gives a very complex cross linked polymer.

Linear silicones can be converted into cyclic or ring silicones when water molecules are removed from the terminal -OH groups.
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Question 4.
Explain various types of silicates.
The mineral which contains silicon and oxygen in tetrahedral [SiO4]4- units linked together in different patterns are called silicates.
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Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy

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12th Chemistry Guide Metallurgy Text Book Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer

1. Bauxite has the composition
a) Al2O3
b) Al2O3.nH2O
c) Fe2O3.2H2O
d) None of these
b) Al2O3.nH2O

2. Roasting of sulphide ore gives the gas (A). (A) is a colorless gas. An aqueous solution of (A) is acidic. The gas (A) is
a) CO2
b) SO3
c) SO2
c) SO2

3. Which one of the following reaction represents calcinations?
a) 2Zn + O2 → 2ZnO
b) 2ZnS + 3O2 → 2ZnO + 2SO2
c) MgCO3 → MgO + CO2
d) Both (a) and (c)
c) MgCOa → MgO + CO2

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4. The metal oxide which cannot be reduced to metal by carbon is
a) PbO
b) Al2O3
c) ZnO
d) FeO
b) Al2O3

5. Which of the metal is extracted by Hall – Heroult process?
a) Al
b) Ni
c) Cu
d) Zn
a) Al

6. Which of the following statements, about the advantage of roasting of sulphide ore before the reduction is not true?
a) ΔG°f of sulphide is greater than those for CS2 and H2S
b) ΔG°r is negative for roasting of sulphide ore to oxide
c) Roasting of the sulphide to its oxide is thermodynamically feasible.
d) Carbon and hydrogen are suitable reducing agents for metal sulphides.
d) Carbon and hydrogen are suitable reducing agents for metal sulphides.

7. Match items in Column I – with the items of Column – II and assign the correct code.

Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 1
c) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)

8. Wolframite ore is separated from tinstone by the process of
a) Smelting
b) Calcination
c) Roasting
d) Electromagnetic separation
d) Electromagnetic separation

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9. Which one of the following is not feasible
a) Zn(S) + Cu2+(aq) → Cu(s) + Zn2+(aq)
b) Cu(S) + Zn2+(aq) → Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)
c) Cu(S) + 2Ag+(aq) → Ag(s) + Cu2+(aq)
d) Fe(S) + Cu2+(aq) → Cu(s) + Fe2+(aq)
b) Cu(S) + Zn2+(aq) → Zn(s) + Cu2+(aq)

10. Electrochemical process is used to extract
a) Iron
b) Lead
c) Sodium
d) Silver
c) Sodium

11. Flux is a substance which is used to convert
a) Mineral’into silicate
b) Infusible impurities to soluble impurities
c) Soluble impurities to infusible impurities
d) All of these
b) Infusible impurities to soluble impurities

12. Which one of the following ores is best concentrated by froth floatation method?
a) Magnetite
b) Heamatite
c) Galena
d) Cassiterite
c) Galena

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13. In the extraction of aluminium from alumina by electrolysis, cryolite is added to
a) Lower the melting point of alumina
b) Remove impurities from alumina
c) Decrease the electrical conductivity
d) Increase the rate of reduction
a) Lower the melting point of alumina

14. Zinc is obtained from ZnO by
a) Carbon reduction
b) Reduction using silver
c) Electrochemical process
d) Acid leaching
a) Carbon reduction

15. Extraction of gold and silver involves leaching with cyanide ion. silver is later recovered by (NEET – 2017)
a) Distillation
b) Zone refining
c) Displacement with zinc
d) liquation
c) Displacement with zinc

16. Considering the Ellingham diagram, which of the following metals can be used to reduce alumina? (NEET – 2018)
a) Fe
b) Cu
c) Mg
d) Zn
c) Mg

17. The following set of reactions are used in refining Zirconium
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 2
This method is known as
a) Liquation
b) Van Arkel process
c) Zone refining
d) Mond’s process
b) Van Arkel process

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18. Which of the following is used for concentrating ore in metallurgy?
a) Leaching
b) Roasting
c) Froth floatation
d) Both (a) and (c)
d) Both (a) and (c)

19. The incorrect statement among the following is
a) Nickel is refined by Mond’s process
b) Titanium is refined by Van Arkel’s process
c) Zinc blende is concentrated by froth floatation
d) In the metallurgy of gold, the metal is leached with a dilute sodium chloride solution
d) In the metallurgy of gold, the metal is leached with a dilute sodium chloride solution

20. In the electrolytic refining of copper, which one of the following is used as anode?
a) Pure copper
b) Impure copper
c) Carbon rod
d) Platinum electrode
b) Impure copper

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21. Which of the following plot gives Ellingham diagram
a) ΔS VsT
b) ΔG° VsT
c) ΔG° Vs1/T
d) ΔG° VsT²
b) ΔG°VsT

22. In the Ellingham diagram, for the formation of carbon monoxide
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 3
c) \(\left(\frac{\Delta \mathrm{G}^{0}}{\Delta \mathrm{T}}\right)\) is negative

23. Which of the following reduction is not thermodynamically feasible?
a) Cr2O3 + 2Al → Al2O3 + 2Cr
b) Al2O3 + 2Cr → Cr2O3 + 2Al
c) 3TiO2 + 4Al → 2Al2O3 + 3Ti
d) None of these
b) Al2O3 + 2Cr → Cr2O3 + 2Al

24. Which of the following is not true with respect to the Ellingham diagram?
a) Free energy changes follow a straight line. The deviation occurs when there is a phase change.
b) The graph for the formation of CO2is a straight line almost parallel to the free energy axis.
c) Negative slope of CO shows that it becomes more stable with an increase in temperature.
d) Positive slope of metal oxides shows that their stabilities decrease with an increase in temperature.
b) The graph for the formation of CO2 is a straight line almost parallel to the free energy axis.

II. Answer the following questions

Question 1.
What is the difference between minerals and ores?

  1. Minerals contain a low percentage of metal.
  2. Metal cannot be extracted easily from minerals.
  3. Clay Al2O3. SiO2. 2H2O is the mineral of aluminium.


  1. Ores contain a large percentage of metal.
  2. Ores can be used for the extraction of metals on a large scale readily and economically.
  3. Bauxite Al2O3. 2H2O is the ore of aluminium.

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Question 2.
What are the various steps involved in the extraction of pure metals from their ores?
Steps involved in the extraction of pure metals from their ores are

  1. Concentration of the ore
  2. Extraction of the crude metal.
  3. Refining of the crude metal.

Question 3.
What is the role of Limestone in the extraction of iron from its oxide Fe2O3?

  • Limestone (CaO) is used as a flux in the extraction of iron from its oxide Fe2O3.
  • Flux is a chemical substance that forms an easily fusible slag with gangue.
  • Oxide of iron can be reduced by carbon monoxide as follows
    Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)
  • In this extraction, a basic flux quick lime (or) lime (CaO) reacts with acidic gangue silica to form the slag calcium silicate.
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 4

Question 4.
Which type of ores can be concentrated by froth floatation method? Give two examples for such ores.
Sulphide ores can be concentrated by the froth floatation method.

  1. Copper pyrites (CuFeS2H2)
  2. Zinc blende (ZnS)
  3. Galena (PbS)

Question 5.
Describe a method for refining nickel Mond process for refining nickel: (PTA – 3)

  • Impure nickel is heated in a stream of carbon monoxide at around 350K. Nickel reacts with CO to form a highly volatile nickel tetracarbonyl. The solid impurities are left behind.
    Ni(S) + 4CO(g) → Ni(Co)4(g)
  • On heating nickel tetra carbonyl around 460K, the complex decomposes to give a pure nickel.
    Ni(CO)4(g) → Ni(S)+ 4CO(g)

Question 6.
Explain the zone refining process with an example. (PTA – 6 MARCH 2020)
1. Zone Refining method is based on the principles of fractional crystallisation. When an impure metal is melted and allowed to solidify, the impurities will prefer to be in the molten region, i.e. impurities are more soluble in the melt than in the solid-state metal.

2. In this process, the impure metal is taken in the form of a rod. One end of the rod is heated using a mobile induction heater which results in the melting of the metal on that portion of the rod.

3. When the heater is slowly moved to the other end the pure metal crystallises while the impurities will move on to the adjacent molten zone formed due to the movement of the heater. As the heater moves further away, the molten zone containing impurities also moves along with it.

4. The process is repeated several times by moving the heater in the same direction again and again to achieve the desired purity level.

5. This process is carried out in an inert gas atmosphere to prevent the oxidation of metals.

6. Elements such as germanium (Ge), silicon (Si) and gallium (Ga) that are used as semiconductors are refined using this process.

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Question 7.
Using the Ellingham diagram
(A) Predict the conditions under which
i) Aluminium might be expected to reduce magnesia.
ii) Magnesium could reduce alumina.
B) It is possible to reduce Fe2O3 by coke at a temperature around 1200K
A) i) Ellingham diagram for the formation of Al2O3 and MgO intersects around 1600K. Above this temperature aluminium line lies below the magnesium line. Hence we can use aluminium to reduce magnesia above 1600K.

ii) In Ellingham diagram below 1600K magnesium line lies below aluminium line. Hence below 1600K magnesium can reduce alumina.

B) In Ellingham diagram above 1000K carbon line lies below the iron line. Hence it is possible to reduce Fe2O3 by coke at a temperature around 1200K.

Question 8.
Give the uses of zinc. (PTA – 4)

  • Metallic zinc is used in galvanisation to protect iron and steel structures from rusting and corrosion.
  • Zinc is used to produce die – castings in the automobile, electrical and hardware industries.
  • Zinc oxide is used in the manufacture of paints, rubber, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, plastics, inks, batteries, textiles and electrical equipment.
  • Zinc sulphide is used in making luminous paints, fluorescent lights and x-ray screens.
  • Brass an alloy of zinc which is highly resistant to corrosion is used in water valves and communication equipment.

Question 9.
Explain the electrometallurgy of aluminium.
Hall – Heroult Process
Cathode: Iron tanked lined with carbon
Anode: Carbon blocks
Electrolyte: 20% solution of alumina obtained from bauxite + Molten Cryolite +10 % calcium chloride (lowers the melting point of the mixture)
Temperature: Above 1270K
Ionisation of Alumina Al2O3 → +2Al3+ + 3O2-
Reaction at cathode: Al3+ (melt) + 3e → All
Reaction at anode : 2O2- (melt) → O2 (melt) + 4e
Since carbon acts as anode the following reaction also takes place on it.
C(s) + O2 (melt) → CO + 2e
C(s) + 2O2 (melt) → CO2 + 4e
During electrolysis, anodes are slowly consumed due to the above two reactions. Pure aluminium is formed at the cathode and settles at the bottom.
Net electrolysis reaction is
4Al3+ (melt) + 6O2- (melt) + 3C(s) → 4Al(l) + 3CO2(g)

Question 10.
Explain the following terms with suitable examples, i) Gangue ii) Slag (PAT – 2)
i) Gangue:
The non-metallic impurities, rocky materials and siliceous matter present in the ores are called gangue.
(eg): SiO2 is the gangue present in the iron ore Fe2O3.

ii) Slag:
Slag is a fusible chemical substance formed by the reaction of gangue with a flux.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 4

Question 11.
Give the basic requirement for vapour phase refining.

  • The metal is treated with a suitable reagent to form a volatile compound.
  • Then the volatile compound is decomposed to give the pure metal.

Question 12.
Describe the role of the following in the process mentioned.
i) Silica in the extraction of copper.
ii) Cryolite in the extraction of aluminium.
iii) Iodine in the refining of Zirconium.
iv) Sodium cyanide in froth floatation.
i) In the extraction of copper silica acts as an acidic flux to remove FeO as slag FeSiO3.
Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 5

ii) As Al2O2 is a poor conductor cryolite improves the electrical conductivity.
In addition, crvolite serves as an added impurity and lowers the melting point of the electrolyte.

iii) First Iodine forms a Volatile tetraiodide with impure metal, which decomposes to give pure metal. Impure zirconium metal is heated in an evacuated vessel with iodine to form the volatile zirconium tetraiodide (Zrl4). The impurities are left behind, as they do not react with iodine.
Zr(S) + 2I2(S) → Zrl4(Vapour)

On passing volatile zirconium tetraiodide vapour over a tungsten filament, it is decomposed to give pure zirconium.
Zrl4(Vapour) → Zrl(S) + 2I2(S)

iv) Sodium cyanide acts as a depressing agent in froth floatation process. It prevent other metal sulphides from coming to the froth.
eg: NaCN depresses the floatation property ZnS present in Galena (PbS) by forming a layer of Zinc complex Na2[Zn(CN)4] on the surface of Zinc sulphide.

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Question 13.
Explain the principle of electrolytic refining with an example. (PTA – 5)

  • Crude metal is refined by electrolysis carried out in an electrolytic cell.
  • Cathode: Thin strips of pure metal.
    Anode: Impure metal to be refined.
    Electrolyte: Aqueous solution of the salt of the metal with dilute acid.
  • As the current is passed, the metal of interest dissolves from the anode and passes into the electrolytic solution.
  • At the same time, same amount of metal ions from the electrolytic solution will be deposited at the cathode.
  • Less electro positive impurities in the anode settle down as anode mud.
  • eg: Electrorefining of silver:
    Cathode: Pure silver Anode: Impure silver rods.
    Electrolyte: Acidified aqueous solution of silver nitrate.
  • On passing current the following reactions will take place.
    Reaction at anode: Ag(s) → Ag+(aq) + e
    Reaction at cathode: Ag+(aq) + e → Ag(s)
  • At anode silver atoms lose electrons and enter the solution. From the solution silver ions migrate towards the cathode. At cathode silver ions get discharged by gaining electrons and deposited on the cathode.

