Samacheer Kalvi 5th Maths Guide Term 1 Chapter 1 Geometry Ex 1.1

Students can download 5th Maths Term 1 Chapter 1 Geometry Ex 1.1 Questions and Answers, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 5th Maths Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus, helps students complete homework assignments and to score high marks in board exams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 5th Maths Solutions Term 1 Chapter 1 Geometry Ex 1.1

1. Match the following
Samacheer Kalvi 5th Maths Guide Term 1 Chapter 1 Geometry Ex 1.1a 1
Samacheer Kalvi 5th Maths Guide Term 1 Chapter 1 Geometry Ex 1.1a 2

Samacheer Kalvi 5th Maths Guide Term 1 Chapter 1 Geometry Ex 1.1

2. Find whether the given statements are true or false

Question 1.
Cube has by 6 square faces.
True – It has six equal faces.

Question 2.
The height and slant height of the cone are equal
False – the height and slant height are not equal. It has various measurements.

Question 3.
A Cuboid has 7 vertices.
False – The cuboid has 8 corners

Question 4.
Two bases lie in upper and lower surfaces of a cylinder.

Question 5.
Sphere is a 3D Shape.

Samacheer Kalvi 5th Maths Guide Term 1 Chapter 1 Geometry Ex 1.1

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Students can Download 10th Tamil Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes, Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus, helps students complete homework assignments and to score high marks in board exams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Solutions Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

கற்பவை கற்றபின்

Question 1.
“நற்றிணை நல்ல குறுந்தொகை ஐங்குறுநூறு
ஒத்த பதிற்றுப்பத்து ஓங்கு பரிபாடல்
கற்றறிந்தார் ஏத்தும் கலியோடு அகம்புறம் என்று
இத்திறத்த எட்டுத்தொகை”
இச்செய்யுளில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ள எட்டுத்தொகை நூல்களைப் பெயர்க்காரணத்துடன் எடுத்துக்காட்டுக.
1. நற்றிணை = நல் + திணை
தொகை நூல்களுள் முதல் நூல். நல் என்னும் அடைமொழி பெற்ற நூல்.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

2. குறுந்தொகை:
நல்ல குறுந்தொகை எனவும் அழைக்கப்படும். குறைந்த அடியளவால் பாடப்பட்ட பாடல்களின் தொகுப்பு ஆதலால் குறுந்தொகை என அழைக்கப்பட்டது.

3. ஐங்குறுநூறு:
ஐந்திணைகளைப் பாடும் நூல். குறுகிய பாடலடிகள் கொண்ட நூல்.

4. பதிற்றுப்பத்து:
சேர அரசர்கள் பத்துப் பேரை 10 புலவர்கள் பத்துப் பத்தாகப் பாடியது பதிற்றுப்பத்து.

5. பரிபாடல்:
இது அகம், புறம் சார்ந்த நூல். தமிழின் முதல் இசைப்பாடல் நூல். வெண்பா , ஆசிரியப்பா, கலிப்பா, வஞ்சிப்பா ஆகிய நால்வகைப் பாக்களாலும், பலவகையான அடிகளாலும் பாடப்பட்டுள்ளது.

6. கலித்தொகை:
ஐந்திணையும் ஐவரால் கலிப்பாவில் அமைந்த நூல். கலிப்பாவின் ஓசை துள்ளல் ஓசை. ‘கற்றறிந்தோர் ஏத்தும் கலி’ எனவும் கூறப்படுகிறது.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

7. அகநானூறு :
அகம் சார்ந்த நானூறு பாடல்களைக் கொண்டது. களிற்றியானை நிரை, மணிமிடைப் பவளம், நித்திலக்கோவை என மூன்று பிரிவுகளைக் கொண்டது.

8. புறநானூறு:
புறம் சார்ந்த நூல். 400 பாடல்களை உடையது. தமிழரின் வரலாற்றுப்பெட்டகம். இது பழந்தமிழரின்
வீரம், பண்பாடு, நாகரிகம், பழக்கவழக்கம், கொடை ஆகியவற்றைப் பற்றிக் கூறுகிறது.

Question 2.
“எந்தமிழ்நா நின் பெருமை எடுத்தே உரைவிரிக்கும்” என்ற பாடலடியைக் கொண்டு வகுப்பறையில் ஐந்துநிமிட உரை நிகழ்த்துக.
தமிழ் இயல், இசை, நாடகம் என்னும் முப்பெரும் பிரிவுகளைக் கொண்டது. தமிழர் அகம், புறம் என வாழ்வியலுக்கு இலக்கணம் வகுத்தனர். தமிழின் பழமையையோ அல்லது அதன் பெருமையையோ வேறு எம்மொழியும் நெருங்கவியலாது. தமிழ்மொழி இறவா இலக்கிய, இலக்கண வளங்கொண்டு தனக்கெனத் தனிநோக்கும் போக்கும் கொண்டுள்ளது. “தமிழே மிகவும் பண்பட்ட மொழியென்றும், அது தனக்கே உரிய இலக்கியச் செல்வங்களைப் பெற்றிருக்கும் மொழியென்றும்” மாக்சு முல்லர் என்னும் மொழி நூலறிஞர் தமிழ்மொழியைச் சிறப்பித்துள்ளார்.

நிறைவாக, தமிழின் சிறப்பை நிலைக்கச் செய்வதும் மேலும் வளரச் செய்வதும் தமிழர்களாகிய நமது கடமையாகும். இதனை உணர்ந்து தமிழின் சீரிளமையைக் காக்க என்றும் பாடுபடுவோம்.


Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

பாடநூல் வினாக்கள்

பலவுள் தெரிக

Question 1.
எந்தமிழ்நா என்பதைப் பிரித்தால் இவ்வாறு வரும்
அ) எந் + தமிழ் + நா
ஆ) எந்த + தமிழ் + நா
இ) எம் + தமிழ் + நா
ஈ) எந்தம் + தமிழ் + நா
இ) எம் + தமிழ் + நா


Question 1.
“மன்னும் சிலம்பே! மணிமே கலைவடிவே!
முன்னும் நினைவால் முடிதாழ வாழ்த்துவமே!”
இவ்வடிகளில் இடம்பெற்றுள்ள காப்பியங்களைத் தவிர எஞ்சியுள்ள ஐம்பெருங் காப்பியங்களின் பெயர்களை எழுதுக.

  • சீவக சிந்தாமணி,
  • வளையாபதி,
  • குண்டலகேசி
    இவையாவும் எஞ்சிய ஐம்பெருங்காப்பியங்கள் ஆகும்.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை


Question 1.
தமிழன்னையை வாழ்த்துவதற்கான காரணங்களாகப் பாவலரேறு சுட்டுவன யாவை?
Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை - 1

  • அன்னை மொழியே! அழகான செந்தமிழே!
  • பழமைக்குப் பழமையாய்த் தோன்றிய நறுங்கனியே!
  • குமரிக்கண்டத்தில் நிலைபெற்று அரசாட்சி செலுத்திய மண்ணுலகப் பேரரசே!
  • பாண்டியனின் மகளே! திருக்குறளின் பெரும் பெருமைக்குரியவளே!
  • பாட்டும், தொகையும் ஆனவளே! பதினெண்கீழ்க்கணக்கே! நிலைத்த சிலப்பதிகாரமே! அழகானமணிமேகலையே!
  • கடல் கொண்ட குமரியில் நிலையாய் நின்று அரசாட்சி செய்த பெருந்தமிழ் அரசே!
  • பொங்கியெழும் நினைவுகளால் தலைபணிந்து தமிழே உன்னை வாழ்த்துகின்றோம்.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை - 2


Question 1.
மனோன்மணீயம் சுந்தரனாரின் தமிழ்த்தாய் வாழ்த்துப் பாடலையும் பெருஞ்சித்திரனாரின் தமிழ் வாழ்த்தையும் ஒப்பிட்டு மேடைப்பேச்சு ஒன்றை உருவாக்குக.
அறிமுக உரை:

தாயே! தமிழே! வணக்கம்.
தாய் பிள்ளை உறவம்மா, உனக்கும் எனக்கும்.

என்று தமிழ்த்தாயை வணங்கி, இங்கு மனோன்மணீயம் சுந்தரனாரின் பாடலையும், பெருஞ்சித்திரனாரின் பாடலையும் ஒப்பிட்டுக் காண்போம்.
Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை - 3

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை


இருவருமே தமிழின் பெருமையைத் தம் பாடல்களில் பூட்டி, காலந்தோறும் பேசும்படியாக அழகுற அமைத்துப் பாடியுள்ளனர்.

கூடுதல் வினாக்கள்

இலக்கணக் குறிப்பு

செந்தமிழ், நறுங்கனி, பேரரசு, செந்தாமரை – பண்புத்தொகைகள்
பாடி, குடித்து – வினையெச்சங்கள்

 பகுபத உறுப்பிலக்கணம்

முகிழ்த்த (முகிழ் = முகிழ் + த் + த் + அ
முகிழ் – பகுதி
த் – சந்தி
த் – இறந்தகால இடைநிலை
அ – பெயரெச்ச விகுதி

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

பலவுள் தெரிக

Question 1.
ஐம்பெருங்காப்பியங்களுள் பொருந்தாததைத் தேர்க.
அ) யசோதர காவியம்
ஆ) சிலப்பதிகாரம்
இ) மணிமேகலை
ஈ) சீவக சிந்தாமணி
அ) யசோதர காவியம்

Question 2.
உள்ளத்தில் கனல் மூள செந்தாமரைத் தேனைக் குடித்துச் சிறகசைத்துப் பாடியது எது?
அ) தேன்சிட்டு
ஆ) வண்டு
இ) தேனீ
ஈ) வண்ணத்துப்பூச்சி
ஆ) வண்டு

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 3.
“அன்னை மொழியே” என்ற கவிதையில் இடம்பெறும் மூவேந்தருள் ஒருவர்
அ) சேரன்
ஆ) சோழன்
இ) பாண்டியன்
ஈ) பல்லவன்
இ) பாண்டியன்

Question 4.
பொருந்தாதவற்றைக் கண்டறிக.
அ) பாவியக்கொத்து
ஆ) நூறாசிரியம்
இ) தென்தமிழ்
ஈ) பள்ளிப்பறவைகள்
இ) தென்தமிழ்

Question 5.
பொருந்தாதவற்றைக் கண்டறிக.
அ) தமிழ்ச்சிட்டு
ஆ) பள்ளிப்பறவைகள்
இ) எண்சுவை எண்பது
ஈ) உலகியல் நூறு
அ) தமிழ்ச்சிட்டு

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 6.
1. மாண்புகழ் – அ) சிலப்பதிகாரம்
2. மன்னும் – ஆ) திருக்குறள்
3. வடிவு – இ) பத்துப்பாட்டு
4. பாப்பத்தே – ஈ) மணிமேகலை
அ) 1.ஆ 2.அ 3.ஈ 4.இ
ஆ) 1.இ 2.ஈ 3.அ 4.ஆ
இ) 1.ஆ 2.இ 3.ஈ. 4.அ
ஈ) 1.ஆ 2.அ 3.இ 4.ஈ
அ) 1.ஆ 2.அ 3.ஈ 4.இ

Question 7.
‘அன்னை மொழியே’ கவிதை இடம் பெறும் நூல்
அ) நூறாசிரியம்
ஆ) கனிச்சாறு
இ) எண்சுவை எண்பது
ஈ) பாவியக்கொத்து
ஆ) கனிச்சாறு

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 8.
“முன்னும் நினைவால் முடிதாழ வாழ்த்துவமே”- என்று பாடியவர்
அ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்
ஆ) க.சச்சிதானந்தன்
இ) வாணிதாசன்
ஈ) கண்ண தாசன்
அ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்

Question 9.
“முந்துற்றோம் யாண்டும் முழங்கத் தனித்தமிழே” – என்று பாடியவர்
அ) க.சச்சிதானந்தன்
ஆ) துரை. மாணிக்கம்
இ) வாணிதாசன்
ஈ) முடியரசன்
ஆ) துரை. மாணிக்கம்

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 10.
“நற்கணக்கே” என்பதில் சுட்டப்படும் நூல்கள் எத்தனை?
அ) 18
ஆ) 10
இ) 8
ஈ) 5
அ) 18

Question 11.
“மன்னும் சிலம்பே! மணிமேகலை வடிவே!” எஞ்சியுள்ள பெருங்காப்பியங்கள் எத்தனை?
அ) ஐந்து
ஆ) மூன்று
இ) இரண்டு
ஈ) எட்டு
ஆ) மூன்று

Question 12.
துரை. மாணிக்கம் என்ற இயற்பெயர் கொண்டவர் யார்?
அ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்
ஆ) பெரியவன்கவிராயர்
இ) தேவநேயப் பாவாணர்
ஈ) தமிழண்ணல்
அ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 13.
பெருஞ்சித்திரனார் பாடலில் ‘பழமைக்குப் பழமை’ என்னும் பொருள் தரும் சொல்.
அ) முன்னை முகிழ்ந்த
ஆ) முன்னைக்கும் முன்னை
இ) முன்னும் நினைவால்
ஈ) முந்துற்றோம் யாண்டும்
ஆ) முன்னைக்கும் முன்னை

Question 14.
‘பாப்பத்தே எண் தொகையே’ – சரியான பொருளைக் கண்டறி.
அ) பாடல் பத்து, எண் தொகை
ஆ) பா பத்து, எட்டுத் தொகை
இ) பத்துப்பாட்டு, எட்டுத்தொகை
ஈ) பத்தும் எட்டும்
இ) பத்துப்பாட்டு, எட்டுத்தொகை

Question 15.
பெருஞ்சித்திரனாரின் ‘முந்துற்றோம் யாண்டும்’, ‘தமிழ்த்தாய் வாழ்த்து’ என்னும் இரு தலைப்பிலுள்ள பாடல்கள் எத்தொகுப்பிலிருந்து எடுத்தாளப் பெற்றன? அ) எண்சுவை எண்பது
ஆ) உலகியல் நூறு
இ) நூறாசிரியம்
ஈ) கனிச்சாறு
ஈ) கனிச்சாறு

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 16.
செந்தாமரைத் தேனைக் குடித்துச் சிறகார்ந்த அந்தும்பி பாடும் அது போல – பயின்று வரும் அணி
அ) உவமையணி
ஆ) உருவக அணி
இ) எடுத்துக்காட்டு உவமையணி
ஈ) தற்குறிப்பேற்றணி
அ) உவமையணி

Question 17.
செந்தமிழ் – பிரித்து எழுதுக.
அ) செந் + தமிழ்
ஆ) செம் + தமிழ்
இ) செ + தமிழ்
ஈ) செம்மை + தமிழ்
ஈ) செம்மை + தமிழ்

Question 18.
செந்தமிழ், செந்தாமரை ஆகிய சொற்களில் இடம் பெறும் இலக்கணக் குறிப்பைச் சுட்டுக.
அ) பண்புத்தொகை
ஆ) வினைத்தொகை
இ) உம்மைத் தொகை
ஈ) அன்மொழித்தொகை
அ) பண்புத்தொகை

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 19.
உந்தி உணர்வெழுப்ப உள்ளக் கனல் மூள – இவ்வடியில் காணும் நயம்
அ) மோனை
ஆ) எதுகை
இ) முரண்
ஈ) இயைபு
அ) மோனை

Question 20.
தென்னன் மகளே! திருக்குறளின் மாண்புகழே!
இன்னறும் பாப்பத்தே! எண் தொகையே! நற்கணக்கே
மன்னுஞ் சிலம்பே! மணிமேகலை வடிவே!
முன்னும் நினைவால் முடிதாழ வாழ்த்துவமே!