Question 14.
The selection of reducing agent depends on the thermodynamic factor: Explain with an example.

  • A suitable reducing agent is selected based on the thermodynamic considerations.
  • For a spontaneous reaction AG should be negative.
  • Thermodynamically, the reduction of metal oxide with a given reducing agent can occur if AG for the coupled reaction is negative.
  • Hence the reducing agent is selected in such a way that it provides a large negative value for the coupled reaction.
  • Ellingham diagram is used to predict thermodynamic feasibility of reduction of oxides of one metal by another metal.
  • Any metal can reduce the oxides of other metals that are located above it in the diagram.
  • Ellingham diagram for the formation of FeO and CO intersects around 1000K. Below this temperature the carbon line lies above the iron line.
  • Hence FeO is more stable than CO and the reduction is not thermodynamically feasible.
  • However above 1000K carbon line lies below the iron line. Hence at this condition, FeO is less stable than CO and the reduction is thermodynamically feasible. So coke can be used as a reducing agent above this temperature.
  • Following free energy calculation also confirm that the reduction is thermo¬dynamically favoured.
  • From theEllingham diagram at 1500K
    2Fe(s) + O2(g) → 2FeO(g) = 350 KJmol-1 …………….. 1
    2C(s) + 022(g) → 2CO(g) = 480 KJmol-1 ……………… 2
    Reverse the reaction 1
    2FeO(s) → 2Fe(s) + O2(g) = 350 KJmol-1 ……………… 3
    Couple the reactions 2 and 3
    2FeO(s) + 2C(s) → 2Fe(s)+ 2CO(g) = 130 KJmol-1 ……………… 4
  • The standard tree energy change for the reduction of one mole of FeO is = \(\frac{\Delta \mathrm{G}_{3}}{2}\) = -65 KJmol-1

Question 15.
Give the limitations of Ellingham diagram.

  • Ellingham diagram is constructed based only on thermodynamic considerations.
  • It gives information about the thermodynamic feasibility of a reaction.
  • It does not tell anything about the rate of the reaction.
  • Moreover, it does not: give an idea about the possibility of other reactions that might be taking place.
  • The interpreparation of G is based on the assumption that the reactants are in equilibrium with the product which is not always true.

Question 16.
Write a short note on electrochemical principles of metallurgy.

  • Reduction of oxides of active metals such as sodium, potassium etc. by carbon is thermodynamically not feasible.
  • Such metals are extracted from their ores by using electrochemical methods.
  • In this method the metal salts are taken infused form or in solution form.
  • The metal ion present can be reduced by treating the solution with a suitable reducing agent or by electrolysis.
  • Gibbs free energy change for the electrolysis is ∆G° = nFE°
    n = number of electrons involved in the reduction
    F = Faraday = 96500 coulombs
    E° = electrode potential of the redox couple.
  • If E° is positive, is negative and the reduction is spontaneous.
  • Hence a redox reaction is planned in such a way that the e.mi of the net redox reaction is positive.
    A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its salt solution.
    eg;Cu2+(aq) + Zn(s) → Cu(s) + Zn2+(aq)
  • Zinc is more reactive than copper and displaces copper from its salt solution.

III. Evaluate yourself

Question 1.
Write the equation for the extraction of silver by leaching with sodium cyanide and show that the leaching process is a redox reaction.
Ag → Ag+ (O.N increases from 0 to +1, hence oxidation)
O2 OH (O.N decreases from 0 to -2, hence reduction)
The leaching of silver is a redox reaction.

Question 2.
Magnesite (Magnesium carbonate) is calcined to obtain magnesia, which is used to make refractory bricks. Write the decomposition reaction
MgCO3\(\underrightarrow { \triangle } \) MgO + CO2

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Question 3.
Using the Ellingham diagram (fig 1.4) indicates the lowest temperature at which ZnO can be reduced to Zinc metal by carbon. Write the overall reduction reaction at this temperature
Ellingham diagram for the formation of ZnO and CO intersects around 1200K Below this temperature, Carbon line lies above Zinc line. Hence ZnO is more stable than CO so the reduction is thermodynamically not feasible at this temperature range. However above 1200K carbon line lies below the zinc line, hence carbon can be used as a reducing agent above 1200K.
2Zn + O2 → 2ZnO ………………….. 1
2C + O2 → 2CO ………………….. 2
Reversing 1 and adding with equation 2
2ZnO → 2Zn + O2
2C + O2 → 2CO
2ZnO +2C → 2Zn + 2CO

Question 4.
Metallic Sodium is extracted by the electrolysis of brine (aq.NaCl). After electrolysis, the electrolytic solution becomes basic in nature. Write the possible electrode reactions.
2NaCl(aq) → 2Na+(aq) + 2Cl(aq)
Anode: 2Cl(aq) → Cl2(g) + 2e
Cathode: 2H2O(l) + 2e → H2(g) + 2OH(aq)
Nothing happens to sodium ion but it is still important. Na+ ions are spectator ions and combine with OH ions to form NaOH
Three products are H2, Cl2 and NaOH
Over all equation is
2NaCl(aq) + 2H2O → H2(g) + Cl2(g) + 2NaOH(aq)
Ionic equation is
2H2O(l) + 2Cl(aq) + 2Na(aq) → 2Na+(aq) + 2OH(aq) + H2(g) + Cl2(g)
2H2O(l) + 2Cl(aq) → 2OH(aq) + H2(g) + Cl2(g)

12th Chemistry Guide Metallurgy Additional Questions and Answers

Part – II – Additional Questions one mark

I. Match the following

Ore Formula
1. Magnetite a) ZnCO3
2. Cuprite b) PbCO3
3. Calamine c) Fe3O4
4. Cerrusite d) SnO2
5. Cassiterite e) Cu2O


Ore Formula
1. Magnetite c) Fe3O4
2. Cuprite e) Cu2O
3. Calamine a) ZnCO3
4. Cerrusite b) PbCO3
5. Cassiterite d) SnO2


Ore of metal Name
1. Ore of copper a) Diaspore
2. Ore of aluminium b) Chlorargyrite
3. Ore of iron c) Malachite
4. Ore of lead d) Limonite
5. Ore of silver e) Anglesite


Ore of metal Name
1. Ore of copper c) Malachite
2. Ore of aluminium a) Diaspore
3. Ore of iron d) Limonite
4. Ore of lead e) Anglesite
5. Ore of silver b) Chlorargyrite


Concentration Ore
Gravity separation a) Pyrolusite
Froth floatation b) Alumina
Cyanide leaching c) Zinc blende
Alkali leaching d) Tinstone
Magnetic separation e) Gold


Concentration Ore
Gravity separation d) Tinstone
Froth floatation c) Zinc blende
Cyanide leaching e) Gold
Alkali leaching b) Alumina
Magnetic separation a) Pyrolusite


Purification Metal
1. Distillation a) Silicon
2. Liquation b) Zinc
3. Electrolytic refining c) Nickel
4. Zone refining d) Tin
5. Mond process e) Silver


Purification Metal
1. Distillation b) Zinc
2. Liquation d) Tin
3. Electrolytic refining e) Silver
4. Zone refining a) Silicon
5. Mond process c) Nickel

II. Fill in the blanks

1. The metal which shows high resistance to corrosion and used in the design of Chemical reactors is ___________ .

2. ___________ are used for increasing the efficiency of the solar cells.
Gold nanoparticles

3. The removal of gangue from ores is called as ___________ .
Concentration of ores

4. ___________ is the process in which concentrated ore is strongly heated in the absence of air.

III. Find the odd man out.

1. a) Sphalerite b) Galena c) Azurite d) Iron pyrite
c) Azurite. This is a basic carbonate ore others are sulphide ores.

2. a) Malachite b) Limonite c) Siderite d) Haematite
a) Malachite. This is the ore of copper, others are ores of iron.

IV. Choose the incorrect pair.

1. a) Malachite, Azurite b) Ruby silver, Horn silver c) Zincite, Cuprite d) Anglesite, Cerrusite
c) Zincite, Cuprite. They are ores of Zinc and copper

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2. a) Kaolinite, Aluminium b) Stefinite, Silver c) Galena, Lead d) Prousitite, Tin
d) Prousitite, Tin. Correct pair is prousitite, silver.

V. Choose the correct pair.

1. Choose the correct pair.
a) Cerrusite, Cassiterite b) Siderite, Limonite c) Anglesite, Zincite d) Azurite, Kaolinite
b) Siderite, Limonite. Both are ores of irons.

2. a) Diaspore, Copper b) Galena, Tin c) Stefinite, Silver d) Malachite, Aluminium
c) Stefinite, Silver. Stefinite is the ore of silver

VI. Assertion and Reason

1. Assertion (A): Tinstone ore is concentrated by magnetic separation.
Reason (R) : Wolframite impurities are magnetic
i) A and R are correct, R explains A.
ii) A is correct, R is wrong
iii) A is wrong, R is correct
iv) A and R are correct but R does not explain A.
i) A and R are correct, R explains A. 2

2. Correct Assertion (A): Aluminium can be commercially extracted from china clay which is a profitable one
Reason (R): China clay is a mineral of aluminium.
i) A and R are correct, R explains A.
ii) A is correct, R is wrong
iii) A is wrong, R is correct
iv) A and R are correct but R does not explain A.
iii) A is wrong, R is correct
Correct Assertion: Aluminium can be commercially extracted from bauxite which is a profitable ore

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3. Assertion (A): Zinc blend can be concentrated by the froth floatation method.
Reason (R) : Metallic ore particles are preferentially wetted by water and settle at the bottom.
A and R are correct, R explains A.
A is correct, R is wrong A is wrong, R is correct A and R are correct but R does not explain A.
ii) A is correct, R is wrong
Correct (R) : Metallic particles are preferentially wetted by oil and rise to the surface.

4. Assertion (A) : Cr2O3 is reduced into chromium by aluminothermic process.
Reason (R): Aluminium acts as the reducing agent.
i) A and R are correct, R explains A.
ii) A is correct, R is wrong
iii) A is wrong, R is correct
iv) A and R are correct but R does not explain A.
i) A and R are correct, R explains A.

VII. Choose the correct statement

1. a) Metals having more chemical reactivity occur as native elements.
b) Removal of gangue from ores is called refining.
c) Tin stone ore is concentrated by gravity separation.
d) Silver glance is a carbonate ore.
c) Tin stone ore is concentrated by gravity separation.

2. a) In froth floatation sodium ethyl xanthate acts as a collector.
b) In leaching the ore is converted into insoluble salt or complex and the gangue remains in the solution.
c) Ammonia leaching is suitable for gold and silver.
d) Bauxite ore is subjected to acid leaching.
a) In froth floatation sodium ethyl xanthate acts as a collector.

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3. a) Calcination is the process in which concentrated ore is strongly heated in the presence of air.
b) Flux is a chemical substance that forms an easily fusible slag with gangue.
c) In aluminothermic process the ignition mixture used is magnesium peroxide and barium.
d) Any metal can reduce the oxides of other metals that are located below it in Ellingham diagram.
b) Flux is a chemical substance that forms an easily fusible slag with gangue.

4. a) In electrorefining pure metal is taken as anode and impure metal is taken as cathode.
b) Distillation is employed for high boiling nonvolatile metals.
c) Zone refining is based on the principle of fractional crystallisation.
d) Mond’s process is used for refining titanium.
c) Zone refining is based on the principle of fractional crystallisation.