இப்பாடலில் அமைந்த எதுகைச் சொற்களை எடுத்தெழுதுக.
அ) தென்னன்
ஆ) மன்னும்
இ) இன்ன றும்
ஈ) இவையனைத்தும்
ஈ) இவையனைத்தும்

Question 21.
‘அன்னை மொழியே’ என்னும் தமிழ்த்தாய் வாழ்த்தின் ஆசிரியர்
அ) சுந்தரனார்
ஆ) பாரதிதாசன்
இ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்
ஈ) பாவாணர்
இ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 22.
“சாகும் போதும் தமிழ்படித்துச் சாக வேண்டும் – என்றன் சாம்பலும் தமிழ் மணந்து வேக வேண்டும்” என்று பாடியவர் யார்?
அ) பாரதிதாசன்
ஆ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்
இ) சச்சிதானந்தன்
ஈ) ஆறுமுகநாவலர்
இ) சச்சிதானந்தன்

Question 23.
பெருஞ்சித்திரனாரின் பணிகளில் தமிழுக்குக் கருவூலமாய் அமைந்த நூல் எது?
அ) பாவியக்கொத்து
ஆ) கனிச்சாறு
இ) திருக்குறள் மெய்ப்பொருளுரை
ஈ) உலகியல் நூறு
இ) திருக்குறள் மெய்ப்பொருளுரை

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 24.
தென்மொழி, தமிழ்ச்சிட்டு ஆகிய இதழ்களின் ஆசிரியர் யார்?
அ) கண்ண தாசன்
ஆ) பாரதிதாசன்
இ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்
ஈ) திரு.வி.க
இ) பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்


Question 1.
பாவலரேறு பெருஞ்சித்திரனாரின் தமிழுணர்வை உலகெங்கும் பரப்ப காரணமாய் இருந்த இதழ்கள் யாவை?

  • தென்மொழி
  • தமிழ்ச்சிட்டு

Question 2.
பாவலரேறு பெருஞ்சித்திரனாரின் படைப்புகள் யாவை?

  • உலகியல் நூறு
  • கனிச்சாறு
  • பாவியக்கொத்து
  • மகபுகுவஞ்சி
  • நூறாசிரியம்
  • பள்ளிப் பறவைகள்
  • எண்சுவை எண்பது

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 3.
வண்டு – தேன் தமிழர் – தமிழ்ச்சுவை இவற்றை ஒப்பிட்டுப் பெருஞ்சித்திரனார் குறிப்பிடும் செய்தி யாது?
வண்டு – தேன் :
உள்ளத்தில் கனல் மூள வண்டானது செந்தாமரைத் தேனைக் குடித்துச் சிறகசைத்துப் பாடுகின்றது.

தமிழர் – தமிழ்ச்சுவை: தமிழர் செந்தமிழைச் சுவைத்து தமிழின் பெருமையை எங்கும் முழங்குகின்றனர்.

Question 4.
“அன்னை மொழியே” என்ற பாடலில் அமைந்துள்ள விளிச்சொற்களை எழுதுக.

  • செந்தமிழே!
  • மாண்புகழே!
  • நறுங்கனியே!
  • எண்தொகையே!
  • பேரரசே!
  • நற்கணக்கே !
  • தென்னன் மகளே!
  • சிலம்பே !

Question 5.
பதினெண் மேற்கணக்கு நூல்கள் எவை?
எட்டுத்தொகை, பத்துப்பாட்டு.

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 6.
தமிழ் எவற்றின் காரணமாகத் தமக்குள் பற்றுணர்வை ஏற்படுத்துவதாகப் பெருஞ்சித்திரனார் கூறுகிறார்?

  • பழம்பெருமையும் தனக்கெனத் தனிச்சிறப்பும் இலக்கிய வளமும் கொண்டது தமிழ்.
  • நீண்ட நிலைத்த தன்மை உடையது.
  • வேற்றுமொழியார் தமிழைக் குறித்து உரைத்த புகழ்மொழிகள்.

ஆகிய இவையே தமக்குள் பற்றுணர்வை ஏற்படுத்துவதாகப் பெருஞ்சித்திரனார் கூறுகிறார்.

Question 7.
“இன்னறும் பாப்பத்தே! எண் தொகையே! நற்கணக்கே!”
– இவ்வடியில் சுட்டப்படும் மொத்த நூல்கள் எத்தனை?
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Question 1.
பாவலரேறு பெருஞ்சித்திரனார் குறிப்பு வரைக.
பெயர் : பாவலரேறு பெருஞ்சித்திரனார்
இயற்பெயர் : துரை. மாணிக்கம்
ஊர் : சேலம் மாவட்டத்திலுள்ள சமுத்திரம்
பெற்றோர் : துரைசாமி, குஞ்சம்மாள்
இயற்றிய நூல்கள் : கனிச்சாறு, ஐயை, கொய்யாக்கனி, பாவியக்கொத்து, பள்ளிப்பறவைகள், நூறாசிரியம், எண்சுவை எண்பது, மகபுகு வஞ்சி.
சிறப்பு : இவரின் திருக்குறள் மெய்ப்பொருளுரை தமிழுக்குக் கருவூலமாய் அமைந்தது.
காலம் : 10.03.1933 முதல் 11.06.1995 வரை

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை

Question 2.
‘முந்துற்றோம் யாண்டும் முழங்கத் தனித்தமிழே’ என்று பாவலரேறு பெருஞ்சித்திரனார் கூறக் காரணம் யாது?

  • செழுமை மிகுந்த தமிழே! என்னுயிரே! சொல்லுவதற்கு அரிதான உன்னுடைய பெருமைகளை என் தமிழ் நாக்கு எவ்வாறு தான் விரித்துரைக்கும்.
  • பழம்பெருமை, தமக்கெனத் தனிச்சிறப்பு, இலக்கிய வளம் கொண்ட தமிழே! .
  • உன்னுடைய நிலைத்த தன்மையும் வேற்றுமொழி பேசுபவர்கள் உன்னைப் பற்றிக் கூறிய புகழுரையும் எமக்குள் பற்றுணர்வை எழுப்புகின்றன.
    Samacheer Kalvi 10th Tamil Guide Chapter 1.1 அன்னை மொழியை - 5
  • என் தனித்தமிழே! வண்டு செந்தாமரைத் தேனைக் குடித்துச் சிறகசைத்துப் பாடுவது போல நாங்கள் உன்னைச் சுவைத்து உள்ளத்தில் கனல் மூள, உன் பெருமையை எங்கும் முழங்குகின்றோம்.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Economics Guide Chapter 1 Introduction to Micro Economics

Students can download 11th Economics Chapter 1 Introduction to Micro Economics Questions and Answers, Notes, Samcheer Kalvi 11th Economics Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus, helps students complete homework assignments and to score high marks in board exams.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 11th Economics Solutions Chapter 1 Introduction to Micro Economics

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Economics Introduction to Micro Economics Text Book Back Questions and Answers


Multiple Choice Questions.

Question 1.
‘Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life’ – It is the statement of ………………………..
(a) Adam Smith
(b) Lionel Robbins
(c) Alfred Marshall
(d) Samuelson
(c) Alfred Marshall

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 2.
The basic problem studied in Economics is ……………………….
(a) Unlimited wants
(b) Unlimited means
(c) Scarcity
(d) Strategy to meet all our wants
(c) Scarcity

Question 3.
Microeconomics is concerned with ……………………….
(a) The economy as a whole
(b) Different sectors of an economy
(c) The study of individual economic units behaviour
(d) The interactions within the entire economy
(c) The study of individual economic units behaviour

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 4.
Which of the following is a microeconomics statement?
(a) The real domestic output increased by 2.5 percent last year
(b) Unemployment was 9.8 percent of the labour force last year
(c) The price of wheat determines its demand
(d) The general price level increased by 4 percent last year
(c) The price of wheat determines its demand

Question 5.
Find the odd one out.
(a) “An inquiry into the nature and the causes of the Wealth of Nations”
(b) “Principles of Economics”
(c) “Nature and Significance of Economic Science”
(d) “Ceteris paribus”
(d) “Ceteris paribus”

Question 6.
The equilibrium price is the price at which ……………………….
(a) Everything is sold
(b) Buyers spend their money
(c) Quantity demanded equals quantity supplied
(d) Excess demand is zero
(c) Quantity demanded equals quantity supplied

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 7.
Author of “An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth of Nations”.
(a) Alfred Marshall
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Lionel Robbins
(d) Paul A Samuelson
(b) Adam Smith

Question 8.
“Economics studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses” is the definition of economics of …………………………
(a) Lionel Robbins
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Alfred Marshall
(d) Paul A Samuelson
(a) Lionel Robbins

Question 9.
Who is the Father of Economics?
(a) Max Muller
(b) Adam smith
(c) Karl Marx
(d) Paul A Samuelson
(b) Adam smith

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 10.
“Economics is a science” The basis of this statement is …………………………
(a) Relation between cause and effect
(b) Use of deductive method and inductive method for the formations of laws
(c) Experiments
(d) All of the above
(d) All of the above

Question 11.
Utility means ……………………..
(a) Equilibrium point at which demand and supply are equal
(b) Want – satisfying capacity of goods and services
(c) Total value of commodity
(d) Desire for goods and services
(b) Want – satisfying capacity of goods and services

Question 12.
A market is ………………………
(a) Only a place to buy things
(b) Only a place to sell things
(c) Only a place where prices adjust
(d) A system where persons buy and sell goods directly or indirectly
(d) A system where persons buy and sell goods directly or indirectly

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 13.
Which one of the following is not a point in the Welfare Definition of Economics?
(a) Study of and ordinary man
(b) Economics does not focus on wealth alone
(c) Economics is the study of material welfare
(d) Economics deals with unlimited wants and limited means
(d) Economics deals with unlimited wants and limited means

Question 14.
Growth definition takes into account ……………………….
(a) The problem of choice in the dynamic framework of Economics
(b) The problem of unlimited means in relation to wants
(c) The production and distribution of wealth
(d) The material welfare of human beings
(a) The problem of choice in the dynamic framework of Economics

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 15.
Which theory is generally included under micro economics?
(a) Price Theory
(b) Income Theory
(c) Employment Theory
(d) Trade Theory
(a) Price Theory

Question 16.
……………………….. have exchange value and their ownership rights can be established and exchanged.
(a) Goods
(b) Services
(c) Markets
(d) Revenue
(a) Goods

Question 17.
Identify the correct characteristics of utility ……………………..
(a) It is equivalent to ‘usefulness’
(b) It has moral significance
(c) It is the same as pleasure
(d) It depends upon the consumer’s mental attitude
(d) It depends upon the consumer’s mental attitude

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 18.
Who has given scarcity definition of economics?
(a) Adam Smith
(b) Marshall
(c) Robbins
(d) Robertson
(c) Robbins

Question 19.
The process of reasoning from particular to the general is ………………………..
(a) Deductive method
(b) Inductive method
(c) Positive economics
(d) Normative economics
(b) Inductive method

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 20.
Total revenue is equal to total output sold multiplied by ………………………….
(a) Price
(b) Total cost
(c) Marginal revenue
(d) Marginal cost
(a) Price


Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 21.
What is meant by Economics?
The term ‘Economics’ comes from oikonomikos which means ‘Management of households’. ‘Political Economy’ is renamed as ‘Economics’ by Alfred Marshall.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 22.
Define microeconomics?

  1. Microeconomics is the study of the economic actions of individual units say households, firms or industries.
  2. It studies how business firms operate under different market conditions.
  3. The combined actions of buyers and sellers determine prices.
  4. Microeconomics covers:
    • Value theory [product pricing and factor pricing]
    • Theory of economic welfare.

Question 23.
What are goods?
The materialistic things and services which satisfy human wants are called goods in economics.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 24.
Distinguish goods from services?