VIII. Choose the incorrect statement

1. i) In cyanide leaching gold is converted into an insoluble cyanide complex.
ii) In ammonia leaching nickel forms a soluble complex.
iii) In alkali leaching aluminum forms an insoluble complex,
a) i & ii
b) i & iii
c) ii & iii
d) i, ii, iii
D) i,ii & iii

2. i) In the Ellingham diagram for most of the metal oxide forming the slope is negative.
ii) Oxygen gas is consumed during the formation of metal oxides resulting in the increase of randomness.
iii) As temperature increases value for the formation of the metal oxide become more negative
a) i & ii
b) i & iii
c) ii & iii
d) i, ii, & iii
c) ii & iii

3. i) The reduction of oxides of active metals such as sodium, potassium, etc. by carbon is thermodynamically feasible
ii) When a more reactive metal is added to the solution containing less reactive metal, the less reactive metal will go into the solution.
iii) Copper displaces zinc from zinc salt
a) i & ii
b) i & iii
c) ii & iii
d) i, ii, iii
d) i, ii & iii

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4. i) When an impure metal is melted and allowed to solidify, the impurities will prefer to be in the solid region.
ii) Zone refining is carried out in an inert gas atmosphere to prevent the reduction of metals.
iii) Elements such as germanium, silicon, and gallium are refined by zone refining.
a) i & ii
b) i & iii
c) ii & iii
d) i, ii, iii
a) i & ii

IX. Choose the best answer.

1. Which of the following is not an oxide ore?
a) Cuprite
b) Siderite
c) Cassiterite
d) Zincite
b) Siderite

2. Which of the following is an oxide ore?
a) Sphalerite
b) Calamine
c) Cassiterite
d) Stefinite
c) Cassiterite

3. The process of converting hydrated alumina into anhydrous alumina is called
a) Roasting
b) Smelting
c) Auto-reduction
d) Calcination
d) Calcination

4. Which of the following is a sulphide ore?
a) Pyrargyrite
b) Malachite
c) Limonite
d) Kaolinite
a) Pyrargyrite

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5. Which of the following is not a carbonate ore?
a) Siderite
b) Calamine
c) Cerrusite
d) Cassiterite
d) Cassiterite

6. Which of the following is a carbonate ore?
a) Limonite
b) Siderite
c) Magnetite
d) Haematite
b) Siderite

7. Which of the following is the ore of iron?
a) Limonite
b) Azurite
c) Stefinite
d) Cerrusite
a) Limonite

8. Which of the following is not an ore of iron?
a) Haematite
b) Magnetite
c) Siderite
d) Anglesite
d) Anglesite

9. Which of the following is an ore of silver?
a) Azurite
b) Prousitite
c) Cerrusite
d) Limonite
b) Prousitite

10. Which of the following is a sulphate ore?
a) Galena
b) Zinc blende
c) Cerrusite
d) Anglesite
d) Anglesite

11. Non-metallic impurities, rocky materials, and siliceous matter which are associated with ores are called as.
a) Slag
b) Flux
c) Gangue
d) residue
c) Gangue

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12. Gravity separation is suitable for
a) Oxide ore
b) Sulphide ore
c) Carbonate ore
d) Sulphate ore
a) Oxide ore

13. Froth floatation is suitable for
a) Oxide ore
b) Sulphide ore
c) Carbonate ore
d) Sulphate ore
b) Sulphide ore

14. In froth floatation, pine oil is used as a
a) Collector
b) depressing agent
c) Frothing agent
d) Flux
c) Frothing agent

15. In froth floatation sodium ethyl Xanthate is used as a
a) Collector
b) depressing agent
c) frothing agent
d) Flux
a) Collector

16. In froth floatation sodium cyanide is used as a
a) Collector
b) depressing agent
c) frothing agent
d) Flux
b) depressing agent

17. The floatation property of the impurity ZnS present in galena is depressed by adding
a) Pure oil
b) Eucalyptus oil
c) Sodium cyanide
d) Sodium ethyl Xanthate
c) Sodium cyanide

18. Which method of purification represented by the equation?
Ti(Impure) + 2I2 \(\underrightarrow { 550K } \) Til4 \(\underrightarrow { 1800K } \) Ti(pure) + 2I2
a) Cupellation
b) Zone refining
c) Van-Arkel method
d) Mond’s process
c) Van-Arkel method

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19. Concentration of gold ore is done by
a) Cyanide leaching
b) Ammonia leaching
c) Alkali leaching
d) Acid leaching
a) Cyanide leaching

20. Ammonia leaching is done for the concentration of the ore of
a) Silver
b) Copper
c) Aluminium
d) Zinc
b) Copper

21. During roasting sulphide ores are converted into their
a) Metals
b) Oxides
c) Carbonates
d) nitrates
b) Oxides

22. During the calcination of carbonate ore the expelled gas is
a) Carbon monoxide
b) Carbon dioxide
c) Sulphur dioxide
d) Nitrogen dioxide
b) Carbon dioxide

23. Sulphite ores of metals are usually concentrated by froth floatation process. Which one of the following sulphide ore offers an exception and is concentrated by chemical leaching.
a) Argentite
b) galena
c) Copper pyrites
d) Sphalerite
a) Argentite

24. Cinnabar is converted into mercury by
a) Reduction by metal
b) Reduction by hydrogen
c) Reduction by carbon
d) Auto reduction
d) Auto reduction

25. Thermodynamically the reduction of metal oxide with a given reducing agent can occur if the free energy change for the coupled reaction is
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) One
d) Zero
b) Negative

26. For the reduction of metal oxide into metal a reducing agent is selected in such a way that for the coupled reaction it provides a
a) Large positive G value
b) Small positive G value
c) Large negative G value
d) Small negative G value
c) Large negative G value

27. For the formation of various metal oxides Ellingham diagram is a graphical representation between
a) G° & S
b) G° & H
c) G° & T
d) H & S
c) G° & T

28. In the Ellingham diagram, for most of the metal oxide formation the slope is
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Zero
d) One
a) Positive

29. Elements like Silicon and Germanium to be used as a semiconductor is purified by (PTA – 1)
a) heating under Vaccum
b) Van-Arkel method
c) Zone refining
d) Electrolysis
c)Zone refining

30. If the e.m.f of the net redox reaction is positive, its G is
a) Positive
b) Negative
c) Zero
d) One
b) Negative

31. Which of the following metal is refined by distillation?
a) Tin
b) Lead
c) Zinc
d) Bismuth
c) Zinc

32. Which of the following is not refined by zone refining?
a) Germanium
b) Zirconium
c) Silicon
d) Gallium
b) Zirconium

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33. Which of the following is refined by the Mond process?
a) Silicon
b) Copper
c) Nickel
d) Zinc
c) Nickel

34. Which of the following is defined by Van
Arkel method?
a) Gallium
b) Titanium
c) Germanium
d) Silicon
b) Titanium

35. Which of the following metal is used in galvanization?
a) Copper
b) Aluminium
c) Zinc
d) Gold
c) Zinc

36. Which is used in making luminous paints, fluorescent lights, and x-ray screens?
a) Brass
b) Zinc sulphide
c) Cast iron
d) Gold nanoparticles
b) Zinc sulphide

37. Which is used for increasing the efficiency of solar cells?
a) Brass
b) Zinc sulphide
c) Cast iron
d) Gold nanoparticles
d) Gold nanoparticles

38. Which is not refined by liquation?
a) Tin
b) Zinc
c) Lead
d) Bismuth
b) Zinc. Zinc is refined by distillation.

39. Which is not refined by zone refining?
a) Silicon
b) Gallium
c) Zirconium
d) Germanium
c) Zirconium. Zirconium is refined by Van Arkel method

X. Two Mark Questions

Question 1.
What is a mineral?
A naturally occurring substance obtained by mining, which contains the metal in a free state or in the form of compounds like oxides, sulphides, etc; is called a mineral.

Question 2.
What is an ore?
A mineral which contains high percentage of metal, from which it can be extracted conveniently and economically is called an ore.

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Question 3.
What is a concentration of ores?
The removal of non metallic impurities, rocky materials and siliceous matter (called as gangue) from the ores is known as concentration of ores.

Question 4.
What is leaching?
The process of dissolving metal present in an ore in a suitable solvent to form a soluble metal salt or complex leaving the gangue undissolved is called leaching.

Question 5.
What is the reaction of Ammonia with Iron and copper salts? (PTA – 4)
Ammonia reacts with metallic salts to give metal hydroxides (in case of Fe) or forming complexes (in case of Cu)
Fe3+ + 3NH+4 → Fe(OH)3 + 3NH+4
Cu2+ + 4NH3 → [Cu(NH3)4 ]2+
Tetra ammine copper (II) ion

Question 6.
What is acid leaching?

  • Sulphide ores ZnS, PbS can be leached with hot aqueous sulphuric acid.
  • In this process, the insoluble sulphide is converted into soluble sulphate and elemental sulphur.
    2ZnS(s) + 2H2SO4(aq) + O2(g) → 2ZnSO4(aq) + 2S(s) + 2H2O

Question 7.
What is the role of the depressing agent In the froth flotation process? (PTA – 1)
When impurities such as ZnS is present in galena (PbS), sodium cyanide (NaCN) is added to depresses the flotation property of ZnS by forming a layer of zinc complex Na2[Zn(CN)4] on the surface of zinc sulphide.

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Question 8.
In the extraction of metal, the ore is first converted into metal oxide before reduction into metal, why?

  • In the concentrated ore, the metal exists in a positive oxidation state and hence it is to be reduced to an elemental state.
  • From the principles of thermodynamics, the reduction of oxide is easier compared to the reduction of other compounds of metal.
  • Hence before reduction, the ore is first converted into metal oxide.

Question 9.
Write about roasting.

  • Roasting is applied for the conversion of sulphide ores into their oxides.
  • Concentrated ore is oxidised by heating with excess of oxygen below the melting point of the metal in a suitable furnace.
    2PbS + 3O2 → 2PbO+ 2SO2
  • Roasting also removes impurities like aresenic, sulphur, phosphorous into their volatile oxides.
    4As + 3O2 → 2AS2O3

Question 10.
Write about the extraction of metal by the process of reduction by carbon.

  • In this method oxide ore of the metal is mixed with coal (coke) and heated strongly in a blast furnace.
  • This method can be applied to metals which do not form carbides with carbon at the reduction temperature.
    ZnO(s) + C → Zn(s) + CO(g)

Question 11.
Write about the extraction of metal by the process of reduction by hydrogen.

  •  This method can be applied to the oxides of the metals (Fe, Pb, Cu) which are less electropositive than hydrogen.
    Ag2O(s) + H2(g) 2Ag(s) + H2O(l)
  • Nickel oxide is reduced to nickel by a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide (water gas)
    2NiO(s) + CO(g) + H2(g) → 2Ni(s) + CO2(g) + H2O(l)

Question 12.
Write about the extraction of metal by the process of reduction by metal.

  • In this process a metal oxide is reduced to metal by some active metals, like sodium, potassium and calcium.
    Rb2O3 + 3Mg → 2Rb + 3MgO
    TiO2 + 2Mg → Ti + 2MgO
    ThO2 + 2Ca \(\underrightarrow { 1260K } \) Th + 2CaO
  • Alumino thermite process is also an example of reduction by metal.

Question 13.
How Cr2O3 is reduced to Cr by Al powder? (PTA – 6)

  • In this method a metal oxide is reduced to metal by aluminium.
  • It is an exothermic process where heat is liberated.
  • Cr2O3 is mixed with aluminium powder in a fire clay crucible.
  • Ignition mixture is magnesium and barium peroxide.
    BBaO2 + Mg —> BaO + MgO
  • Temperature = 2400°C Heat liberated = 852KJmol-1 This heat helps the reduction of Cr2O3 by Al.
    Cr2O3 + 2Al \(\underrightarrow { \triangle } \) 2Cr + Al2O3

Question 14.
What is auto reduction of metallic ores?

  • Simple roasting of some of the metallic ores give the crude metal.
  • Use of reducing agent is not necessary.
  • (eg) Cinnabar is roasted to give mercury.
    HgS(s) + O2(g) → Hg(l) + SO2(g)

Question 15.
What is the role of graphite rods in the electrometallurgy of Aluminium? (PTA – 1)
Electrolysis is carried in an iron tank lined with carbon which acts as a cathode. The carbon blocks immersed in the electrolyte acts as a anode.

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Question 16.
Write about the distillation process of refining a metal?
In this method, impure metal is heated to evaporate and the vapours are condensed to get pure metal.

This method is used for low boiling volatile metals like zinc and mercury.

Question 17.
Write about the liquation process of refining a metal?

  • This method is used to remove the impurities with high melting points from metals having relatively low melting points,
    (eg) Tin, lead, mercury, bismuth.
  • Crude metal is heated to form a fusible liquid and allowed to flow on a sloping surface.
  • Impure metal is placed on the sloping hearth of a reverberatory furnace.
  • Impure metal is heated just above the melting point of the metal in the absence of air.
  • The molten pure metal flows down. Impurities are left behind.
  • Molten metal is collected and solidified.

Question 18.
Write the applications or uses of copper.

  • Copper is the first metal used by humans and extended use of its alloy bronze resulted in a new era, ‘Bronze age’.
  • Used for making coins and ornaments along with gold and other metals.
  • Copper and its alloys are used for making wires, water pipes and other electrical parts.

Question 19.
Write the applications or uses of gold.

  • Gold is one of the expensive and precious metals.
  • Used for coinage and has been used as standard for monetary systems in some countries.
  • Extensively used in jewellery in its alloy form with copper.
  • Used in electroplating to cover other metals with a thin layer of gold in watches, artificial limb joints, cheap jewelry, dental fillings and electrical connectors.
  • Gold nanoparticles are used for increasing the efficiency of solar cells.
  • Used as catalyst.

Question 20.
Describe the underlying principle of froth floation process. (PTA – 3)
This method is commonly used to concentrate sulphide ores such as galena (pbs) Zinc blende (Zns)

In this method, the metalic ore particles which are preferentially wetted by oil can be separated from gangue.

XI. Three Mark Questions

Question 1.
Write about gravity separation or hydraulic wash?

  • Ore with high specific gravity is separated from gangue with low specific gravity by simply washing with running water.
  • The finely powdered ore is treated with rapidly flowing current of water.
  • Lighter gangue particles are washed away by the running water.
  • This method is used for concentrating native ore such as gold and oxide ores such as haematite, tinstone.

Question 2.
What is cyanide leaching?

  • Crushed ore of gold is leached with aerated dilute solution of sodium cyanide.
  • Gold is converted into a soluble cyanide complex.
  • The gangue alumino silicate remains insoluble.
    4Au(s) + 8CN(aq) + O2(g)+ 2H2O(l) → 4[Au(CN)2](aq) + 4OH(aq)
  • Gold can be recovered by reacting the deoxygenated leached solution with Zinc. Gold is reduced to its elemental state (zero oxidation state.)
  • This process is called cementation.
    Zn(s) + 2[Au(CN)2](aq) → [Zn(CN)4]2-(aq) + 2Au(s)

Question 3.
Write about alkali leaching?