1. Free and Economic goods. Ex: air and sunshine Intangible Ex: brand image 1 pen drive
2. Consumer goods. Ex: TV, Furniture, Automobile, etc. Heterogeneous Ex: Music, Consulting physicians etc.
3. Capital goods also called producer goods. Ex: Machines Inseparable from their makers Ex: Labour and Labourer
4. Perishable goods Ex: Fish, Fruits, Flower. Perishable. Ex: A ticket for a cricket match once the match is over.
5. Durable Goods Ex: table, chair                                    –

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 25.
Name any two types of utility?

  1. Time Utility: A sick man derives time utility from blood, not at the time of its donation. but only at the operation – time, i.e., when it is used.
  2. Place Utility: A student derives place utility from a book not at the place of its publication (production centre) but only at the place of his education (consumption centre).

Question 26.
Define positive economics?

  1. An increase in money supply implies a price rise in an economy.
  2. As the irrigation facilities and application of chemical fertilizers expand, the production of food- grains increases.
  3. Increases in the birth rate and a decrease in the death rate reflect the rate of growth of the population.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 27.
Give the meaning of the deductive method?

  1. The deductive method is also named an analytical or abstract method.
  2. It consists of deriving conclusions from general truths.
  3. It takes a few general principles and applies them to draw conclusions.
  4. The classical and neoclassical schools of economists notably, Ricardo, JS Mill, Malthus Marshall, Pigou applied the deductive method in their economic investigations.


Answer the following questions in one paragraph.

Question 28.
Explain the scarcity definition of Economics and assess it?

  1. Lionel Robbins published a book “An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science” in 1932.
  2. According to him, “Economics is a science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses.”

The major features of Robbins’ definition are

  1. Ends refer to human wants.
  2. Human beings have an unlimited number of wants.
  3. Resources or means that go to satisfy the unlimited human wants are limited or scarce in supply.
  4. The scarcity of a commodity is to be considered only in relation to its demand.
  5. Further, the scarce means are capable of having alternative uses.
  6. An individual grades his wants and satisfies first his most urgent want.
  7. Economics, according to Robbins, is a science of choice.


  1. Robbins does not make any distinction between goods conducive to human welfare and goods that are not.
  2. Economics deals not only with the microeconomic aspects of resource allocation and the determination of the price of a commodity.
  3. Robbins’ definition does not cover the theory of economic growth and development.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 29.
What are the crucial decisions involved in ‘what to produce’?
Every society much decides on what goods it will produce and how much of these it will produce.
In this process, the crucial decisions include:

  1. Whether to produce more food, clothing, and housing or to have more luxury goods.
  2. Whether to have more agricultural goods or to have industrial goods and services.
  3. Whether to use more resources in education and health or to use more resources in military services.
  4. Whether to have more consumption goods or to have investment goods.
  5. Whether to spend more on basic education or higher education.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 30.
Explain different types of economic activities?
The seven types of economic activities are:

1. Micro – Economics:
Micro Economics is the study of the economic actions of individuals say households, firms, or industries.

Microeconomics covers:

  • Value theory [product pricing and factor pricing]
  • Theory of economic welfare.

2. Macro – Economics:

  • Macroeconomics is the obverse of microeconomics.
  • The general theory of employment, Interest, and money published by Keynes is the basis of modem macroeconomics.

3. International Economics:

  • In the modem world, no country can grow in isolation.
  • Every country is having links with other countries through foreign capital, investment [foreign direct investment], and international trade.

4. Public Economics:

  • Public finance is concerned with the income or revenue-raising and expenditure incurring activities of the public authorities.
  • The scope of public finance covers public expenditure, public revenue, public debt, and financial administration.

5. Developmental Economics:

  • Development economics deals with features of developed nations, obstacles for development, economic and non-economic factors influencing development, various growth models, and strategies.

6. Health Economics:

  • Health economics is an area of applied economics.
  • It covers health indicators, preventive and curative measures, medical research and education, rural health mission, drug price control, neonatal care, maternity and child health, budgetary allocation for health.

7. Environmental Economics:

  • Depletion of natural resources stock and pollution result from rapid economic development.
  • Environmental economics is a study of interdisciplinary tools for the problems of ecology, economy, and environment.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 31.
Elucidate different features of services?
Along with goods, services are produced and consumed. They are generally, possess the following:

1. Intangible:

  • Intangible things are not physical objects but exist in connection to other things, for example, brand image, goodwill, etc.
  • The intangible things are converted and stored into tangible items such as recording a music piece into a pen – drive.

2. Heterogeneous:

  • Services vary across regions or cultural backgrounds.
  • A single type of service yields multiple experiences, e.g., music, consulting physicians, etc.

3. Inseparable from their makers:

  • Services are inextricably connected to their makes. For example, labour and labourers are inseparable.

4. Perishable:

  • Services cannot be stored as inventories like assets.
  • For example, it is useless to possess a ticket for a cricket-match once the match is over.
  • It cannot be stored and it has no value-in-exchange.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 32.
What are the important features of utility?
The important features of utility:

  1. The utility is psychological. It depends on the consumer’s mental attitude. For example, a vegetarian derives no utility from mutton.
  2. The utility is not equivalent to usefulness. For example, a smoker derives utility from a cigarette; but, his health gets affected.
  3. The utility is not the same a pleasure. A sick person derives utility from taking medicine, but definitely, it is not providing pleasure.
  4. The utility is personal and relative. An individual obtains varied utility from one and the same good in different situations and places.
  5. The utility is the function of the intensity of human want. An individual consumer faces a tendency of diminishing utility.
  6. The utility cannot be measured objectively. It is a subjective concept and it cannot be measured numerically.
  7. The utility has no ethical or moral significance. For example, a cook derives utility from a knife using which he cuts some vegetables, and a killer wants to stab his enemy with that knife. In Economics, a commodity has utility if it satisfies a human want.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 33.
Distinguish between microeconomics and macroeconomics?

Micro Economics

Macro Economics

1. It is that branch of economics which deals with the economic decision-making of individual economic agents such as the producer, the consumer, etc. 1. It is that branch of economics which deals with aggregates and averages of the entire economy. E.g., aggregate output, national income, aggregate savings, and investment, etc.
2. It takes into account small components of the whole economy. 2. It takes into consideration the economy of the country as a whole.
3. It deals with the process of price, determination in the case of individual products, and factors of production. 3. It deals with the general price-level in any economy.
4. It is known as price theory 4. It is also known as the income theory.
5. It is concerned with the optimization goals of individual consumers and producers 5. It is concerned with the optimization of the growth process of the entire economy.

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Question 34.
Compare positive economics and normative economics?

Positive Economics

Normative Economics

1. An increase in money supply implies a price-rise is an economy. 1. Inflation is better than deflation.
2. As the irrigation facilities and application of chemical fertilizers expand, the production of food grains increases. 2. More production of luxury goods is not good for a less-developed country.
3. An increase in the birth rate and a decrease in the death rate reflect the rate of growth of the population. 3. Inequalities in the distribution of wealth and incomes should be reduced.


Answer the following questions in about a page.

Question 35.
Compare and contrast various definitions of Economics.
1. Adam Smith – Wealth definition:

  1. Adam Smith [1723 – 1790], in his book “An Inquiry into Nature and Cause of Wealth of Nations” [1776] defines “Economics as the science of wealth”
  2. He explains how a nation’s wealth is created and increased.
  3. He considers that the individual in the society wants to promote his own gain and in this process, he is guided and led by an “invisible hand”
  4. Adam Smith favours the introduction of the “division of labor” to increase the quantum of output.
  5. Severe competition in factories and society helps in bettering the product.
  6. The supply force is very active and a commodity is made available to the consumers at the lowest price.

2. Alfred Marshall – Welfare definition:

  1. Alfred Marshall [1842 – 1924] in his book “Principles of Economics” [1890] defines Economics thus “Political Economy” or Economics is a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life.
  2. It examines that part of individual and social action which is most closely connected with the attainment and with the use of the material requisites of well-being.
  3. Thus, it is on one side a study of wealth and on the other and more important side, a part of the study of man”.

The important features of Marshall’s definition are:

  1. Economics does not treat wealth as the be-all and end-all of economic activities.
  2. The man promotes primarily welfare and not wealth. ‘
  3. The science of economics contains the concerns of ordinary people who are moved by love and not merely guided or directed by the desire to get the maximum monetary benefit.
  4. Economics is a social science. It studies people in the society who influence one another.

3. Lionel Robbins – Scarcity definition:

  1. Lionel Robbins published a book “An Essay on the Nature and Significance of Economic Science” in 1932.
  2. According to him, “Economics is a science which studies human behaviour as a relationship between ends and scarce means which have alternative uses”.

The major features of Robbins’ definition:

  1. Ends refer to human wants. Human beings have an unlimited number of wants.
  2. On the other hand, resources or means that go to satisfy the unlimited human wants are limited or scarce in supply.
  3. The scarce means are capable of having alternative uses.
  4. An individual grades his wants and satisfies first his most urgent want.
  5. Economics, according to Robbins, is a science of choice.

4. Samuelson’s – growth definition:
Paul Samuelson defines Economics as “the study of how men and society choose, with or without the use of money, to employ scarce productive resources which could have alternative uses to produce various commodities over time, and distribute them for consumption, now and in the future among various people and groups of society”.

The major implications of this definition are as follows:

  • Samuelson makes his definition dynamic by including the element of time in it.
  • Samuelson’s definition is applicable also in a barter economy.
  • His definition covers various aspects like production, distribution, and consumption.
  • Samuelson treats Economics as a social science.
  • Samuelson appears to be the most satisfactory.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 36.
Explain various Steps of Deductive and Inductive methods?
Steps of the Deductive Method:

  • Step 1: The analyst must have a clear and precise idea of the problem to be inquired into.
  • Step 2: The analyst clearly defines the technical terms used in the analysis. Further, the assumptions of the theory are to be precise.
  • Step 3: Deduce hypothesis from the assumptions taken.
  • Step 4: Hypotheses should be verified through direct observation of events in the real world and through statistical methods, (eg) There exists an inverse relationship between price and quantity demanded of a good.

Steps of Inductive Method:

  • Step 1: Data are collected about a certain economic phenomenon. These are systematically arranged and general conclusions are drawn from them.
  • Step 2: By observing the data, conclusions are easily drawn.
  • Step 3: Generalization of the data and then Hypothesis Formulation Step 4. Verification of the hypothesis (eg. Engel’s law)

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 37.
Elaborate on the nature and scope of Economics?
Nature of Economics:
The nature of a subject refers to its contents and how and why they find a place in the subject. This nature is understood by studying the various definitions given by Economists.
The nature of Economics can be clearly understood from the following definitions :

  1. Adam Smith (classical Era) who considered Economics as a science of wealth gave wealth definition.
  2. Alfred Marshall (Neo-classical era) considered Economics as a social science which studies wealth on one side and the material welfare of human beings on the other side.
  3. Robbin’s Scarcity Definition (new age) He defined Economics as a science of choice.
  4. Samuelson gave a growth definition which represents the modern age.
  5. The scope of economics refers to the subject matter of economics. It throws light on whether it is an art or a science and science, whether positive or normative science.

Economics: It’s the subject matter:

Related to society:

  1. Economics focuses on the behaviour and interactions among economic agents, individuals and groups belonging to an economic system.
  2. It deals with the consumption and production of goods and services and the distribution of income among the factors of production.

Related to scarce resources:

  1. Economics studies the ways in which people use the available resources to satisfy their multiplicity of wants.

Human science or Social science:

  1. Economics is concerned with the activities of human beings.
  2. The action of one member affects those of the others in the society. Hence, economics is called human science or social science.

Related to wealth:

  1. Economics constitutes all human activities related to wealth.
  2. Human activities not related to wealth are not included in Economics.

Economics as an art:

  1. Art is the practical application of knowledge for achieving particular goals.
  2. Economics provides guidance to the solutions to all the economic problems.

Economics as a science:

  1. Science is a systematic study of knowledge. Science develops the co-relation between cause and effect based on facts.
  2. Economics examines the relationship between the cause and effect of the problems. Hence, it is rightly considered as both an art and a science.

Economics: Positive and Normative science:

  1. Positive- Economics is concerned with how? and why? and normative Economics with ‘What ought to be’.
  2. Economics is both a positive and normative science.

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 38.
Explain basic problems of the economy with the help of the production possibility curve?
1. The problem of choice between relatively scarce commodities due to limited productive resources with the society can be illustrated with the help of a geometric device, which is known as the production possibility curve.

The production possibility curve shows the menu of choice along which a society can choose to substitute one good for another, assuming a given state of technology and given total resources.

2. The explanation and analysis of the production possibility curve are based upon certain assumptions, some of them are the following:

  • The time period does not change. It remains the same throughout the curve.
  • Techniques of production are fixed.
  • There is full employment in the economy.
  • Only two goods can be produced from the given resources.
  • Resources of production are fully mobile.
  • The factors of production are given in quantity and quality.
  • The low of diminishing returns operates in production.

3. Every production possibility curve is based upon these assumptions. If some of these assumptions change or neglected, then it affects the nature of the production possibility curve.

4. To draw this curve we take the help of the production possibilities schedule, as shown below.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Economics Guide Chapter 1 Introduction to Micro Economics img 1a

5. The schedule suggests that if all resources are thrown into the production of food, a maximum of 500 tons of food can be produced, given the existing technology.

If on the other hand, all resources are instead used for producing cars, 25 cars can be produced. In between these two extreme possibilities exist. If we are willing to give up some food, we can have some cars.