  • In this method, the ore is heated with aqueous alkali to form a soluble complex.
  • Bauxite is heated with a solution of sodium hydroxide or sodium carbonate at 470K – 520K and 35 atm to form soluble sodium meta aluminate.
  • The impurities iron oxide and titanium oxide are left behind.
    Al2O3(s) + 2NaOH(aq) + 3H2O(l) → 2Na [Al(OH)4](aq)
  • The hot solution is decanted, cooled and diluted.
  • This solution is neutralised by passing CO2 gas to form a hydrated Al2O3 precipitate.
    2Na[AZ(0H)4](aq)4CO2(g) → Al2O3.XH2O(s) + 2NaHCO3(aq)
  • The precipitate is filtered off and heated around 1670K to get pure Alumina Al2O3.

Question 4.
Write about magnetic separation.

  • This method is applicable to ferromagnetic ores.
  • It is based on the difference in the magnetic properties of the ore and the impurities.
  • Non-magnetic tin stone can be separated from the magnetic impurities wolframite.
  • Similarly magnetic ores chromite, pyrolusite can be removed from non-magnetic siliceous impurities.
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 6
  • Crushed ore is poured on to an electromagnetic separator with a belt moving over two rollers of which one is magnetic.
  • The magnetic part of the ore is attracted towards the magnet and falls as a heap close to the magnetic region.
  • The non-magnetic part falls away from it.

Question 5.
Write about calcination. (PTA – 4)

  • Calcination is the process in which the concentrated ore is strongly heated in the absence of air.
  • During this process water of crystallisation present in the hydrated oxide escapes as moisture.
  • Any organic matter present also get expelled leaving the ore porous.
  • This method can also be carried out with a limited supply of air.
  • During the calcination of carbonate ore, carbon dioxide is liberated.
    PbCO3 \(\underrightarrow { \triangle } \) PbO + CO2
    CaCO3 \(\underrightarrow { \triangle } \) CaO + CO2
    Al2O3. 2H2O \(\underrightarrow { \triangle } \) Al2O3(s) + 2H2O(g)

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Question 6.
Write about smelting.

  • Smelting is a process in which the concentrated ore is mixed with a mixture of a flux and reducing agent in a smelting furnace.
  • Flux is a chemical substance which forms an easily fusible slag with gangue.
  • Carbon, carbon monoxide, and aluminium are used as reducing agents.
  • Iron oxide can be reduced by carbon monoxide.
    Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) → 2Fe(s) + 3CO2(g)
  • Silica gangue present m the ore is acidic, hence a basic flux lime combines with it forming slag calcium silicate.
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 7

Question 7.
Write about the Ellingham diagram.

  • The graphical representation of the variation of the standard Gibbs free energy for the formation of various metal oxides with temperature is called the Ellingham diagram.
  • Change in Gibbs free energy ∆G is given as ∆G = ∆H – T∆S
    ∆H = Enthalpy change T = Temperature in Kelvin S = Entropy change.
  • For an equilibrium, ∆G° can be calculated using the equilibrium constant by the equation.
    ∆G° = -RT In Kp
  • By treating the reduction of metal oxides as an equilibrium process Harold Ellingham used the above relationship to calculate ∆G° values at various temperatures.
  • Fie Plotted T in the x-axis and ∆G° for the formation of metal oxides in the y axis.
  • He obtained a straight line graph with ∆S as slope and ∆H as the y-intercept.

Question 8.
Write the observations from the Ellingham diagram.

  • For most of the metal oxide forming the slope is positive. This can be explained as follows. Oxygen gas is consumed during the formation of metal oxides resulting in the decrease of randomness. Hence ∆S becomes negative, T∆S is positive in the straight line equation.
  • For the formation of carbon monoxide the graph is a straight line with a negative slope. In this case ∆S is positive because 2 moles of CO. gas is formed by consuming 1 mole of oxygen gas. This shows CO is more stable at higher temperature.
  • As temperature increases ∆G for the formation of metal oxide becomes less negative and becomes zero at a particular temperature. Below this temperature is negative and the oxide is stable. Above this temperature ∆G is positive and the oxide is less stable. Metal oxides become less stable at higher temperature and their decomposition becomes easier.
  • Due to phase transition (melting or evaporation) there is a sudden change in the slope at a particular temperature for some metal oxides like MgO, HgO.

Question 9.
Write about Van – Arkel method for refining zirconium/titanium?

  • This method is based on the thermal decomposition of metal compounds to metals.
    (eg) Titanium and Zirconium.
  • Impure titanium is heated in an evacuated vessel with iodine at 550K to form volatile titanium tetraiodide.
  • The impurities do not react with iodine.
    Ti(s) + 2I2(s) → Til4(vapour)
  • Volatile titanium tetraiodide is passed over a tungsten filament at 1800K.
  • Titanium tetraiodide is decomposed to pure titanium which is deposited over the filament.
  • Iodine is reused. TiI4(vapour) → Ti(s) + 2I2(s)

Question 10.
Write the applications or uses of aluminium.

  • For making heat exchangers/ sinks.
  • For making our day to day vessels.
  • For making aluminium foils for packing, food items.
  • Alloys of aluminium with copper, manganese, magnesium, silicon are lightweight and strong hence used in design of aeroplanes and other forms of transport.
  • Due to its high resistance to corrosion, it is used in the design of chemical reactors, medical equipments, refrigeration units and gas pipelines.
  • It is a good electrical conductor and cheap, hence used in electrical overhead cables with a steel core for strength.

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Question 11.
Write the applications or uses of iron.

  • Iron is one the most useful metals and its alloys are used everywhere including bridges, electricity pylons, bicycle chains, cutting tools and rifle barrels.
  • Cast iron is used to make pipes, valves and pumps stoves etc.
  • Magnets can be made of iron and its alloys and compounds.
  • An important alloy of iron is stainless steel which is very resistant to corrosion.
  • It is used in architecture, bearings, cutlery, surgical instruments and jewellery.
  • Nickel steel is used for making cables, automobiles, and aeroplane parts.
  • Chrome steels are used for manufacturing cutting tools and crushing machines.

Question 12.
Out of coke and CO, which is a better reducing agent for the reduction of ZnO? why? (PTA – 2)

  • Out of coke and CO, coke is a better reducing agent than CO for the reduction of ZnO.
  • Reduction by carbon can be applied to zinc which does not form carbide with carbon at the reduction temperature.
    ZnO(s) + C → Zn(s) + CO(g)
  • ZnO lies above CO in the Ellingham diagram meaning that CO is more stable than ZnO. Hence carbon can be used as a reducing agent for the reduction of ZnO. During reduction oxygen from ZnO combines with carbon used for reduction.

XII. Five Mark Questions

Question 1.
Explain the froth floatation method.

  • This is used to concentrate sulphide ores such as galena (PbS) Zinc blende (ZnS) etc.
  • Metallic ore particles preferentially wetted by oil can be separated from gangue.
  • Crushed ore is mixed with water and a frothing agent like pine oil or eucalyptus oil.
  • A small amount of sodium ethyl xanthate is added as a collector.
  • A froth is formed by blowing air through the mixture.
  • The collector molecules attach to the ore particles and make them water repellent.
  • As a result ore particles wetted by the oil rise to the surface along with the froth.
  • The froth is skimmed off and dried to recover the concentrated ore.
  • Gangue particles preferentially wetted by water settle at the bottom.
  • If the sulphide ore contains other metal sulphides as impurities, they are selectively prevented from coming to the froth by using depressing agents like sodium cyanide, sodium carbonate, etc.
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 9
  • Sodium cyanide depresses the floatation property of the impurity ZnS present in galena (PbS) by forming a layer of zinc complex Na2[Zn(CN)4] on the surface of ZnS.

Question 2.
How is copper extracted from its ore. (PTA – 5)

  • Principle ore: Copper pyrites.
  • Concentration: Froth floatation Concentrated ore is heated in a reverberatory furnace with an acidic flux silica.
  • The basic ferrous oxide formed reacts with silica to form the slag ferrous silicate.
  • Mutually soluble metal sulphides Cu2S and FeS known as copper matte is formed.
    Samacheer Kalvi 12th Chemistry Guide Chapter 1 Metallurgy 8
  • Matte is removed from the slag and fed to the converting furnace.
  • FeS present in the matte is first converted to FeO.
  • FeO is removed as slag with silica.
  • The remaining copper sulfide is oxidised to cuprous oxide.
  • Cuprous oxide and copper sulphide react to form metallic copper. :
    2Cu2S(l,s) + 3O2(g) 2Cu2O(l,s) + 2SO2(g)
    2Cu2O(l) 6Cu(l) + SO2(g)
  • SO2 is liberated through molten copper and on solidification it has blistered appearance. This copper is called blister copper.

Cathode: Thin pure sheet of copper.
Anode: Impure Copper
Electrolyte: CuSO4 solution + dil H2SO4
On passing, current pure copper is deposited at the cathode.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

Question 3.
Explain the thermodynamic principle of metallurgy.

  • Extraction of metals can be carried out by using different reducing agents.
  • Consider the reduction of a metal oxide Mx Oy
    \(\frac{2}{Y}\) MxOy(s) → \(\frac{2}{Y}\)M(s) + O2(g) ……………….. 1
  • Above reduction may be carried out with carbon.
  • In this case the reducing agent carbon may be oxidised to CO or CO2
    C + O2 → CO2(g) …………….. 2
    2C + O2 → 2CO(g) ……………………… 3
  • If carbon monoxide is used as a reducing agent, it is oxidised to CO2
    2CO + O2 → 2CO2 ……………………… 4
  • A suitable reducing agent is selected based on thermodynamic considerations.
  • For a spontaneous reaction, the change in free energy ∆G should be negative.
  • Thermodynamically the reduction of metal oxide [equation (1)] with a given reducing agent [equation 2,3, or 4] can occur if the free energy change for the coupled reaction [equation 1&2, 1&3 or 1&4] is negative.
  • Hence the reducing agent which gives large negative ∆G value for the coupled reaction is selected.

Question 4.
Write the applications of Eliingham diagram.

  • Eliingham diagram helps us to select a suitable reducing agent and appropriate temperature range for reduction.
  • Reduction of metal oxide to metal is considered as a competition between the element used for reduction and the metal to combine with oxygen.
  • If metal oxide is more stable, oxygen remains with the metal.
  • If oxide of the element used for reduction is more stable, oxygen from metal oxide combines with the element used for reduction.
  • From Eliingham diagram the relative stablility of different metal oxides at a given temperature can be inferred.
  • Eliingham diagram for the formation of Ag2O and HgO is at the upper part and their decomposition temperatures are 600 and 700K respectively. This shows that these oxides are unstable at moderate temperatures and will decompose on heating even in the absence of a reducing agent.
  • Eliingham diagram is used to predict the thermodynamic feasibility of reduction of oxides of one metal by another metal.
  • For example, in the Eliingham diagram, the line for the formation chromium oxide ties above that of aluminium, meaning that Al2O3 is more stable than Cr2O3. Hence aluminium can be used as a reducing agent for the reduction of chromic oxide.
  • However, aluminium can not be used to reduce the oxides of magnesium and calcium since they occupy lower position than aluminium oxide in the Eliingham diagram.
  • Any metal can reduce the oxides of other metals that are located above it in the diagram.
  • Carbon line cuts across the lines of many metal oxides and hence it can reduce all these metal oxides at sufficently high temperature.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 2 Gulliver’s Travel

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6th English Guide Gulliver’s Travel Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Exercises (Text Book Page No. 134)

Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 134)

A. Read the following statements. Say True or False.

1. Gulliver was the captain of the ship.

2. One of the Lilliputians gave a ten minutes talk in Gulliver’s language.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Gulliver took the small creatures in his hand and crushed them.

4. The horses were four and a half inches tall.

5. The war between the two kingdoms ended in peace.

B. Identify the speaker/character.

1. He felt something moving along his body almost up to his chin.

2. They somehow managed to put him on the platform.
The Lilliputians

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. “Don’t let us down now, Gulliver; we need your help”.
The Emperor

C. Choose the right answer. (Text Book Page No. 135)

1. Gulliver managed to reach the land as he was
a) A doctor
b) One of the crews
c) a swimmer
d) the captain
c) a swimmer

2. Gulliver was set free because the emperor
a) was afraid of him
b) confirmed that he was not harmful.
c) was a kind hearted person.
d) wanted to get something from him.
b) confirmed that he was not harmful

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Gulliver was hailed as a hero because he
a) made the army of Blefuscu giddy
b) fought with the army of Blefuscu.
c) drowned the army of Blefuscu in the water.
d) defeated the emperor of Blefuscu.
d) defeated the emperor of Blefuscu

D. Discuss in groups. Retell the story in your own words. Each one should say one sentence.

You can begin like this:
Gulliver was travelling in a ship. One stormy night, the ship was wrecked ………

Gulliver was travelling in a ship. One stormy night, the ship was wrecked. Gulliver was a good swimmer. So, he reached the land by swimming. The land appeared strange and lonely. He saw no human beings, he was hungry and tired. He fell on a patch of grass and slept. When he woke up he found his hands and legs tied down. There were a number of creatures not more than six inches high. He later learned they were Lilliputians. He was taken to the Emperor. He received Gulliver. He set him free with a condition that he would do no harm to them. Once, the neighbouring kingdom, declared war on Lilliput. The Emperor needed Gulliver’s help.

Gulliver walked into a sea and tied with a long rope all the ships of the enemy together he pulled the ships going round and round the whole day. They were not in a position to fight. So, the enemy king begged for peace between the two countries. Gulliver was hailed as a hero.

E. Think and answer.

1. How did Gulliver overcome the adversity?
Gulliver’s ship was wrecked. He reached a land where the Lilliputians lived. They were not more than six inches high. Gulliver was taken to the emperor with his hands and legs tied. The emperor received him. Gulliver was given food and drink. He was lodged in an old and amused temple. Gulliver overcame his adversity by helping the Emperor and his people in many ways. Once the neighbouring kingdom declared war on Lilliput. It was Gulliver who defeated the enemy king made peace with the Emperor. Thus Gulliver overcame his adversity by being kind, helping, and wise.

2. How should one react to adversity?
When Gulliver faced adversity he remained patient. He was kind to all the Lilliputians and the Emperor. Once the neighbouring country declared war on Lilliput. Then it was Gulliver who saved Lilliput and earned the respect and love of the Emperor and the people.

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3. Describe Gulliver’s encounter with the army of Blefuscu?
The king of Blefuscu once declared war on Lilliput. The Emperor needed help from Gulliver. Gulliver walked into the sea and tied with a long rope all the hundred ships of the enemy together. He dragged them in the water and pulled the ships, the whole day going round and round. The army of Blefuscu was giddy and was not in a position to fight. The king surrendered to the Emperor and made peace with him. It was Gulliver who brought victory to the Emperor.


F. Look at the traffic signals and write down the traffic rule against each signal.
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Connecting to Self

G. Look at these pictures. Think of how you must behave when you visit these places. Discuss with your partner and complete the table.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 2 Gulliver’s Travels 5 Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 2 Gulliver’s Travels 6

Use dust bins Do not throw rubbish in public places
Put waste into dustbins Don’t throw down uneaten food.
Use toilet Don’t spit on the road.
Keep the coast clean Don’t pass urine on the way.
Keep the environment clear Don’t walk the meadow.
Dust-free Don’t pluck flowers.

Step to Success

e.g. 1. Leaves 2. Fruit 3. Seed 4. Flowers 5. Root
a) 2,4,5,1,3
b) 3,5,1,4,2
c) 1,2,3,4,5
d) 5,3,1,2,4
b) 3, 5,1, 4, 2

1. 1. Drive 2. Get in 3. Arrive 4. Park 5. Open door
a) 2,1,3,5,4
b) 5,2,1,3,4
c) 3,4,5,1,2
d) 3,5,1,2,4
b) 5, 2,1,3, 4

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. 1. Travel 2. Book 3. Plan 4. Confirm 5. Enjoy
a) 3,2,4,1,5
b) 4,5,3,2,1
c) 1,2,3,4,5
d) 5,4,2,3,1
a) 3, 2, 4,1, 5

3. 1. Rest 2. Return 3. Supper 4. Go out 5. Visit
a) 1,2,3,4,5
b) 4,5,1,2,3
c) 4,5,2,3,1
d) 5,4,3,2,1
c) 4, 5, 2,3,1

4. 1. Check out 2. Pack 3. Pay bill 4. Vacate 5. Drive
a) 3,4,5,2,1
b) 1,2,3,4,5
c) 5,4,3,2,1
d) 2,4,3,1,5
d) 2, 4, 3,1, 5

5. 1. Wait 2. Slow 3. Go 4. Stop 5. Get ready
a) 2,4,1,5,3
b) 1,2,3,4,5
c) 5,4,3,2,1
d) 3,4,2,1,5
a) 2,4,1, 5,3

Gulliver’s Travel Summary in English

While Gulliver was going, on a long voyage, his ship sank in a violent storm. However, he managed to escape and reached the island by nearing. He was hungry and exhausted so he fell to a patch of grass. When he woke he was tied down by dwarf (six inches) people who called themselves Lilliputians. He was taken to the capital of the Island. The Emperor received him. He was set free on condition. He was happy there. The neighbouring king of Blefuscu declared war on Lilliput. The Emperor needed Gulliver’s help. Gulliver pulled the all shipping the whole day. The king of Blefuicu begged for peace. The Emperor agreed. Gulliver was hailed as a hero by Lilliputians.

Gulliver’s Travel Summary in Tamil

கலிபா நீண்ட பயணத்தில் செல்லும்போது, அவரது கப்பல் கடுமையான புயலில் மூழ்கியது. இருப்பினும், அவர் தப்பித்து அருகிலுள்ள தீவை அடைந்தார். அவர் பசியில் களைப்பும் அடைந்ததார். அதனால், அவர் புல்லின் மீது விழுந்தார். அவர் எழுந்தபோது லில்லிபுத்தியர்கள் என்று அழைத்த குள்ளர்கள் (ஆறு அங்குல) மக்களால் அவர் கட்டப்ட்டார். அவர் தீவின் தலைநகருக்கு கொண்டு செல்லப்ட்டார். சக்கரவர்த்தி அவரை வரவேற்றார். அவர் அங்கு மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருந்தார். பக்கத்து மன்னர் பிலிபியூஸ்க்கு லில்லிபுட்டின்மீது போரை அறிவித்தார். மன்னர் கலிபரின் உதவியை வேண்டினார். கலிபர் அனைத்து கப்பல்களையும் கட்டி நாள்முழுவதும் இழுத்தார். பிலியூயூஸ்க்கு அரசன் சமாதானத்தை கெஞ்சிக் கேட்டார். ஒப்புக்கொண்டார். கலிபர் தலைவர் என புகழப்பட்டார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 1 Think to Win

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 1 Think to Win Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

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6th English Guide Think to Win Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Exercises (Text Book Page No. 105)

A. Choose the correct answer.

1. “Girls you are a good team.”
Which team do the girls belong to?
a) Badminton
b) Hockey
c) Relay
d) Volleyball
c) Relay

2. Springfields is the name of a …………………….. .
a) team
b) house
c) company
d) school
d) school

3. The inter-school sports meet refers to competitions among the …………………….. .
a) teams of the same school
b) schools in the locality
c) schools in neighborhood
d) schools from other districts
b) schools in the locality

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Seema is Rucha’s …………………….. .
a) friend
b) teammate
c) younger sister
d) opponent
c) younger sister

5. Order the names of the members in Team B relay event. Shabnam was followed by
a) Neelam, Aruna, Rucha
b) Arana, Rucha, Neelam
c) Neelam, Rucha, Arana
d) Arana, Neelam, Rucha
a) Neelam, Aruna, Rucha

B. Answer the following:

1. How does Rucha differ from her sister?
Rucha is overprotective of herself. She never did things rashly. Even in running ‘ and playing, she would be conscious of her movements. But Seema, her younger sister was bold and was ready to take any risks.

2. ‘Springfields has a runner and they call her P.T. Usha.’ Why did they call her so?
The runner of Springfields ran as fast as RT. Usha. So she was called P. T. Usha.

3. Describe the qualities of the new P.T. Instructor Mr. Prakash.
The new P.T. Instructor was very enthusiastic about sports and drove the children hard – praising them, scolding and correcting them. But most of the time, he encourages and advises them a lot.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. What words were ringing in Rucha’s ears when she was running in the relay?
The words “Think to win” were running in ‘Rucha’s ears when she was running in the relay.

5. What did Rucha finally realise about herself?
She realized that she had overcome her hesitations and denials. She could win, whenever she chose to do so.

C. Read the given lines and answer the questions : (Text Book Page No. 106)

1. His voice came from some distance away and,
Rucha realized that he was not holding the bicycle anymore.
“I will fall / will fall” she wailed.
a) What was she afraid of?
She was afraid of falling off the bicycle.

b) Was the boy closely following her?
No, the boy was not closely following her.

2. For the past two weeks he had been teaching her to ride.
a) Who was teaching whom? ‘
Vishnu was teaching Rucha to ride the bicycle.

b) What was he teaching?
He was teaching me how to ride a bicycle.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Even ‘P. T. Usha’came to shake her hand.
“I thought I was fast, but you were simply superb!”
she shook hands with her.
a) Who does the word ‘you’ refer to?
The word ‘you’ refers to Rucha.

b) What quality of the speaker is revealed?
The true spirit of a sportsperson is revealed here

D. Think and answer.

Imagine you are Rucha and make a diary entry on your feelings about the day’s happenings and your victory. The start is given. Complete the diary.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 1 Think to Win 1
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 1 Think to Win 2

E. Discuss in class

How did Rucha overcome her self-doubts? How can shyness and fear be overcome?
Rucha overcame her self-doubts. She was always thinking of Prakash Sir’s words “Think to A win’. Then he said that he wanted her to have a positive attitude. These words of Prakash sir made Rucha overcome her self-doubts.

We can overcome shyness and fear only by forgetting ourselves while playing the game.

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 108)

Identify the sport name from the given wuzzles. One is done for you.
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Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 2 Supplementary Chapter 1 Think to Win 4

Find the odd one out:

eg. Weight lifting, Boxing, Silambam, Fencing
Weight lifting

1. Hide and Seek, Kho-Kho, Tennikoit, Kabaddi

2. Badminton, Cycling, Tennis, Squash

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Trapeze, Throw Ball, Bowling, Goalball

4. Snooker, Polo, Five Pins, Carrom Board

5. Cricket, Base Ball, Hockey, Basket Ball
Base Ball

Think to Win Summary in English

Rucha was a ten years old girl, she learned to ride a bicycle. When she was riding the bicycle, she was wobbled and fell down. Even in running and playing, she would be conscious of her movements. Inter-house badminton matches will start in her school next week. Rucha was on the senior team. She lost the game by just two points. She became gloomy and despair. She would train with the rest of them for relay matches under the new PT instructor, Prakash Sir. The new P.T instructor Prakash Sir encouraged her during the relay match by saying that only ‘Think to Win’. At last, She won the relay match.

Think to Win Summary in Tamil

ருச்சா ஒரு பத்துவயது பெண். அவள் சைக்கிள் ஓட்டக் கற்றுக்கொண்டாள். அவள் சைக்கிள் ஓட்டும்போது அவள் தள்ளாடி கீழே விழுந்தாள். ஓடுவதிலும் விளையாடுவதிலும் கூட அவள் எச்சரிக்கை விழிப்புணர்வுடன் இருப்பாள். இண்டர்ஹவுஸ் பூப்பந்து போட்டிகள் அவரது பள்ளியில் அடுத்த வாரத்தில் தொடங்கும். ருச்சா இளையோர் அணியில் இருந்தாள். அவன் இரண்டு புள்ளிகளால் ஆட்டத்தை இழந்தாள். அதனால் அவள் விரக்தியடைந்தாள். பிரகாஷ் ஐயா என்ற புதிய பயிற்சியாளரின் அறிவுறுத்தலின் கீழ் தொடர் ஓட்டப்போட்டிக்காக அவள் மற்றவர்களுடன் பயிற்சி பெறுவாள். புதிய பயிற்சியாளர் பிரகாஷ் சார் வெற்றி பெற யோசி மட்டுமே என்று ருச்சாவை தொடர் ஓட்டப் போட்தொடர் ஓட்டப்போட்டியின் போது அவளுக்கு அறிவுரை கூறி ஊக்குவித்தார். கடைசியாக அவள் தொடர் ஓட்டப் போட்டியில் வென்றாள்.

Think to Win About the Author in English

The author of this entry Mrs.Lata Bilaney Kaku, known as Lata Kaku’ is one of the famous freelance writers in India. She was bom in 1969 and completed her schooling in Presentation Convent, Delhi. She has attained the Honours degree for Zoology at the University of Delhi.

Think to Win About the Author in Tamil

லதா காக்கு என அறியப்படுகிற இந்தக் கதையின் ஆசிரியரான லதா பிலானி காக்கு இந்தியாவின் பத்திரிக்கை சாராத புகழ்பெற்ற பொது எழுத்தாளர்களில் ஒருவர் ஆவார். 1969இல் பிறந்த இவர், டெல்லியில் உள்ள ப்ரசண்டேஷன் கான்வென்ட்டில் தன்னுடைய பள்ளிப்படிபை முடித்தார். டெல்லி பல்கலைக் கழகத்தில் விலங்கியல் துறையில் இவர் கௌரவப் பட்டம் பெற்றுள்ளார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 2 Brought to Book

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 2 Brought to Book Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 2 Brought to Book

6th English Guide Brought to Book Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Exercises (Text Book Page No. 112)

A. Read the story again and fill in the table with the present condition of the characters given below:
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 2 Brought to Book 1

Ms. English Her dress was unrecognizable. She looked a wreck.
Mr. School Bag The school bag complained about his negligence.
The young Master Note book When Mahesh failed to solve a problem, he vented his anger.
Mr. Pencil Box Pencil Box looked at Mahesh looked in terrible anger.
Mr. Geography All my fellow brothes laugh at him whenever Mahesh pulls him out of his bag.

B. Answer the questions.

Question 1.
Why was Mahesh brought to court?
Mahesh was brought to court because he ill-treated the books, notebooks, school bags and the pencil box.

Question 2.
Was Mahesh punished for the ill-treatment of his belongings? Why?
Mahesh was not punished for the ill-treatment of his belongings because Ms. English supported him and asked everyone to give him a second chance. She said that he deserved a little consideration.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

Question 3.
Why did the fellow brothers of Mr. Geography laugh at him?
The fellow brothers of Mr. Geography laughed at him seeing his worst condition.