6. We can obtain a production possibility curve by drawing the production possibilities schedule graphically. The quantity of food is shown on the x-axis and the number of cars is shown on the y-axis, the different six production possibilities are being shown as point P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 & P6

Problems of the economy

1. The problem of choice:
The problem of choice arises because of the given limited resources and unlimited wants, which may relate to the allocation of resources between the goods for the higher income group and the lower-income group and the goods for the defense and the civilians. Since PPC is the locus of the combination of the goods the problem of choice will not arise when we choose any point on PPC.

2. Solution of central problems:
The central problems of an economy can be explained with the help of PPC. The solution to the problem of what to produce involves the decision regarding the choice of location on the production possibility carves.

A production combination represented by any point inside the PPC indicates that the economy is using inefficient methods of production and an inefficient combination of resources.

Samacheer Kalvi 11th Economics Introduction to Micro Economics Additional Important Questions and Answers

Part – A

Multiple Choice Questions.

Question 1.
Alfred Marshall renamed “Political Economy” as “Economics” in
(a) 18th century
(b) 19th century
(c) 20th century
(d) 21st century
(b) 19th century

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 2.
Marshall definition of Economics is known as ………………………
(a) Wealth
(b) Welfare
(c) Scarcity
(d) Modem
(b) Welfare

Question 3.
Alfred Marshall wrote “Principles of Economics” in
(a) 1776
(b) 1890
(c) 1776
(d) 1932
(b) 1890

Question 4.
The term “micro” means ………………………..
(a) Small
(b) Big
(c) Normal
(d) Abnormal
(a) Small

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 5.
Examples of perishable goods
(a) Television, Furnishers
(b) Fish, Fruits, Flowers
(c) Table, Chair
(d) Vehicles, Capital goods
(b) Fish, Fruits, Flowers

Question 6.
……………………… means a place where commodities are bought and sold.
(a) Market
(b) Price
(c) Cost
(d) Revenue
(a) Market

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 7.
The value of goods expressed in money terms is
(a) Price
(b) Revenue
(c) Market
(d) Cost
(a) Price

Question 8.
…………………. goods directly satisfy human wants.
(a) Consumer
(b) Capital
(c) Economic
(d) Producer
(a) Consumer

Tamil Nadu 12th Computer Science Model Question Paper 1 English Medium

Question 9.
__________ is the assumption in economics that makes the economic laws hypothetical
(a) Other things remaining the same
(b) Time remaining the same
(c) Money remaining the same
(d) Wants to remain the same
(a) Other things remaining the same

Question 10.
Who defined “Economics as the science of wealth”?
(a) Karl Marx
(b) Paul A. Samuelson
(c) Max Muller
(d) Adam Smith
(d) Adam Smith

Part – B

Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.

Question 1.
What is the scope of Economics?
The scope of the subject of Economics refers to the subject matter of Economics. It throws light on whether it is an art or a science and if science, whether it is a positive science or normative science.

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Question 2.
Write a note on Distribution.
Distribution studies about the pricing of factors of production.

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Question 3.
Define macroeconomics?

  1. Macroeconomics is the obverse of microeconomics. It is concerned with the economy as a whole.
  2. It is the study of aggregates such as national output, inflation, unemployment, and taxes.
  3. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money published by Keynes is the basis of modem macroeconomics.

Part – C

Answer the following questions in one paragraph.

Question 1.
Explain different types of utility?
The different types of utility are:

  1. Form utility: An individual consumer obtains utility from a good or service only when it is available in a particular form. Raw materials in their original form may not possess utility for a consumer.
  2. Time utility: A sick man derives time utility from blood not at the time of its donation, but only at the operation-time (i.e.,) when it is used.
  3. Place utility: A student derives place utility from a book not at the place of its publication but only at the place of his education.
  4. Service utility: An individual consumer derives service utility a service made available at the time when he most needs it.
  5. Possession utility: When a student buys a book or dictionary from a bookseller, then only it gives utility.
  6. Knowledge utility: It is the utility derived by having knowledge of a particular thing. Advertisement serves as a source of information on an object.
  7. Measurability of utility: Wants of a person are satisfied by the act of consumption. The consumer derives utility, measured in terms of ‘Utils’. A “Util” is a unit of measurement of utility.

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Question 2.
What are the major implications of Samuelson’s growth definition?

  1. Like Robbins, Samuelson states that the means which have alternative uses are scarce in relation to unlimited ends.
  2. His definition is dynamic by including the element of time and it covers the theory of economic growth.
  3. This definition is applicable also in a non-monetary, barter economy.
  4. His definition covers various aspects like production, distribution, and consumption.
  5. Samuelson treats economics as a social science.

Question 3.
What is the importance of microeconomics?

  1. To understand the operation of an economy.
  2. To provide tools for economic policies.
  3. To examine the condition of economic welfare.
  4. Efficient utilization of resources.
  5. Useful in international trade.
  6. Useful in decision making.
  7. Optimal resources allocation.
  8. The basis for prediction.
  9. Price determination.

Part – D

Answer the following questions in about a page.

Question 1.
What is the nature of economic laws?

  1. A Law expresses a causal relation between two or more than two phenomena.
  2. Marshall states that the Economics laws are statements of tendencies and those social laws, which relate to those branches of conduct in which the strength of the motives chiefly concerned can be measured by money price.
  3. In natural sciences, a definite result is expected to follow from a particular cause.
  4. In Economics science, the laws function with cause and effect.
  5. The consequences predicted by the data, necessarily and invariably follow.
  6. Economics laws are not as precise and certain as the laws in the physical sciences.
  7. A physical scientist carrying out controlled experiments in his laboratory can test the scientific laws very easily by changing the conditions obtaining there.
  8. Change in Economics science cannot be brought about easily.
  9. Unpredictability is invariably associated with Economic laws.
  10. Economics laws are not assertive but they are indicative.
  11. The use of the assumption “other things remaining the same” in economics makes the economics laws hypothetical.
  12. The hypothetical elements in-laws are a little less pronounced than in the laws of physical sciences.
  13. As the value of the measuring-rod money is not constant, there are always hypothetical elements surrounding the laws of Economics.
  14. Some economics laws are simply truisms.
  15. For example, saving is a function of income.
  16. Another example of truism is human wants are unlimited.

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Question 2.
Explain the types of economics.
1. Micro-Economics:
Microeconomics is the study of the economic actions of individual units say households, firms, or industries.

2. Macro-Economics:
Macroeconomics is concerned with the economy as a whole. It is the study of aggregates such as national output, inflation, unemployment, and taxes.

3. International economics:
No country can grow in isolation, every country is having links with other countries through foreign capital, investment, and international trade.

4. Public economics:
Public finance is concerned with the income or revenue-raising and expenditure incurring activities of the public authorities. It covers public expenditure, public revenue, public debt, and financial administration.

5. Developmental economics:
Development economics deals with features of developed nations, obstacles for development. Economic and non-economic factors influencing development, various growth models, and strategies.

6. Health economics:
Health economics is an area of applied economics. It covers health indicators, preventive and curative measures, medical research, and education. Rural health and budgetary allocation for health etc.

7. Environmental economics:
Environmental economics analyses the interrelationship between economy and environment. It is a study of interdisciplinary tools for the problems of ecology, economy, and environment.


Meet ten of your classmates and prepare a report on the advantages of studying Economics?
Advantages of Studying Economics:

Student: 1

  1. Economic policy is financial supporters.
  2. Many treatments of economics are inexact and can contradict each other.
  3. These is analytic or mathematical theories.
  4. The Economic subject in a logical and Pseudo-Scientific manner.
  5. The future of our daily lives in regards to the economic status and happenings of the world.
  6. Economics is basically called the “Queen Subject” of all subjects of social sciences.
  7. Economics is one of the most useful of all sciences.
  8. To learn how to distribute scarce resources efficiently.
  9. To understand how the market will react to certain actions.
  10. Economics is described as the study of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, along with the transfer of wealth.

Student: 2

  1. People like it.
  2. It studies people’s behaviors in different markets.
  3. They make economics a social study.
  4. Economics is a study of how money is distributed.
  5. Economic policies are good.
  6. Its connection to human behavior is clear.
  7. They save, spend, or invest funds.
  8. It studies how market decisions are made.
  9. In Economics you will study how to work in the financial and learn how to manage money.
  10. Economics is the study of Economic Activities.
  11. The resources that are needed to satisfy everyone’s wants.
  12. Economics studies how scarcity causes people to make different choices.
  13. They like the analysis.
  14. It is an empirical study.

Student: 3

  1. Economics is the study of the effects of social, emotional, and cognitive factors on the economic decisions of people and companies.
  2. Economics enables us to understand money.
  3. Economics makes a nation prosper.
  4. It makes a person educated in a real sense.
  5. Economics is defined as the science of money.
  6. The most important factor in modem man’s life.
  7. It is most important to study.
  8. Economics addresses many interesting problems in modem society.
  9. We encourage growth in developing countries.
  10. An opportunity to get an education.
  11. To prove to a prospective employer.
  12. The primacy of Economic life.
  13. Economics studies the way the world works as a human society.
  14. The priorities of its wants and needs.
  15. It is a huge subject covering natural resources.
  16. The contributions of humans.
  17. The contributions of investors.

Student: 4

  1. I am interested in economics.
  2. Economics addresses many interesting problems in modem society.
  3. The valuation of nonmarket goods.
  4. We encourage growth in developing countries.
  5. A business relevant analytical skillset.
  6. An opportunity to get an education to prove to a prospective employer.
  7. Economics teaches you how to know what is needed and wanted.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 5 Hazards

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Guide Pdf Geography Chapter 5 v Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Important Questions, Notes.

Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Solutions Geography Chapter 5 Hazards

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Hazards Text Book Back Questions and Answers

Percentage Off Calculator is a free online tool that displays the percentage off of the product.

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. ………………. percentage of nitrogen is present in the air.
a) 78.09%
b) 74.08%
c) 80.07%
d) 76.63%
a) 78.09%

2. Tsunami in the Indian Ocean took place in the year ………………. .
a) 1990
b) 2004
c) 2005
d) 2008
b) 2004

3. The word tsunami is derived from ………………. language.
a) Hindi
b) French
c) Japanese
d) German
c) Japanese

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

4. The example of surface water is
a) Artesian well
b) Groundwater
c) Subsurface water
d) Lake
d) Lake

5. Event that occurs due to the failure of monsoons.
a) Condensation
b) Drought
c) Evaporation
d) Precipitation
b) Drought

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. Hazards may lead to …………….
affect the community most severely

2. Landslide is an example of …………… hazard.

3. On the basis of origin, the hazard can be grouped into …………… categories.
8 (or) eight

4. Terrorism is an example of …………… hazard.

5. Oxides of nitrogen are …………… pollutants which affect human beings.

6. Chernobyl nuclear accident took place in
26th April 1986

III. Match the following.

List I List II
1. Primary pollutant a. Terrorism
2. Hazardous waste b. Tsunami
3. Earthquake c. Outdated drugs
4. Meteorological drought d. Oxides of sulphur
5. Human induced hazard e. Reduction in rainfall


List I List II
1. Primary pollutant d. Oxides of sulphur
2. Hazardous waste c. Outdated drugs
3. Earthquake b. Tsunami
4. Meteorological drought e. Reduction in rainfall
5. Human induced hazard a. Terrorism

IV. Answer in brief.
1. Define ‘hazard’?
‘Hazards are defined as a thing, person, event or factor that poses a threat to people, structures or economic assets and which may cause a disaster.’

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. What are the major types of hazards?

  • Natural hazards
  • Human-made hazards
  • Socio-natural hazards

3. Write a brief note on hazardous wastes.
The wastes that may or tend to cause adverse health effects on the ecosystem and human beings are called hazardous wastes.

4. List out the major flood-prone areas of our country.
Punjab, West Bengal, Odisha are the region which is also prone to flood often.

5. Mention the types of drought.
Drought could be classified into three types. They are:

  1. Meteorological drought
  2. Hydrological drought
  3. Agricultural drought

6. Why should not we construct houses in foothill areas?
Because of the presence of steep slopes and heavy rainfall we should not construct houses at the foothills areas.

V. Distinguish the following.
1. Hazards and disasters.

Hazards Disasters
Hazards occur frequently and threaten people. It is a hazardous event that occurs over a limited time span.
Ex: Natural hazards, Earthquake. Ex: Flood

2. Natural hazards and human-made hazards.

Natural hazard Human-made hazard
Man has no role to play in such hazards. These are caused by the undesirable activities of humans.
Ex: Flood, drought, etc. Ex: Pollution of air and water

3. Flood and drought.

Flood Drought
It occurs through heavy rainfall. It occurs through no rainfall.
It is often held in the coastal Andhra Pradesh & Odisha. The dry region has seen in the leeward side of Western ghats.

4. Earthquake and tsunami.

Earthquake Tsunami
The violent tremor of the earth’s crust is called an Earthquake. Tsunami refers to huge ocean waves caused by landslides.
The study of earthquakes is called Seismograph. The study of the Tsunami is called Oceanography.

VI. Answer in a paragraph.
1. Write an essay on air pollution.
Pollution of Air:

  1. Air is a mixture of several gases.
  2. The main gases are nitrogen (78.09%) for forming products such as fertilizers for plants and for making the air inert, oxygen (20.95%) for breathing and carbon dioxide (0.03%) for photosynthesis.
  3. Some other gases like argon, neon, helium, krypton, hydrogen, zenon and methane are also present.
  4. Air pollution is the contamination of indoor or outdoor air by a range of gases. Air pollution can be categorized into primary and secondary pollutants.
  5. A primary pollutant is an air pollutant emitted directly from a source.
  6. A secondary pollutant is not directly emitted.
  7. Primary pollutants are as follows:
    • Oxides of Sulphur
    • Oxides of Nitrogen
    • Oxides of Carbon
    • Particulate Matter and
    • Other primary pollutants
  8. Secondary pollutants are as follows:
    • Ground Level Ozone
    • Smog

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. Define earthquake and list out its effects.

  • Earthquake is a violent tremor in the earth’s crust, sending out a series of shock waves in all directions from its place of origin.
  • Earthquake-prone regions of the country have been identified on the basis of scientific inputs relating to seismicity, earthquakes that occurred in the past, and the tectonic setup of the region.
  • Based on these inputs, the Bureau of Indian Standards has grouped the country into four seismic zones: Zone II, Zone III, Zone IV, and Zone V (No area of India is classified as Zone I).
    Seismic Zones Level of Risk
    Zone V Very High
    Zone IV High
    Zone III Moderate
    Zone II Low

3. Give a detailed explanation of the causes of landslides.

1. Landslide is a rapid downward movement of rock, soil, and vegetation down the slope under the influence of gravity.

2. The causes of landslides are wide-ranging, They have two aspects in common.

3. Force of gravity and

4. Failure of Soil

5. Landslides are considered of two types. They are:

  • Naturally occurring disaster.
  • Human-induced changes in the environment.

6. Natural causes of landslides are:

  • Climatic changes
  • Seismic activities
  • Weathering
  • Soil erosion
  • Forest fires
  • Gravity and
  • Volcanic eruption

7. Human causes of landslides include deforestation mining, construction of roads, and railways over the mountain.

4. Elaborately discuss the effects of water pollution.

  • It may cause a harmful effect on any living thing that drinks or uses or lives in it.
  • It may be defined as alternation in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water, which may cause harmful effects in human and aquatic life.

The major causes of water pollution in India are:

  • Urbanisation
  • Industrial effluents
  • Sewages etc.
  • Agricultural runoff and improper agricultural practices
  • Seawater intrusion
  • Solid wastes

Samacheer Kalvi 8th Social Science Hazards Additional Important Questions and Answers

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. The content of Oxygen in the air is …………….
a) 20.95%
b) 21.95%
c) 22.95%
d) 23.95%
a) 20.95%

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

2. The word ‘hazard’ Originated from the ……………. language.
a) French
b) Telugu
c) Malayalam
d) Kannada
a) French

3. National Institute of Disaster Management located in ……………..
a) Britain
b) New Delhi
c) France
d) Japan
b) New Delhi

4. In Tamil Nadu ……………. coastal districts are frequently affected by Storm Surges.
a) 13
b) 14
c) 15
d) 16
a) 13

5. The areas that receive an annual rainfall of less than ……………. are the drought zone regions of India.
a) 60 cm
b) 50 cm
c) 40 cm
d) 45 cm
a) 60 cm

6. The meaning of Tsunami is ……………..
a) Wave
b) Harbour wave
c) Storm
d) Storm wave
b) Harbour wave

7. In ……………. the Ukraine part of Exclusion Zone was declared as a radiogical and environmental biosphere.
a) 2013
b) 2014
c) 2015
d) 2016

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

8. In India about ……………. of the land mass is prone to landslide hazard.
a) 15%
b) 18%
c) 19%
d) 20%
a) 15%

9. In Trophical Cyclones the wind Speed may reach upto ……………. per hour.
a) 200 km
b) 100 km
c) 300 km
d) 400 km
a) 200 km

10. High-Pressure Zone is mentioned in the Geographical map as ……………. letter.
a) L
b) P
c) H
d) S
c) H

II. Fill in the blanks.
1. The meaning of hazard is ………………..
a game of dice

2. ………………. may be worsened by the destruction of mangroves.
Storm Surge hazard

3. ………………. is a violent tremor in the earth’s crust.

4. ………………. is a strong wind circulating around a low-pressure area in the atmosphere.
Cyclonic Storm

5. During Cyclonic the wind speed may reach upto …………. km and rainfall may record up to …………… cm.
200, 50

6. A sudden rise of sea water due to trophical cyclone is called ………………..
Storm Surge

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

7. ………………. and ………………. are the major causes of landslides.
Steep slope, heavy rainfall

8. In Tamil Nadu ………………. and ………………. are frequently affected by landslides.
Kodaikanal, Ooty

9. The gas used for Photosynthesis is ………………..
Carbon dioxide

10. A ………………. pollutant is an air pollutant emitted directly from a Source.

11. ………………. may be defined by alteration is the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of water.
Water Pollution

12. In India ………………. is perhaps the most critical components in Managing Disasters.

13. Example for Biological hazard is ………………..
Chicken Box

14. ………………., ………………. are Human-made hazards.
Explosions, hazardous waste

15. Primary Pollutant example ………………..
oxides of Sulphur

III. Match the following.

1. Geological hazard a) Floods, Coastal erosion
2. Hydrologic hazard b) Eruptions and Lava flows
3. Volcanic hazard c) Chickenpox, Smallpox
4. Environmental hazard d) Earthquakes, Tsunami
5. Biological hazard e) Soil, air


1. Geological hazard d) Earthquakes, Tsunami
2. Hydrologic hazard a) Floods, Coastal erosion
3. Volcanic hazard b) Eruptions and Lava flows
4. Environmental hazard e) Soil, air
5. Biological hazard c) Chickenpox, Smallpox

IV. State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Tsunami means Stormy Surge.

2. A Secondary Pollutant is not directly emitted.

V. Assertion and Reasons.
1. Assertion: Landslides are generally Sudden and infrequent.
Reason: The presence of Sleep Slope and heavy rainfall are the major causes of landslides.
a) A is correct but R is incorrect
b) Both A and R are incorrect
c) A is incorrect and R is correct
d) Both A and R are correct
d) Both A and R are correct

VI. Answer in brief.
1. Define Catastrophe.
A catastrophe is a massive disaster that requires a significant expenditure of money and a long time for recovery.

2. What are the major causes of floods?
The major causes of floods are:
Meteorological factors

  • Heavy rainfall
  • Tropical cyclones
  • Cloudburst Physical factors
  • Large catchment area
  • Inadequate drainage arrangement

Human factors

  • Deforestation
  • Siltation
  • Faulty agricultural practices
  • Faulty irrigation practices
  • Collapse of dams
  • Accelerated urbanisation.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

3. Write short notes on Indian Ocean Tsunami?

  • On December 26, 2004, at 7:59 a.m. local time, an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.1 struck off the coast of the Indonesian island of Sumatra.
  • The tsunami killed at least 2,25,000 people across a dozen countries, with Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Somalia and Maldives, sustaining massive damage.

4. Explain Prevention Measures.
Prevention is defined as the activities taken to prevent a natural calamity or potential hazard from having harmful effects on either people or economic assets.

VII. Distinguish the following.
1. Geologic hazard and Environmental hazard.

Geologic hazard Environmental hazard
Earthquakes, Tsunami, Landslide and Land subsidence. Pollution of soil/ air/water, Desertification, Global warming and Deforestation.

VIII. Answer in a paragraph.
1. Explain about Socio – natural hazards.
Socio-natural hazards:
These are caused by the combined effect of natural forces and misdeeds of human. Some of the examples are:

  • The frequency and intensity of floods and droughts may increase due to indiscriminate felling of trees, particularly in the catchment areas of the rivers.
  • Landslides are caused by natural forces and their frequency, and impact may be aggravated as a result of construction of roads, houses etc., in mountainous areas, excavating tunnels and by mining and quarrying.
  • Storm surge hazards may be worsened by the destruction of mangroves.
  • Smog is a serious problem in most big urban areas. The emissions from vehicles and industries, combustion of wood and coal together combined with fog leads to smog.

2. Explain the Hazards based on their origin.
Hazards can be grouped into eight categories
1. Atmospheric hazard:
Tropical storms, Thunderstorms, Lightning, Tornadoes, Avalanches, Heat waves, Fog and Forest fire.

2. Geologic/Seismic hazard:
Earthquakes, Tsunami, Landslide and Land subsidence.

3. Hydrologic hazard:
Floods, Droughts, Coastal erosion and Storm surges.

4. Volcanic hazard:
Eruptions and Lava flows.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Guide Geography Chapter 7 Mapping Skills

5. Environmental hazard:
Pollution of soil/ air/water, Desertification, Global warming and Deforestation.

6. Biological hazard:
Chickenpox, Smallpox, AIDS [HIV] and Killer bees.

7. Technological hazard:
Hazardous material incidents, Fires, Infrastructure failures [Bridges, Tunnels, Dams, Nuclear and Radiological accidents].

8. Human-induced hazard:
Terrorism, Bomb blast, War, Transportation accidents and Civil disorder.

The Three Questions Book Back Answers 8th Standard English Chapter 3 Samacheer Kalvi

8th Standard English Unit 3 Supplementary The Three Questions Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

The Three Questions 8th Standard English 3rd Lesson Question and Answer

Section I

8th English Guide The Three Questions Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (Text Book Page No. 86)

1. The king wanted to know the answers for …………… questions.
a) three
b) five
c) nine
a) three

2. The hermit lived in a …………….. .
a) cottage
b) palace
c) wood
c) wood

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. ………………. widely renowned for his wisdom.
a) hermit
b) messengers
c) warriors
a) hermit

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The answer for the first question was to have a ………………. to fix the proper time for everything.
council of wisemen

2. ………………. were referred to know the right time for every action.
The magicians

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. The king decided to consult a ………………. .

C. Who said these words?

1. “They all answered his questions differently.”
The learned men

2. How can I learn to do the right thing at the right time?
The king

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. “Now rest awhile – and let me work a bit”?

D. Answer the following questions:

1. What were the king’s questions?
The king’s questions were :
What was the right time for every action?
Who were the most necessary people?
How to know what was the most important thing to do?

2. Was the king satisfied with the answers? Why?
The king was not satisfied with his answers because everyone gave different answers.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Why was the king advised to go to the magicians?
The king was advised to go to the magicians in order to know the right time for every action.

4. Whose advice did the people say would be important to the king in answer to the second question?
People said the most necessary people to the king were councilors, others, the priests, doctors and warriors.

Section II

8th English Guide The Three Questions Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Write ‘True or False’ for the following statement. (Text Book Page No. 89)

1. The bearded man was an enemy of the king.

2. The king and the hermit refused to help the wounded man.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. The wounded man asked for the king’s forgiveness.

4. The king promised to restore the property of the bearded man.

B. Match the words in column ‘A’ with their meanings in column ‘B’.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions 1
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 3 The Three Questions 2

C. Answers the following questions, (Text Book Page No. 90)

1. Who came running out of the wood? What happened to him?
A bearded man came running out of the wood. He was wounded in his stomach. He was bleeding due to the large wound.

2. How did the king and the hermit restore the life of a wounded man?
The king and the hermit washed the wound again and again. They bandaged and re-bandaged the wound and stopped bleeding. They gave him water to drink. They kept him on the bed.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Why did the king sleep through the night?
The king was tired from his walk and from the work he had done in digging the earth to help the hermit. So, he fell asleep. He slept soundly all through the night.

4. What were the changes in the behaviour of the wounded man at the end?
The bearded man asked for the forgiveness of the king. He confessed that he came to kill the king. He wished to serve the king throughout his life. The king was glad to have made peace with his enemy.

D. Answer the following in 100 words.

1. What were the answers to the three questions? What is the message of the hermit?

  • The only important time is now at present. Because we have power only in the present, not in the past or future.
  • The most necessary person is the one who is with us at present.
  • The most important business is to do good to others.
  • Only for this purpose man is sent into this life.
  • These were the answers of the hermit to the king.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Why did the bearded man ask for the king’s forgiveness? What did the king do to show his forgiveness?
The bearded man confessed to the king that he had been an enemy of the king. He came there to kill the king. He was recognized by the bodyguard and got wounded. The king had killed his brother and seized his property. So he wanted to take revenge on the king. Since the king nursed his wound and saved his life he changed his mind. He asked for the forgiveness of the king.

He wanted to be a faithful slave to the king for the rest of his life. He also said that his sons also would serve the king. The king forgave the bearded man. He promised to restore his property. He also said that he would send his physician and servants to cure the bearded man. The king felt that he had gained a new friend. The king was glad to have made peace with his enemy so easily.

Step to Success

Read the English folk tale given below and fill up the blank spaces with suitable words.

There were once three tortoises – a father, a mother, and a baby. On one fine morning during the spring, they decided that they would like to go for a picnic. They picked the place where they would go a nice wood at some distance, and they began to put their things together. They got tins of cheese, vegetables, meat, and fruits. They were ready for the picnic. They set out Carrying their baskets. After eighteen months they sat down for rest. They enjoyed the picnic very much.
that, and, and, on, after, where

The Three Questions Summary in English

The king had three important questions in his mind. He wanted to get proper answers for them. He tried but could not get any answer. He met a wise hermit in the wood. He helped the hermit in his work. Still, the hermit gave no answer. Suddenly a stranger rushed to that spot. A wounded man came and fell fainting on the ground. The king and the hermit nursed and gave him water and bed in the night. The stranger asked for the king’s forgiveness. He was a killer who came to kill the king. He confessed and made peace with the king. The king asked answers to the three questions again. The hermit said that doing good is the most important business. The most important time is the current time when we have any power. The most important person is the one with whom we are.