Question 4.
What made Justice Mathematics turn red with anger?
Mahesh threw the little Notebook against the wall in his anger. This made Justice Mathematics turn red with anger.

Question 5.
How was the court different from other courts?
The punishment there is decided by the victims and they decide by the majority if the verdicts are more than one.

Question 6.
Why did they decide to forgive him? Who initiated the suggestion?
This was Mahesh’s first offense. So he deserved a second consideration. They decided to give Mahesh a second chance. Ms. English initiated the suggestion.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

Question 7.
Was it real or a dream? How could you say?
It was a dream, we know this at the end when Mahesh’s mother shakes him up to get up, as it was late for school.

C. Read the lines and answer the questions:

1. “You have to undo what you have done. Do you understand?”
a) Who said these words to whom?
Justice Mathematics said these words to Mahesh.

b) What was the asked to undo?
He was asked to keep. Ms. English carefully and neatly.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. I especially envy my brother who belongs to Shobitha.
a) Who is envious of whom?
Mr. Geography is envious of his brother.

b) Why does he envy his brother?
His brother was covered neatly. He ever looked new.

3. “I don’t mean to interrupt, Your Honour, it is just that I feel that everyone deserves a second chance and, after all, this is Mahesh s first offense, he deserves a little consideration.”

a) What do these lines tell about the speaker?
The speaker has a soft heart. She does not want to punish Mahesh.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

b) Who does the word ‘I’ refer to?
The word T refers to Ms. English.

D. Think and answer:

1. If you were Ms. English, would you do the same? Why or Why not? Justify your answer.
If I were Ms. English, I would do the same. First, there is no one who does not do any offence. Here it is Mahesh’s first offence. If he is punished, there is a possibility for him to continue doing offence further. But forgiveness will change his life, to be honest. In the case of Mahesh, by forgiving him, we really give him a real chance to feel sorry for what he has done and to change his life.

E. Works in groups:

1. Prepare a chart with do’s and don’ts of books and classwork maintenance. Use your creativity in presenting your ideas. Use short sentences and phrases.

S.No Do’s Don’ts
1. Handle the book gently. Don’t use books roughly.
2. Cover the books with brown sheets. Don’t keep any book without a cover.
3. Put the books into the school bag carefully. Don’t tear off pages from the copies.
4. Arrange your books and keep them in your bag before going to bed. Don’t cram the book into the school bag.
5. Keep a notebook to record all your classwork. Don’t throw away a book or Notebook.

Project (Text Book Page No. 113)

F. Collect any three pictures of your favourite cartoon characters and get them pasted in your classwork. Write a few lines about them.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 2 Brought to Book 2

Tom – a cat, in pursuit of a clever mouse.
Jerry – a mouse, It always escapes from the cat. (Tom)
Donald Duck – It is a white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet.
He typically wears a sailor shirt and cap with a bow tie.

Connecting to Self

Read the following and have a discussion on which of these are fair and ethical to laugh at and which are not. Why?

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 2 Brought to Book 3
Accidental or embarrassing situations:
It is not fair and ethical to laugh at them. Because they involve physical and mention aspects of a person. They may be beyond his control at the moment.

Weird behaviour of animals and kids:
We can laugh at them. Because we don’t harm them physically or mentally.

Culture and religion:
It is not fair and ethical to laugh at other’s cultural values and religious beliefs. We must respect them. We must appreciate diversity for unity.

Funny pantomimes and stand up comedies:
We can laugh at them. They create fun. We don’t hurt them mentally by simply laughing.

Physical appearance:
It is not fair and ethical to laugh at the strange or abnormal physical appearance of a person. We must empathize and not laugh. We harm mentally by laughing at physical appearance.

Language and dialect:
It is not fair to laugh at the way a language or dialect is spoken. It is an identity. There is nothing to laugh at.

Humorous movies:
We can laugh watching humourous movies. There are funny dialogues or situations that create laughter. This kind of laughter is harmless.

Friendly imitation and mimicry:
We can laugh at them only if we ensure that it does not hurt one’s sentiments or beliefs.

Step to Success

In a certain code extremely is written as XKDLDQSWD. Figure out the code and rewrite the following words in the same code.
y – X
l – K
e – D
m – L
e – D
r – Q
t – S
x – W
e – D

The preceding letters (in capitals) are taken for the small letters in the reverse order.
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mercilessly XKRRDKHBQDL
yesterday XZCQDSRDX
seldom LNCKDR
often MDSEN

Brought to Book Summary in English

A case was brought against Mahesh in the court. Mathematics was the judge. Ms. English, came to the witness box pointed out to Maheswaran that he did not cover me properly with the nice brown paper. Mahesh mumbles an apology. Next came Mr. Geography, He had no cover. His content page was hanging on its treads. The maps had been filled with all colors. Then the school bag complained about Mahesh’s negligence. The next pencil box said that Mahesh never cleaned it. The next notebook said that he threw against the wall. Ms. English said that it was his first offence so given him a second chance. To our surprise, all this was only Mahesh’s dream.

Brought to Book Summary in Tamil

மகேஷ் மீது நீதிமன்றத்தில் வழக்கு தொடரப்பட்டது. கணிதமே நீதிபதியாக இருந்தது. செல்வி ஆங்கிலம் சாட்சிப் பெட்டியில் வந்து மகேஸ்வரன் என்னை நல்ல பழுப்பு நிற காகிதத்துடன் சரியாக மறைக்கவில்லை என்று சுட்டிக் காட்டினார். மகேஷ் மன்னிப்பு கேட்கிறார். அடுத்து திரு. புவியியல் வந்தது. அவருக்கு கவர் “இல்லை. அவரது உள்ளடக்கப் பக்கம் அதன் மேல்பரப்பில் தொங்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தது. வரைபடங்கள் எல்லா வண்ணங்களிலும் நிரப்பப்ட்டிருந்தது. பின்னர் பள்ளி பை மகேஷின் அலட்சியம் குறித்து புகார் கூறினார். அடுத்த பென்சில் பெட்டி மகேஷ் எப்பொழுது அதை சுத்தம் செய்ததாகக் கூறினார். அடுத்த குறிப்பு புத்தகம் அவர் சுவருக்கு எதிராக எறிந்ததாக கூறினார். திருமதி. ஆங்கிலம் இது அவரது முதல் குற்றம் என்று கூறினார். எனவே அவருக்கு இரண்டாவது வாய்ப்பு கிடைத்தது. ஆச்சர்யம் என்னவென்றால் இது எல்லாம் மகேஷின் கனவு மட்டுமே.

Brought to Book About the Author in English

Madhumidha Gupta is an English teacher, freelance writer, and administrator. Her passion is to write for children and she has written for many children’s magazines. Her works have appeared in many newspapers and magazines in India and in some publications in the Vs. Some of her fiction has found a place in anthologies by children’s book trust and National Book trust. Now she is working as a lecturer.

Brought to Book About the Author in Tamil

மதுமிதா குப்தா ஓர் ஆங்கில ஆசிரியர். பத்திரிக்கையாளர் எழுத்தாளர் மற்றும் நிர்வாகி. குழந்தைகளுக்காக எழுதுவதில் பேரார்வம் கொண்டமையால் குழந்தைகளுக்காக பலவற்றை குழந்தைகள் பத்திரிக்கையில் எழுதியுள்ளார். அவருடைய படைப்புகளும் எழுத்துக்களும் இந்திய நாளிதழ்களிலும் பத்திரிக்கையிலும் வெளியாகியுள்ளன. குழந்தைகள் புத்தக அறக்கட்டளை மற்றும் தேசிய புத்தக அறக்கட்டளைகளின் சிறப்பு தொகுப்புகளில் இவருடைய சில நாவல்கள் வெளிவந்துள்ளன. தற்போது இவர் கல்லூரி விரிவுரையாளராக பணியாற்றி வருகிறார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose Chapter 2 That Sunday Morning

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 3 Prose Chapter 2 That Sunday Morning Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Prose Chapter 2 That Sunday Morning

6th English Guide That Sunday Morning Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Spin A Yarn

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 2 That Sunday Morning 1
The starting of a story is given. Develop it into a humorous story.

Once there lived a boy who bragged endlessly about himself. One day, the boy and his friend went to the party. A rich man said that my room echoed my name 10 times. Everyone in the party, looked him suprisingly. Suddenly the boy bragged that my room echoed my name 20 times repeatedly. Everyone in the party looked him surprisingly. People- in the party said that we came to your house to see the room. Even though there was fear in his mind somehow he wanted to show out. He invited the people next evening. The boy planned with his friend Piero to cheat people. The friend (Piero) called his name Jack who hided in the room echoed Jack 20 times people was wondered. By chance of the people was named Piero. One of the people called out Piero where were you? This time instead of echo, answer came, Yes, I was here’ coming.

People now knew that they have been tricked and thrashed the boy. The boy stopped the bragging.

Section – I

Textual Questions

Answer in one or two sentences. (Text Book Page No. 93)

1. Why did the family move to Patna?
The family moved to Patna because father was posted.

2. Who was challenged for a race?
The author was challenged for a race.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Is the brother boastful? What makes you think so?
Yes, the brother is boastful. He had always beaten his sister.

4. Why did the trees become a green blur?
The trees became a green blur because she pedalled very fast.

5. Which line tells you that the girl was faster than the boy?
The line ‘soon I drew level with my brother and then gradually I moved ahead’ tells that the girl is faster than the boy.

Section – II

Textual Exercises (Text Book Page No. 96)

Read the events of the story. They are in the wrong order. Put them in the correct order.

And it charged straight at the cavalry officers on horseback. (6)
And so she flew onto the back of the cow. (4)
So everybody panicked and made a general rush to saftey. (7)
The startled cow charged off in fear. (5)
She applied the brakes, but was thrown off the cycle. (3)
Just then she saw a lone cow in the middle of the road. (2)
Finally the cow fell in to a ditch and dislodged the girl. (8)
The girl cried out in delight as she overtook her brother on her cycle. (1)

Section – III

Textual Exercises

Based on your reading, put a (✓) for the correct and (✗) for the incorrect statements: (Text Book Page No. 97)

  1. The man didn’t want to get up because he was tired as he was thrown into the ditch. (✗)
  2. The boy was rather unsympathetic to his sister. (✗)
  3. The girl was badly hurt. (✗)
  4. The boy and the girl were taken by the cavalry officers to explain their actions. (✓)
  5. They rode back home quickly. (✗)
  6. The girl admitted to her brother that she was badly frightened. (✗)

Read and Understand

A. Answer the following questions. (Text Book Page No. 98)

1. How does Patna differ from Delhi?
There were no impressive buildings or monuments as there are in Delhi.

2. What was the girl determined to do? why?
The girl was determined to win the race at that time because her brother had always beaten her.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. How did the cavalry officers look? What happened to them finally?
The cavalry officers looked brilliant in appearance. The horses panicked and scattered. The horses and the officers were to be seen.

4. Why did the girl reply haughtily?
The girl was not hurt and so she replied haughtily.

5. Were the girl and her brother friendly with each other?
Yes, the girl and her brother were friendly with each other.

6. “I think it would be nice if we moved quickly from her.”
a) Who does T refer to?
T refers to the girl.

b) Why did they want to move quickly from there?
The brother saw one of the horse riders coming towards them with a scowl on his face. So they wanted to move quickly from there.

B. Think and answer: (Text Book Page No. 98)

1. Work in groups. Discuss and have a Debate on life in bustling cities and life in calm towns.
(1) Group A talks about a bustling city:
A bustling city is always busy from dawn to dusk. The population is high. People from different places come and settle in the city. The reason is the availability of jobs. So they get big or small jobs and settle in the city. You have everything you need, certain people think that city is heaven.

(2) Group B
Life is calm towns is peaceful and joyful. We get plenty of water and pure air. There is no hurry among the people. The town is less crowded. But at the same time, people get everything they need as the people get in cities. They get healthy and spacious to live in. Everything will be cheaper in small towns. So people can manage their life even with small incomes.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Imagine you are the girl and give a different ending to the story.
I won’t run away soon after we saw the horse rider and the owner of the cow. We would hide behind something and would wait patiently and silently. Only after the horse rider and the owner with his cow had left the place, we would come out. We would take our bikes and go home without any panic or fear.

Vocabulary (Text Book Page No. 98)

C. Match the phrases with their meanings:
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 2 That Sunday Morning 2

Phrase: Phrases are groups of two or more words that work together to perform a single grammatical function in a sentence. Phrases do not contain a subject or a predicate. Answer
1. drew level with ran very quickly in a panic 5
2. whoop with glee to leave a place quickly 6
3. jammed on the brakes as if one’s life depends on it 4
4. clung for dear life tried to stop the motion immediately 3
5. charged up the road rose to an equal level 1
6. beat a hasty retreat shout with enthusiasm and happiness 2

D. Refer to a dictionary and find out the meaning of the words given below.

beam –
ray of light

smile –
a pleasant expression of the face

guffaw –
loud, harsh, burst of laughter

laugh –
to express amusement satisfaction

giggle –
to laugh in a high pitched silly manner

E. Read the sentences given below. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate laughter words from the exercise above. (Text Book Page No. 99)

  1. Kavitha’s face beamed with joy as she arrived in India.
  2. The show was enjoyed by all the audience and they guffawed out loudly all the while.
  3. When I tickle Nishanth. he always makes a loud giggle.
  4. Bharani didn’t mean any harm, he just did it for laugh.
  5. Things will calm down, you just keep a smile.