The Three Questions Summary in Tamil

அரசன் ஒருவர் அவரது மனதிலிருந்த மூன்று கேள்விகளுக்கு பதில் பெற விரும்பினார். ஆனால் முடியவில்லை . ஒரு அறிவார்ந்த சந்நியாசியை சந்தித்து விடை பெற விரும்பினார். அவர் பதில் அளிக்கவில்லை. அவரது பள்ளம் தோண்டும் வேலையில் மன்னர் உதவி செய்தார். மீண்டும் கேள்விகளுக்கு பதிலை வேண்டிக் கேட்டார். அப்போதும் சந்நியாசி பதில் அளிக்கவில்லை . அப்போது அங்கே ஒரு புதிய மனிதன் ஓடி வந்தார். காயங்களுடன் அவன் வந்து மயங்கி விழுந்தான். அரசரும் துறவியும் அவனுக்கு பணிவிடை செய்து உதவினர். காயத்தைக் கவனித்தனர். நீரும் புகலிடமும் கொடுத்து உதவினர். அவன் காலையில் மன்னரிடம் மன்னிப்புக் கேட்டான். ஏனென்றால் அவன் மன்னரைக் கொல்ல வந்ததவன். தன் தவறை வெளிப்படுத்தி மன்னிப்பும் கேட்டாதால் மன்னரும் சமாதானமானார். அரசர் துறவியிடம் மீண்டும் தன் மூன்று கேள்விகளுக்கு பதில் என்னவென்று கேட்டார். மிக முக்கியமான காரியம் பிறர்க்கு நன்மை செய்வதாகும். மிக முக்கியமான நேரம் தற்சமயம் தான். ஏனெனில் அதுதான் நம்மிடம் சக்தி இருக்கும் நேரம். மிக முக்கிய மனிதர் உன்னோடு இருக்கும் நபர் தான் என்று பதில் அளித்தார் துறவி.

The Three Questions About the Author in English

Leo Tolstoy (1828 – 1910) was a Russian writer who is regarded as one of the greatest authors of all time. He is best known for the novels War and Peace (1869) and Anna Karenina (1877).

The Three Questions About the Author in Tamil

லியோ டால்ஸ்டாய் (1828-1910) எல்லா காலங்களிலும் போற்றப்படும் எழுத்தாளர்களில் ஒருவராவார். அவர் ஒரு ரஷ்ய எழுத்தாளர். போரும் சமாதானமும் (1869) மற்றும் அன்ன கரேன்னியா (1877) ஆகிய நாவல்களுக்காக மிகவும் அறியப்பட்டவர்.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Back Answers

Lessons in Life Book Back Answers 8th Standard English Chapter 6 Samacheer Kalvi

8th Standard English Unit 6 Poem Lessons in Life Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Poem 6 Lessons in Life Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Lessons in Life 8th Standard English 6th Lesson Question and Answer

Warm-Up (Text Book Page No. 171)

1. What do you feel when you meet your friend after a long time?
I felt very happy and shed tears when I met my friend after a long time.

2. Building a friendship with someone is easy or difficult? Why?
Building a friendship with others is somehow difficult. Because, we have to build a friendship with qualities like loyalty, similarity, and selflessness.

8th English Guide Lessons in Life Textual Questions and Answers

A. Comprehension Questions:

1. What is planting a flower is compared to?
Planting a flower is compared to the blossoming of a friendship.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. What does the tiniest creature need?
The tiniest creature needs room.

3. What do the smallest gifts deserve?
Even the smallest gifts deserve a warm thank you.

4. What will happen if you fail to give importance to others?
Everything is really important on earth. If we fail to give importance to others, they will forget us. It will make us feel bad in the future.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. What do you learn from your lessons in life?
I express my friendship with others by respecting them.

6. Pick and write the rhyming words from the third stanza.
Sad – bad.

7. “Having a friend is like planting a flower.” Explain.
What is the figure of speech used in the line?
The figure of speech used in this line is “simile”.

Lessons in Life Answer the following: (Text Book Page No. 173)


1. Write a sentence using ‘as fast as the wind’.
He always runs “as fast as the wind”

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Write a simile using the word ‘like’.
He fought ‘like’ a lion in the battle.

3. Create a simile using the word ‘as’.
Her hair is ‘as black as coal’.

4. What does ‘smart as a fox’ mean?
It means that ‘looking as foolish outwardly but really very clever’.


1. Which of the given options is a Metaphor?
a) Life is like a chocolate box.
b) Raj is like his twin brother
c) His words are pearls of wisdom.
d) The bus is slow as a snail
c) His words are pearls of wisdom

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. What does “The world is a stage” mean?
The world is a stage is a Metaphor.

3. Identify the metaphor in the sentence:
Her hai is always a rat’s nest in the morning, rat’s nest – is the metaphor.

4. Write a sentence on your own that includes a Metaphor:
My mother is the queen of my family.

8th English Guide Lessons in Life Additional Appreciation Questions  and Answers

Read the passage and answer the following questions:
1. Let’s be aware as we walk on this planet Even the tiniest creature needs room.
a) What does ‘this planet’ refer to?
‘This planet’ refers to our earth.

b) Who is the speaker?
The poet is the speaker.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Nothing you’re given will ever come free Even the smallest of gifs deserves “thankyou ”
a) Is anything given free to you?
No, nothing is given free to me.

b) Which one deserves ‘thank you’?
Even the smallest gifts deserve thank you.

Lessons in Life Summary in English

This poem tells the nobility of friendship. If you show love and kindness, respect, and remembrance to others, you will be repaid, Respect others. Think of others. Remember everyone is important. Nothing is free. Say ‘thank you’ even for the smallest things. The lessons we leam in life are not simple. Even the tiniest creatures need room on the planet. In the same way even the simple things of kindness matter and make a difference.

Lessons in Life Summary in Tamil

இந்த கவிதை நாம் நட்புடன் பிறருடன் பழக வேண்டும் என்பது பற்றியது ஆகும். நாம் பிறரிடம் அன்பு, கருணை, மரியாதை அவர்களது அடையாளத்தை நினைவில் வைத்து பழகுதல் போன்ற பண்புகளோடு பழகினால், நாமும் அன்பையும் மதிப்பையும் பெறுவோம். மற்றவரை மதிக்க வேண்டும். அடுத்தவர் பற்றி நினைக்க வேண்டும். வாழ்வில் எதுவும் இலவசம் இல்லை. சிறிய காரியங்களுக்கு கூட நன்றி கூற வேண்டும். வாழ்வில் நாம் கற்றுக்கொள்ளும் பாடங்கள் எளியவை அல்ல. சிறிய உயிருக்கும் அதேபோல் சிறிய அன்பான காரியங்களுக்கும் முக்கியமானவை ஆகும்.

Lessons in Life About the Author in English

Bridgette Bryant had been in the VP developing and Alumni Relations, Arcadia University U.S. She had her bachelor’s degree in Derklee college of Music.
Daniel Ho is an American musical composer and producer. Some of his albums have been nominated for the Grammy award. He has specialised in innovative approaches to music.

Lessons in Life About the Author in Tamil

பிரிட்ஜெட் ப்ரையண்ட் என்பவர் அமெரிக்காவில் உள்ள ஆர்கேடியா பல்கலைகழகத்தின் பழைய மாணவர் கழகத்தின் விரிவாக்கப் பொறுப்பில் இருந்தவர். மேலும் அவர் பெர்க்லீ இசைக் கல்லூரியில் இளநிலை பட்டதாரி பட்டம் பெற்றவர் ஆவார்.
டேனியல் ஹோ இவர் ஒரு அமெரிக்க இசை இயலாளர் ஆவார். புதிய முறை இசை உருவாக்க வல்லவர். கிராமி அவார்டுக்கு பரிந்துரைக்கப்பட்ட பல இசை ஆல்பங்களை இவர் வெளியிட்டுள்ளார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Back Answers

Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist Book Back Answers 8th Standard English Chapter 3 Samacheer Kalvi

8th Standard English Unit 3 Prose Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 8th Standard English 3rd Lesson Question and Answer

Warm Up (Text Book Page No. 63)

In pairs, identify the great thinkers of the world and write the names from the box. (Text Book Page No. 63)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 1 Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 2

Section – I
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 66)

Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 66)

A. Fill in the blanks.

1. Isaac Newton was born at ……………

2. Grandmother was advised to apprentice him to a ……………

3. Isaac made a clock, by the dropping of ……………

4. The sun-dial made by Isaac is still in existence at ……………

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Isaac constructed a model of the …………….

B. Choose the correct synonyms for the italicized words.

1. Isaac was chiefly remarkable for his ingenuity.
a) common
b) notable
c) neglected
d) unknown
b) notable

2. He will make a capital workman.
a) wealth
b) excellent
c) profitable
d) head
d) head

3. Nobody could tell what the sunshine was composed of.
a) made
b) known
c) full
d) felt
a) made

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. But he cared little for earthly fame and honors.
a) disrespect
b) attraction
c) proud
d) popularity
a) disrespect

Section – II
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 69)

Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 69)

A. Choose the correct Synonyms for the italicized word.

1. His Grandmother was very kind to him.
a) affectionate
b) loving
c) disrespectful
d) cruel.
d) cruel

2. The boy seemed to have a taste for mathematics.
a) delicious
b) sweet
c) dislike
d) against
c) dislike

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Isaac possessed a wonderful faculty of acquiring knowledge.
a) owned
b) controlled
c) lacks
d) have
c) lacks

4. He was observed to be usually busy with his tools.
a) common
b) rarely
c) unwantedly
d) usually
b) rarely

B. Answer the following questions in one or two. (Text Book Page No. 70)

1. Who was taking care of Newton after his father’s death?
His grandmother was taking care of Newton after his father’s death.

2. What did Isaac manufacture at his young age?
Issac manufactured many curious articles at a young age.

3. How did the young boy find the strength of the wind?
The young boy found the strength of the wind by first jumping against the wind. According to the length of his jump, he could calculate the force of a gentle breeze, a brisk gale or a tempest.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Why were his friends attracted by the windmill?
The playmates of Newton were attracted by the model of windmill. They thought it to be pretty and wonderful.

5. How was Newton honored by the king?
Newton was made a Member of the Parliament and received the honour of knighthood from the king.

C. Answer the following in about 100 words.

1. Why did Newton’s friends advise his grandmother to apprentice him to a clockmaker?
Issac seemed to have taste for mathematics besides his mechanical skills. His taste for Maths would be useful to him in clock making. Issac made a kind of clock which would work by the dropping of water. Besides the water clock, Issac made a sun-dial. The sundial is said to be in still in existence at Woolsthorpe, on the comer of the house where Issac dwelt.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. How did Newton learn about the way a windmill operated?
Newton frequently went to the windmill that operated on a new plan. He spent hours examining the various parts of the windmill. When the mill was not working, he examined its internal machinery. When the windmill’s broad sails were in motion by the wind, Newton examined the process by which the mill-stones revolved and crushed the grains, put into its hopper. Thus Newton gained a thorough knowledge of the construction and operation of the windmill.

3. Mention some of Newton’s inventions.
Reflecting telescope, laws of motion, law of gravity are the famous inventions of Sir Issac Newton. He also discovered Calculus. He was the first one to find out the nature of light. He searched out the laws by which the planets are guided through the sky.

Vocabulary (Text Book Page No. 70)

Prefix and Suffix
a. Underline the prefix in each word in the boxes: (Text Book Page No. 71)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 3
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 4

b. Pick a suitable Prefix and suffix from the given box and complete the following words:
able, ful, ly, sub, ion, un, tri, re, im, mis
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 5
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 6


Syllabify the words: (Text Book Page No. 73)

  1. education – 4 Syllables
  2. school – 1 Syllable
  3. college – 2 Syllables
  4. English – 2 Syllables
  5. opportunity – 4 Syllables
  6. friend – 1 Syllable
  7. teacher – 2 Syllables
  8. simultaneously – 6 Syllables
  9. laboratory – 4 Syllables
  10. beneficiary – 5 Syllables

Listening (Text Book Page No. 74)

Listen to the passage carefully and write the answer.

Note: The listening passage is given on page no. 227
1. Name the scientist.
The name of the scientist was Sir Alexander Fleming.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. What did he discover?
He discovered Penicillin.

3. Who approached the scientist?
Two journalists approached the scientist.

4. What was the question by the journalist?
The journalists wished to know what a great scientist would think before his breakfast.

5. When did they meet the scientist?
They met the scientist when he was about to have his breakfast.

Speaking (Text Book Page No. 74)

Take a few minutes and make hints of the picture. Arrange your thoughts. Using the points you write, deliver a small speech focusing the issue picturised here. Give an interesting and informative speech. Your speech should include the cause and the solution.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 7
Tips for effective speaking:

  • Organise your points and ideas well.
  • Don’t memorise the speech. If you forget a point, it will make you nervous.
  • Avoid the things that are of no value or interest to the audience.
  • Before you speak, take a deep breath, smile, greet the audience.
  • Don’t be nervous about making a mistake.
  • Interesting speech makes your mistakes nothing.

In this picture, we see a number of chimneys emitting smoke. These buildings may be factories or mills. There are green lawns and a few trees found in this picture. We also see a number of vehicles on the road. The smoke from the factories and vehicles create air pollution and noise pollution. There is a water source and dumping of garbage is found in the lower part of the picture. The garbage will make the water polluted. Water is already scarce in our towns. We must take serious remedial measures against air pollution, water pollution, and noise pollution to save our environment. We must promote eco-friendliness in the young minds.

Writing (Text Book Page No. 75)

H) Write a character sketch of any character from a fiction that has made an impact on you.

1. Introduction of the person:
Jane, an orphan, the heroine of the fiction, ’Jane Eyre’ written by Charles Bronte is my favorite character.

2. Character:
Jane a poor orphan, who lost both her parents at an early stage suffer hell at the house of her uncle Mr. Reed. Mr. Reed died. He liked her very much. Even when he died he asked his wife to promise of taking care of her after his death. Still, Mrs. Reed never liked Jane. Jane was treated cruelly by the children of Mrs. Reed. Once, Mrs. Reed sent Jane to a charity school at Lowood.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Talk about what others say about the character :
The servant-maid Bessie sympathised with Jane for her sufferings. Miss. Temple and Miss. Miller’s teachers of the charity school at Lowood took pity on her. They felt she was too young to be sent alone like that. They thought since she knew reading and writing she would do well in her studies.