F. Pick the word from the text that is similar to the words or phrases given below. (Text Book Page No. 99)

  1. threatening and an extremely angry scowl.
  2. A heavy blow or hit thump.
  3. Happening gently and slowly gradually.
  4. Any building of a past age, regarded as a historically important place monument.
  5. Bad luck unfortunate.

G. Match each word with its antonyms: (Text Book Page No. 99)
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 2 That Sunday Morning 3

1. shady misery 3
2. bored calm 4
3. glee interested 2
4. panic slow 5
5. hasty sunny 1

Make sentences of your own for any five words from the above. (Text Book Page No. 99)

  1. The man leads a life of misery.
  2. He remained calm even in his sufferings.
  3. It is a shady place to take a rest.
  4. The students are in glee.
  5. When a bomb exploded, the crowd ran in panic.

Listening (Text Book Page No. 100)

H. Here is a humorous story. But there are some words missing. Listen to your teacher and fill in the blanks to complete the story. Then give a title and a moral to the story. (Listening text is on page -130)

Once there lived three friends Vani, Kavi, and Sumi. They always played pranks on one another. One day Vani bought some delicious herries and she decided to share them with her friends.

Kavi and Sumi were delighted to see the berries. The three of them sat and started eating the berries. Suddenly Sumi decided to play a trick on Kavi. When she looked under her chair she saw a small heap of berry seeds. She stealthily pushed the heap of seeds under Kavi’s chair.

Then Sumi’s said “What is this Kavi? You are so greedy! You alone have eaten so many berries.” Kavi felt bad and didn’t know what to say.

Vani looked here and there. When she looked under Sumi’s chair there were no seeds. So, she replied, “Sumi, Kavi was at least greedy, but see yourself you have eaten all the berries including its seeds.” Then Kavi understood that her friend had just played a trick on her and then all three of them laughed heartily.

Title: Three friends
Moral: No Cunningness among Friends

Speaking (Text Book Page No. 100)

I. Each person or group chooses an item from the class and takes two minutes to prepare. He/she must promote and sell the same item in the most humorous way to convince the classmates to buy the product. You can choose items such as an eraser, pencil, school bag, book, etc.
It can go like this.
Here I have a magical eraser for you. You can do whatever you want to do with this. You can rub anything that you don’t like. Just rub it against somebody’s hair and it will be gone forever. If you want to see somebody without hair, here you go. Buy this eraser and have fun with your friends.

I have a miracle pencil. It performs wonders you need not use your fingers to write. The pencil will write off its own whatever you think. You need not whatever, sharpen. It won’t become shortened. So I feel very proud of having one such miracle pencil.

Use Grammar

J. Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with suitable words. (Text Book Page No. 101)

1. The car was moving too _______.
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2. The lift is moving _______ .
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3. Joanna did her classwork _______
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4. Keerthi Vasan arrived _______
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5. Paul _______ plays cricket with his friends.
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6. Suguna _______ helps her mother at home.
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K. Read the sentences and put the adverbs in the correct boxes. Give two more examples of your own in each box.

  1. Anand has decided to submit his project tomorrow.
  2. The cat ran behind.
  3. Paraman sang in the choir happily.
  4. We never come late to the office.
  5. The stray elephant was set free in the forest yesterday.
  6. Arun and Vimala usually complete their homework on time.
  7. Raghav looked at his sister affectionately.
  8. I prepare to leave early.

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L. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use a different colour to write the adverbs.

Question 1.
Was / somebody / there / nearby / standing.
There was somebody standing nearby.

Question 2.
Came / Anand / to / school / early.
Anand came to school early.

Question 3.
Softly / Murali / speaks.
Murali speaks softly.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

Question 4.
Beautifully / the house / have / they / decorated.
They have decorated the house beautifully.

Question 5.
English / classes / during / always / we / English / speak.
We always speak English during English classes.

M. Pick the words from the box and put them in the appropriate column:
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Adverb Adjective
kindly soft
everywhere sweet
constantly bright
then few
loudly huge


N. Work in groups and write a paragraph on “Laughter is the best medicine.”
Laughter is the Best Medicine
A good laugh heals a lot of hurts. It is a mighty good thing that sets everything straight. It is a powerful antidote to stress, pain, and conflict. Nothing works faster to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humour lightens your burden, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focussed, and alert. A good hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after. It improves the function of blood and increases blood flow, which can help protect you against heart attack and other vascular diseases. Shared laughter is one of the most effective tools. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Therefore, one should always maintain positive attitude in life and keep laughing to stay healthy and happy.

Creative Writing

O. Look at the cartoon strips. Create your own humorous story.

Write a sentence or two for each frame of the comic strip in the space given.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Prose 2 That Sunday Morning 12
Two friends were walking up in the land. They fell into a depression. There was a coconut tree. The coconut fall on their heads. They had lumps on their heads however they were happy to drink the coconut water.

That Sunday Morning Summary in English

Section – I
On Sunday the author and her brother decided to go a little exploring on their bikes. They decided to race each other. The author decided to win the race. She pedalled as fast as she could. Her legs ached. Her skirt flashed out. The hair blew behind her. Anyway, the author soon drew level with her brother, and then gradually she moved ahead.

Section – II
A cow stood on the road When the author was riding on the bicycle, applied a sudden brake. She was thrown on the back of the cow. The cow started running with the author on her back. In the meantime, the author was freed from the cow. She landed on the soft earth bordering the ditch.

Section – III
The horses were still out of control. The man on the horse fell into a ditch. The horse tried to attack him. He scrambled out of the ditch. The author and his brother quickly move away, once they spotted the horse rider coming towards them.

That Sunday Morning Summary in Tamil

பிரிவு – I: ஞாயிற்றுக்கிழமை ஆசிரியரும் அவரது சகோதரரும் தங்கள் வண்டியில் கொஞ்சம் ஏதோ தேட முடிவு செய்தோம். அவர்கள் ஒருவருக்கொருவர் பந்தயத்தில் ஈடுபட முடிவு செய்கிறார்கள். ஆசிரியர் பந்தயத்தை வெல்ல முடிவு செய்தார். அவள் தன்னால் முடிந்தவரை வேகமாக மிதித்தாள். அவள் கால்கள் வலித்தன. அவளது துணி முகத்தில் அடித்தது. முடி அவளுக்குப் பின்னால் வீசியது. அப்படி இருந்தாலும் ஆசிரியர் விரைவில் நிலைக்கு வந்தார். பின்னர் படிப்படியாக அவள் முன்னேறினாள்.

பிரிவு -II: சாலையில் ஒரு மாடு நின்றுகொண்டிருந்தது. ஆசிரியர் வண்டியில் சவாரி செய்தபோது திடீரென்று பிரேக் பயன்படுத்தினாள். அவள் பசுவின் பின்புறத்தில் வீசப்பட்டாள். பசு முதுகில் அவளுடன் ஓடத் துவங்கியது. அந்த நேத்தில் அவள் பசுவிடமிருந்து வீசப்பட்டாள். அவள் மென்மையான தரையில் பள்ளத்தின் ஓரத்தில் விழுந்தாள்.

பிரிவு -III: குதிரை சவாரி தங்களை நோக்கி வருவதைக் கண்டதும் ஆசிரியரும் அவரது சகோதரரும் விரைவாக விலகிச் செல்கிறார்கள். குதிரைகள் இல்லை கட்டுப்பாட்டுக்குள் வரவில்லை. குதிரையில் இருந்தவர் பள்ளத்தில் விழுந்தார். குதிரை அவரைத் தாக்க முயன்றது. அவர் பள்ளத்திலிருந்து வெளியேறினர்.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir

6th English Guide A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Textual Exercises (Text Book Page No. 87)

A. Identify the character/ speaker.

1. “Why isn’t the snake coming?”.
“The author (Kamala Das)

2. “I wonder whether it’s a cyclone.”

3. “I want to see kutti oppu.”

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. “Will the housing collapse?”

5. ”Is she crazy?”

B. Write True or False:

1. Droplets of rain glimmered on Ammamma’s face.

2. Malathi kutty wanted to see kutti oppu.

3. Ammayi comforted Malathi kutty when she sobbed

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. The coconut palm crashed down due to heavy rain.

C. Choose the correct answer and write it in the blank:

1. Meenakshi Edathi was a ……………………….. relative of the Ambazhathel family.
a) close
b) distant
c) real
b) distant

2. We suddenly heard the sound of the rain from the ……………………….. like a roar.
a) southeast
b) southwest
c) northeast
b) southwest

3. The ……………………….. with four pillars began to overflow.
a) central hall
b) southern room
c) courtyard
a) central hall

4. ……………………….. arrived drenched to the skin.
b) Cheriamma
c) Ammayi
c) Ammayi

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. There was knee-deep water in the …………………………
a) courtyard
b) cowshed
c) Kitchen
a) courtyard

D. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences in the correct order: (Text Book Page No. 87)

  • The dry leaves that had collected around the pond swirled upwards.
  • Branches shook and the seat of the swing fell down from the ilanji tree.
  • The wind tore through the coconut palms in the southern compound.
  • Meenakshi Edathi was a dark-skinned and middle-aged woman.
  • Without Meenakshi Edathi Ambazhathel family could not have existed happily for a single day.


  • Meenakshi Edathi was a dark-skinned and middle-aged woman.
  • Without Meenakshi Edathi Ambazhathel family could not have existed happily for a single day.
  • The wind tore through the coconut palms in the southern compound.
  • The dry leaves that had collected around the pond swirled upwards.
  • Branches shook and the seat of the swing fell down from the ilanji tree.

E. Find answers for the questions given below, identify the person and write A a character sketch about her: (Text Book Page No. 88)

1. Who was the important person in the Ambazhathel family?
Meenakshi Edathi was an important person in the Ambazhathel family.

2. Why was she considered an important person?
She considered an important person because the family of Ambazhathel could not have existed happily even for a single day without Meenakshi Edathi.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. How did she spend her time?
She spent her time rushing around the house and compound, never stopping to rest. Her face constantly wore an expression that asked for forgiveness. She had certain trivial duties to perform.

4. Describe her appearance and qualities.
Meenakshi Edathi was a dark-skinned and middle-aged woman. She was poor. So she was dependent on their generosity. But she was ever busy and never stopped.

5. How would the days be without her?
The family of Ambazhathel could not have existed happily for a single day without Meenakshi Edathi.

F. Think and answer. (Text Book Page No. 88)

1. Imagine that you are caught on a stormy day. How will you manage the situation?
One day, I was in school. At about 2 p.m., the school gave over, as there was a weather forecast expecting a storm in the evening after 5 p.m. The students were allowed to go home, only after their parents came to pick them up. My mother, due to some problem, came to pick me up only after 4.30 p.m. It was a long way to go to our home. We travelled halfway by bus and then got down to take another bus. By then, the storm had started. The wind blew hard on us. We had to take shelter in a bus terminus. It rained heavily. We couldn’t step out of the bus terminus for nearly two hours. Then we came out. It was still raining. There was water upto our knees. My mother gave a call to my father asking him to come there. He hired a car and picked us up. We reached home safely at 8 p.m.

Project (Text Book Page No. 88)

G. Make a fact file on how do we use these resources in our day-to-day life:

  • Solar energy – To help power your home or business. .
  • Wind energy – It is used for grinding grain or pumping water.
  • Hydro energy – Used for all purposes. .

Connecting to Self

H. Fill in the table given below:
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 A Childhood in Malabar A Memoir 1
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 A Childhood in Malabar A Memoir 2

I. During the winter season many of us fall sick and suffer from cold, cough, and fever. Put a (✓)) for the things you will do to keep fit. (Text Book Page No. 89)

  1. Drink cold water. (✗)
  2. Eat home-cooked food. (✓)
  3. I will visit the doctor. (✓)
  4. Never wash my hands. (✗)
  5. I will take medicine and rest. (✓)

J. Tick the correct word for the given icon (Text Book Page No. 89)
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 A Childhood in Malabar A Memoir 3
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Supplementary Chapter 1 A Childhood in Malabar A Memoir 4

Step to Success

K. Relate the sentences with weather/climate/season and write the suitable word in the blanks:

1. ……………………. forecast is useful for farmers, fishermen, and navigators.

2. The ……………………. of a place is permanent in nature.

3. India has a tropical monsoon ……………………. .

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Spring, Summer, autumn and winter are the four ……………………..

5. Global warming is a change in the worlds……………………..

6. Satellite photographs help us to predict tomorrows……………………..

7. Spring is my favourite ……………………..

A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir Summary in English

“A Childhood in Malabar” in memoir is an autobiography. It’s a childhood experience of Kamaladas. Someone’s Birthday of Ambazhathel that day there was a cyclone. Malathikutty took me and my brother to the serpent temple. Meenakshi: Malathi was a distant relative of the Ambazhathel family. She did all the household works in the home. After returning from the temple, the Author began to feel sleepy after launch. The heavy wind tore the coconut branches. It scared Ammamma. She asked all of them to sit down in the middle room. They heard a coconut palm tree crashing down. The house was flooded. Cheriamma recited Ammamma said she could not remember a single couplet. There’s knee-deep water in the yard. In the morning rain stopped. But they found dead goats floating everywhere. The author immediately asked for murukkus and dates.

A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir Summary in Tamil

“மலபாரில் ஒரு குழந்தைப் பருவம்” ஒரு நினைவு என்பது ஒரு சுயசரிதை. இது கமலாதாஸின் குழந்தைப்பருவ அனுபவம் ஆகும். யாரோ ஒருவர் பிறந்தநாள் அம்பலத்தில், அங்கு ஒரு சூறாவளி இருந்தது. மாலதிக்குட்டி என்னையும் என் சகோதரனையும் சர்ப்பக் கோவிலுக்கு அழைத்துச் சென்றார். மீனாட்சி: மாலதி அம்பலத்தில் குடும்பத்தின் தொலைதூர உறவினர். அவள் வீட்டில் உள்ள வீட்டு வேலைகள் அனைத்தையும் செய்வாள். கோவிலில் இருந்து திரும்பிய பிறகு மதிய உணவிற்குப் பிறகு தூக்கத்தை உணர ஆரம்பத்தாள் மாலதிகுட்டி பியான். பலத்த காற்று தென்னை கிளைகளை கிழித்து எறிந்தது. அது அம்மம்மாவை பயமுறுத்தியது. அவர்கள் அனைவரையும் நடுத்தர அறையில் உட்காரச் சொன்னார். ஒரு தென்னைமரம் கீழே சாய்ந்து விழுவதை கேட்டார்கள். வீடு வெள்ளத்தில் மூழ்கியது. சிறியன்னை பாடினாள். தனக்கு இரண்டு வரிகள் கூட ஞாபகமில்லை என்று அம்மம்மா கூறினாள். முற்றத்தில் முழங்கால் ஆழம் நீர் இருந்தது. காலையில் மழை நின்றது. ஆனால் இறந்த ஆடுகள் எல்லா இடங்களிலும் மிதப்பதைக் கண்டார்கள். ஆசிரியர் உடனே முறுக்குகள் அல்லது பேரிச்சை கேட்டார்.

A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir About the Author in English

Kamala Das (31 March 1934 – 31 May 2009), one of the outstanding poets of India and a writer in English and Malayalam, was bom in Malabar, Kerala State. She wrote under the pen name Madhavi Kutty and received many National and International awards for her literary contribution. Though she was bom to a prominent Hindu family, she converted to Islam and changed her name to Kamala Suraiya.

A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir About the Author in Tamil

இந்தியாவின் மிக முதன்மையான கவிஞர்களில் ஒருவரும், ஆங்கில மற்றும் மலையாள எழுத்தாளருமான கமலா தாஸ் (31 மார்ச் 1934 – 31 மே 2009) கேரள மாநிலம் மலபாரில் பிறந்தவர் ஆவார். மாதவி குட்டி என்ற புனைப் பெயரில் எழுதிய அவர், எழுத்துலகிற்கு ஆற்றிய பங்களிப்பிற்காக பல தேசிய மற்றும் சர்வ தேச விருதுகளைப் பெற்றார். ஒரு பாரம்பரிய இந்துக் குடும்பத்தில் பிறந்திருந்தாலும், அவர் இஸ்லாம் மதத்தைத் தழுவி, தன்னுடைய பெயரை கமலா சுரையா என மாற்றிக் கொண்டார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Pdf Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Solutions Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book

6th English The Jungle Book Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Warm Up 

Look at the pictures given below and talk about their habitat (living place, food, family, etc.

A. It is a small family. They have one boy and one daughter. They are sitting at the table. They are found counting the coins.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 1

B. We find a mother tiger and her cub. The cub are lying very close to its mother in her warmth. The mother is seriously looking somewhere.

We find a Gorilla with her cub. The mother is caring her cub very much.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 2


Listen to your teacher read a description of the character from the story. Identify the character based on your understanding and write the name in the space provided. Number the characters in sequence as they appear in the story.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 3
Mother wolf – Mother wolf is the protector of the man-cub and raises him as her own – ready to die in an order to protect him. She is strong and brave.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 4
Shaerekan Jungri – He is violent and intensive predator, disrespectful to the jungle laws. He is the main villian of the story.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 5
Man-cub – Man cub is taken by the tiger. Fortunately, he escapes and runs into a cave, and joins a wolf family. Mother wolf looks after him as her own baby. She named him as Mowgli.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 6
Father-wolf – He looked on amazed. He knew that mother-wolf save man-cub anyhow.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 7
Tabaqui – He is the only friend of Sherekhan. He acts a spy and messenger to Sherekhan. He always feeds on the crumbs left by the wolf or the tiger.

Speaking (Text Book Page No. 124)

Imagine you are Mowgli. Which animal would you befriend? What kind of adventure would you like in the forest? Make use of the hints below to talk about it.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 8


  • Hi, I’m Mowgli. The only human being living in the jungle.
  • I have been raised by a pack of wolves, in an Indian forest.
  • I go and hunt with my friends for food.
  • My close buddy is a girl.
  • His/Her name is Bagheera.
  • He/She guides and accompanies me in adventurous trips.
  • We enjoy loitering in the jungle by right.
  • The jungle where we live is a place for wild animals.
  • On the whole, I am a lover of the Jungle.


Read scene I of the play carefully and answer the questions below.

1. List the characters that appear in the scene. What human characteristics do they exhibit?
The characters that appear in the scene are Tabaqui, (the Jackal), Mother Wolf, and Father Wolf. The human characteristics exhibited by these characters are :

  1. Father Wolf – responsible
  2. Mother Wolf – protective of her cubs
  3. Tabaqui – spiteful and cunning

2. The scene is set inside a thick forest and it is nearing dusk. Relate this time frame with the behaviour of the animals in the forest.
Animals sleep during day time usually. They get up in the dark evening. By that time they are naturally hungry. So they set out for hunting other animals. They must kill other animals to live in.

3. Did Tabaqui receive a warm welcome from the pack of wolves? How do you know?
No. Tabaqui did not receive a warm welcome from the pack of wolves, as they were uncomfortable.

4. Tabaqui acts as ………………….. to the pack of wolves.
a) a guard
b) a friend
c) a messenger
d) an enemy
c) a messenger

5. Whom does Mother Wolf talk about? How does she describe him?
Mother Wolf talked about Shere Khan. She said that Shere Khan’s mother called him Lungri (the Lame One), as he had been lame in one foot from his birth. That is why he had only killed cattle. As the villagers of Waingunga were angry with him, he had come to Seeonee Hills to make their villagers angry.

6. Who is about to go on a hunt? Do the wolves panic on his arrival? Explain.
Shere Khan is about to go on a hunt. The wolves did not panic on his arrival, and they were brave enough to confront him and set him on fire.

7. Match the following.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 9
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 10

Use Grammar

Let’s Recall

I. Read the situation given. Write the response of the subject in a sentence. Tick the correct box to identify the kind of sentences.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 11
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 12 Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 13

II. Look at the pictures given below. Arrange the jumbled words into a sentence. Write the sequence of the sentences according to the pictures in the blanks given. Pick the adjectives from the sentences and write them below the picture.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 14 Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 15

  1. Her parents order a yummy, round, and big cake.
  2. Madhu invites her close friends for her birthday which falls on Sunday.
  3. Madhu’s friends present her with a wonderful doll.
  4. She and her parents welcome their guests with a broad smile.
  5. Madhu and her parents enjoyed the day and felt happy.
  6. Her parents decorate the house with colourful balloons and attractive cartoon.
  7. Madhu wears a long pink frock on her birthday.

III. Frame as many sentences as possible from the substitution table given below.

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 16
Example: I enjoy playing badminton and carrom daily.

  1. I hate playing cricket generally.
  2. We often enjoy watching chess.
  3. You like playing hockey occasionally.
  4. They prefer playing Kabaddi usually.
  5. Samritha often enjoys watching tennis.
  6. Kavish likes playing carrom daily.
  7. Samritha hates watching volleyball generally.
  8. I like coaching cricket daily.
  9. We love watching Kho-kho sometimes.
  10. Samritha prefers watching football generally.
  11. Kavish enjoys playing tennis usually.
  12. Kavish likes coaching volleyball usually.
  13. I dislike watching fencing generally.
  14. We wish watching basketball sometimes.
  15. They dislike playing cricket usually.
  16. Samritha enjoys hockey often.
  17. We prefers playing squeash rarely.
  18. They wish playing table tennis every day.
  19. You like playing badminton usually.
  20. Kavish likes watching hockey sometimes.

IV. Read the sentences, insert appropriate articles in the blanks and circle the noun phrases.
Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Guide Term 3 Play Chapter 1 The Jungle Book 17

V. Complete the dialogue by using suitable adjectives in the blanks.
Sinduja: Hi! Venkat. Hope you received the message about our school’s sports day. Hmmm…!
Venkat: Yes… I was the last one to enroll my name in the events.
Sinduja: So, tell me how many events have you enrolled?
Venkat: I have enrolled myself only in some events.
Sinduja: What are they?
Venkat: As I am tall, I have given my name for long jump and running events.
Sinduja: That’s good to hear.
Venkat : What about you, Sinduja?
Sinduja: I have decided to participate in all the events.
Venkat: Hey!! That’s good. Expecting the best from you.
Sinduja: Thank you so much, Venkat. Wish you the same. Let’s rock.

Project (Text Book Page No. 128)
Read the story given below and follow the instructions to convert it into a play.
For the story see (Text Book page No. 128)
Title: Goldilocks and the three bears.

  1. A little girl named Goldilocks
  2. Papa bear
  3. Mama bear
  4. Baby bear
  5. Narrator


Narrator: A little girl named Goldilocks went for a walk in the forest. On her way, she came upon a house. She knocked at the door, but no one answered. So she walked right in. She found three bowls of porridge in the kitchen.
Goldilocks: I’m very hungry. Let me taste this porridge from the first bowl.
Narrator: She tasted the porridge from the first bowl.
Goldilocks: ‘Ouch! This porridge is too hot!’
Narrator: She tasted the porridge from the second bowl.
Goldilocks: This porridge is too cold.
Narrator: She tasted the last bowl of porridge.
Goldilocks: Ahhh, this porridge is just right.
Narrator: She ate it all up happily. She was feeling a little tired. So she walked into the living room where she saw three chairs. She sat in the first chair to rest her feet.
Goldilocks: This chair is too big.
Narrator: She sat in the second chair.
Goldilocks: This chair is too big too!
Narrator: She whined and tried the last smallest chair.
Goldilocks: Ahhh, this chair is just right.
Narrator: But just as she settled down into the chair to rest, it broke into pieces.


Narrator: Goldilocks was very tired by this time. So she went upstairs to the bedroom. She tried all the beds and as the two beds were hard, she chooses the smaller bed, which was soft. She laid down on it and at last, she fell asleep. As she was sleeping, the three bears, who lived in that house, came home.
Papa Bear: Someone’s been eating my porridge.
Mama bear: Yes, someone had tasted my porridge.
Baby bear: Someone had eaten all my porridge.
Papa Bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair.
Mama bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair too.
Babay bear: Someone’s been sitting in my chair and they’ve broken it all to pieces.
Narrator: They decided to look around some more and when they got upstairs to the bedroom, Papa bear growled.
Papa bear: Someone has been sleeping in my bed.
Mama bear: Someone has been sleeping in my bed too.
Babay bear: Someone is still sleeping on my bed.
Narrator: Just then Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. She screamed.
Goldilocks: Help! Help!
She jumped up and ran out of the room. She ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest. And she never returned to the home of the three bears.

The Jungle Book Summary in English

Father wolf gets ready to hunt and the mother wolf takes protective measures by dropping the cubs into the mouth of the cave. Jackal means everyone about Shere Khan (tiger) who is going to hunt. Father wolf gets angry on hearing about Sherekhan and his hunt among the hills. They see that the man-cub had gone into the mouth of the cave. Sherekhan asked the man-cub but Father wolf sternly says that the man-cub belonged to us. Mother wolf came to forward-facing Sherekhan bravely. So, Sherekhan backs out growling. Little frog Mowgli, said that the man-cub will hunt Sherekhan one day.

The Jungle Book Summary in Tamil

தந்தை ஓநாய் வேட்டையாடத் தயாராகிறது மற்றும் தாய் ஓநாய் குட்டிகளை குகையின் வாசலில் இறக்கி பாதுகாப்பு நடவடிக்கைகளை எடுக்கிறது. ஜாக்கல் என்றால் வேட்டையாடப்போகும் ஷோர்கான் 4வி என்று பொருள் தர ஓநாய் ஷேர்கான் மற்றும் மலைகள் மத்தியில் அவரது வேட்டைப் பற்றி கேள்விப்பட்டதும் கோவப்படுகிறார். மனித குட்டி குகையின் வாய்க்குள் சென்றதை அவர்கள் காண்கிறார்கள். ஷேர்கான் அந்த மனிதக் குழந்தையைக் கேட்டார். ஆனால், தந்தை ஓநாய் மனிதக்குழந்தை எங்களுக்கு சொந்தமானது என்று உறுதியாகக் கூறுகிறார். தாய் ஓநாய் ஷேர்கானை தைரியமாக எதிர்கொள்ள முன் வந்தது. எனவே ஷேர்கான் கூச்சலிட்டுக்கொண்டு ஆதரிக்கிறார். சிறிய தவளை மனித குழந்தை ஒரு நாள் ஷேர்கானை வேட்டையாடும் என்று கூறினார்.