4. Write if the character appealed to you, with reasons:
Definitely, the character of Jane is impressive. She lost her parents. She was an orphan. She was tormented in her aunt’s house. The school she studied gave her semi-starvation and unbearable cold environment. In the bathroom, they had only frozen water. In spite of the ordeal, Jane got educated. She started working as a teacher in the same school. She got an appointment as a governess in the house of Rochester at Thornfield.

5. Support your views with evidence from the text.
Jane treats her pupil Adela, the ward of Mr. Rochester in a way that is convincing for the child. Adela likes painting, drawing, singing, and dancing. Jane appreciates her skills and talents. Adela gets attracted to Jane. Jane skilfully befriends the pupil Adela and breaks the ice. Adela starts liking Jane.

Grammar (Text Book Page No. 75)

a) Fill in the blanks by using correct preposition.

1. We go to school ____ Mondays, but not on Sunday

2. Christmas falls ____ 25th December.

3. Buy me a present ____ my birthday.

4. Families often argue ____ Christmas time.

5. I work faster ____ night.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

6. Her shift finished ____ 7 p.m.

Model Verbs (Text Book Page No. 76)

Circle the modal verbs in the list given in the box (Text Book Page No. 75)
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Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 3 Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist 9

I. Use polite request when we seek help from others. Page – 78)
a) Fill in the blanks using would you or could you.

1. ……………. please close the door?
Could you

2. ……………. please open the window?
Could you

3. ……………. mind going to the backbench?
Would you

4. ……………. please bring some water for me?
Could you

b) Use the phrases could you or would you in the following situations with your friend.

1. Ask the policeman for directions.
Could you direct me to the temple?

2. You need to borrow your friend’s bike.
Could yo lend me your bike?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. You would need to exchange the book purchased.
Would you mind my exchanging the book purchased?

4. You want to open your classroom window.
Would you mind opening the classroom window?

Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist Summary in English
Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist About the Author

Issac Newton was born on the Christmas day, at Woolsthrope in England in 1642. His mother got remarried after his father’s death. Newton was with his grandmother. Newton created curious articles. He became an apprentice to a clockmaker. He observed the functioning of a windmill nearby. He then contacted a model of the windmill. Newton engaged himself in mathematics and philosophy. He found the nature of light, laws of motion, law of gravity, and also calculus. He was honoured with knighthood. He was a scientist, astronomer, and also a mechanical genius.

Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist Summary in Tamil

ஐசக் நியூட்டன் 1642ம் ஆண்டு கிறிஸ்துமஸ் தினத்தன்று உல்ஸ்த்தார்ப் என்ற இடத்தில் இங்கிலாந்தில் பிறந்தார். அவரது தந்தை இறந்த பிறகு அவரின் தாயார் மறுமணம் செய்து கொண்டார். நியூட்டன் தன் பாட்டியிடம் வளர்ந்தார். நியூட்டன் ஆச்சரியமான சிறியப் பொருட்களை உருவாக்கினார். கடிகாரம் செய்பவரிடம் தொழில் கற்கும் வேலைக்கு அமர்ந்தார். அருகில் உள்ள காற்றாலையின் செயல்பாட்டை உற்று நோக்கியவர் ஒரு சிறிய காற்றாலை மாதிரியை தானே உருவாக்கினார். நியூட்டன் கணிதம், தத்துவம் போன்ற புத்தகங்களைப் படிப்பதில் தன்னை ஈடுபடுத்திக் கொண்டார். அவர் ஒளியின் இயல்பு, இயக்க விதிகள், புவி ஈர்ப்பு விசை விதி போன்றவற்றைக் கண்டுபிடித்தார். அவர் வானியல், அறிவியல் மட்டுமல்ல, இயந்திரங்களை இயக்குவதிலும் வல்லுனராய் திகழ்ந்தார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist About the Author in English

The biography of Sir Isaac Newton was published in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s, True Stories from History and Biography (1851). As Newton observed after a life¬time of discoveries: “I seem to myself like a child,” he observed, “playing on the seashore, and picking up here and there a curious shell or a pretty pebble, while the boundless ocean of truth lies undiscovered before me”.

Sir Isaac Newton – The Ingenious Scientist About the Author in Tamil

சர் ஐசக் நியூட்டனின் – வாழ்க்கை சரிதம், நாதனியல் ஹாத்தார்ன் என்பவரால் 1851ஆம் ஆண்டு வெளியிடப்பட்டது. “சரித்திரம் மற்றும் வாழ்க்கை சரிதம்: இவற்றின் உண்மைக் கதைகள்” என்ற புத்தகம் அது நியூட்டன் தன் வாழ்நாள் கண்டுபிடிப்புகளுக்கு பிறகு சொன்னார், ‘நான் ஒரு குழந்தை போன்றவன். கடற்கரையில் சில சிப்பிகளையும் அழகிய கூழாங்கற்களையும் தான் கண்டெடுத்துள்ளேன். இன்னும் கண்டுபிடிக்க வேண்டிய விஷயங்கள் கரைகாணாத கடல் போல் என்முன்னே உள்ளன’.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Back Answers

My Hobby: Reading Book Back Answers 8th Standard English Chapter 2 Samacheer Kalvi

8th Standard English Unit 2 Poem My Hobby: Reading Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Poem 2 My Hobby: Reading Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

My Hobby: Reading 8th Standard English 2nd Lesson Question and Answer


What are your Leisure time activities?
Drawing, painting and coin collecting are my leisure time activities.

Why do you do them?
I do them because they give me creativity and self-confidence. Also, they reduce my stress.

Do you read the book? What type of books do you read?
Yes, I read books. I read the books of scientific invention.

My Hobby: Reading Textual Questions and Answers

1. Comprehension Questions

1. What is the hobby of the poet?
Reading is the hobby of the poet.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. What does “ajar” mean?
The word ‘ajar’ means opening the door slightly.

3. Can the poet fly without wings?
No, the poet cannot fly without wings, but- his thoughts and imaginations can fly everywhere without wings.

4. What can the children do to society if they read?
If all the children read the books, it can construct a powerful society.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. What is the theme of the poem?
The theme of the poem is, ‘Reading hobby’.

2. On the basis of your understanding of the poem, tick the most suitable option to complete the statements.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Poem 2 My Hobby Reading 1

3. Complete the table given below in order to understand the poem better: (Text Book Page No. 55)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Poem 2 My Hobby Reading 4 2
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Poem 2 My Hobby Reading 2
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Poem 2 My Hobby Reading 3

Answer the following: (Text Book Page No. 56)

1. List the rhyming words in the first three lines.
Seed, deep, asleep

2. Which line in the poem rhymes with ‘Down crept its light’?
“Down crept its light’?
Into the seed, too bright.

Answer the following:

a. Identify the rhyme scheme of the given short poem.
My dog likes bones,- a He eats them up,- b He’s very sweet,- a He’s just a pup.- a
The rhyme scheme is “abab”

b. Complete this rhyme on your own with a abab rhyme scheme.
Peas porridge hot
Peas porridge cold
It is in the pot
My mother told

8th English Guide My Hobby: Reading Additional Appreciation Questions and Answers

1. “It takes me to places Near and far”
a) What takes you to various places?
Reading takes me to various places.
b) How does it take to far and near places?
While reading a book, I go to places, mentioned in it through my imagination.

2. “I wish
If all the children could read”
a) Whose wish is mentioned here?
The poet’s wish is mentioned here.
b) What does he wish?
He wishes that all the children must-read books.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. “My hobby is reading
It helps me thought breeding”

a) What is the hobby of the poet?
The hobby of the poet is reading.

b) How does it help him?
Reading habits helps the poet to get different ideas.

4. “It teaches me to cackle and cry.
Without wings
It lets me fly”
a) Why does the poet cackle and cry?
When he reads happy things, the poet cackles. When he reads sad things, the poet cries.

My Hobby: Reading Summary in English

My hobby reading helps me a lot Reading takes me to far off places. It opens many doors. It gives me a lot of freedom. If all the children read, we will get a successful society.

My Hobby: Reading Summary in Tamil

எனது பொழுதுபோக்கான வாசித்தல் எனக்கு உதவிகரமாய் உள்ளது. என்னை தூரமான இடங்கட்கு அழைத்துச் செல்கிறது. அது பல அறிவுக் கதவுகளைத் திறக்கிறது. எனக்கு மிகுந்த சுதந்திரம் தருகிறது. எல்லா குழந்தைகளும் வாசிக்க ஆரம்பித்தால் நாம் ஒரு வெற்றிகரமான சமுதாயத்தை அமைக்கலாம்.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Back Answers

Being Safe Book Back Answers 8th Standard English Chapter 5 Samacheer Kalvi

8th Standard English Unit 5 Prose Being Safe Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Being Safe 8th Standard English 5th Lesson Question and Answer

Warm Up (Text Book Page No. 120)

Which is a safe place to cross?
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe 1
The zebra line is a safe place to cross.

What do you know about safety?
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe 2
Following safety rules is keeping ourself safe.

Section – I
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 120)

A. State whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Prasanth had gone to bring coffee to his friends.

2. Grandpa was so angry seeing Prasanth’s friends.

3. Prasanth’s friend came on by walk.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Teacher had taught about the rules of road saftety.

Section – II

Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 123)

Fill in the blanks.
1. They had come to play under the shade of big ………………..
neem tree

2. We should put on ……………….. to avoid Sun bum.

3. ……………….. is a more serious health-related illness.

4. Mani’s mother had instructed him not to roam in Sunlight between ……………….. and ………………..
10 a.m., 3.00 p.m

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Street smart means ………………..
knowledge to be with difficulties and dangerous

Section – III
Textual Exercise (Text Book Page No. 124)

Read and Understand (Text Book Page No. 124)

A. Choose the best answer.

1. Grandpa got a call from ……………….
a) his son
b) wife
c) his old friend
c) his old friend

2. Medicine should be kept in ……………… .
a) fridge
b) kitchen table
c) locked cabinet
c) locked cabinet

3. ……………… automotive and gardening products should be secured.
a) gardening products
b) hazardous
c) medicine
b) hazardous

4. We should have ……………… in our home itself to give medical treatment.
a) first aid kit
b) an injection
c) hospital
a) first aid kit

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

5. Some house ……………… and ……………… are poisonous.
a) used food and plants
b) plants and dog
c) plants and used button cell batteries
c) plants and used button cell batteries

B. Choose the correct synonyms for the Italic word.

1. Dixie was feeling very exhausted.
a. joy
b. wounded
c. tired
d rejoiced
c) tired

2. The neem tree was a big antique in his garden.
a) modem
b) ancient
d) outdated
b) ancient

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Praveen got sun stroke.
a) fever
b) nerves
c) unconscious
d) tired
c) unconscious

4. Heat exhaustion prevails.
a) widespread
b) not visible
c) exposive
d) hidden
a) widespread

C. Choose the correct antonyms for the Italic word.

1. Karan visited his ancestral village.
a) offspring
b) family
c) house
d) relative
a) offspring

2. We should use our mobile safely.
a) unsafely
b) secure
c) protect
d) save
a) unsafely

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Medicine should be stored.
a) consumed
b) deleted
c) preserved
d) registered
b) deleted

4. The neem tree provided shelter to many birds.
a) residence
b) unprotection
c) home
d) security
b) unprotection

5. It is a latest mobile.
a) updated
b) outdated
c) new
d) modem
b) outdated

D. Answer the following in one or two sentences. (Text Book Page No. 124)

1. What is STREET SMART?
‘Streetsmart’ is the experience and knowledge necessary to deal with the potential difficulties or dangers of life in an urban environment.

2. Which should be used with adult supervision?
Mobile phones should be used with adults supervision.

3. What according to grandpa is the most serious illness?
According to grandpa, sunstroke is the most serious illness.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. What is a must in every household?
A first- aid kit is a must in every household.

E. Answer the following questions in 100 words.

1. How can you make yourself cyber safe?
We should make ourselves cyber safe by not posting our personal information, photos, vacation plans, etc, on social media. We should use a unique password with a combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Our operating systems (computer or mobile) should be updated regularly. When not in active use, turn off Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, camera, and location services. These functions of our mobile can be misused by others who want to invade our privacy. Don’t download from questionable sites. They can infect your device with viruses and compromise your privacy and safety.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. What are the safety measures to be followed for sunstroke?
Dehydration causes sunstroke during the summer season. Sunstroke is a serious illness that affects the body severely If we follow the safety measures we can keep it away. We should drink sufficient water to keep our bodies as cool as always. We have to avoid going out when it is hot. We need to put on the sunscreen 15 to 20 minutes before going out to avoid sunburn. Perhaps, If we are affected by sunstroke it should be informed to the parents & adults.

3. Write about road safety rules?
‘Road Safety Rules’ ought to be followed very strictly whenever we are on the road. The three important rules to be followed on the road are:

  1. When we see the red light, it is an indication to stop.
  2. The green light gives us the instruction to go.
  3. Orange light insists us to get ready to go.
  4. While crossing the road, we have to be careful in crossing the road at the zebra crossing.
  5. We should walk on our right-hand side, against the traffic, so that we can see the vehicles coming.


a. Write a sentence of your own for each homonym. (Text Book Page No. 126)

1. a. Bright – very smart or intelligent – Raju is a bright boy in his class.
b. Bright – filled with light – It was a bright morning.

2. a. Express – something done fast – I came to Chennai by the express train.
b. Express – convey – She expressed her grief openly.

3. a. Kind – type – There are many kinds of flowers here.
b. Kind – caring – She is a kind nurse.

4. a. Well – in good health – I am doing well.
b. Well – water resource – I have a deep well in mv house.

Phrasal Verbs: (Text Book Page No. 126)

a. Write the meaning for the phrasal verbs.

1. look into – go through carefully
2. give up – stop
3. put off – postponed
4. get on – having a good relationship
5. take off – start

b. Use the following phrasal verbs in your own sentence.

1. put up with
I could not put up with my failure in the competition. I was disappointed.

2. keep on
I keep on touch with my old school friends.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. look after
My mother looks after my grandmother.

4. take over
My mother has taken over the charge of running the family after my father went abroad.

5. go through
Go through your textbook before you go for the exam.

Listening (Text Book Page No. 128)

Listen to the teacher and answer the questions.
Note: The listening passage is given on page no. 229

1. The target audience for this speech is
a) teachers
b) the public
c) primary school students
d) secondary school students
d) secondary school students

2. Why was the speaker invited to speak On road safety?
a) It was “Road Safety Week”.
b) He is an expert in this field
c) He had received many accident reports
d) There had been many accidents near the school
a) it was “Road Safety Week”

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Road users can show that they are considerate on the road by
a) hogging the road
b) driving cautiously
c) neglecting traffic rules and road ethics
d) flashing their headlights at oncoming cars
b) driving cautiously

4. When the speaker says, ’However, if you still feel generous and would like to donate your money to us, then speed by all means, he is being
a) rude
b) hopeful
c) fatherly
d) sarcastic
d) sarcastic

Writing (Text Book Page No. 128)

Arrange the picture in order by writing the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 in the given boxes and write this familiar story in about 100 words.
Make use of the words given below.
(Thirsty, village, pitcher, disappointment, pebbles, water level.)
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Prose Chapter 5 Being Safe 3

One hot day, a thirsty crow was looking for water in the village. It saw a pitcher under a tree. The crow flew up to the pitcher eagerly to drink water. But the crow was disappointed because the water in the pitcher was half-full. It saw a pile of pebbles was scattered around the pitcher. The crow put all the pebbles into the pitcher one by one. The level of water came up. The crow drank the water till its thirst was quenched. At last, it flew away happily.

B) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs given in the brackets.

1. When the burglars broke into the house, everybody ………………. (have) sound sleep.
was having

2. The milk ………………. (spill) over as she went to see the crowd passing by with loud slogans.
had been spilling

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. If Karthik ………………. (not + make) any mistake, he will be rewarded.
has not made

4. They were watching TV when they ………………. (hear) a loud bang at the door.

5. The bus ………………. (leave) the stop before we could catch it.
had left

6. Arya ………………. (play) the same song for the last three days. It has become boring now.
had been playing

7. Manju ………………. (call) after we reach home.
will call

8. The show ………………. (complete) its one thousand episodes by next month.
will have completed

9. Don’t worry, we will be ………………. (reach) the airport on time.

10. Prasanna has ………………. (fall) sick after eating some snacks at the street side shop.

C) Tick the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. The climate of the city ………………. mild and pleasant most of the time.
(a) is remaining
(b) remains
(c) was remaining
(d) is remained
b) remains

2. One day he ………………. into a hotel in Ooty, a beautiful city in Tamilnadu.
(a) booking
(b) was booking
(c) booked
(d) had booked
c) booked

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. You will certainly ………………. rewards for what you are doing.
(a) getting
(b) had got
(c) was getting
(d) be getting
d) be getting

4. Do you ………………. the day we moved the piano upstairs?
(a) remember
(b) remembered
(c) are remembering
(d) had remembered
a) remember

5. The rain completely ………………. our day.
(a) spoilt
(b) is spoiling
(c) is spoilt
(d) was spoilt
a) spoilt

6. Akbar ………………. the king at the age of fifteen after the sudden death of his father.
(a) was becoming
(b) had become
(c) became
(d) become
c) became

7. The criminal ………………. the place before the police could reach.
(a) was escaping
(b) had escaped
(c) is escaping
(d) will escape
b) had escaped

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

8. They ………………. all the arrangements before the guest is arrival.
(a) will have made
(b) will be made
(c) had been making
(d) were making
a) will have made

9. Sabithra ………………. her job by tomorrow evening.
(a) will be completing
(b) will complete
(c) will have completed
(d) will have been completing
c) will have completed

10. Harshini ………………. her mother in making rangoli in the yard for the last one hour.
(a) is helping
(b) has helped
(c) has been helping
(d) helps
c) has been helping

D) Identify the errors in the sentences given below and rewrite them. (Text Book Page No. 136)

1. I have met him yesterday.
I met him yesterday.

2. I am watching TV since morning.
I have been watching TV since morning.

3. She is seeming sad.
She seems to be sad.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. She watched TV when her husband came.
She was watching TV when her husband came.

5. He is having a cellular phone.
He has a cellular phone.

6. I heard him speak on several subjects.
I heard him speak on several subjects.

7. Ten candidates have passed one failed.
Ten candidates passed and one failed.

8. He succeeded because he works hard.
He succeeded because he worked hard.

9. How long are you working in this office?
How long have you been working in this office?

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

10. I shall wait for you till you will finish your work.
I shall wait for you till you finish your work.

11. When I reached the station, the train already left.
When I reached the station, the train had already left.

12. She or he has done well.
She or he has done well.

13. One of the boys are missing.
One of the boys is missing.

14. None is genuine.
No one is a genius.

15. She is waiting for you for 3 hours.
She is waiting for you 3 hours.

Conditional Sentences with ‘if’ (Text Book Page No. 137)

1. Complete the Conditional Sentences. Decide whether to use Type I, II or III.

1. If I had time, I …………….. (go) shopping with you.
would have gone

2. If you …………….. (speak) English, you will get along with them perfectly.

3. If they had gone for a walk, they …………….. (turn) the lights off.
would have turned

4. If she …………….. (come) to see us, we will go to the zoo.

5. I would have told you if I …………….. (see) him.
had seen

2. Choose the best answer.

1. I will come if I …………….. time.
a) have
b) had
c) will have

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. If he is late, we …………….. without him.
a) would start
b) would have started
c) will start
will start

3. If you …………….. me, I would tell you.
a) will ask
b) asked
c) had asked

4. Will it is all right if I …………….. a friend tonight?
a) had brought
b) bring
c) brought

5. If you …………….. to learn a musical instrument, you have to practice.
a) wants
b) wanted
c) want

3. Match the following.

If they worked hard she will come to our party. Answer: they would win.
If I invite Shalini I would have bought these shoes. Answer: she will come to our party.
If I had got enough money they would win. Answer: I would have bought these shoes.

 4. Fill in the blanks with correct verb forms.

1. If you out with your friends tonight, I the football match on TV.
a) go, would watch
b) go, will watch
c) go, have watched
b) go, will watch

2. If he harder, he his goals.
a) tries, would reach
b) tried, will reach
c) tried, would reach
c) tried, would reach

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. If we to the radio, we the news.
a) listen, would hear
b) had listen, will hear
c) listen, would hear
a) listen, would hear

Being Safe Summary in English

Grandpa gives instruction on safety, to Prasanth when he gives to his grandpa’s house, during summer vacation. The boys say that their teacher has taught them the rules of road safety. Grandpa tells them to be cyber safe. Fertilizers, medicines, automotive, and gardening products should be secured and kept locked.

Being Safe Summary in Tamil

பிரசாந்த் தன் கோடை விடுமுறையின்போது தன் தாத்தா வீட்டிற்கு வந்தான். அப்போது தாத்தா அவனுக்கு அறிவுரை கூறுகிறார். அவனது தோழர்களும் ஆசிரியர் மூலம் பாதுகாப்பு விதிமுறைகளை அறிந்துள்ளதாக கூறினர். தர்தா, பையன்களை கணினி வழி பாதுகாப்பை பின்பற்றுமாறு கூறுகிறார். உரங்கள், மருந்து, மோட்டார் வாகன பகுதிகள், தோட்டக்கலை பொருட்கள் இவற்றையும் பத்திரமாய் பூட்டி வைத்து பயன்படுத்த வேண்டும் என்று தாத்தா கூறினார்.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Back Answers

Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Book Back Answers 8th Standard English Chapter 2 Samacheer Kalvi

8th Standard English Unit 2 Supplementary Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Book Back Answers

Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Pdf Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Text Book Back Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes.

Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist 8th Standard English 2nd Lesson Question and Answer

8th English Guide Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Textual Exercise Questions and Answers

A. Fill in the blanks:

1. Jim Corbett died on ……………… .
19th April, 1955

2. Corbett shot wild animals in his …………………… .
cine film camera

3. …………………. was the first man-eater shot by Corbett.
The Champawat Tiger

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

4. Corbett shot the tigress dead, near the ……………….. .
Chataar Bridge

B. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:

Jim Corbett played a key role in establishing, India’s first national park in the Kumaon Hills, the Hailey National Park, in Uttarakhand, India. It was initially named after, Lord Malcolm Hailey. Jim Corbett died on 19 April 1955. The park was renamed in 1957 as, The Jim Corbett National Park. It was named after him to honour his role in establishing this protected area in 1930s.

1. Who played a key role in establishing the national park?
Corbett played a key role in establishing the India’s first National Park in the Kumaon Hills.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. Why was the park named Hailey National Park?
The park was named Hailey National Park in memory of “Lord Malcolm Hailey”.

3. When was it renamed Jim Corbett National Park?
The park was renamed in 1957 as the Jim Corbett National Park to honour his role in establishing the protected area in 1930s.

C. Answer the following in one or two words:

1. What was the birth name of Jim Corbett?
Edward James Corbett was his birth name.

2. What was the name of Corbett’s dog?
The name of Jim Corbett’s dog was Robin.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. How many kills did the Champawat Tiger recorded?
The Tiger recorded 436 deaths.

4. Who was the last kill of the Champawat Tiger?
The last person to be killed by the Champawat Tiger was a 16-year-old girl in a village near Champawat.

5. When did Jim Corbett die?
He died on 19th April in 1955.

D. Answer the following in 100 words.

1. According to Corbett, why a tiger turns into a man-eater?
According to Corbett’s theory, a tiger starts eating humans, when they grow old or got hurt. As they cannot run fast, they start killing humans. People cannot run as fast as animals. So they become easy prey. After eating human flesh once, a tiger will not eat any other flesh. These tigers are called man-eaters. Join Corbett’s first man-eating tiger hunt was the Champawat Tiger. It was a Bengal tigress. It was responsible for nearly 436 deaths in Nepal and the Kumaon area of India.

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

2. How was the Champawat Tiger killed?
Jim Corbett camped in the Kumaon district, and started tracking the tigress. After several unsuccessful attempts, Corbett managed to kill, the tiger when it killed 16 years old girl. He followed a trail of blood left there. After a whole day of pursuit, Corbett had to abandon the hunt, decided to use villagers and to organize a bait the next day near the Champa river. The tigress got caught in the bait. With the help of the tahsildar of Champawat, the bait was organized with about 300 villagers. The next day, Corbett shot the tigress dead, near the Chataar Bridge, in Champawat.

3. What were the findings of the postmortem?
A post-mortem was done on the Bengal Tigress. It showed that the upper and lower ’ canine teeth on the right side of her mouth were broken. The upper one was broken in half and the lower one broke right down to the bone. This injury was a result of an old gunshot from the game hunter who failed to track and kill it. According to Jim Corbett this injury prevented her from hunting her natural prey and so she started to hunt humans.

Step to Success (Text Book Page No. 61)

Analogy – verbal reasoning questions.
There is a certain relation between two given words, find the relation to find the missing word:

1. Reading : Knowledge, Work : ?
a) Experience
b) Engagement
c) Experiment
d) Employment
a) Experience

2. Cricket: Bat, Hockey : ?
a) Field
b) Stick
c) Player
d) Ball
b) Stick

Samacheer Kalvi 9th English Guide Prose Chapter 2 I Can’t Climb Trees Anymore

3. Dog : Rabies, Mosquito : ?
a) Plague
b) Death
c) Malaria
d) Sting
c) Malaria

4. Man : Biography, Nation : ?
a) Leader
b) People
c) Geography
d) History
d) History

5. Bread : Bakery, Brick : ?
a) Mint
b) Kiln
c) Furnace
d) Mine
b) Kiln

6. Doctor : Diagnosis, Judge : ?
a) Court
b) Punishment
c) Lawyer
d) Judgement
d) Judgement

Connecting to Self

Try to know whether your hobby makes things easy.
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist 1
Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Guide Supplementary Chapter 2 Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist 2

Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Summary in English

Tim Carbett, hunter, writer and naturalist hunted the man-eaters on the request of the government. A Bengal tiger that caused 43 6 deaths was shot by Jim, at the request of the British government, in the Kumaon district. Jim was not for game hunting. He was for the conservation of forests and the protection of wildlife. India’s first national port at Uttharakand was named after Jim Corbett after his death.

Jim Corbett, A Hunter Turned Naturalist Summary in Tamil

ஜிம் கார்பெட், வேட்டையாளர், எழுத்தாளர், இயற்கை ஆர்வலர் ஆவார். அரசு வேண்டுகோள் விடுத்தால், மனிதர்களை கொல்லும் விலங்குகளை அவர் கொல்வார். வங்காள புலி 436 இறப்புகளுக்கு காரணமாய் இருந்தது. ஆங்கில அரசு வேண்டுகோளின்படி ஜிம் கூமான் மாவட்டத்தில் அப்புலியை வேட்டையாடினார். காடுகளை பாதுகாக்க வேண்டும். விலங்குகளை பாதுகாக்க வேண்டும் என்பது அவரது விருப்பம். உத்தரகான்ட் மாநிலத்தில் உள்ள தேசிய பூங்கா ஜிம் கார்பெட் இறப்புக்குப் பின் அவர் பெயர் சூட்டப்பட்டு உள்ளது.

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Book Back Answers